Forever And Always Wolfstar F...

By SiriuslyLupinn

519K 9.8K 12K

Here are my fluffy wolfstar one shots. Some of them are really sucky, this was my first attempt at fan ficti... More

Bad Days
Harry gets caught.
when we fight
wolfstar wedding
Quitttitch jerseys and jumpers
I Missed You!
Some Preferences
DADA Class: Werewolves
Relax Baby
Your Perfect Imperfections
Please Stay With Me Baby
Waiting For You
Damn Snakes
With You Here Everthing's Perfect
Talent Show
If He Got The Trial He Deserved
Love Bites
Hope Lyra
Pet Names
Hospital Wing
New Year, New Relationship
Our Cub
20 Questions
DAMN IT JAMES, but thanks
Severus Snake
Damn Love Potion
When Padfoot's In A Bad Mood
Kissing In The Snow
Mary McDonald
murauders stick together. no matter what.
Road Trip
Boyfriend Tag
Outed By Another
Silver Spoons
Thoughts and Cuddles
Bad Days (remake)
Telling The Bros
Sickness Sucks (like a youre sick remake)
The Hunt
I Want You, Not Her
Summer Nights
Storms (Remake)
Without You
Jily Wedding (oh just wait for the wolfstar!)
Detentions Will Haunt Us (Harry Gets Caught Remake)
Kiss or Dare
Manipulative Moony
Instagram 2
Our First Time
Sleepynes leads to French speakingness
The Afterlife
Our Cub (Remake)
I've Got You
Ive Been Tagged. (AN at the end)
Single Dads
Untitled Part 93
What Did You Do?!
It's always normal, until it isn't.
Treasure Hunt
We Love you, Rem!
Untitled Part 101
... 'Happy' Birthday...
How Could You?
I missed you
Emotionless.. Right?
Wow... Emotions.
Getting older
Untitled Part 116
Lying Low
The Musician
Offer pt. 2
Offer Pt. 3
Offer pt. 4
Hurt: 12 Years Later
Happy new year
My Secret Valentine
Long Day
Late Night Ramblings

First Christmas

1.1K 20 19
By SiriuslyLupinn

I'm having a really hard time feeling the Christmas spirit this year, maybe writing about my favorite boys will help. Merry Christmas guys, stay safe <3

Like a little sequel to Late Night Ramblings, because I'm also writing this one when I can't sleep. 

Since this is so late, I made it another little flashback for Bliss. Let's see if you guys can catch the origin of a plot line in Bliss from this little drabble. 

~Sirius' POV~

I am so completely in love. 

I came to Remus' house last night, December 23rd to spend the night because he and his mum always celebrate on Christmas eve. There's an adorable story behind it, Remus always got so excited when he was little that Hope just couldn't make him wait anymore. I don't blame her, I can never say no to an excited moony either. 

We spent all of last night making cookies and watching muggle movies. Remus was more relaxed and smiley than I've ever seen him, he didn't get more than two inches away from me all night. He was even openly cuddling me and wrapping his arm around me while his mum was in the room. Instead of freaking out like my parents would, or giving a dirty look like most adults or people in general, she just smiled. She smiled. 

Eventually, Remus and I made it to his room pretty late. He was so excited, grinning and laughing and just so, so happy. Now, I'm waking up slowly still wrapped in his arms, warm and safe with his hand tucked under my shirt. 

I drift in and out of sleep for a while, only moving to settle more comfortably. Remus just readjusts in his sleep, mumbling my name softly. 

I can tell the moment Remus starts to wake up. He stretches a bit and tucks his leg between mine, pulling me in a little closer with a soft sigh. 

"Morning, baby." Remus mumbles into my hair, his voice groggy and low. His Welsh accent is a bit thicker as well. That tone makes my cheeks flush, but I pass it off for just being warm as I nuzzle into his neck. 

"Good morning, love. Happy Christmas." I reply, and I smile when I feel a kiss being pressed to the top of my head. Remus does move then, stretching out on his back. 

"Big stretch," I tease, because Remus hates it when I compare him to a cat. He grumbles at me, something like "big scary stretch." 

"So scary, my viscous werewolf." I cuddle up to remus' side, still so amazed that one fit under his arm perfectly. 

"I'm very vicious. You shouldn't make fun, Mr. Human guard dog." Remus runs his fingers through my hair, and I let my eyes fall closed at the gentle touch. 

"At least I'm actually scary in my human form." I bite back, no malice in my voice. 

