Born Blue

By HoneyMabel

30.2K 330 14

This starts off at the end of the season 10 finale. (Which was amazing!) The interactions with the baby Jamko... More

Starting a Family?
Baby Blues
It's About Time
Sick Day
Telling the Family
Cloudy Judgement
Operation:Family Stakeout
Not in Church
Christmas Day
Unwanted Visitor
Getting Ready
Mood Swings
Baby Time
First Night Home
Meeting her cousins
First Mothers Day
Joe Babysits
Nicoles Interview
Eddie Goes Back to Work
Know your place
Settling the Dispute
Learning The Ropes
Night Adventure
Eddie Goes Out
Hashing it out
Blast from the past
One thing to the next
More puzzle pieces
Take them down
The double date
Pregnancy brain
What does it mean
The reagans 2 cents
Everything happens for a reason
Could've been worse
Run down
Cheater cheater
Now What?
New Game Plan
The Truth
The Old Flame
Unnecessary Visitor
Weighing the options
Professional conversation
So sweet
Case closed
Teamwork makes the dreamwork
Quality time
New Partner
Seems Familer
In Need of Love
Over The Edge
One on One
The One That Got Away
Making Amends
Still His Little Girl
An Honest Mistake
High Tensions
To be fair
Going to the Chapel
Bringing work home
Water Under The Bridge
Finally Some R&R
Battle Scars
Kiss and Makeup
A New Addition?
New Dinner Guest
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Big News
Deja Vu
Trouble in Paradise
Spicy Night
The 2 Week Wait
Ryans 1st Birthday
Seeing Double
The Big Announcement
Gathering Intel
Well This Is Awkward
Who's The Father
Officially Outnumbered
Another Reagan Is Born
Babies Left and Right
Just Another Day- Final Chapter

Drama at the 2-9

109 1 0
By HoneyMabel

Tuesday April 11th 2023

Eddie was riding with Casey again, they were working a double so Eddie could be off for Alainas birthday tomorrow.

It was 9pm, they were headed back to the car with coffee. When Eddie pointed out some suspicious activity across the street.

"Looks like a deal of some kind? Let's go bust them!" Casey said enthusiastically and started across the street.

"Just hold up..."Eddie had a weird feeling and looked around before she followed. There was a blacked out SUV parked nearby, tucked away. The back door opened and the guy called out Eddies name. She got closer to make out who it was, it was Joe running toward her. The lightbulb went off in her head...this was a set up that they were trying to bust.

"No!" Joe said shouting desperately for them to let it go.

"Casey! Stop!" Eddie yelled but he was already across the street and the guy started to run.

"It's a setup!" Joe told Eddie and then saw the guy took off and Casey started after him with the undercover officer. Joe ran to follow and so did Eddie.

"Sorry!" Eddie said as they booked it down the street.

"Hey! Police!" Joe yelled and they cut him off in the adjacent alley. He turned around to run from where he came but Casey came around the corner and got him on the ground.

"Ah ha! Your under arrest for possession of unauthorized weapon with intent to sell!" Casey said. He was very proud of his arrest. Joe was so frustrated and Eddie felt extremely uncomfortable. Casey took him to the car, shut the door and smiled at Eddie like she should be impressed.

"Just when we thought we wouldn't see any action! There it is!" Casey said brushing his hands together like it was easy.

"Casey...-" Eddie was going to tell him he made a bad call but Joe took over.

"We've been trying to bust that guy for selling stolen weapons for 3 months!" Joe told him.

"Well what are you waiting for? I got him!" Casey said laughing.

"Huh oh my god..." Joe shook his head and tangled his fingers in his hair in irritation.

"Casey they could've busted him for dealing if you wouldn't have interrupted, this is only a charge of possession..." Eddie explained.

"He's still going to get into the system? It's fine. C'mon let's go lock em up!" Casey said and excitedly headed to the car.

"Dude you...!-" Joe started after him with a face full of anger, Eddie stepped in front of him.

"Woah! Joe...I'll take care of it, he's still new at all this..." Eddie said.

"I don't care! He shouldn't of been let out of the academy yet then!" Joe said angrily.

"Look, Jamie's back at the precinct, I'll talk to him about it...see what we can do okay?" Eddie said trying to calm him down.

"No I'll talk to him about it." Joe said and walked off to the SUV. Eddie took a deep breath and got in the car.

