Half n Half

By urbanology19

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In my life your all in or all out. It's a lesson I had to learn and had I learned it earlier, I'd have saved... More

Face Claims
Character Update
Character Update
Author's Note
Bonus Chapter
Ready For More?


82 4 1
By urbanology19

July 12th

"You know the rule, date outside the school but not in the county. Outta state is wild." I informed my brother as we scoured the mall trying to find the perfect gift "Do you like her?"

"Absolutely." He answered easily, looking at me as if I was crazy for even asking.

"What about her do you like?" I questioned trying to make sure this was as serious as what it could become.

The thing about becoming a teenager and having teenage romance is it's your first time learning how to manage/handle big emotions and love and lust are emotions that can drag you through the mud.

In my opinion it's not necessarily what can come from the situation but how you handle it.

Every mom and dad with a teen in a relationship fear many things, one of the biggest consequences, pregnancy. Which is right, and completely understandable, but instead of hounding the child, I broke be in listening, teaching, and informing all while giving the respect you want back.

I feel like because this relationship developed under my care, it's important for me to get a gist of how serious he is so he can feel comfortable coming to me and so I can help him manage and understand those feelings, something he wouldn't exactly get at home.

"Her personality." He answer immediately with a smile.

I only look at him to continue.

"She's so real and kind, opened but closed. She knows who she is and what's she wants. A big wanna be thug but the biggest softie. I don't want to overstep. Oh yeah, and she's definitely the prettiest by far." He gushed, a light blush forming through his light cheeks.

"I know something." I told him, heading the opposite direction to the exit of the store.

I immediately go over to Winn Dixie, gesturing to the flower bouquets before letting him take the lead. He ended up getting her a small Stich plushie and a crazy amount of candy and brownie brittle.

"Speak of the devil." He said as we checked out, putting his phone to his ear, an ear to ear smile immediately taking place.

"Feeling better?" I questioned as we walked to the car together, thought it was obvious in his walk alone that he was.

"She'll love it. Not you being Cupid." He added, nudging me a bit before running to the passenger side of the car.

"Right?" I exclaimed unlocking the food and smacking him in the back of the head when he turned to grab his seatbelt.

"Well speaking of Banks, can I be this number?" He asked, catching me completely off guard.

"For what?" I wondered aloud, obviously confused by such a demanding request.

"To see how he gets all that shit sent to my house." He told me, before scooting to the window to avoid getting hit.

"Hahaha. Very funny," I told him sarcastic." That's definitely overboard though."

"You're not going to let this relationship kill you are you?"

"Nah, but I don't need you doing that either."

"Look at Kaya." I exclaimed in a high pitched childish tattletale voice.

"Yup." Jayla added, not catching anything just instigating.

"We caught ya." I said, plopping down right beside her and throwing my long legs on her lap.

"Over there grinning ear to ear." Jayla teased, sitting across from us, rocking her Lourve shades.

"What ya lookin at?" I asked, obviously peeking over to see on her phone anyway.

I always tell her anybody and everybody will see all her business because her brightness is always all the way up and she's got these big black bold words but she won't hear any of it.

"For your information. I was texting someone." She told me smartly with her lips pursed.

"Is that someone your new boo?" Jayla asked, looking at her from the over the tips of her shades.

"Possibly, just don't tell him though." She added quickly at the end, glancing back down at her phone to see if he'd responded.

"Oh, Imma have to meet him soon." I told her, knowing was something or was going to be if she was admitting it.

"Oop." Jayla commented, coming to look of her phone too.

"Please." I told her jokingly, playfully waving her off.

"Alright now, we did just fly out to sweet home Alabama to see yours." She clapped back, tucking her lips in pride for such a quick one.

"Oop. The tea." Relly instigated, giving Kaya a fist bump for her feistiness and quick comeback.

"Well Jayla,"-

"No ma'am! See what we not finna do is swing this back on me." She exclaimed, crossing her legs and sipping on her smart water. "Anyway, somebody had the nerve to send me some size 12 jeans in PR. Who wants them?"

"I do! They'll make a great Christmas gift." Relly examined immediately, snatching the jeans before anyone could get them.

"Anyways back to Big Banks." Kaya said, crossing her legs and posing like she was Wendy's cohost.

"Not the little." Jayla added, pulling him up on IG.

"So miss ma'am went back to her man's hotel room." Relly said, poking me all in my stomach.

"What?!" Carter shouted, breaking his neck to come round the corner and crane his neck to me.

"Hehehe." Kaya chuckled, before hitting her knee repeatedly, hunched over in laughter.

