Von stag__prongs

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Follow the Marauders and Valkyries (Lily, Marlene, Mary) as they enter their FIFTH YEAR in Hogwarts. How... Mehr

2.Professor Patrick Rakepick
3. Stag, Wolf, Dog, and Rat
4. The Pranks
5. The Beatles
7. Best Pair
8. The Dueling Championship
9. The Shrieking Shack
10.YELLOW SUBMARINE( final duel)
12. The Ball
13.The Valkyries
14. The Mary Incident
15. The Attack
16. Detention with Hagrid
17. The Stalker
18. Sirius' Prank Mistake
20. Choices
21.The Marauding Campsite
22. O.W.Ls and Mudblood
23. True Friends
24. End of 5th Year
25.Aunt May Parker(and Uncle Ben)
26.Petunia Loves Lily (a nice one)
27. Godric's Hollow(an' ol' Bathilda)
28. Prongs with stags and deers(back to hogwarts)
29. Potions Partner
30. Through the Light
31. The Funeral
32.Helping Dumbledore (and Love Potions)
33. Misunderstanding
37. Sectumsempra
38. The Dancing Queen
39.The Dark Day
41.Voldemort's Only Love(Tom and Aisha)
42. A Dog Ate My Homework(and Knockturn Alley)
43. The First and The New Death Eaters
44. The Boggart (not again)
45. The Death Eaters' Attack
46. The Offer (Dumbledore vs Grindlwald)
47. Jily Meets Harry Potter(time-turner incident)
48. The Chamber of Secrets
49. The Prophecy (end of 6th year)
50. In Leaky Cauldron
51. Living With The Evans
52. Head Duties
53. The Good News!
54. The Sad News!
55. Halloween (A shoulder to cry on)
56. The Blonde Marauders
57. Thanatos' New Partner
58. First Kill
59. Snape and Narcissa
60. Promises.
61. Tuney's wedding( Lily's explanation)
62. Patronuses (Soulmates)
63. King of Forest(comfort)
64. Slytherin's Locket
65. The Messages (Peter's decision)
66. Nagini (The Lignum Family)
67. The Proposal (HAPPY TOGETHER)
68. NEWTs(Quidditch Finals)
69. The Secrets of Dumbledore(eavesdropper)
70. Graduation (ORDER OF PHOENIX)
71. The Mckinnons(Big Ben Attack)
73. Albania, Vampires and Captured
74. It's Potter. Lily Potter (wrecking ball)
75. Legends Never Die
76. My Gallant Hero
77. The Unexpected Help
78. The Only One He Ever Feared(Gringotts)
79. Voldemort's Reign (TRAITOR)
80. The Flaw in the Plan

19. The Broken Friendship

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Von stag__prongs

Peter has remained with Sirius that night. Sirius has realized later the seriousness of his prank.

Peter was grateful to have The Marauders map as it gave him the access to know that everything was okay by the end when Snape has gone to the headmaster's office but he slifgtly panicked when he saw James and Lily's dot going to Hospital wing, but they had walhed means it was not serious and Peter knew that if Lily was there then he need not worry. So he focused on Sirius that night.

A letter has fallen in front of Sirius and Peter with a flash of light. Pete took the note and read it.

    Sirius Black, you are to report to Headmaster's office tomorrow at 9 a.m. 
     The mishap has been prevented, thanks to Mr. Potter.

     P.S. Mr. Peter Pettigrew you are also requested to report at the same time.

     - Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, chocolate cluster.

"What is it?" asked Sirus.

"Dumbledore has summoned us tomorrow at 9 a.m." replied Pete.

"You too? Why?" asked Sirius.

"I guess he might want to know about everything." replied Pete.

"I messed up, didn't I Pete? Oh god what have I done?" said Sirus punching his bed.

"What you did was wrong. But it was Snape's fault more. You should relax now, what has been done has been done, we can't change that. We will face what happens tomorrow." said Peter.

James woke up to find himself in the hospital wing, Lily was sitting on a bed next to her reading  paper. Then James remembered what has happened the previous night, he saw Remus' bed at the corner of the room. He sat up.

"You stayed here?" asked James to Lily, who jumped and looked around at James.

"Are you alright? How is your chest?" asked Lily.

"Its fine" replied James touching the healed spot and then turned to look at Remus' bed which has covers hung around it. He looked back at Lily.

