Refining the Heavens 5 (炼天五)

By AlanTang

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Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars, 12 reviews on [A.K.A. Kairos Astroire & the Lower Realm] A spell reboun... More

Chapter 1: Axis Mundi
Chapter 2: Summoned Heroes
Chapter 3: Memory Realm
Chapter 4: Enemies (Part 1)
Chapter 5: Enemies (Part 2)
Chapter 6: Unfettered
Chapter 7: Linda
Chapter 8: God's Tongue
Chapter 9: Another Traveler
Chapter 10: True God's Tongue
Chapter 11: Devil Possession
Chapter 12: Maiden of Light
Chapter 13: Item Box Spell
Chapter 14: Blacken Soot City
Chapter 15: Edgar
Chapter 16: Apprenticeship Test (Part 1)
Chapter 17: Apprenticeship Test (Part 2)
Chapter 18: Apprenticeship Test (Part 3)
Chapter 19: Axis Forging Techniques
Chapter 20: Five Dwarven Scrolls
Chapter 22: Egg Gambling (Part 1)
Chapter 23: Egg Gambling (Part 2)
Chapter 24: Egg Gambling (Part 3)
Chapter 25: Royalty
Chapter 26: Convincing the Senior Disciples (Part 1)
Chapter 27: Convincing the Senior Disciples (Part 2)
Chapter 28: The Five Masters (Part 1)
Chapter 29: The Five Masters (Part 2)
Chapter 30: Unveiling Ancient Secrets
Chapter 31: Audience with the Dwarven King
Chapter 32: Otherworld Techniques (Part 1)
Chapter 33: Otherworld Techniques (Part 2)
Chapter 34: Friend of the Dwarves
Chapter 35: Change of plans
Chapter 36: New Spells
Chapter 37: Heavenly Sight
Chapter 38: A King's Choice
Chapter 39: The Grimmest Smile of Gaia
Chapter 40: Raiding the Embassy
Chapter 41: Circle 1 Spells
Chapter 42: Follow the Light
Chapter 43: Three Strangers
Chapter 44: A Favour
Chapter 45: Respectful Distance
Chapter 46: Relestia's Rampage (Part 1)
Chapter 47: Relestia's Rampage (Part 2)
Chapter 48: Trial of the Heart Demon (Part 1)
Chapter 49: Trial of the Heart Demon (Part 2)
Chapter 50: Mana Creations
Chapter 51: Exterminus
Chapter 52: The Reapers
Chapter 53: Gossips
Chapter 54: Against an Army (Part 1)
Chapter 55: Against an Army (Part 2)
Chapter 56: I cannot die yet
Chapter 57: Heroes (Part 1)
Chapter 58: Heroes (Part 2)
Chapter 59: Visiting Thunderstalk
Chapter 60: To become Cultivators
Chapter 61: Story of Another World
Chapter 62: Guild Branch (Part 1)
Chapter 63: Guild Branch (Part 2)
Chapter 64: Avalon
Chapter 65: I have some explaining to do
Chapter 66: Princess Luftie (Part 1)
Chapter 67: Princess Luftie (Part 2)
Chapter 68: The Princess' Test
Chapter 69: Winter Drake Nest (Part 1)
Chapter 70: Winter Drake Nest (Part 2)
Chapter 71: Winter Drake Nest (Part 3)
Chapter 72: Have you heard, the princess' test?
Chapter 73: The King's Greed
Chapter 74: The Maid's Punishment
Chapter 75: Luftie Meets Jim
Chapter 76: Town Development
Chapter 77: Phase Arts
Chapter 78: New Roads
Chapter 79: First Dungeon Run (Part 1)
Chapter 80: First Dungeon Run (Part 2)
Chapter 81: Darkness Befell (Part 1)
Chapter 82: Darkness Befell (Part 2)
Chapter 83: Darkness Befell (Part 3)
Chapter 84: Darkness Befell (Part 4)
Chapter 85: Darkness Befell (Part 5)
Chapter 86: Magic Augmentation
Chapter 87: Wounds
Chapter 88: Puppeteer
Chapter 89: Adversity and Misfortune
Chapter 90: Reboot
Chapter 91: Now you cannot run
Chapter 92: Escaped
Chapter 93: Meeting Old Friends
Chapter 94: Visiting the Elven Lands
Chapter 95: Elven Forest (Part 1)
Chapter 96: Elven Forest (Part 2)

Chapter 21: Shopping in the Otherworld

64 3 0
By AlanTang

After the dragonling had flown away, the group started their splurging spree. The shopping alley was fashioned in dwarven tradition, lots of glowing crystals and pretty rocks. The buildings are molded from metals of all kinds of colours, and there are screws, nuts, and bolts everywhere.

Surprisingly, despite the all-metal buildings, there are no smell of rust in the air.