"So is it love, a side, a main piece?" Jayla questioned, wanting more information out of me.

I rolled my eyes before smirking, thinking of my next comeback.

"It's the vibe of the time! Butterflies, Butterflies." I sang in her voice exactly, giving it my all.

I honestly don't care what anyone says, she ate that song up. Like it's honestly a vibe.

"Is this a warning?" Relly asked, immediately taking who wrote the song and putting her in context.

"Do we to get you out a situation." Jayla added looking to me in concern.

"I'll beat million dollar butt." Kaya told me, holding up her tiny fist.

"Push him out his wheelchair." Relly told me, sparing me that she'd unfollowed him.

"Y'all are going to jail and hell." Carter told them, not knowing if they were playing or being serious.

"We're just vibing out. Let the coins fall where they may." I said simply with a shrug, leaning back and looking off in the distance.

"Can we still get the couple deal on Valentine's Day though?" Kaya asked, back in that phone.

"Who?" Carter questioned, coming and sitting right on top of Relly.

"The 4 of us pretend to be in a poly to get the Valentine's Day massage deal. And who's finna argue with us over it?" She questioned seriously.

"Like I said, jail and hell."

"Aaahhhh!!!" Sam screeched, hollering like a dying banshee while running straight towards me.

"Bri-ellie!" Keith added, smirking as he pushed Yamir into the room.

Immediately I skidded to a stop, realizing his ghetto being spoiled my morning, and it hasn't even started yet.

"Nope, nope, nope." I told him, turning around and shuffling the opposite direction.

"I've missed you." He exclaimed snatching me up and swinging me in a complete circle.

"I missed you. Just don't call me that any more." I told him, patting his shoulder twice.

"Wow," He said, pretending to wipe a stray tear.

"Hi Keithy!" I cooed, humming right into his unopened arms with him barely catching me in time.

"Nope." He responded immediately, setting me down then taking a step back.

"Sorry." I said with a pout, but sorry at all. "Hey Yamir."

"Hey BB." He said wearily, looking around with a slight attitude.

Never the less, I pulled him into a friendly hug which he gave in return at the very last minute.

"So I made a little welcome home party." I told them showing them everything I set up.

"Awww." Sam added, extremely dramatic.

I don't know what he's been on.

"It's a wonderful thing to have been missed." Keith said, pulling out his office to record before rushing to the table, leaving Yamir.

"There breakfast food, and it's hot and a few little things." I told then, standing back to let them cause their destruction.

Breakfast is officially our thing and I love it. Especially because there's a millionaire that can pay for the rest of the way.

"You made us muffins!" Sam shrieked, jumping up and down for joy.

Sam and Leith both piled their plates extremely high, sitting on the work table, saying a prayer together and digging in. I made Yamir's plate and grabbed a muffin for myself before sitting on the rolling stool.

"What's the news?" Keith asked, looking to me expectantly.

"What's poppin?" Sam added, looking at me like I was completely displaced.

I sent them a blank look, not really knowing what they were talking about.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, feeling uncomfortable to even eat.

"What is the occasion. You don't just show up with this big buffet for nothing." Keith told me which did kinda offend me.

"Can't I just miss you guys?" I asked in a high pitched voice, not necessarily liking the context of that.

They all deadpan me, including Yamir, before refocusing on their food.

Pretending not to see anything, I cut the breakfast club on before catching up on some paperwork to pass time.

"Anyways come on Mir Mir. Time for the bike." I told him when I'd finished eating.

"Yeah y'all go back there, and do whatever." Sam said suggestively before cracking hisself up.

"Why are you pushing me so fast." Yamir asked, holding into his armrests for dear life.

"Cause I'm in a rush." I told him truthfully, deciding to roughly let the brake down to frazzle him.

A braced face appeared on his face before he prepared to get up, making it apparent that he was in immense pain and was struggling to use the bike itself to pull himself up.

"Do you need help?" I asked him, knowing he did but observing his response.

"Not standing up." He told me, actually making it to a semi standing position before I rushed to help him.

"That's improvement." I told him, struggling in the tiniest bit in keeping him from falling off, but not showing that either.

I see him wincing at that alone, which was making me reconsider reconsidering my plans for the day. I know he's been recording care but who knows what time and if he was actually complying.

"Is this a hurt pain or a soreness pain?" I asked him realizing he couldn't hardly even lift his injured leg to the bike pedal.

"It's a little bit of both." He averted truthfully, signaling for me to help him off of it.

