Only You ✓

By Purplelove1998

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Jungkook and Taehyung are best friends who love each other but conceal it from each other not wanting to take... More

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By Purplelove1998

    The boys who had gone silent after their maknae had gone to the balcony were shaken out of their own thoughts by the sharp sound of the door bell being hit repeatedly causing them to groan at the audacity of the visitor to pull such a stunt.

    They all looked at each other confused wondering who is ringing the bell like this when it's already a quarter past nine. 

   And they all turned their heads towards the owner of the apartment who was looking equally puzzled but the boy only scoffed realizing what they were thinking. After all, it's his dorm being invaded after the darkness has only thickened.

    Jimin groaned loudly as he stood up from Yoongi's lap and made his way to the door and open it abruptly and the one at the other side nearly flinched by the harshness tinting his action, looking at him wide eyed not knowing what to do when the boy already seems to be pissed.

But it was Jimin who got more shocked seeing who their visitor was. 

" Yanah?", he mumbled, unable to believe what he was seeing. And he couldn't understand what had made her end up at his doorstep looking like this.

    The girl was looking so devastated when she looked at him hopefully. The tear stains coating her cheeks were still wet and there were more tears welling up ready to roll down.

      Her hair was a mess. And shocking the already shaken up boy, more tears started flowing down her cheeks as she looked at him so helplessly.

" What are-" he couldn't even complete the much anticipated question because he was cut off.

" Is Tae here?", she asked, her shaky hands clutching his arms. " Or at least do you know where he is? Or did he contact you?", She was gushing out questions with such desperation that it scared him.

But Jimin was confused even. " Tae?", he asked, looking at her puzzled. " What's with this inquiry? And why don't you know his whereabouts considering that you two are together 24/7?" 

    Even though he tried to prevent it, his voice gave away his irritation at the last sentence and surprisingly the girl didn't even react to it. 

      Or maybe his questions only made her more agitated that Jimin confusedly stared down at her hands holding his palms which were shaking so vigorously that he had no choice but to take them on his own and hold them tightly between his own ones.

    Yanah looked at him puzzled, before it was replaced with a sad smile. But it only lasted for a moment before she started crying hysterically. If it was not for Jimin's sharp reflex she would have ended up on the floor with the way she was crying.

" I don't know what to do anymore? I don't know what to do? I can't find him.. he is not answering my phone. I..I.. d.don't know..he must be hating me already", the girl wailed not even trying to tune down her voice. And it seems she has no control over her own body.

" Hey..hey", Jimin tried to call her as he crouched down in front of the sobbing girl who seemed to be really out of control now.

    But before he could say something else to make her stop, he heard footsteps approaching from behind him.

"Shit", he cursed under his breath. Now what should he do? They must be alarmed by the sound of her cries.

" Jimin what"- whoever was trying to ask the boy what's going on stopped themselves by seeing the scene in front of him.

    But it didn't even take a while before Jimin was harshly yanked back from the girl making her stumble forward and end up on the floor considering all the while she was leaning on him for support.

" Hyung!", Jimin yelled, unconsciously, his concerned eyes still fixed on the girl who seemed to not even care about the situation.


    The girl kept on crying on the floor, as if she had no control over it. And the rest of the boys stared at her in disbelief, unable to believe that they were really seeing this for real. Never did they think that such a day would finally arrive.

   But they were all woken up from the trance when Jimin yanked his hand from Yoongi's tight grip and frantically approached the girl again.

Yoongi looked at him bewildered. " Jimin, what the heck are you doing? You know what she did to us. Right?", he gritted his teeth, more irritated by his boyfriend taking the selfish girl's side in front of his eyes. 

   No, in front of the boy whom she hurted so much. He turned around suddenly alarmed by the thought striking him.

    And there he was behind the rest of the boys who were looking perplexed by her actions and Jimin's kindness towards her which was unexpected and undeserving. Seems like the maknae has heard the commotion rising from the balcony.