The group visited shop after shop, purchasing more clothes than they could wear, and picking up all the boots, belts, scarfs and any accessories that pleased the eye.

The dwarven community is ALL about the design, no matter what they craft.

Fashion is on the throne in this place.

Even though Leo was completely thrown off at the start by the amounts they are spending, he eventually became numb.

As a travelling merchant that always had to calculate funds down to the last coin, he was aghast with how wasteful it seemed.

However, Kairos convinced him that the money they have sitting there is to be spent, "Since I like the dwarves and their city, I want to support them!"

Moreover, most of the goods and products are all of higher quality than outside, it is rather safe to buy anything here and all the spare items can be brought back to Gaia. Kairos is certain that the guys back home will love it.

Splurging, yes, but wasteful? Not so much.

After all, the dwarves are well-known to be a down-to-earth and humble race because they will refuse to overcharge their products even for their popular brands. If a famous blacksmith makes a sword of the same quality as a lesser blacksmith, a dwarf will adamantly sell it as cheaply as his neighbor. That is what makes one a true-blooded dwarf.

Of course, the most important reason why Leo gave in is because he also had fun; spending money is fun, spending someone else's money is even more fun.

Soon full bags of clothes are hanging from everyone's arms. The ladies are wearing multiple accessories on their hair, neck, and arms. The guys bought beautiful tiny machines that could tell time.

These items are made small enough to be placed in pockets or even found on bands for wrists or fingers. For the couple that came from Gaia, it was an entirely new invention that they have never seen before. While Relestia bought a particularly dainty one for herself, she did not like the cumbersome feel it had on her wrist. However, seeing that the boys are crazy over these mechanical toys and they have lots of gold taken from the Jarl, she secretly bought a similar looking timepiece for Kairos to surprise him later as well as a beautifully adorned one – overly embellish but tasteful – just the way her father would like.

Although she is glad that her royal father is still alive, she bit down hard on her teeth when she thought of how he is still stuck in a torture chamber back on Gaia.

Even so, the little princess did not rush Kairos. She trusted him, not blindly but she understood him and his character. Besides, even if they tried to hurry, there is no clear direction that will led them home. To find the way home, one will need to know more people with high status and to find out more about the history of Axis, if there are others in the same situation.

Kairos, despite seeking apprenticeship, had actually been doing this best to bring her back to Gaia; as a princess she could at least tell that much.

Perhaps if they joined the heroes and killed the demon king as the human kingdoms asked, they might have a passage home, but the chances are slim because they did not come summoned like the others. Moreover, no one knew if what the Jarl said was true... and, she had also messed up any leftover possibility by rampaging.

Granted, it was the devil running lose, but it got its strength from her negativity and the people around her. Well, mostly the latter... which means the Jarl's lust and wickedness set loose the devil and got himself killed?

Relestia shook her head slightly and the small buns she tied her golden hair into, wiggled. Of course, there are excessive tinkling from the many accessories she planted. Her scarf had now been replaced with something more girlish, a semi-transparent cloth that stopped people from seeing her face but still allowed some speculation. More importantly, it is magically enchanted to discourage people from noticing her unless they are specifically finding her. This means that her friends are mostly unaffected and strangers look past her.

By now, the group had already walked to the next shop, only Kairos stood there waiting for her, as if knowing she is in deep thought and gave her time. When Kairos looked at Relestia, the new scarf it didn't block her beauty, instead it enhanced it by giving her a more mysterious feel. He stared at her lost in the colours of her eyes.

She gave him an impish smile and ran over with small steps.

The two still do not know, but they loved each other the moment they met.

In this shop they found all kinds of clothes and accessories that are lined with colourful gems. There are rings with five tiny gems, belts with more than ten, and even clothes that is completely covered with jewels.

When Kairos enquired about them, the shopkeeper gave him a knowing look, "Ah, a traveler? I'm sure you're amazed by the quality and quantity of our catalog. We have the best storage device on the market, called the item box devices! Don't worry take your time and browse, I'm here to help!"

Kairos looked towards Leo for help, who then laughed and said, "These are storage devices that are powered by mana gems."

"Oh, this isn't simply any storage device! Master dwarves handcrafted every mana gem and carefully woven them into a magic circle for the Item Box spell to grant you the most value for your money! Not only are they inexpensive, the mana usage to maintain the item box spell is the lowest on the market as well."

Kairos' eyes brighten when he realise that this is the Time-space ring of Axis Mundi. Granted, there is an upkeep cost of mana making it inferior, but the convenience of such an item won him over.

There are similar things in every market in this world, but not many as high quality as the ones found here.

The mana gems embedded to feed the spell upkeep will dim over time so the user can tell how much energy is left and quickly replenish it before all the things kept in the item box spell are spit out to the ground.

Of course, such a thing still happens time to time. Sometimes even shoving up mounds of dirt when a buried item storage apparel ran out of juice.