"Oh, really? I'm not scary?" Remus rolls us over and settles on top of me, pressing the hand that I had been holding his with above my head. "Are you sure about that?" 

"Oh, I'm very sure." I whisper, even as I feel my face go red. "You're sexy, baby. Not scary." I put my feet hand on Remus' neck and pull him down for a kiss. 

"I'll take that." Remus mumbles against my lips. He presses kisses all over my neck, to my ear and Merlin, if I wasn't putty in his hands before. "Mum won't be up for another hour or so, I always wake up before her.." 

"What are you suggesting?" I ask, twining my fingers in Remus' hair and pulling him up so I can look in those pretty amber eyes. Remus flushes just slightly, always bashful when I ask a question like that. "What, are you shy now?" 

"No.." Remus buries his face back in my neck, brushing his fingers under my shirt. 

"Aw, my sweet little shy boy." I tease, even as Remus bites my collarbone and makes me shiver. 

"Shy I can take. But little? That's just not true in any aspect." Remus says, confidence back in his voice as he moves just a little bit to push my shirt up. I gladly wiggle out of it, using the advantage of Remus letting go of my wrist to flip us over. 

"Fair enough. It's not like I'm with you for your brains or anything." I lean down and press my forehead to Remus', watching the way his eyes twinkle as he laughs. 

"Oh, you little shit. Come here."

About an hour later Remus and I are cuddled up again, sated and warm in a sea of blankets. I'm wearing one of his sweaters, a really soft black one that I don't steal very often because it's one of his favorites and I like it when it smells like him. He's wearing one of my oversized Queen t-shirts,  and not for the first time I'm glad that I wear shirts that are too big for me. 

"I love you," Remus whispers, brushing his fingers gently through my hair. 

"You're such a sap after having sex." I kiss Remus' shoulder because it's the closest available body part. "And I find that adorable. I love you too, angé."

"shut up." Remus turns onto his side and pulls me to his chest, my favorite place to be. "I just have to make sure you know that I love you."

"Oh, Moony." I move back a bit to look my bashful boyfriend in the eye. "I know you love me. I love you too, so much." I press a kiss to his cheek.

We lay here for a while. Remus runs his fingers through my hair, combing out the tangles with gentle tugs. I trace little patterns on his back, my head buried safely in his shoulder. 

After that while, there's a soft knock at the door. 

"Good morning, boys. Happy Christmas." 

"Happy Christmas mum!" Remus grins over at his mother, as I sit up a little and turn to wave. 

"Breakfast will be ready soon, I expect you boys downstairs." Hope smiles, the same smile I see every time I look at my boyfriend, and leaves. I look over at Remus, and he presses a kiss to my forehead. 

"Come on, then. Let's go get breakfast."

We spend the day having so much fun. We eat cookies and chocolate and entirely too many sweets, muggle Christmas movies play all day and Remus and I take a break to have a Snowball fight outside. He finally just grabs me and stuffs a Snowball down my shirt, which makes me gasp. 

"Remus!" I whine, pretending to be upset and cold. "Come on, it's cold.."

"Aw, baby I'm sorry!" He starts to come give me a hug and I shove a Snowball right in his face. He gasps, shaking snow out of his hair. Some snowflakes stick, though, settling in his caramel curls. "Oh, you little /shit!/" Remus tackles me then, and because it's a little slick we go cascading into the snow. He falls right on top of me, giggling happily. 

"You're so cute." I hold remus' face between my cold hands, feeling how warm he is even in the cold. 

"Let me take you somewhere." Remus grins at me, his eyes twinkling with mischief. 

"But now I'm all cold." I complain lightly as Remus helps me up from the ground. He pulls me into his arms, and with a whispered charm my clothes are dry. 

"Come oooon. It's worth it, I promise." Remus kisses my forehead and wraps his scarf around my neck, glancing towards the window to make sure his mum doesn't see because in his words, 'She just cannot believe that I won't freeze to death out here.' 

"Okay," I know that my love for him is showing on my face, but that's okay. He won't make fun of me for that. "Your mum wont mind us wandering off?"

"No, she's was on the phone with my aunt when we left the house, we've got at least another hour before she misses us." 

Remus takes my hand and leads me away from the cottage, into the woods beyond. This would normally make anyone else uneasy, but I love seeing Remus in the woods. He loves being out in nature. 