    And the ravenette was just staring at the scene, with his cold gaze, while his arms folded across his chest as he saw how Jimin was trying to sooth the crying girl.

   Yoongi sighed before turning away and taking hasty steps towards the pair. But before he could reach them he stopped in his tracks, hearing the words escaping Yanah's mouth. In fact the words stilled everyone.

" I don't know where I should look for him", she sobbed loudly.  " We fought yesterday and I slapped him. It wasn't even his fault that he is still stuck", she continued to sob hysterically.

Jimin turned around to look at the rest for a moment before turning back to the girl again. 

" You slapped him?", he asked, his voice laced with a hint of anger. He was not at all pleased by what he heard. But still he let her clutch on to him for support.

   Behind him the rest was not either happy about the information. Because the moment she mentioned him, they knew this was about Tae. Because they would never expect her to cry over another male who is not their brunette  friend.

   And the news was not sitting well with any of them. Of course, he left them after they messed it up so bad and instead of giving them a chance to apologize for the mistake, he has started dating her out of the blue.

     He has cut all the ties with them and has been distant with them for how long? Around months. 

    But that doesn't mean that they were also going to do the same. They still care for him and are ready to let go of all the hard feelings even when he is hurting the same boy who has been loving him with no bounds. 

     So hearing the words that said that she slapped him was like getting themselves slapped.

    But while the four boys were contemplating what to do next, one was not ready to wait.

" You slapped Tae?"

Everyone turned to Jungkook who was now looking at the girl with a glare, his jaw tightened and his fist balled.

    Yanah looked up at him with teary eyes. She nodded slowly. " I wasn't thinking straight after hearing what he said to me".

" You slapped my Tae?"Jungkook scoffed, running his fingers through his hair, his tone laced with venom.

She looks at him confused. " You don't love him. Do you?", she asked, her voice so small that it wouldn't have been audible if not for the pin drop silence that has fallen over in the room.

Jungkook chuckled softly, shaking his head. He sighed, before answering the question.

 " It's such a shame", he looked at her with a piercing gaze. " That I still love him", he said, shaking his head again.

   And the boys couldn't help but wonder when he is ever going to stop doing this. Always wanting to say which is the opposite of what he should say with those feelings still brimming up in his heart and eyes.

    She looks at him, her jaw dropped. Her face displayed multiple emotions that they couldn't point out how she is taking in the information.

   But soon she looks away, a dry chuckle leaving her mouth. " It's really a shame that he is not here to know how disgusted you are for still being in love with him!"

    Everyone looked at her, confusedly not understanding what she was implying.

She broke the lingering silence soon as sadness coated her face. " Great", she scoffed. 

" Just great! Now I get to know that both of you love each other leaving no chance to anyone else. And I've been a fool to still hope that I have chances left", she cried softly covering her face with her palms. " God! Why didn't I figure it out earlier!"

    But the boys who heard what she blurted out so carelessly as if it's something obvious looked at each other baffled.

" What?" Jungkook croaked out, clapping his palm over his mouth. " He still loves me?" he asked hopefully, his voice giving away how desperate he was to receive an affirmative response.

   He was confused and lost and he didn't know what to feel. Should he be happy that Tae still loves him or just confront her about what is then happening between the two for the past few months.


   But while he was in a daze unable to comprehend the situation, the previously calm girl was looking at him with a frown, her face displaying pure anger.

" Yes!", she started, startling the rest. " That boy is still in love with you!"She screamed, tears now flowing down her cheeks.

" Despite what you have done to him, all the pain you caused him, all the trouble you landed him into, that idiot still loves you. Just you", she snarled at the mentioned boy, who was now looking at her, not understanding what those words which meant no sense at all, meant.

But before he could ask something, she started sobbing violently, her body shaking in Jimin's embrace. 

" Why? Why does he still love you?", she was now crying again, her voice shaking.

