Alleviate(TWD fan fiction)

By Lizzie_stargirl

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"Their were bad people before this started. The world now just makes it easier to get away with it" Ava Reid... More

About Alleviate
Act 1
Chapter 1: The End of the World
Chapter 2: Bites kill?
Chapter 3: Happy Birthday
Chapter 4: Learn
Chapter 5: What happened and why?
Chapter 6: Time to leave
Chapter 7: On the road
Chapter 8: Home for now
Chapter 9: Attacked
Chapter 10: Where do we go from here?
Chapter 11: Monster within
Chapter 12: Guts
Chapter 13: Alone
Act 2
Chapter 14: How many Walkers have you killed?
Chapter 15: Welcome to Alexandria
Chapter 16: A normal life?
Chapter 17: Unraveled
Act 3
Chapter 18: JSS
Chapter 19: No way out
Chapter 20: The Next World
Chapter 21: The Same Boat
Chapter 22: After
Chapter 23: Last day on earth
Act 4
Chapter 24: The day will come when you won't be
Chapter 25: Service
Chapter 26: Go Getters
Chapter 27: Rock in the road
Chapter 28: Alleviate
Chapter 28: Something they need
Chapter 29: The first day of the rest of your lives
Act 5
Chapter 30: Surprise
Chapter 31: Complications (And poll decision)
Chapter 32: Miserable
Chapter 34: Lost soul
Chapter 35: I don't need a babysitter
Chapter 36: Returning
Act 6
Chapter 37: A new beginning
Chapter 38: The bridge
Act 7
Chapter 39: Adjustment
Chapter 40: The Whisperers
Chapter 41: The Calm Before
Chapter 42: The Calm Before(Part 2)
Chapter 43: The Storm
Act 8
Chapter 44: Lines we cross
Chapter 45: Silence The Whisperers
Chapter 46: Solicitude
Chapter 47: Squeeze
Chapter 48: Morning Star
Chapter 49: Walk with Us
Chapter 50: The Tower
Chapter 51: A Certain Doom
Chapter 52: Home Sweet Home
Act 9
Chapter 53: Acheron Part 1
Chapter 54: Acheron Part 2
Chapter 55: Hunted

Chapter 33: Senseless

66 17 1
By Lizzie_stargirl

Chapter 33 | Senseless

Episodes 8x13(Do not send us astray), 8x14(Still gotta mean something), 8x16(Wrath)

"You are one stubborn person. You know that right?"-Maggie Rhee


-May 15th 625 days since the start.

-I wake up in the middle of the night to a loud banging noise on the stairs then I hear screams. I rush out of my room, weapon in had and see a biter eating someone.

-"Biters." I yell loudly so the others hear me.

-Everyone starts to kill the biters or run away. I go upstairs to find Gracie because she is crying. I get up there and Rosita and Tara are already there.

-Rick comes into the room a little bit later after we hear no more noise.

-"Good out there?" Rosita asks him.

-"House is clear." Rick says.

-"How'd this happen." Tara asks.

-"Um the saviors did something to their weapons. Everyone who got shot or got cut up they all got sick. Some of them turned." Daryl says.

-"What. No." I say remembering that Tara was shot by Dwight last night.

-"Okay." Tara says.

-"When we were out there and you said you we're done waiting, I could'a killed him I should'a." Daryl says to Tara.

-"No he wanted to be here with us. And no matter what he did or how hard he tried I wanted him dead. I just couldn't let it be anything else. Karmas a bitch right?" Tara says.

-We clear the rest of the biters that are around and I get told that Henry broke into the pen for the saviors to avenge his brother and a bunch of them escaped.

-I see Carol and King Eekieal looking around for Henry.

-"Hey some of the saviors said Henry broke into the pen just before the other escaped. He was down there and then he wasn't." I say to Carol.

-"I told him. I told him what would happen." Carol says and then Carol and some of the others run to go looking for him.

-I go out looking for Henry with some of the others. It's better than just sitting in the hilltop and letting my mind run wild.


-We come back after a few hours of not finding him, we go back to the hilltop. Even though we didn't find Henry I was able to kill a rabbit and some squirrels. I bring them back. Georgie might have given us food but we are still low on it.

