By stag__prongs

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Follow the Marauders and Valkyries (Lily, Marlene, Mary) as they enter their FIFTH YEAR in Hogwarts. How... More

2.Professor Patrick Rakepick
3. Stag, Wolf, Dog, and Rat
4. The Pranks
5. The Beatles
7. Best Pair
8. The Dueling Championship
9. The Shrieking Shack
10.YELLOW SUBMARINE( final duel)
12. The Ball
13.The Valkyries
14. The Mary Incident
15. The Attack
16. Detention with Hagrid
17. The Stalker
18. Sirius' Prank Mistake
19. The Broken Friendship
20. Choices
21.The Marauding Campsite
22. O.W.Ls and Mudblood
23. True Friends
24. End of 5th Year
25.Aunt May Parker(and Uncle Ben)
26.Petunia Loves Lily (a nice one)
27. Godric's Hollow(an' ol' Bathilda)
28. Prongs with stags and deers(back to hogwarts)
29. Potions Partner
30. Through the Light
31. The Funeral
32.Helping Dumbledore (and Love Potions)
33. Misunderstanding
37. Sectumsempra
38. The Dancing Queen
39.The Dark Day
41.Voldemort's Only Love(Tom and Aisha)
42. A Dog Ate My Homework(and Knockturn Alley)
43. The First and The New Death Eaters
44. The Boggart (not again)
45. The Death Eaters' Attack
46. The Offer (Dumbledore vs Grindlwald)
47. Jily Meets Harry Potter(time-turner incident)
48. The Chamber of Secrets
49. The Prophecy (end of 6th year)
50. In Leaky Cauldron
51. Living With The Evans
52. Head Duties
53. The Good News!
54. The Sad News!
55. Halloween (A shoulder to cry on)
56. The Blonde Marauders
58. First Kill
59. Snape and Narcissa
60. Promises.
61. Tuney's wedding( Lily's explanation)
62. Patronuses (Soulmates)
63. King of Forest(comfort)
64. Slytherin's Locket
65. The Messages (Peter's decision)
66. Nagini (The Lignum Family)
67. The Proposal (HAPPY TOGETHER)
68. NEWTs(Quidditch Finals)
69. The Secrets of Dumbledore(eavesdropper)
70. Graduation (ORDER OF PHOENIX)
71. The Mckinnons(Big Ben Attack)
73. Albania, Vampires and Captured
74. It's Potter. Lily Potter (wrecking ball)
75. Legends Never Die
76. My Gallant Hero
77. The Unexpected Help
78. The Only One He Ever Feared(Gringotts)
79. Voldemort's Reign (TRAITOR)
80. The Flaw in the Plan

57. Thanatos' New Partner

57 1 0
By stag__prongs

Lily sat with James in the great hall early as he explained to her what he was thinking about future plans. 

"But this will cost a good fortune to get all the supplies," she whispered to him. "And these muggle devices will not work here in the castle."

James rubbed his eyes after sliding a parchment to her, "Don't worry about that, we have a friend who has grown up in the muggle world, he knows how to get these things and I have already given money to him."

Lily looked at it, he has given 750 galleons to strengthen the communication, "Magical communication would have cost less."

"Magical objects can be intercepted by a strong wizard but they will ignore these muggle devices, I have used a pager before it belonged to Fabian Prewett,"

"Will the wizards know how to use it?"

James glanced around to make sure no one was there before speaking, "So, there's this muggleborn wizard whose brother is a muggle, he knows about technology quite a bit, and has agreed to help us, he works from his home, all the messages were handled by him, his brother will then pass the information to Ryan who will pass it to me after verifying the source."

"Are you paying them?" Lily asked.

James shook his head, "They are helping to finish the war, and due to their thinking that Thanatos is real, though I pay them a little to help them so as to prevent them from betraying. Finally some good use of Potter's fortune."

Lily noticed the tone of his voice and realized how much effort he was ready to put in just to end the war.

"This message I received today, three death eaters are thinking to attack a Muggle Mall tonight so as to threaten the wizarding families that live in there, those families have not chosen sides yet so they are trying to win them," James informed her.

"What do you think? Is it worth going?" 

James bit his lips and took out a map of the U.K., he placed his hands on Edinburgh, at Blackford, "Look here Lily, there's a hospital next to the mall, it can turn out to be fatal if the death eaters decided to have more fun."

"Shouldn't we tell Dumbledore or The Aurors?" 

"Dumbledore is very busy and I don't have the courage to explain to him how I got the information, these people Lily they trusted me, if I tell Dumbledore and these people find out then it will make it clear they are openly against Voldemort and thus will make them afraid."

Lily nodded, "Only we both will go then."

"You don't have to," said James. "I can handle it."

"Not again James, we have already gone over this," sighed Lily.