"Please don't tell anyone especially Remus that he has accidentally hurt me, he will get all sad and worried." said James. Lily was shocked the first thought James has had was about Remus' worry.

"But they will know that you were here."

"We will tell that I got hurt from Whomping Willow" offered James.

"Okay. But are you okay, Poppy said it was a cursed injury so it will leave scar for quite a long time." Lily asked with a worried expression.

"Yeah it doesn't hurt anymore. So, you stayed here all night?" asked James

"Yeah I didn't wanted to go back so I stayed." said Lily, she could feel her face going red. James nodded and stared at the front wall.

After 20 minutes the nurse entered the wing. She gave a potion to James and then went to Remus' bed. She returned to James and Lily after 10 minutes of examining Remus.

"He is awake, but will need some time to regain his control . Dumbledore will come here at 8, means in 10 minutes. He wanted to talk to you all. Now don't make any noises till Lupin comes out, he is sensitive to light and sound for few minutes." whispered Poppy and left.

After 5 minutes Remus left his bed and approached James and Lily, he was looking pale, he got near the bed nearest to James and lied on his back and turned his face to a worried looking James .

"Tell me what happened, please, I know something has happened last night, I guess you were there, I caught your scent and someone else was there but I didn't racognised him. Have I hurt you or someone?" pleaded Remus. 

"You didn't hurt me or anyone Remus, the door was closed, and I was on the other side so you must have smelled me." said James.

"And who was the other person, it wasn't Sirius or Peter I know, so who was it, because I remember getting all aggressive and losing my mind completely." 

"Snape, but he is okay." said James slowly.

"But how did he got inside?" asked Remus at that time the Hospital door opened, an old man came inside and locked the door behind him and then flicked his wand at the door.

"Morning students."

"Morning Professor." replied the three.

"So, James please tell the entire story for Remus and I, please?"asked Dumbledore and James told everything to them.

"Sirius, I can't believe." whispered Remus.

"Who all know about Remus' condition?" asked the Professor.

"I, Sirius, Peter, Lily, Mary, Marlene and now Snape" replied James.

"Very well. Now I would like all three of you to report my office by 9, if that's okay with you Remus?" 

"Yes Professor." and Dumbledore left.


The five students were sitting in the headmaster's office.

"I have heard all the sides of the last nights events from Snape, James, Sirus, Peter, Lily and Remus. It should have not happened. Sure it was Mr. Snape's mistake to follow Remus all around and then going in the Willow, but his foolishness was more due to curiosity . Sure he provoked you, Sirius , but it gives you no excuse to do what you did yesterday. You are the guilty one here, do you accept this?"

"Yes, professor. I am sorry" replied Sirius looking at his lap.     

"I talked to Mr. Snape last night and in the morning and he has sworn me not to tell anyone about you Remus, he will leave you alone." Remus nodded.

"Mr. Black, you should be thankful to Mr. Potter that he prevented the incident otherwise it would have ended really badly. Mr. Black, you could be expelled for this but I am not expelling you, but you are banned from the quidditch team for a lifetime and have detention for the rest of the term." said Dumbledore.  Sirius didn't speak anything and just nodded.

"That will be all, you may go now." said Dumbledore and they all left.

As they got out of the office, Sirius spoke. "I am sorry James that you have to get in danger, Snivellus got in my mind and I got really angry so I just played a prank to terrify him and...." but he was cut by James.

"I don't want to talk to you and dont apologize to me, apologize to Remus." he snapped and left.

"I will go and look after him." said Lily to the boys and left to follow James.

 "Remus, Snape provoked me and I just lost control . I realized later about the mistake, please forgive me." said Sirius.

"You still shouldn't have lost the control. I am going I have to rest, sorry." and with that Remus started walking to hospital wing, but was having difficulty as this time he didnt have the support of James . Sirius started to move to help him but Peter stopped him.

"I will help him and explain everything, don't worry Remus will understand." and Peter moved and put Remus hand around his shoulder to support him.

To prevent incidents like this Dumbledore informed the school half the story that Snape by mistake has gone inside the Whomping Willow and that James has saved him from the danger inside there, and has requested the student body not to go near the Whomping Willow if they love their life.

The marauders were now separated, Sirius tried to speak to James but he refused to talk to him at all. Peter has eventually convinced Remus to forgive Sirius. Remus has forgiven him only after Sirius has sworn not to do anything like this ever again. But James continued to refuseto talk about Sirius or here about him from any of his friends.

