Bound To Fall

By LysMarieAuthor

52.2K 3K 680

****Story contains mature themes and adult content**** Book #1: Binding Agreement I could feel my breathing b... More

A Request Has Been Made For You
All Because Of One Stupid Misunderstanding
You Can Call Me Isabelle Or Ms. Avildsen
You Did This On Purpose
Baking Has Always Been My Escape
I Refuse To Forget
I Was Just A Pawn
I Don't Think I'm There Yet
Why Don't You Join Us For Lunch?
This Can't Happen
Your Secrets Are Safe With Me
Where The Hell Are Your Balls?
Get Out
Better Not Keep Him Waiting
Kiss Me And Prove Me Wrong
I Regret Nothing That Happened
How The Hell Did It Go So Wrong?
This Is What You Do To Me
Take Back Your Power
She Deserved Better From Me
Spoiled B*tches Were No Exception
She Was Looking For Me
I Missed This Version Of Us
The Devil Works Hard, But Damon Tipton Works Harder
We Need To Talk About It
You Left Me First
I Need You To Keep Going
There's Some Secrets
You Can Relax Now
You Have Just As Much Power
You Still Have Them?
Keeping Tabs On Her
You're With A Tipton Now
We Need To Communicate
You're Welcome Here Any Time
I Think This Goes Deeper
Something On His Mind
What Would You Do In This Situation?
She Has A Weakness Somewhere
I Want To Test Something
This One Urge
I Just Feel Like I Missed Out
Christmas With The Tiptons
On My Terms
I'd Kill Her First
I Let Myself In
Someone Who Gets It
You Need To Let Me Go
She's The One Who Made A Declaration Of War
You're Fitting In Well Around Here
Well, Spill It
What Did She Do Now?
They Couldn't Have Been For Mr. Tipton
No Reason I Could Think Of
You're Here A Lot
A Bloodline
You Know How That Girl Can React
It Was Meant To Be Between Our Children
He's Not Going To Tell You?
There's No Need To Suck Up
I'm All In
Like You Know Sh*t About Ethics
Take Away The Stress
What Does That Have To Do With Anything?
They Make Me Feel Like I'm One Of Them
This Is For You
Just A Feeling
Keeping An Eye On Things
He Was A Cover For Her
You'd Go That Far For Me?
Something Doesn't Add Up
I'd Like To Finish What I Started
The Sooner The Better
We've Got This
An Exchange
Let's Test Her
They Won't Bite
Just Thinking
She Was Provoked
Tell Me What It Is She Found
We Don't Run Away
What We Have Is Real
I Need Some F*cking Air
Show Me You're Sincere
Loving You Is Just A Losing Game
I'm Needed At The Office
His Burden To Bear
A F*cking Land Mine
The Last Chance
Just A Little Secret
I Will Stay In Touch
Not Everyone Can Be Perfect
You Should Give It A Few More Days
You Have Two Options
In The Afternoon
Clean Up Your Damn Mess
Dread Creeping In
I Need To See Her
I've Said All That I Needed To
The Love Of My Life
My Position Here
When The Time Is Right
I'll Go Into This Open Minded
We Need To Set Some Rules
Even If It's Just For Tonight
I'm Glad We Did This
I Stayed For Myself
Your New Assistant
I Think We're Moving In The Right Direction
Take Me Home Please
Something Didn't Feel Right
Never Contact Me Again
Everything I Need
The Job's Been Finished
Come With Me
Like A Little Sister
Where Did She Go?
I Want To Label Us
Added Condition
A Personal Tour?
Something My Girlfriend Can Attend To
Something Sinister
I Want You To Stay Behind
Take The Contract
So Heavenly
In Their Nature
Bake With Them
I Much Rather Watch
Girls Night
You Know How She Is
He Was Trying To Hide
A Shift In Things
Out For Lunch
Sudden Power Trip
An Example
Necessary Precautions?
A Surprise
He Looks Stressed
You're Just Like Your Father
You'll Always Have Me
I Was Lying
There's Got To Be A Reason
Don't Put Too Much Pressure
Spending Habits
Stood Up
Off Limits
Fight or Flight
You Can Do This
The Same Cycle
Put Your Heart Into It
Live Your Dream
A Matter Of Time
Second Thoughts
The Pressure
Truly Grateful
Sweet Escapes
We Are A Team
We've Got You
This Is Your Moment
A Plane To Catch
Something Isn't Right
Out For Blood
So We Meet Again
Let's Move
He's Ruined It
I'm Here
Time To Pay The Price
Clean Up
It Comes At A Cost
What's Next?
Thank You!!

One Step At A Time

165 10 2
By LysMarieAuthor


I walked up the steps of the mansion with a few bags in my hands. It had only taken about an hour for me to complete the list that Sterling sent.