 " After everything I've done for him, he is still in love with you. You are not the one who stayed with him all these times. You are not the one who took care of him. You are not the one who made sure that he is not starving himself. You are not the one who lulled him to sleep each night. You are not the one who stayed up all night to give him company when he couldn't sleep. You are not the one who helped him through his panic attacks. You are not the one who kept on reminding how precious he is", she stopped, looking up at the boys who were staring at her in shock or surprise or whatever they were feeling right now. Because it simply didn't make any sense to them.

" But still why is it that it's you who he loves? Why was he missing you like crazy when he was with me? Why can't he accept me? Why are you the only one he wants?", she sobbed harder. " Why is it hurting so much? Is this what happens when you love someone so much that you only know how to care about them?"

   Jimin sighed, before tightening his grip around the girl whose body now stopped shaking. He frantically looked back at the rest, scared that she may pass out anytime soon.

   But before he could alert the rest, Yanah moved away from him so abruptly that she nearly pushed him down. 

" Tae!", she cried out. " I don't know where he is. I haven't seen him since I left our apartment yesterday. I went back a few hours ago. But he's not there. I looked around the whole campus and everywhere he may go", she was now ranting on, clearly making no sense for the rest.

" And I even told him that there is no use in still loving that stupid boy because he is in love with someone else", she cried making Jungkook glare at her instantly. " Now I don't know where he is!"

Jimin sensing the anxiety rising, tried to calm her down. " Yanah, please stop doing this to yourself, just relax", he tried to make her understand. 

" Don't worry about him, after all he is a strong boy and we'll find him in no time. It's not like he always needs someone to take care of him", he said, only focusing on making her calm but it only did the opposite effect.

But she was not ready to listen or agree to his words. " No. No", she shakes her head. " You don't know anything. He is not the one whom you used to know. He has changed so much. He always needs someone by his side. He can't just be alone. He needs me. I know he has been waiting for me to go back the whole night. I know it. But now he is not in our apartment. It's not something he used to do", she said in a streak, that the boys really had to try hard to catch her words, which only added more to their confusion.

" What are you talking about?", Jin asked. " Tae knew how to"-

" I told you that he changed. Right?"She screamed, cutting him off. 

Jin closed his mouth immediately, shaken up. And the rest were equally shocked.

She sighed. " He is not the boy who used to hang out with you. So much has changed, even though you absolutely have no idea about it", she said, gritting her teeth.

" Can you make it clear?", Hoseok asked with all his patience running out.

She sighed, her gaze fixed on the floor.

" Tae has changed since that night", she let out another sigh. " That same night when I met him again after I Left him alone at the end of our high school!"

" What do you mean by that?" Jungkook looked at her, alarmed not wanting to get his previous doubts to be confirmed to be true.

And Yanah scoffed at him. " You are taking it in the wrong sense", she rolled her eyes as if reading his mind. 

" We are from the same high school and I have known him from the very beginning. But he has never noticed me or acknowledged my affinity which I never intended to keep hidden. After following him around like a lost puppy, I have left him alone and went to the States to continue my studies there. And after years, I get a chance to meet him again in that club that Friday night when he has left  after he got rejected", she finished off without giving them a chance to interrupt.

The boys looked at each other puzzled for a moment before they realized the situation. " So you two didn't know each other before coming here?" Jungkook asked, wanting to confirm but this time in a relaxed tone.

Yanah looked at him with an irritated sigh leaving her mouth. " That's what I said", she rolled her eyes. " But I met him in the club before we met again on campus!"

" Are you a stalker?"Hoseok asked suddenly, his face hardening at the possibility of her being one.

" You can call me that if you want", she shrugged. " Because I came back only for him", she said as if it was just as simple. " I thought it's going to be a long time before I get to even have a proper conversation with him. But the fate has something else planned for us, for him to go through something as horrible as that and me to suffer along with him", she sighed and the boys were not able to make any sense out of it.

She sighed again before her eyes landed on the ravenette. " I know most of the people here hate me", she said. " That's not because that's the only emotions I can evoke in them but that's the only thing they could do to me.."

    Jungkook rolled his eyes, somewhat surprised by her audacity to say that to his face. So she knows how much he hates her. And she knows the reason too.