James gave her a side hug and kissed her temple, "I don't want you to get killed."

"I know," sighed Lily. "Let's begin the plan then, we have hours."

Soon the great hall filled with students as dinner time approached, James and Lily has taken the end of the table so they could talk with less interruption, and it was a relief as the students who sat next to them were all first years, lost in their worlds.

Snape saw the five Gryffindors entering the Great Hall but Potter and Lily were not with them, he looked all over the Gryffindor table and found them sitting on the edge, at the farthest end of the table. They were not looking happy and the look on Lily's face, the look she was giving to Potter told Snape that she was frustrated by him, irritated. James ran his hands through his hair looking as irritated and frustrated as her. They both glanced at a paper opened in front of them and then began talking and from here it was clear that they were having an argument, they were fighting in quiet voices. Snape's heart roared, his spirits rose, and he began praying that their argument expands, they fight more, and then break up. 

He watched happily as Lily stormed off the Great Hall halfway through dinner, Potter looked after her, collected his things, and ran to follow her, he could see the sadness in Potter's eyes.

James reached the common room to find Lily already standing there with his cloak.

"You really are stubborn," he sighed.

"We should not waste time, trust me, James, I am ready, I will not get killed, stop being protective," she said giving him a hug.

"I can't help myself, I can't stop protecting you," James said in her hair.

Lily stood on her tiptoes, and kissed him, "Let's go."

They both used the passage behind the one-eyed witch and then emerged out of the Honeydukes shop.

James took Lily's hands and pulled her into a dark corner, "If you are coming with me, then you can't come as Lily, and not in these clothes."

"I will be under disillusionment charm," she told him but he shook his head.

"It's not much reliable, trust me," he said and pointed his wand at her face, "Stay still."

Lily felt strange feeling all over her face, she felt her hair shortening and her nose becoming long.

"Removes your robe," he told her as he himself pulled out a bag from the locket Lily has given him. "And the tie and scarf too."

"James, it's cold," she said although she removed the said things.

James handed her another robe, which had a hood, and she wore it, he then handed her a scarf to cover her face.

He then pointed his wand at his own face and soon his face changed to Jack's face. He then wore his Thanatos clothes.

"Don't forget this face," said Jack winking at her, James' voice has changed as he covered his face and then helped her to cover her face properly. "I have modified your appearance too, now your voice," he said pointing his wand at her throat, Lily felt an odd sensation in her throat as though her throat was contracting and expanding at the same time.

"Thanks," she said her voice was now much bolder and different.

James then pulled out a ring he wears before going to such battles and handed it to Lily who blushed furiously.

"Are you proposing to me, James?" she asked her heart rate increasing, she didn't wanted to be engaged so early and not at this place or time. Though she might say 'yes.'

James gulped and ran his hand through his hair, "No, it's a portkey connected to my home, you have to hold it and say 'ducere', it will take you to the destination."

"But doesn't a portkey work according to time?" she asked him. "And isn't it illegal to make one without Ministry approval?"

"There are many types of Portkeys, it is an advance one, given to important Aurors to help them escape anti-apparition jinx. It belongs to Uncle Ben, now I have taken it, Ministry didn't took it back, it was in his room with his other things. Now, wear it and if any difficult situation arises use it, you just have to say the words, 'ducere', okay?"

"James, I can't take it, it's for your safety," she protested but he trusted the ring in her hand.

"Wear it, I have other things," he assured her. 

Lily wanted to protest but as time was passing fast she wore the ring.

"The word is 'ducere', you don't need to want to activate it, just hold it and say the words, it will take you there."

"What are your other things?"

"I have the cloak and a plan I have made to escape which will take a lot of time to explain," 

"I don't want you to be at risk, James," she said.

He cupped her face, "Don't worry, and stop calling me James, I am Thanatos."

"Okay, then . . . I am Andraste, though Athena is also good," she informed him, he chuckled and kissed her. "It feels odd, with your glasses invisible and a different face." James laughed.

He held her hands, "Ready?" she nodded, and they both disapparated from the spot.

The area was not much crowded, three ambulances were standing nearby the mall in front of the hospital, and the guard was sitting lazily in front of the mall.

"What now?" Lily asked, they were standing on the roof of the opposite building to the mall and were under the cloak.

"We lay the trap and wait for the prey," said James.

They laid the trap, and sat together at their original place, under the cloak, from where they had a clear view of the area, they were sitting there for two hours now, and that too in silence as they didn't wanted to give away their location or use magic. Lily yawned, and James let out a chuckle, she hit him on the hand.

"How will we know they have arrived if they appear in the next street?" she whispers ask.

"The owl is surveying the area, he will hoot when he sees them," James whispered back, placing his hand around her shoulder, she leaned into him. "Just don't fall asleep."