I rang the doorbell and waited patiently for an answer. To my surprise, it was Kaydence who answered the door. Her smile grew wide as her green eyes fell on me.

"Thank you so much Isabelle." She spoke as she stepped aside to let me in. "Rose is on vacation and I didn't want to take Samuel out."

"It was no trouble at all." I assured her as she shut the door. "I'm happy that I could help. Where would you like me to put these bags?"

"Let's stick them in the kitchen for now." She responded as she took a few of them from me and led the way to the kitchen.


We placed the bags on the counter and then Kaydence turned her attention to me. "I hope this didn't take your attention away from anything important."

"It didn't." I shook my head. "I was just at the bakery going over a few things."

"Oh." I could see a hint of excitement take over her face. "How are things going so far?"

"They're alright." I exhaled a low sigh as my mixed feelings started to come out.

Kaydence raised a brow and I realized that I had said too much. I felt a lump in my throat but I swallowed it down hard. I pushed my mixed feelings aside and forced a smile onto my lips.

She noticed what I was doing immediately and shut it down. "Isabelle, don't do that. Don't force yourself to seem content with the change that's taken place. How is it really going?"

Another low sigh escaped my lips. "Not as great as I hoped. I've only made some very minor decisions because every time I'm in that place I feel this mix of emotions that I can't control."

She nodded as she gave me her full attention. "Samuel is sleeping, why don't you sit down and I'll get us something to drink. Do you have a preference?"

"No." I responded as I sat down at the kitchen island.

"Okay." She turned around and brewed us both a cup of tea. She brought one over to me and then placed the other next to me before walking over to take a seat on the stool next to me. "Now spill."

"I just feel a little conflicted about it." I confessed to her. "I know I should be grateful and thrilled, but I can't help the fact I feel pressure on me and I don't necessarily feel great about the fact Sterling chose to just give me a bakery."

"I see." She took a sip of her tea and set it back down. "What exactly are you feeling about it specifically?"

I feel a little conflicted letting it all out. I don't want to appear to be ungrateful, but Kaydence is one of the people I can trust to confide in. She was always there for me when I needed her before, this is no different.

"I feel like I should have earned it." I explained. "I don't feel like I deserve to just have it handed to me like this. I feel grateful that Sterling wants to give me the chance of a lifetime, but I'm worried about him wasting money on me. Giving me a business to have me run is a big risky move, it could end up just being a money pit for him and that will make me feel even worse."

"I understand how you feel." Her green eyes watch my orbs. "Damon did the same thing to me with Amethyst. He took me to the space and threw it onto me that I would be opening a store. It definitely was a lot to process."

"Yeah it is." I agreed as I picked up my cup of tea.

"If there's one thing I've learned about being in this family, it's that these men don't just throw their money around." She continued on. "They only invest into things that they believe will truly work. If Sterling is anything like his father, he did this because he has faith in you. He believes you can do it."

I nodded. "I know he does."

"I know that this seems a little scary and overwhelming." She gently placed a hand on my shoulder. "But all you need to do is take it one step at a time. Release the pressure and the guilt, at the end you'll only be letting yourself down if you pass up this opportunity."

She's right, she's absolutely right. If I tell Sterling to take it back then I have to live with the fact that I gave up the dream that's practically in the palm of my hands. I need to do this more for me than anything.

"I'll be honest with you, I don't think I would have Amethyst without Damon." Kaydence informed me. "I would have never had the chance to take such a leap into something without having any security. I had the dream and talent to be a designer, but with everything I had going on it would have never happened. Even with Damon, I still don't think I would have done it without him pushing me."

My brow raised. "Why?"

"I didn't believe in myself enough at first." She was open and honest, which started to make me feel a little better. "Even with Damon, fashion design was on the back burner for me. Our situation was a little different compared to yours of course, but it still was just a dream I didn't even consider chasing. Damon gave me the push that I needed to get started, I think that's what Sterling is meaning to do for you. It's not a hand out from him because you're together, it's him investing into your dream so you can make it a reality. If it doesn't work out, he'll be more disappointed for you than the loss of any money."

I took a second to process everything she's chosen to share with me. I appreciate her being so open and honest, it lets me see how similar my situation is to what hers was. It also makes me feel more confident that Sterling didn't just do this because he can.

"Do you have any other advice for me?" She's done this before, she'll be able to give me some tips to figure this out.

"Just do what you do best, bake." She gave me a gentle smile. "As for the business side, run things your way but at least hear Sterling out on a few things. He will help guide you through this and before you know it, you'll be doing it all on your own. You have what it takes Isabelle, you can do this."

I felt like a weight was being lifted off of me the more I spoke to Kaydence and gave her my concerns. Everything I was holding in were the same things she has felt before. She helped talk me through it all and I finally pushed all the negative thoughts away once and for all.

I feel confident taking over this bakery and making it my own, not just for Sterling but for myself.

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