He looked at her instantly, the thought dawning on him. " If you know that I'm not really fond of what's going on between you two, why did you lie to him? Why did you tell him that I am still in love with that bitch?"

   The rest were speechless seeing how they are not even caring about pretending to be civil anymore.

" I can't with these two", Jin sighed softly, turning to his boyfriend who only shrugged in return. And Jin rolled his eyes at the lack of response to his comment and turned to the front again, wanting to see how the drama was progressing.

" For my defense, I didn't know you really loved him like he loved you", she says. " I only know that you were jealous of us. And I thought it's because he has already left you behind", she said, making the rest sigh knowing this two wouldn't stop if they didn't intervene.

" Guys, can you please keep this aside right now?" Jiminn asked impatiently. " We need to find him first before you guys fight over him!"

But Yanah ignored him to complete her defense statement because she didn't find the need to leave misunderstandings when she could still clear them. " But I said that because I want him to leave you and love just me", she said, making the ravenette to look at her puzzled.

Is she really defending herself right now?

" And as I said already", she said. " I'm not a selfless person. And I didn't want to give up without a fight", she said, shrugging. 

" And I was too drunk out of my mind to think straight and know that I'm hurting him by saying those words. But to my surprise, he didn't even feel bothered about it. It's as if he knows something that I don't", she turned to the ravenette. " I think that he knows that you love him", she smirked, making the rest gasp not expecting something like that.

" And even after knowing that already,", she paused, re-creating a dramatic change. " He was staying away", she smiled. " I wonder why!"

    And the rest was not sure what they were supposed to do with the unexpected information being provided so kindly.

They were not able to understand a word she was blurting out before another broken sob left her lips suddenly making them startle.

" Oh god! What have I done!" she mumbled as she refused Jimin's attempts to get her to stand up from where she was sitting on the floor.

" He has been trying to reach me the whole night. But I was too caught up in my own misery, that I shut him off..", she cried, tears sweeping down. And the boys were done with her unpredictable behavior which has already given him a pounding headache.

" God I hope he is not thinking that I hate him or something. I hope he wouldn't take my words seriously..", she managed to mumble in between her broken sobs and the boys were completely clueless of what she was getting at.

" I can't believe that i hurt him when I know how hurt he was already..", She sobbed, not even trying to stop the tears that ran down her cheeks ceaselessly in front of an audience who are complete strangers for her besides having a strong dislike towards her.

" Why would he think that he would hate you?" Jungkook asked, even though he really doesn't want to talk to her after hearing everything she said even though it made no sense to him.

      But at least he was able to understand that she has hurted Tae after he has put his trust in her. 

   And he needs to know what this is all about. Because he couldn't help that wavering pain that has only been increasing now. And he was hoping it's not something related to Tae.

" I told him", she mumbled, looking up at them. " I shouldn't have", she cried. " But I did exactly what I shouldn't have. But what was I supposed to do when I couldn't think straight after  he suddenly said he was not able to get over you?"

Jungkook looked at her with a frown. " He was trying to move on?"

    She bit her lips harshly, not caring about the pain it was inflicting. " That was the whole intention behind our dating!"

" So it was not fake?" Hoseok gasped, his eyes widening as they shifted to the boy who had gone still at the information. 

Yanah shakes her head slowly. " No, but the efforts to make it actually work was always one-sided. He never pushed me away. But he never initiates anything either. He loves me, I know that'', she said softly. " But only platonically!"

   Jungkook looked at her in a daze. He was honestly getting mad at her for talking in riddles. Can't she be more precise. Am I supposed to read her mind now?

But the girl ignored the tension rising up around them and continued, occasional sobs leaving her mouth." I didn't know, I really didn't know that it was from you that he is trying to move on without getting succeed and not from that long disastrous night!"

" What do you mean? Which night?" Jungkook frowned at her for making it even more difficult to process anything.

Yanah looked at him, alarmed, her face suddenly filled with panic. " That night when we met again as I told you before I saved him from getting raped!"

" What?"

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