They continued looking at the area for another hour, the street was empty now, the fog has appeared in the area, and only a guard and two shopkeepers were there. It was then that they heard an owl hoot. James poked Lily who became alert at once and nodded, they both stood up.

Then they saw four masked figures walking towards the mall.

"Ready?" he asked her and she nodded. Thanatos pointed his wand at the spot he has placed the first trap. There were loud bangs all around, and the death eaters became alert, but they didn't know what to do, fireworks went off, a ring of fire appeared around the death eaters. They tried to apparate but failed, Lily has placed the anti-apparition jinx.

"Go!" Thanatos whispered to her and then pointed his wand in the air, the red mongoose appeared, and the light emerging from it fell on Thanatos, and he became visible to the death eaters.

"Thanatos," shrieked one of the death eaters.

"Hello dears," boomed Thanatos's voice. "I am here to talk to you."

The four death eaters were focused on Thanatos now, Lily took the benefit of their diversion and started plan two, the ring of fire began closing at the death eaters.

"I will forgive you all and will let you go if you promise not to follow your master," said Thanatos.

"He will kill us," said one of the death eaters. 

"Quiet," said another. "We can easily defeat him, he is one, and we are four."

A jet of red light appeared from the fire and hit a death eater who was thrown to the ground, the death eaters looked around but could see nothing due to the flames. The other three tried many spells to make way from the fire but failed as Thanatos was preventing them to do so, he was firing hexes at them from his spot.

Then another death eater fell to the ground as another ray of light appeared from beyond the flames.

"Who is there?" asked a death eater firing spell in that direction. And then they saw it, a figure walked in through the fire, unharmed, they looked at Thanatos, he was still there on the roof, so who was this, in this confusion a spell hit the third death eater and he fell to the ground.

"I will take you both single-handedly," said the last death eater, engaging in a duel with the figure that has just walked in through the fire.

"No, you will not," said the figure it was a woman's voice.

The fire disappeared around the death eater and now two figures stood in front of him Thanatos and the new figure. The death eater tried his best but failed against them and hit the ground.

Thanatos tied the four death eaters together and snapped their wands in half. 

"The Aurors will be here soon," he told his partner who nodded. He then pointed his wand at the mongoose in the air, which disappeared. "It has served its purpose."

Both of them returned back to their original spot as they watched the Aurors arrive and arrest the death eaters. 

"Are the Prewett twins?" Lily whispered, James, nodded. "He looks injured." James remained silent.

The Aurors looked around for signs of any other person except for the shopkeepers and the guard who were all put to sleep by Lily and were hidden.

"Let's go," said James taking Lily's hands.

Once inside the castle, James transfigured their faces back, "Are you okay Lils?" he asked as he gave back her robes.

"Yeah, I am fine," smiled Lily. "Your plan was good we didn't had to fight hard."

James smiled back, "That's how I try to keep it, create panic, divert their attention, weaken them and then attack them."

They walked back to Gryffindor tower and heard birds began singing, it was nearly dawn. Lily sighed sadly, so no sleep for today.

"How did you used to complete your sleep?" she asked him, he dropped his shoulders.

"I used to sleep as late as possible, I was not a good worker and would lose much money," he replied.

"Wanna crash together?" she asked. 

"Happily," he smiled, leading her to his dorm. "I just wish this bed was quite bigger."

"I wish it was smaller," chuckled Lily.

"You are way worse than I thought," he said as he lied down on the bed and pulled her.

"Don't you worry that your glasses will fall during a duel?" she asked resting her head on his chest.

"Nah, I use a sticking spell, it is magically attached and then I use a disillusionment charm," he replied closing his eyes. Lily hummed in agreement. "You are very brave." Both of them fell asleep.

They were woken by the Sirius singing horribly as he dressed for the class, Remus scolded him but Snape shook him off.

Lily groaned, "What time is it?"

"Thirty minutes left for transfiguration," came Sirius' voice. "And you are not allowed in here."

"James, silent him, I want twenty minutes sleep more," she pleaded to James, who has his eyes closed just like Lily. They both fell asleep again.

"Holly Molly, guys five minutes are left only," Remus returned to the dorm after having breakfast. James and Lily sat up at once.

"Fuck," muttered James. "Thanks, Moony."

"I will go and make some excuse, you both get ready," said Remus as he went back.

So, today was the first time Lily brushed her teeth alongside James, as fast as she could, they washed their face, and Lily tied her hair in a bun, as James rushed out of the bathroom not caring to brush his hair, he wore his robes at lightning speed and took out Lily's robes which he has taken from her last night.

Lily rushed out of the bathroom, and James gave her the robes. "Get ready, I will get your bag," he said running out of the room.

Lily wore the robe but she needed her sweater as it was cold, the only problem was that it was locked in her trunk, and summoning her trunk or running up to there was not a wise plan. So, she rushed to James' trunk and took out his quidditch jacket. There was 'Potter' written on the back with his number. 