"Have you been working on this?" I asked as I pulled him off the bike by his armpits, hoping and praying it didn't tip over:

"I've been working on mobility not whatever this is." He told me frustratedly.

I pulled him off enough for him to track the semester of the chair so I scurried on over the other side to cradle his leg and ease him back.

"Did you see all the flowers I got you?" I asked him, pretending to not see him wiping his face aggressively even after he was safely seated.

"Yeah, they look awfully familiar." He told me, chuckling as he looked down.

"Yeah because somebody sent me too many too often, so I had some to spare." I told him tapping the bottom of his chin so he would lift it.

"Oh really." He asked next, obviously in too much pain to really respond.

Even though it's hard to see him like this, this shows he's on the road for a more difficult journey, one that's somehow not painful than the last.

"Anyways did you enjoy the tour?" I asked him, getting on my knees and completely feeling his leg out, having never things about what I was seeing and feeling.

"I loved it honestly. I mean I hated being seated the whole time, but I could definitely see myself doing this consistently during the off season." He answered easily, scrunching up his face in pain.

"So you're definitely going back in season. I can't be doin all this heavy luggin." I told him, pulling out some of the handheld tools I haven't used since college.

"Yeah, as soon as you clear me." He told me seriously, adamant on trying to keep a straight face.

"You know I'm picky right?" I asked him, realizing how hefty this journey would be and realizing I needed to consult with his doctor on readjusting pain meds as well.

"But you know how much I love football." He rebutted, grabbing my hand and moving it away from his leg completely.

"What about me though?" I questioned playfully.

"Still my favorite." He told me, playing with my fingers before I pulled my hands away.

"So what's the breakfast for?" He asked me, trying to be all nosey and see what I was writing on my notes.

"Can a physical therapist just feed an athlete?"  I asked him, flat out sitting on the bike, sucking in a huge breath before going completely in-depth so it would be easier for me at home.

"Yes but you ain't just my physical therapist." He told me suggestively, obviously a lot more meaning behind that.

We sat silently while I filled all my paper out. Compared to my mental not of the size of his leg alone, bone structure, muscle mass, swelling, all of that is completely different from today alone.

I looked over at him and realized it wasn't his leg that was dramatically smaller, his entire body was bearing towards half the size it was before, not making it hard on me but trickier for him.

"Well you have gotten quite skinny." I told him, hoping and praying he wouldn't take it the wrong way.

"What you thought I was finna be? I ain't done no form of physical activity since Christmas." He fussed, pulling his shorts down to cover his knees.

"I thought you'd be a cute chubby." I cooed actually thinking about it.

"Get outta my face with that." He told me instantly, calling himself turning his chair from facing me.

"You know I love people blessed with extra thickness. Can you believe my mamas built the way she is, even my dad got a little duke. Then there's lil ole me." I pouted, looking at my knees.

I remember thanking the lord above for giving me more meat around my knees. That shit was terrible, my biggest insecurity in middle school.

"You got a lil somethin though." He told me, turning back to look at me.

"See, I've been eating." I told him proudly, glad I was finally putting on weight and keeping it.

Just enough for me to grab while,"-

Instantly I got up and shoved him, almost tipping the wheelchair over.

"I will sue you." He told me, holding onto his handles for dear life.

"Na na a boo-boo." I told him childishly while doing the hand motions with my tongue stuck out.

Expecting the door to be unlocked, I turned the knob and started waltzing, only for the door to me locked and me to walk into it.

"Open the damn door." I said frustratedly, turning the knob aggressively until Jayla opened it.

"Look a here, my favorite best friend, breaking in my home." Jayla said, letting me know she was filming before I came inside.

"Hey y'all I've been up all night making these orders so do y'all wanna send me some goodies in PR? I like Nike." I told the camera, seeing she was on Instagram live.


"I came like Santa bearing gifts." I told her completely cutting her off and lugging the blanket wrapped PR packages to her doorstep.

"Lil Ms. Brielle is coming to get a disguise so I'll be right back." She told them, helping me pull the boxes inside before going to get what I came for.

"So what do you want?" Jayla asked, setting the phone up to where I was out of frame but could still be heard.

Now there's a huge possibility all this could be ruined if Carter is watching the live, but if he's working like a diligent young man, he should miss the live all together.

"I want a lavender wig, some big, black hater blockers, a zip up jumpsuit, a purse, and some combat boots." I told her confidently, having already thought this through.

Jayla literally has the biggest home out of all of us, though needing every inch of it. She needs the proper space for filming and entertainment, editing, but she actually puts 2 whole closet rooms into use, one of which was was definitely organized to be camera friendly.

