breath Taegi/Yoonmin/Yoonkook

By ra2bunn

25.3K 1.6K 197

Rich boy psycho Tae, yandere Jimin and Mafioso Jungkook all making Yoongis life a mess after he helped them o... More

Mistake 1
Mistake 2 and 3
Again And Again
Day And Day


707 53 7
By ra2bunn

"I was so close to getting him, and you fuckers had to ruin it!"

"Woah waoh relax mate we just-"

"Relax? I was, I repeat I was relaxed, for the last few days, putting up with your bullshit. Taehyung I tried once before to kill you, you should've known better than that. And you smurf, are getting in my way as well."

A fight that didn't seem to end, finally seemed to come to an end.

Taehyung underneath Jungkook, the younger having his foot pressed on his chest, gun pointing right at his head.

By now the restaurant was empty, only them being inside there while the police was probably on its way.

Jimin leaning a bit breathless besides them, a bloody nose but at least not having a bloody arm like Jungkook who got cut by the smallest of them in the fight.

He didn't seem to care a lot about it however, instead his eyes moved back and forth between the two as if to decide who to kill first, Taehyung on the ground with a busted lip, slowly starting to again smile even though he was in such an situation.

"I get you Jungkook.. I get you.. You want him to stay with you, don't you? Want him all to yourself. But are you sure that he's gonna agree to that once he finds out you killed us? Remember how he protected me once before, and now you.. Wanna kill us and believe that he's gonna accept joining you?"

The one thing Taehyung truly was good at.

A silence, Jungkook not saying anything as he thought about it and actually reconsidered his choices.

Jungkook looked dead cold, empty and lifeless, but still he had common sense and a mind that could be manipulated.

"Don't you think.. We should work together instead? You can play his little bodyguard and I get to-"

"Forget it." Jungkook spat out, letting out a annoyed sigh and putting his gun back in his pocket, looking over at Jimin who yet hadn't said anything.

They had to leave now.
The police sirens being heard and they all shot each other a look before making their way towards the back entrance.

"Ah fuck.. That hurts.." Yoongi mumbled, staying on the ground after he fell and trying to recollect his breath.

The past few 10 minutes he only ran, to wherever he could.

He wasn't sure what exactly he even was supposed to do now.
No money, no phone, no one to trust and go to.

Was he supposed to live on the street?
He was kinda homeless already.

That all because of those three idiots, who couldn't help but somehow be obsessed with him.

One stone faced, lying Mafioso, one rich and manipulative psychopath and one overly obsessed and clingy yandere.

What even was the world anymore?
It all didn't make sense.

He just wanted to live his life and then such shit had to happen and ruin everything.

Alone on the street for an whole day, an whole night, ending up in an park and trying to remain sane.

Three whole days, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin hadn't heard anything of the smaller.

They knew he couldn't be out of town, since he didn't have any money, no contact information and was basically homeless, but yet there wasn't a single sign of him anywhere.

The three couldn't stand each other. Not one bit, but eventually they all came to one conclusion.
The more the better.

Working together may haven't been their first choice, but this seemed to be the most logical and quick way to find Yoongi.

"Keep your hands to yourself."

"But I'm curious of your hair, doesn't the pink color make it-"

"Stop fucking touching my hair you snob!" Jimin yelled, slapping Taehyungs hand away and glaring at the taller who held back a small grin how easily Jimin was to annoy.

"Jungkook how long is this gonna take?" Jimin asked the other who kept staring at his phone to text someone, just a few more seconds and the male put his phone away, looking at Taehyung and Jimin.

"Let's go."

So there they were, looking around for Yoongi and looking for any signs of him.
Asking strangers, looking at security footage and eventually getting some clues that actually brought them closer to the smaller.

"he must be here somewhere.." Jimin mumbled as he looked around the street, the last sign where Yoongi had been.

A few people walking around, some cars passing by, a pizzeria where a guy screamed at one of the workers and some dumpsters standing around.
Nothing too unusual.

All of them looked around, eyes moving everywhere, when Taehyung decided to look behind a dumpster to widen his eyes as he saw the small alleyway.

The rich kid hated those parts of town.
Dirty, dark and so damn ugly.

So to his displeasure he carefully took a few steps inside only to nearly fall over some boxes that seemed to be thrown in there.

Mumbling some curse words and taking out his phone to use the flashlight Taehyung now walked around, only to nearly scream in disgust when a rat passed his way.

That disgusted look changed however when his flashlight suddenly made impact with an human body.

Black hair that looked rather rough, some kinda dirty clothes and not even a single movement of his body, just sitting against the wall.

Was this just a homeless or was this Yoongi?
Taehyung couldn't really tell by the looks of it.

".. Yoongi..? Is that you?"

No reaction however. By now Taehyung started to get a bit uncomfortable, especially since he kept having that rat that passed him in his mind.

Slowly leaning down and trying to get a proper look of his face, carefully lifting his face and widening his eyes when it in fact was Yoongis face.

Eyes closed, his pale skin still looking like porcelain to Taehyung like the first day he saw the smaller yet some dirt ruined that image a bit for him.