"What's his problem?" Casey asked when Eddie started the car.

"We can't talk about it in front of this guy" Eddie said.

"Whatever you say." Casey said and the rest of the ride was silent.

When they got back to the precinct Casey took him to central booking and Eddie bee lined it to Jamie's office before Joe got to him. But she was too late.

"Oh perfect, she can answer any questions you have." Joe said when he saw Eddie at the door. Jamie looked like he just heard an earful and needed a minute to think.

"Huh, look...Casey gets really excited and his adrenaline kicks in when stuffs happening. He had no way of knowing it was a set up, I almost didn't know but my intuition was telling me something was off and then I saw the SUV and Joe coming toward me." Eddie explained calmly.

"But he can't just go in by himself either. You should've approached the scene together...that's what partners are for." Jamie said.

"I know but-" Eddie started.

"And he's a rookie cop...your the veteran, he shouldn't be making the calls." Jamie added.

"But he did get the guy, it's not like he's still out there so that's a plus right!?" Eddie said trying to be positive and defend herself.

"If I wanted to get him for intent to sell I could've got him months ago, this operation has been in the works for weeks, so many late nights sitting back and watching him, learning his routine, figuring out where we could bust him!" Joe explained.

"Look I'm sorry but this wasn't my fault. You can have it out with Casey." Eddie said giving up. Joe just shook his head.

"Jamie can't he still get charged for selling...?" She asked looking at him, he shook his head no.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because there's not enough evidence!" Joe said louder.

"Okay look I think everyone's had a long day maybe-" Jamie started to try and deescalate.

"You're being unreasonable! This wasn't my fault! I didn't mess it up!" Eddie shouted back.

"Well you didn't stop him!" Joe shouted back. People outside the office all stopped and looked after hearing the shouting.

"Okay...!" Jamie quick shut the door and the blinds.

"Are you just gonna let him talk to me like that!?" Eddie asked him.

"No, Joe just relax a second. I think you need to go home and get a good nights sleep. I will talk to Casey about all this. As for gotta finish the paperwork and then go home, I don't know, I can't even think straight." He said rubbing his head. They both listened and left pissed of. Jamie had headache.

When Eddie got home both kids were in bed, Jamie was still up watching tv.

"Your still up?" Eddie asked knowing it was past 11, she set her things down.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about today." He told her and turned the tv off.

"Oh." She said and went to sit with him.

"First off, I love you." Jamie admitted and kissed her.

"Huh love you too..." she sighed.

"Why'd you say it like that?" He asked.

"Oh because I can only imagine what you have to say about how wrong I am, or how much trouble were in." She rambled.

"You're not in trouble, I watched your body cam footage. There were multiple times you told Casey to stop or wait and he didn't." He told her.

"Yeah so? I know I'm a veteran cop but I'm not in charge of him necessarily." Eddie added.

"No but considering the other incidents that's happened to him by jumping the gun to soon instead of listening to you means something." Jamie said.

"Like what?" She asked.

"Means I can take him out of your car and put him with someone he has to listen to. He's being reckless, and that's unsafe. Especially when it comes to him riding with you." He went on.

"Okay so put him with a how bout McNichols!? She'll put the screws to him." Eddie suggested enthusiastically.

"No, me." He said.

"You...?!" Eddie was taken back.

"I know-"

"You just told me he's not a safe partner and you don't want me riding with him! Now I'm supposed to be all for you riding with him!?" Eddie exclaimed.

"I know it sounds bad but I have confidence in myself to set him straight and cover my own back." Jamie said.

"I don't like this. Do you think I wasn't confident enough or experienced enough to do the same?" She asked.

"Eddie no that's not what I'm saying. All I wanna do is put him to the test a little, stick him with a higher up and see how he responds. If it's the same then we got bigger problems. I'm just trying to help him out before he digs himself a bigger hole." Jamie explained. Eddie was quiet, Jamie took her by the hand.

"Don't take it personally, this is me looking out for you. Joe wanted to go to the CO about you two he was so mad." Jamie said.

"Did he!?" Eddies heart stopped a second.

"No I talked him out of it." Jamie assured.

"Huh. I hate that he's mad at me..." Eddie was disappointed at the whole thing.

"He'll come around and realize it wasn't your fault and there's more to life then being mad about work." Jamie said rubbing her back.

"I hope so." Eddie said and laid her head into Jamie's chest for a hug.

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