"Oh yeah, he definitely won't know it's you." Jayla responded, going through the section titled Brielle.

Recently she made that addition which I love. Because she's an influencer, she gets sent all types of stuff in P.R, so she made a closet room for that alone, but people always send her stuff wayyy too small and there's always something for everyone in the friend group, including Kaya who is sizably different in size and style.

"That's the point! Thanks bye bestie." I told her when I looked at my watch realizing I was on the track to being over 20 minutes late.

"Hi how many." The hostess asked, thankfully not giving me too much grief about my outfit.

The thing about it is, I don't look unnormal or out of place, this clueless wig is not looking too bad with this hat and people dress like this everyday. I just feel completely uncomfortable and out of my element.

"Just 1." I told her, looking around for Carter.

"Ok that's going to be about a 15 minute wait. If that's ok. Is there a phone number I can text?" She questioned making yet spirits drop.

I knew this would happen when I didn't get here on time, Carter told me the rush hour and additional wait brackets, but I brought that on myself.

"Yes." I told her, giving her my number before sitting in the car, completely jamming out to SZA and Toosii.

"Hi, I'm Kate I'll be your server, can I start you out with something to drink?" The server asked, flipping her notebook page and looking to me for my response.

"Yeah, I'll have a sweet tea." I told her, hoping it was decent.

"Ok. I'll be right back with that, let me know if you need anything." She told me, immediately walking off and rushing to the next table.

"Mission spy on Carter has begun." I told Jordan when he answered the phone, giving him an areal view of the restaurant.

"You're so weird." He told me in his judgmental bug brother tone.

"I am not weird. I am black excellence." I told him confidently, making fun of one of his childhood tapes.

"Be so forreal." He told me deadpanned, not finding it funny.

"Here you go. Would you like an appetizer?" The waitress questioned, seemingly popping up out of nowhere.

"Can I get some mozzarella sticks?" I asked, not even looking at the prices, knowing it'd hurt me later.

"Sure. Any questions on entrees?" She asked, directing me to that part of the menu.

"Not yet thank you." I told her with a small smile, thinking I saw Carter in my peripheral.

"I need to go over there. Y'all got crab broil and appetizer money." Jordan said seriously, smacking on a honeybun in the speaker purposely.

"Bruh Bruh, you wanna cash app me 15?" I asked him with my lip poked out, seeing the 7 cheese sticks I ordered were $8.99.

He sighs dramatically, sucking his teeth as he put me on pause, putting a lot of effort in the theatrics.

"I've got to figure out what to get my wife." He told me, right as the cash app for $25 came through.

"Why?" I questioned, texting him thank you with a million exclamation points and kissy faces.

"Well you know the pregnancy scare scared the mess out of us and she was shook up about mama and the marriage talk. She's been feeling down. Like I've been coming straight home, making dinner, spending time with her but she isn't feeling it." He told me truthfully, his voice extremely soft and his eyebrows furrowed.

Something that having siblings has taught me is that depending on the environment you were in can really effect you as an adult. Since we're so far apart, my parents had different approached to each child and maintained that throughout our childhood.

My brother had the perfect combination of logic and nurturing, while I was strictly routine, stuck in the mix, getting hints of this and that. Carter on the other hand was all opportunity and nurturing so you can see exactly why we respond the way we do to conflict.

Jordan's used to acting with logic and then being nurtured after. So my brother thinks there's always a logical answer always and if there isn't then it's something much more complex than he can handle.

Me, I go both ways, I logically think things out but I have to be in a position to nurture/consider the other people/outcomes as well.

As for Carter, Carter's probably going to do what Carter thinks is best because that what he supposes will have the best outcome. Though he is the biggest over thinker of us all.

"Where are you?" I questioned, trying to see how I could help.

He flipped his camera around, showing he was approaching the entrance of one of Leia's favorite stores.

"Home goods. Oh yeah she'll forgive." I told him confidently.

Even the smallest plant will make her smile. So I guarantee he can find her something that will at least grab her attention, even though materialistic things aren't always exactly the answer.

"Forgive me?" He questioned, sending me sharp look through the phone.

Right on time, my mozzarella sticks were brought out, hit and crispy and I immediately sanitized my hands.

"A kids a huge responsibility and women don't just pop up with a baby." I pointed out, not at all wanting this to point strictly her direction when it comes to who's doing this was.

"Listen here,"-

"There's Carter." I interrupted, glad he showed.