Each of them bought a few with the designs they liked, even Leo who as a travelling merchant has his own went ahead and got a couple. Nobody had seen him happier all day. Saving every penny to find a doctor for Linda, his previous storage device had long since ran out of juice.

In fact, Kairos – knowing how merchants are always lacking in space – got him enough mana gems to last a decade, and that is considering that Leo mostly picked the backpack designs.

The tinier designs like the rings and other jewelleries tend to have lesser storage space because the items cannot hold much mana gems. The larger items that can place more mana gems allows for a wider storage space and a longer upkeep time before it needs to be replenished.

There are exceptions, items with less mana gems embedded on them yet with a large storage space, but these are designed for children who have the mana conduits but can't use the Item Box spell.

Kairos bought a few of those, under the storekeeper's confused gaze.

Although they now own more storage devices than they can use, there wouldn't be any mana upkeep until things are kept inside. Of course, all their cumbersome shopping bags immediately disappeared into the new item box devices. Kairos' Time-space ring is almost full by now, cluttered from the different things he collected.

Seeing that it is already seven from their new timepieces, the group decided to make their way back to the inn. There is still some time left and they decided to return another way, through the rare magical creatures' emporium.

Although Kairos had only gotten to Blacken Soot City, he already heard that it is a place to visit and a sight to see.

Besides, it is also on the way to buy the ingredients needed for tonight's dinner. Kairos asked Leo about what they already have and started making plans for the dishes. He still have some wild game in his Time-space ring so all they really need is some spices and condiments.

Of course, Kairos also took the chance to pick up some ores and uncut gems on the way, since after tonight he will be quite busy at the forge.

The thought of seeing fluffy strange creatures caused the two girls to chase after Kairos and Leo. They raided the food store and bought every type of sauce, broth, and herbs they can lay their eyes on then hurried out.

When they entered the emporium, they were all floored speechless. Leo, Linda, and Relestia had it better, since they had seen this place before, but it is still as enchanting and beautiful as the first time they laid their eyes on this place.

They walk down something like a huge crystal cavern, with glass windows on both sides of the path. Behind the glass are spacey biomes of all kinds filled with different magical creatures.

As a person walk down the pathway, the creatures will look at them curiously, and if it felt there is a connection it will jumped out of the glass and approach.

At that time the person can choose to bring it home for a small fee. Because it is difficult to be chosen, most people will buy the creature even if it is usually overpriced. Not only so, to have an animal companion is both an honour and a privilege.

Of course, most of the glass are magically enchanted to allow the creatures to exit and enter freely, except for the panels that house some of the more dangerous kind.

In contrast, the people in the emporium cannot cross into the biomes where the creatures stay, they may only look from inside the crystal cavern.

Kairos furrowed his brows in deep thought. This place is like the 'zoo' that Alan Walker mentioned before, except that the animals are largely uncaged.

Magical creatures are highly intelligent. Many of them know the benefit of becoming the companion of one of the core races of the Axis. Not only do they not have to hunt for food any longer, by providing their partner with the use of their natural-born abilities they will in-return get a safe haven, a family, and all kinds of unthinkable goodies in return.

There is even a charter signed by all the races for the treatment of magical creatures.

The one exception to this charter is when the magical creature in question is violent and dangerous to the core races. Such feral beasts forfeit the protection of the magical companion charter, like the manticore, chimera, and hydra.

Of course, if such a creature is raised from an egg they will still do the bidding of its surrogate parent and will remain protected by the charter.

That is why magical eggs are exceptionally pricey and a hot commodity.

As they walk towards their inn looking at all the strange and wondrous sights around, a few creatures jumped out from the glass.

The people around became excited immediately, hoping that they will be chosen.

Yet, these little creature did not move away from the glass but laid down on their bellies. More creatures soon arrive, some much larger, but just like before, each of them were respectfully flat on the ground.

The great Trent, the fearsome Kamaitachi, the rare Kitsune, the playful Centaur, the poisonfeather bird Zhen, and all other magical creatures are prostrating themselves.

The people around who had never seen anything like this were shocked and rowdy, their voices clouded with confusion.

Kairos took a look at the situation and guessed that it must be because of him. After all, there was a similar experience with the creatures from the Beast Sanctuary Mountain back home on Gaia.

Sensing a good opportunity to use God's Tongue, Kairos tried to disperse the animal crowd.

"Return home," he said gently with a golden sparkle in his eyes.

Immediately, all the creatures howled with reverence.

The great one had spoken to them, what a tremendous honour!

The emporium shook terribly like a volcano erupted.

The sound reverberated in the crystal cave.

The people felt the majesty of the wild and their blood thrummed. One by one they turned and looked at Kairos. Because he had said something right before this din, he must be the one who caused it.


Kairos sighed.

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