-Rick and Morgan went out to track the escaped prisoners.

-A few hours go by and Carol comes back and she has Henry with her. That's one good thing to come out of today at least. Rick and Morgan come back later too they have none of the prisoners with them but they said it was all taken care of. In other words they're all dead.

-"You still feel fine." I say to Tara.

-"Yeah I don't think Dwight hit me with an infected arrow." She says.

-"What does that mean though." I say.

-"It means he saved my life." Tara says.

-I smell the rabbit and squirrels I caught being cooked. The smell of it makes me throw up.

-"You good." Tara says after coming to my side.

-"I'm fine." I say. The secret of me being pregnant is going to be hard to keep and it's eating me up inside.

-"Tara I am going to tell you something and you need to promise on your life you won't say anything."

-"I promise." She says.

-I lead her over to an area where nobody is.

-"Is it really this serious Ava?"

-"Yes." I say.

-"Okay so what is it? She says.

-"I'm pregnant." I say.

-"Oh". Then realization hits her. "That is not what I expected you to say. It's Carls isn't it." She says.

-"Whose else's would it be." I say.

-"Oh Ava I'm sorry." She says and gives me a hug.

-Her embracing me makes me fall apart and I start crying again.

-She just keeps hugging me for a few minutes and then she speaks to try and lighten the mood.

-"If it's a girl you should name her Tara." She says.

-I laugh. "I don't know about that." I say.

-"Hey I'm pretty great, the baby would have a great name." She says.

-"We'll see." I say.

-"Hey look you and Maggie have something big in common now." She says.

-"I don't think it's a good thing to have in common." I say about the fact we are both pregnant and the fathers are dead now.

-"No, No you're right." She says.


-May 16th 626 days since the start.

-We all get ready for the next attack from the saviors. Everyone also has a backpack ready incase we have to flee.

-Later during the day Gregory comes back. He is locked back up in the pen but tells us Dwight gave him the battle plans the saviors have set out for tomorrow.

-We are going to ambush their plan. Tomorrow is the last fight we are going to have with the saviors. We are going to end it for all.


-May 17th 627 days since the start.

-We are getting ready to roll out.

-Alden and some of the other saviors that stayed asked to clear the biters from the wall so it's safer to get in and out.

-When the saviors come back in from clearing the walkers Morgan rushes the gate and he knocks Henry down who was in the way of him and almost kills him.

-"They were gone. They were coming in." Morgan says, trying to reason his actions.

-"I asked Maggie if we could clear the walkers from the wall. We drew them away so we wouldn't have to worry about them when we rolled out." Alden says.

-"He did." Maggie says, reassuring the group.

-"Lets keep getting ready everyone. First teams going in 20." Rick says.

-"He said when we roll out. You and your people aren't coming. You can be here but you're not us." Maggie says.

-"As long as we got that straight." Alden says.


-"I would really prefer it if you stayed here." Maggie says.

-"If you stay here I'll stay here." I say.

-"You know I can't do that, I need to watch Negan die." Maggie says.

-"Then I'm going with you." I say.

-"You are one stubborn person. You know that right?" Maggie says.

-"I know." I say.

-"Here." She says and hands me a bulletproof vest.

-"No you need that." I say.

-"I have another one and you need it for the same reason I do." She says.

-I put on the vest and we head out in the 3rd group. Rick and the first group found a group of saviors making a blockade. They had another map with the plan so we know this is safe.


-We get close to the clearing where we are going to ambush the saviors.

-"Oh Jesus." Rosita says and looks down the hill.

-We all look to see what she's talking about and see the biggest herd of biters I have ever seen.

-"Holy damn. You ever seen one that big?" Jerry says.

-"No. Things are changing. Let's go." Rick says.


-We keep moving and we hear the savior whistle around us. We all put our guns up looking for where they could be.

-"Well damn Rick, look at that. Pegged again. Pegged so very hard. I ambushed your ambush with an even bigger ambush." We hear Negan say over the radio.

-"Why don't you step out and face us." Rick says.