We walk for a while. Remus tells me stories about his childhood, about running around in the woods with his cousins and playing hide and seek with his mum. It's adorable, really, because Remus was just a normal kid and I love that so much. Despite him being a werewolf, and his father being a deadbeat, he was a happy kid. I love my optimistic boy. 

"This has always been my favorite place. Mum and I still pack lunch and bring it out here." Remus explains, and I'm stunned to silence when I see the beautiful clearing he's talking about. 

It really is beautiful. A large, frozen over lake stands in the middle of the clearing maybe 500 feet across, trees surrounding it and even with snow dusting the ground there are a few resilient flowers poking up from the grass. 

Remus wraps his arm around me, and I look up at him with what I'm sure is a starstruck expression. 

"Wow, Remus it is beautiful out here." I turn around in his arms and hold his face in my hands again. "Almost as beautiful as you." Remus' cheeks flush dark enough that it can't be blamed on the cold. 

"You're such a sap." He kisses me, and when we pull back he leads me over to a little area under a tree with less snow than the rest, pulling me to sit down with him. 

We stay here for a while, talking about what were going to do tomorrow at James's. Remus casts a mild hearing charm under his breath, and I smile because he's so considerate. Not only did he cast it for me, but he didn't even have to ask if I needed it. 

"Pads," Remus says after a while, and I hear a slight break in his voice, a little twinge. Is he anxious? Oh my Merlin, is he about to break up with me? 

Remus takes my hand, fitting his fingers between mine. I take a breath when he looks me in the eye. 

"I know we agreed that we were doing presents at James', but I have something for you and I didn't want everyone to be around when I gave it to you." His voice is a little wobbly, he sounds really nervous. 

"Moony, baby take a breath. You don't have to be nervous with me." I turn so we can fully face each other, our knees knocking a little. Remus let's go of my hand to brush my hair from my face, and I give him a reassuring smile as he does. 

"I know." He whispers, and then he pulls back from me and reaches into his pocket, taking something small out of it and holding it in his palm. He just holds it for a moment, and I can tell by the way his fingers tremble just slightly that this is important. I reach out and rest my hand on his knee. It's only a couple of seconds, but Remus holds his hand out to me. It takes me a moment, but when I realize what it is my heart stops. 

"Remus, is that?" There's a ring in his hand. A black ring with a small cutout of a moon. 

"It's a promise ring. I know it's a lot, and we're only sixteen- well, I'm sixteen, you're not but still I just.. Merlin, I'm not good at this but I love you, Sirius and I want to be with you forever." Remus catches my eyes again, and he looks so scared. Anxious tears are starting to shine in his eyes. 

"Oh, Moony." I can't help myself. I grab Remus' face and kiss him, smiling as much as I can at the surprised noise he makes. I dont pull back for a few moments, even when we break our kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you so much." He mumbles it back, wrapping his arms tight around my waist. 

Finally, I move away and sit back in my spot. "Remus, you are so, so sweet. I love the ring, and I love you. So much." I hold out my hand. "I think it's only right you put it on me." That gets a laugh out of my nervous boyfriend. He slips the ring on my right ring finger, then presses a kiss to my knuckles. Such a gentleman. 

"I got a chain for it, too, so you can still wear it as padfoot. And, well," Remus pulls a chain from under his sweater and shows me his matching ring with a star cutout. "I can wear mine as moony. I enchanted them myself, it took some studying and an uncomfortable conversation with Minnie about transfiguring metal but they should work." 

"You're such a nerd." I chuckle, and Remus ducks his head bashfully. "It's adorable. How long did you work on this?" 

"A few weeks. I started working on the chains before the ring. I had to find something easily transfigured that wasn't silver and at that point I was still debating on if it was a stupid idea or not, but then I saw the rings and they were perfect. Believe it or not I've had them since your birthday, I was just so scared that it would freak you out." He's so damn cute when he's nervous, oh Merlin. I absently raise the ring on my finger, and I couldn't stop smiling right now if I wanted to. 

"I love it, Angé. I think it's the perfect thing to calm Moony down, and it's a nice subtle thing that I can look at all the time and remember that my favorite boy loves me." 

"That's exactly what I thought." Remus holds his arms out for me and I crawl into his lap, just looking into those pretty amber eyes. 

I press a soft kiss to remus' nose, resting my hand on his chest, over his matching ring. "Thank you, baby. Happy Christmas." 

Remus grins and tucks my hair behind my ear. 

"Happy Christmas, Padfoot." 


God, I'm bad at posting these things on time. Happy new year loves <3

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