He now avoided Sirius in great hall and classes. The first night neither James nor Sitius returned to the dorm, James slept in common room while Sirius spent the night outside.
 Remus and Peter were only together bouncing between Sirius and James.

"I think James takes it as his responsibility that the incident happen" Remus told to others.

It has been more than two weeks since the incident, and James has still not forgiven Sirius. Marlene, Lily, Remus and Peter has all tried to convince him to forgive Sirius but he ignored them.

"He did the mistake he should pay for it. Remus could have been expelled and Snape could have been killed. I just don't want to talk to him yet." James has told Marls and Lily.

The whole school has soon noticed that the inseparable duo, who were like brothers were now not talking to each other. Even the teachers noticed it, especially Minnie, who always asked James and Sirius to sit separately and scolded them, was now less enthusiastic in class and kept looking between James and Sirus.   

Lily found herself spending more time with James, as Sirius was not around him, he has stopped pranking and making fun of others and was focusing more on O.W.Ls. The potions study session were both fun and helpful for Lily as James also used to help her with transfiguration.

"Moonstone uses is an easy topic, I don't get it what you don't understand about it? This is an easy topic." asked Lily when James was complaining about moonstone essay.

"Its just all theory and it gets boring, and I don't understand just like you don't understand the laws of vanishing ." teased James.

"Hey, I tried to read it five times but it just doesn't makes sense, what does it even mean by 'vanished objects go into nonbeing, which is everything', it doesn't make sense." protested Lily. 

"It means that when we vanish the object, mind you an inanimate object, it particles split in the surrounding nature, so what I mean is that the object breaks into millions of pieces which have no physical significant themselves as they are very small, so that's why they are nonbeing and as its tiny particles are now free to attach themself to everything, so thus everything." explained James.

"Oh! and why it can't be used on animate objects?" asked Lily.

" Because animate objects have the tendency to move, change, adapt and mutate so they do not vanish, they can be made invisible only by disillusionment charm," answered James.

"Thanks," Lily said and started noting down everything. "Can you explain the other laws as well?" asked Lily.

"I thought this was supposed to be Potions study session where you are supposed to teach me?" teased James.

" I am doing you a favor by teaching you the potion otherwise I would have given more time to transfiguration, so it's your mistake, now explain to me and I will explain you about moonstone later." said Lily.

"Ok, so I will help you with whatever topic or subject you are weak at and you will do the same for me. Deal?" asked James putting forward his hand.

"Deal" Lily shook his hand. "But you will not annoy me, or I will hex you."

"Chill lady, I will not annoy you, okay but we can have fun in between."

"That's okay. Now, explain the other laws." Lily said and James explained to her and later Lily explained to him about moonstone.

Lily was now trying to ignore Snape since that night's event and found that Snape was now more angry at the marauders after Dumbledore told the school about James saving his life. Snape was now avoiding talking to any of the marauders but he has increased the amount of complaints about Marauders especially James to Lily,  he sometimes used to insult about James to her. Lily knew that Snape was unaware of the fact that Lily was present that night near the Willow and has heard the conversation between him and James. Everytime Snape said any insult about James to Lily, she has to control herself from telling Snape that he should be grateful to James and not insulting him. She knew that this was due to the fact that he hated James and was jealous of him. This was the reason Lily was now hiding things from Snape. Befor she used to tell Sev about everything but this year she has not been completely open to Snape.

She has lied to him that the study session with James were bad, because if she told him the truth that she was enjoying the study session, Snape will become angry, she has tried sometimes to tell him that James was not all bad but all has gone in vain as Snape has started his own comments at James. So, Lily has given up on reducing Snape's hatred and was focusing on good things. But Snape being ignorant of her in front of his mates was not helping. And then there was the dark arts.

Lily could feel that their friendship was breaking apart everyday but she doesn't wanted to lose her oldest friend. But she knew that if Snape doesn't change his ways soon , their friendship will be over. She just couldnt gather the courage to face Snape and tell him to change his ways in the fear of losing Snape. Lily was afraid.

Sirius was sad that James was still angry with him, he has tried to explain himself to James but James continued ignoring. He was thankful to Remus, and Peter for their support. Marlene has left them as she couldnt bear studying anymore.

It was afternoon time and classes were finished, most people spent their times outside the castle in sun playing, talking, studying or doing there homework.