She put on the jacket as she ran down the stairs and out of the portrait hole, James was already gone, she pointed her wand at her back where she knew Potter was written and used a spell to make it disappear and to prevent embarrassment, placed the wand there again and made it write 'LILY' in the same golden color. It was now she appreciated why Transfiguration was important and useful.

She made it to the class, panting and only a few minutes late, she walked in "Sorry. .  .Professor." Minerva nodded and pointed her to take a seat. Lily noticed James sitting on the last bench catching his breath. She walked up to him and sat beside him, he gave her her bag, and she mumbled thanks as she took out her book.

"Why all of them are looking at us?" asked James, Lily looked up and saw that indeed the whole class was looking at them, Minnie included. Several students were giggling and snickering including Sirius.

"Did you do something?" she whispered to him, and he shook his head.

"What's the matter?" he asked the whole class.

Sirius laughed, "Did you proposed to Evans?" Minnie was looking at the head students with a fixed gaze, and several girls giggled.

Severus Snape's heart rate has increased he too has noticed it, he has seen Mary pointing out to Snape the ring and then he sees Lily's back. The hope to get Lily back that has risen a few days back started sinking. Has Potter proposed? Has she said 'Yes'? and accepted the ring? 

James and Lily froze and looked at each other, the topic has came up last night, and now Lily noticed she was still wearing the ring, but it was no ring to propose with, it was a male ring.

"No," said James horrified, has anyone seen them last night? He looked at Lily and knew she was thinking along the same line. "Who is spreading such rumors?"

"Well, look at Lily's back," said Sirius trying hard to prevent himself from laughing.

"And she is wearing a ring," pointed out Mary. 

Fuck Mary, Lily cursed, if anyone wouldn't have noticed the ring everyone would by now, she removed the ring and pocketed it to stop anyone from seeing it. She has the worst friends.

"What's at your back?" James asked tilting his head back to get a view and it was now that he recognized that she was wearing his quidditch jacket and worse, has removed the number and had written her name there so it now read 'LILY POTTER'.

"What?" she asked him. "I just borrowed your jacket as it was cold."

A grin appeared on James' face, "Nothing." He then turned to the whole class. "We are not engaged, not yet at least."

Minerva cleared her throat, "Enough murmurs, focus on the lesson now," she said, the students obeyed and turned to look ahead.

Snape felt like life has returned, he began breathing again, he hasn't proposed, they aren't engaged, Snape still has a chance, the hope rise again inside him.

"What was all that about?" asked Lily after making sure Minnie wasn't watching. James didn't paid attention to her as he was busy taking food packet which Peter was giving him.

"Thanks mate," said James before turning to Lily, he placed the packet in between them so they both could eat. "Do you want me to tell you something that will prevent the embarrassment ot the truth?"  

Lily sighed, she was still tired, "Truth please."

"Why did you write your name on my jacket?"

"Well, to prevent embarrassment, I was running and removing your name and wrote my name instead."

"Yeah, that's where it went wrong. You see, you removed the number instead and now your back reads 'LILY POTTER'" smirked James. "And then they noticed that ring."

Lily buried her face in her hands and groaned.

"Evans, I was just wondering what would you have said if I would have proposed you for real?" 

Lily knew that he was trying to pass it as a joke but has failed he was serious about it, and when she turned to look in his eyes she knew he was serious. Her answer as always has become clear when she looked into those emerald eyes, yet she didn't had the courage to say it directly.

"I dunno, we are so young, not even adult in the muggle world," she told him and saw the change of emotions in his eyes. "I am not ready yet, I mean we haven't even graduated yet. But I might have said 'YES', I think."

"So you would say yes now?" asked James, Lily's eyes widened, he suppressed a laugh. "Don't worry I am not going to ask you, not yet."

Lily rolled her eyes and tried to focus on class while eating in between, she yawned widely and without knowing rested her head on his shoulder, and felt his head resting against her. They both had continued scribbling their notes and had conjured a vass of flower, with each flower of different species successfully so Minnie hasn't scolded them for looking lazy.

"This is a complex transfiguration class, as each flower should be of different species and color as written on the board here, read what you have to conjure before conjuring. Till now only Mr. Potter, Ms. Evans, Mr. Black and Ms. Jones have able to successfully conjure the correct flowers with correct colors," she was saying, Lily and James looked up at the mention of their names and then returned to sleepy mode.

"I know understand why you don't take Padfoot with you," Lily said.


"Because that requires a lot of patience and control over oneself, in your plan you don't directly attack the prey, you weaken them before attacking and Sirius willn't want to wait for the prey, he would want to snatch it directly."

"Correct," smiled James. "I have been training him though, he is a good dog, will learn soon," James snorted.

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