-Oh, I am everywhere Rick. Some more bullhorns, more walkies. Pick a direction to run. See how you do. Make it fun for all of us. Guess what else I did. I brought you some of your old friends. You remember your old buddy Eugene? Well he is the person who made today possible. Same goes for Dwighty boy here. In case you're wondering, he didn't ream you on purpose. No he is just nothing but a gutless nothing that sucks at life, and now he gets to stand up here and watch you all die, and he's going to live with that. Gabriel, well he's got a gun too. We are cleaning house today Rick. And then there's you. It never had to be a fight. You just had to accept how things are. So here we go. Congratulations Rick." Negan says.

-"Three! Two! One!" We hear him countdown and the saviors show themselves.

-When they go to shoot at us their guns backfire at them.

-"Now." Rick yells out and we all rush at the saviors.

-"Eugene!" Negan yells realizing Eugene made them faulty bullets.

-"He's running." Maggie says about Negan.

-We shoot at any savior that still has a working weapon. The gun fire stops going off and it looks like we have won. We look over to the hill and a bunch of saviors have surrendered.

-"Don't shoot. Please. We're done, it's over." A female savior says.

-Maggie notices Negan isn't with them so we go to search for where he might have gone. We spot him under a tree on the ground with Rick looking over him.

-Rick turns around and mutters words I never thought anyone would say about Negan.

-"Save him." Rick says and Siddiq goes to save him.

-"No!" Maggie yells.

-"Maggie." Michonne says and grabs her gently to not go after Negan.

-"No. He can't. No! No, he killed Glenn!" Maggie cries out.

-"We have to." Rick says.

-"We have to end it! Rick! We have to make it right! No it's not over! It's not over until he's dead! No! No!" Maggie sobs.

-I don't like this decision either and it's taking everything in me to not kill Negan for Maggie.

-"What happened, what we did. What we lost there's got to be something after. The ones that have them up put your hands down. We're all gonna go home now. Negans alive but his way of doing things is over. And anyone who can't live with that will pay the price. I promise you that. And any person here who will live in peace and fairness, who would find common ground, this world is yours by right. We are life! That's death Rick says and points at the huge herd of biters. And it's coming for us! Unless we stand together! Go home and then the work begins. The new world begins. All this is just what was. There's got to be something after." Rick says and walks back to the tree.


-The saviors go back to the sanctuary and we go back to the hilltop.

-I get to the hilltop and Aaron is there with a bunch of the Oceanside residents.

-"You made it back." I say and give him a hug.

-"I promised I would." He says and hugs me back.

-"Ava I'm sorry about Carl." He says once he lets go of the hug.

-"I'll be okay." I say.

-No you won't Ava why the hell do you keep saying it will be okay. It is not okay and it never will be okay. The baby inside you is never going to their father. No matter how much you tell them about him it will never be the same.

-Everyone's plan is to fix the communities that were destroyed due to the war. The saviors that were in the hilltop go back to the sanctuary except Alden who told Maggie he wants to help build things stronger at the communities


-May 18th 628 days since the start.

-Nothing will be the same with Carl gone. I keep thinking that over and over in my head. So much has happened since I met him and the others. Some might say my love for Carl is a lot. I met Carl February 16th in reality that wasn't that long ago but I fell in love with him. So much happened in those three months that it feels like it has been so long. I miss him. The Hilltop, Kingdom, Alexandria are never going to feel the same without him. But there is somewhere I was without him and that was before I met him. When I was with my dad. Things are never going to be the same so I think it's time for me to go back to simpler times. Maggie doesn't need me. She has a doctor now and she has so many people that love and care for her. I need to leave. It's time to go looking for my dad. Kayden hopefully is still with my dad and I once loved him. Maybe if I find them he can fill the hole in my heart.

-Night time falls in the Hilltop. Once I know everyone is asleep in the house I make my move to leave. I leave a note in my room for Maggie and the others and go out the back entrance and make my way through the forest.

Word count 2019

~Thank god I'm done with season 8 I was rushing through it to get it over with. I did a pretty good job I think. Got all of the All out war chapters done and published in a week. Not like it was really hard to for through though cause most of the season was filler so I skipped a lot. As always I hope you have a wonderful day/night :)

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