James, Lily, Mary, Peter, and Remus were sitting together, Remus was explaining them about The International Warlock Convention of 1289, an important topic of O.W.Ls.

"Oh Moony, why were the subcommittee of Sardinian Sorcerers was also involved in the convention ? Can you explain again?" sighed James.

"No, I have explained it three times now, and I will not explain it again." said Remus. "You should pay more attention."

"It wasn't my mistake that Lily has her hair tied in a ponytail." protested James.

Lily jerked her head to right where James was sitting beside her. "What does my hair style has to do with your attention, Potter?"

"Move your head towards left where Moony is sitting." said James and Lily did so, and while doing so the end of her pony brushed James face. The others laughed and Lily realized what must has happened.

"Sorry." she said to James.

"Its okay I was quite enjoying it on my face now I was thinking you know if you want to go to a date ." said James sheepishly.

"Please stop it Potter you know going on a date is the last thing on my mind with all that rubbish History chapters which I think are only for nerds, no offense Remus." said Lily.

"None taken, Lily. Beside you two are more nerdy." Remus pointed at James and Lily.

"Oh puh-leaze, we are cool people" said James

"Now please teach about subcommittee of Sardinian Sorcerers, please." said Mary.

"Ok but for the last time." surrendered Remus.

Marlene found Sirius, sitting on a bench and practicing Colour change charm on his bag.

"Hey Sirius, have you already mastered History?" asked Marls

"Pretty much I study it at night it helps in sleeping. Where you headed?" 

"I have to write my essay on Salamander blood so I am going to get my Potions book from dorm."

"Great I have to do it too,I will come with you so I can get my book and we can do it together."

They both left towards the Gryffindor tower, they were half way when Sirius was hit by a spell, he froze and fell to ground on his back. Marlene bent on her knees .

"Sirius what happened?" she asked to the frozen body.

"Look the blood-traitors are here."said someone.

Marlene took out her wand to look up but a red spark hit her and her wand flew from her hands.

"I would not attack if I were you." said Avery.

"Sirius Black and his traitor friend, both disgrace to the wizarding world." said Synde

"Black lured you into that Willow eh Severus? Now is the time to get revenge." said Mulciber.

"Leave him, striking when no one's around, you all are cowards." said Marls.

"We are not cowards." hissed Snape.

"Now let us do something of Black." said Avery smiling.

Synde moved forward and kicked Sirius' face breaking his nose.

"Stop it" Marls got up to attack Synde with her fist.

"Levicorpus" said Avery and Marls was hanged upside down by her toes, the slytherins burst into laughing.

"This spell of yours is ver useful Severus" laughed Avery.

Sirius saw with anger as Marlene hunged upside down, he thanked god that she was wearing Jeans. 

"Put me down" shouted Marlene angrily.

"Oh we will but your jeans first" laughed Synde.

"No please don't" cried Marls her eyes now filled with tears. Mulciber silenced her with a silencing spell.

Sirius felt anger and with all force he broke free from the curse but Mulciber noted him.

"Impedementa" said Mulciber "Enjoy the show Sirius" and then Snape hit Sirius with another spell and Sirius hit the wall of the corridor with force and fell on the ground with a thud.

Unaware to all of them, a bird in a portrait has seen all this and it flew through all the portraits towards the staff room.

"You should have joined our side Black, now you will regret being a traitor." said Synde.

"Hey guys should we begin the show."laughed Avery and with a flick the button opened, Marlene held the jeans with her hand as hard as she could.

"Shh someone is coming" said Mulciber, they all froze to listen a pair of footsteps and then ran in opposite direction.

Soon MacGonagall approached the scene to find an injured Sirius on floor and a crying Marlene whose voice was not coming out.

The professor put Marlene down and removed the silencing charm and took them both to the hospital wing.Malrene told the professor everything that happened to her and Sirius. MacGonagall consoled Marlene and left. Marlene thought the good thing was MacGonagall came at right time and assured her that the news about the incident will not spread out. But the incident shook Marlene to the core.

Sirius hasn't spoken to her he lay on the bed next to hers in hospital wing with eyes closed and fist clenched, he has bandages on his nose and head. Tears continue to fall from Marlene's eye.

Soon the hospital wing opened and their friends came in. Lily saw her crying and reached her to hug her. Sirius opened his eyes to look at his friends.