Taehyung stood there for a second, as if to decide and pick Yoongi up or not.
As much as he wanted he simply was no friend of getting close to something dirty or unhygienic.

Simply the way he grew up, a rich clean household.

Before he could even decide properly however there a light now shone at both of them.

"Found something?"

"Ah.. Yes I found him." Taehyung simply said, pointing at Yoongi on the ground whilst Jimin now widened his eyes and rushed towards them, immediately checking on the smaller.

"Yoongi! Yoongi! Hey Yoongi! Why isn't he waking up!?"

"Relax Jimin, he porbably just passed out or something."

"Did you even check his pulse you shithead!? You should've checked on him the second you saw him you fucking jackass!" Jimin yelled, what now also caught the attention of the bunny boy, who joined them.

A single look at Yoongi and Jungkook didn't hesitate to pick the smaller up and quickly carry him out of that alleyway and into the light.

What would they do now though?
Taehyung insisted to take him to his home and call his personal doctor to check on him, whilst Jimin insisted to take Yoongi to a hospital. Meanwhile Jungkook had a complete different idea and called someone whilst casually walking off with Yoongi.

"Jung-hey don't just walk away!" Jimin yelled, running after them, whilst Taehyung looked still a bit bothered by this alleyway experience and slowly followed them.

The worried look of jimin who kept walking back and forth while mumbling to himself, Taehyung who sat on one of the chairs and stared at his phone and Jungkook who sat right besides Yoongi staring at the wall on the opposite without saying a word and with his usual stone cold face.

".. We should've went to my place.. The connection here is horrible." Taehyung mumbled as he tried to get some kind of signal, a painful silent scream leaving his mouth as Jimin kicked his leg.

"Have some damn respect! Yoongi isn't feeling well and all you can think about is your fucking internet connection!?"

"I-Not my fault that he decided to be so dumb and not let any of us take care of him! Once he's feeling well I'm gonna take him with me anyways-"

"Oh not so fast! You believe that I'd let you fucking careless and absolutely stupid piece of shit just take him with you?" Jimin asked, the upset look on his face making Taehyung go quiet for a second as he stared at his piercing eyes only for his usual smile to appear on his lips, Jimin pretty much done with him and grabbing his pocket knife, ready to stab Taehyung when his hand was held back by Jungkook.

A satisfied grin on Taehyungs face, Jungkook taking the knife out of Jimins hands and simply breaking it as if it was some kind of payback for the cut on his arm that Jimin did a few days ago.

"Tsk.. Once he decides to join me I'm gonna silently get rid of both of you." Jimin mumbled, pulling his hand back and crossing his arms as he kept walking around.

Jimin being utterly worried for Yoongi and his well being, Taehyung who didn't care too much since Yoongis appearance still seemed fine and Jungkook who kept screaming at himself inside of his mind that he should've protected the smaller better.

Five hours they spend there, just talking, arguing and nearly fighting whenever someone got on the other's nerves.

"..I'm hungry.." Taehyung mumbled, leaning back and sighting out, both Jungkook and Jimin looking at him a bit dumbfounded when the other just called a pizzeria to order something.

"Hey kook what's the street name and the house number?"

Jungkook just stared at Taehyung, not saying a word and then looking at Taehyungs phone.

The other looked at his own phone now as well, handing his phone over to Jungkook as if he'd answer the guy on the phone.

Instead however Jungkook ended the call, opened a window and then with full force threw Taehyungs phone out of the window.

Jimin tried his best to hold back a laugh as he looked at Taehyungs face who couldn't believe what Jungkook just did.

The bunny boy casually sat back down, crossing his arms and not saying a word, the room now finally being silent.

Another ten minutes and all of their eyes moved towards the bed where Yoongi stirred awake.

A bit of a confused and lost look on Yoongis face as he leant up, holding his head and looking to his left at the IV before looking towards his right where Jungkook sat, staring at him and then at the other two a bit dazed.

"Wait here. You should drink something." Jimin said as he grabbed a glass and opened a bottle to pour some water in and pushed the glass in Yoongis hands.

The smaller however only stared at the glass, not exactly sure what was going on.

The three of them together with him in an unkwon room.

".. What.. Even is happening? Am I dreaming?" Yoongi asked looking back up to meet Taehyungs gaze.

"You're not. So since he's awake now can we finally let him change in some clean clothes? Perhaps also-"

Taehyung stopped himself as Yoongi suddenly removed the IV and tried to get out of there.

Jimin being quick enough to move in front of the smaller and push him back on the bed.

"Yoongi stop it! Just rest properly for now! Wanna go back home? I'd cook for you like before and we could-"

"Forget it! He's joining me! He's gonna get taken care of properly at my place" Taehyung said and also stood up to go towards Yoongi who looked a bit panicked around as the two of them kept creeping closer towards him.

Both of them stopping when Jungkook shot them a glare as if they got too close to his property.

Was Yoongi now getting out of this? How even?
Could he really get away from them?
He tried, for three days, only to end up here once again, in front of the three.

Either the World hated him, or fate simply tried to tell him something with this.

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