I did not want to have this discussion with him right here or right now.

"Lemme see." He said immediately, before putting the phone back to his ear.

"No that's weird." I told him, mimicking what he told me earlier.

"Shut up."

I turned the camera to Carter, trying to think of a way to not come across so creepy.

"He looks good. His sneaker game is fire, especially with that lemon yellow apron." Jordan commented, getting a questioning look from me.

"You bought those shoes." I deadpanned, not really knowing what he was getting at.

Of course the sweet tea wasn't hitting on anything, seeing the sweeteners in the table, I decided to get creative, being that I know how to make sweet tea from scratch.

"I think that's why they look so nice. They have that Jordan flare." He said next, getting an eye roll from me.

"They're Jordan's dummy."


"Ooh there she is." I pointed out, showing Jordan her before sitting in my seat and looking for my food.

"His girlfriend?" He asked in a surprised tone.

"Basically... maybe.. yeah.. I guess." I concluded wearily not really knowing what it was because it didn't completely categorize as one rung or the other.

"What do you mean basically?" Jordan said next, never really being able to catch a hint.

"Lemme see her." I heard Leia say before she seemingly took the phone from him.

"Look." I told her softly, spotting her before turning the camera subtly in her direction.

The server comes and startled me once again, causing me to drop my phone as I attempted to turn around.

"Oh shit." I said, not being able to pick it up before jr made a loud banging noise.

"Sorry." She told me, picking it up and giving it back.

"No it's ok." I told her, getting myself recentered.

"Are you ready to order?" She questioned, pulling her notepad back out.

Honestly, I can never have her as a waitress again. It's not like she doesn't have any presence, it's that she sneaks up on you and doesn't make herself known until you acknowledge her.

"Yes. Can I get chicken and waffles with strawberries and whipped cream?" I asked, pushing the menu towards her.

"Yup." She responded, scrawling that on the paper before grabbing the menu.

"And can I get a to go order of the same thing no whipped cream or strawberry's and a chicken tender combo." I asked, putting those additional $25 to work.

"Yes ma'am. Is that everything?" She asked, hunting back for the page, nearly dropping the menu.

"Can I get a strawberry smoothie? I'm sorry." I asked, feeling bad that somehow everything was hitting me at once.

"No it's good. I'll be back with your food shortly." She told me, struggling the tiniest bit as she walked off.

"What are you ordering all that food for?" Jordan whisper hissed scaring me too as I sat my phone in my purse, forgetting all about him.

"Why are you in my business?" I rebutted, not wanting anyone to comment on my eating habits.

I looked down, seeing I got a cash app notification for $13 more dollars from him and while she was taking my order.

"And send it the fuck back." He told me harshly, daring me not to.

"I didn't know you're going to pay for it!" She cooed. "I love you!"

"I'm sure you do." He told me, with a mean attitude and mug.

"Where did his girlfriend go?" Leia asked, ignoring our antics.

"I don't know I lost her." I told her, scanning the room before minding my business.

"Why do you want to see? You already have pictures." Jordan argued.

"Pictures ain't always the full story." I countered, knowing how much truth is in that.

Curiosity getting the best of me, I decided to turn all the way around, looking for Carter just to me nosey, when all of a sudden, someone flat out kicks my table.

"Caught!" Carter said, scaring the hell out of me, even making me pee myself a little.


Hey guys

When I tell y'all this chapter took forever to write!
I just wanted to say this social media push may be working out! Lemme know if you're from IG.

Carter has a crush/girlfriend/siruationship, something. You can see he's completely overthinking it. Is it surprising that he's related to Blyss? Does this show that he cares?

Everyone in their little group are always excited to see one another. Is this their friend circle or is this a family developing?

I love Blyss' friend group. I feel like hers is different from Manii's because the three of them took much needed time to themselves to grow in the reomantic relationships, build their career and lifestyles, and honestly into womanhood where Blyss and her friends grow more into their personalities, gravitation closer to one another in different situations. Do you like how the manage to incorporate Carter as well?

Not surprising knowing the two involved, Blyss and Yamir definitely had a sour patch. Did you see both sides or did either one of them overreact? Is this n example of how their personal relationships meshing  can interfere with other he formalities?

Do you think Yamir is going to end up ruining this opportunity for himself? Is Blyss blowing this out of proportion?

Finally Blyss, like someone's overprotective father, decided to spy on Carter to check in on him. Is that surprising? Did she deserve the way he scared her? If you were Carter, who would your favorite sibling be?

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

Bye ✌🏽


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