"What happened MacGonagall said you may want our company but she refused to tell us what has happened, oh thanks god you alright Marls, Minnie said Sirius was hurt but she said you need us, what happened?" asked Lily.

Marlene bury her head in Lily's shoulder and cried but didnt spoke anything. James approached Sirius.

"Sorry mate for behaving all angrily recently, I am sorry. What happened ? You are badly hurt." asked a worried James.

"I should be the one to say sorry James, I was stupid I am sorry please forgive me." said Sirius trying to sit but failed.

"I forgive you Prongs just don't to it again. You are like my brother." said James.

"It means a lot Prongs and you too are like my brother too." said Sirius.

"Now what happened to you?" asked James.

"Nothing happened to me mate. The worst happened with Marlene." said Sirius.

James moved and sat beside Marlene and started patting her back. "What happened Marls?"

But Marlene didnt removed her face from Lily's shoulder.

The hospital door opened and MacGonagall walked in.

"What happened professor?" asked Mary.

MacGonagall looked at all of them for few moments, then looked at Marlene she was looking sad.

"Alright but you all will not tell about it to anyone and Potter and Black I warn you not to so anything stupid because I have already written letters to their parents and have given them strict warnings." 

"What are you talking about ?"asked James.

"Sirius has already given his words and now I want your promise that you will not do anything about what I am about to tell you. Do you promise Potter that you will do nothing wrong?" asked Minnie.

James took a moment before nodding. Minnie than told them about what has happened earlier.

"How dare they do such things and why don't you just expell them all? What guarantee is there that it will not happen again?" Lily said through gritted teeth while James was just silent his hold on Marlene has tightened and his eyes has gone watery.

"We cant just expell them Miss Evans and I assure you there are magic that prevent anything like this or anything worst from happening. Hogwarts' castle has magic to provide help to whoever needs it. That's why no foul things has ever happened to any girl ......... or any boy." said MacGonagall. " I will request you all not to tell anyone else about the incident ".She stayed there for few minutes than left .

Lily's inside was burning with anger as she continued patting Marlene, they all had definitely over crossed line this time. And she knew very well that the spell belonged to Snape, the slytherins were the first to used it in their third year and Lily has first noticed the spell in Snape's book and he has taken the credit for it happily. They used to do it on boys, so it wasn't that big deal and it has became a laugh around the school, but the fact that they used it on a girl was just bad. Though MacGonagall told that it eas mostly Avery who has began doing the dirty thing, but Snape was there and he hasn't stopped them again and even has allowed them to use his spell on Marlene.

Marlene was the boldest girl Lily has seen, many times Lily took inspiration from her boldness and has become tough. Marlene has cried before but not like this. 

She looked at James who was just looking at Marls, his eyes watery and jaws clenched. It has been half an hour since Minnie left but none of them has spoken, the only voice was of Marls sobbing. Soon Madam Pomfrey came holding a goblet with blue fumes.

"Dear Marlene, please drink this it will help you." said Poppy in a low voice.

Marlene emerged and nodded then drank the potion, her eyes has gone all red. After finishing the potion she just stared at the floor for few minutes while James continued patting her back and Lily was rubbing her shoulder. Marlene then looked directly at James.

"You will teach them a lesson wont you?" she asked her voice was now laced with anger. 

"Of course I will teach them a lesson, no one touches my friends and you are my sister, they will have to pay for it really badly, they are all going to regret it." said James in a low voice but it was dangerous.

"I know you will, and I know you don't care about MacGonagall's promise and neither do I , but she really helped and we should respect her for that. Give those scums a warning and if they do anything again then we will go all out on them." said Marlene.

"Not now, now is not a good time, we will wait when there detentions will be over when they will think we forget about this. They will think that Marls and I haven't told anyone so they will relax. We will warn them when they will least accept it, they hurt our friend we will show them what happens if anyone does anything to our friends." said Sirius which shocked everyone as he was always reckless.

"I agree with Padfoot on this one, now they will be alert." said Peter and James nodded.

They remained there for few hours and then bid their good bye to Sirius, who was to discharge tomorrow and left.

Lily hasn't said anything but she was still angry at what happened to and what could have happened to Marlene.
The time has come for her to confront Snape about it. If he was really her best friend that she knew from before hogwarts than he would leave the friendship of those evil people behind. Or she was now ready to let go of the Friendhip. She can no longer act as though Severus was still her old friend, she need to confront him.    



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