A Wild Ride | AU Dabi Fanfic

By sup3rn0va_x

57.5K 1.1K 2.1K

"Look, Akira. There are a lot of things that you don't know. You need to realize that I'm not the one you sho... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three


1.8K 37 160
By sup3rn0va_x



Username: birdsofparadis
Playlist title: ‧͙⁺˚*。・:*˚:


*∞:.pls vote and comment .:∞*

Akira's POV

Today is my Mother's Birthday, so I'm unfortunately heading over there now.

Oh well, at least I get to see Daichi.

"Good evening, Ms. Kojima."

"Hi, Liro. Where is everyone?"

"In the dining hall. They are waiting for you."

"Great." I mumble to myself.

I take my time walking to the dining hall, dreading every moment that passes.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. It's pouring out." I greet my Mother, "Happy Birthday. I left your gift with Liro."

"Thank you, darling."

I look around at the nearly empty table, "Where is everyone?"

"Oh, we decided it would be best to celebrate with just our small family."

Seriously? That doesn't sound like my Mother at all.

No wonder she told me to dress casual...

"What she means to say is that they are having the party this weekend, instead."

Of course.

"This weekend? Isn't the holiday party this weekend?"

"Yes. It's going to be a party for both. And I expect you to be there in better attire than that."

"You told me to dress casual tonight. Sorry that my two thousand dollar sweater is too casual for you."

And now I can't wait to fucking leave.


"You've gotta come over. I have it all decorated for the holidays. And I did it all by myself."

"I'm sure it looks lovely. If only we could celebrate with just the two of us."

"Ugh, I know. Instead, we have to ring in the New Year with our dreadful parents and a bunch of strangers."

"At least we'll have each other. And all of the staff is invited, so Suki will be there, won't she?"

"Yeah, unless she goes out. I'll have to see." I hug Daichi goodbye, "It was good to see you."

"You, too. I'll see you in a couple of days, sis."

Shit, the rain got worse. And now the wind is blowing, too. It's freezing.

I really need to learn how to dress warmer.

The car ride home was a little chaotic, due to the weather. But it was actually kind of peaceful.

Until just now when I slammed on my breaks.

"Oh, my god! A kitten!"

Shit. I have to go out and save it.

Okay, time to brace the rain.

"Hi, kitty! Come here, it's okay. Pspsps... come here." As I slowly walk closer to it, getting absolutely soaked, it takes off and runs into the woods. "Shit! Come back! Ah, dammit!"

Sorry, little guy. I tried.

I run back to my car, pulling on the handle... only to realize that I'm fucking locked out.

"You've got to be kidding me! This is not fucking happening right now."

And of course my phone is locked inside, too.

I could smash the window... but I really don't want to.


This road is busy enough... maybe someone will drive by?

I don't mind the rain, but shit, is it fucking cold out.

Maybe if I pull a bunch of times on the handle it'll open.

God, that's never going to work.

About ten minutes pass by, not a single car has driven by, and I've officially given up.

I'm wet. I'm cold. Probably going to die of hypothermia.

Wait, I see headlights!

I stand by my car, waving my arms, thankfully getting the car's attention. They pull over in front of my car, and get out.

Well, it was either I die of hypothermia or die being murdered by a stranger. Let's see what happens.

"Akira?" He calls as he gets closer, "What the hell are you doing out here?"

No fucking way.

"What do you think? I locked myself out."

"Why didn't you call for help?"

"Oh, wow, why didn't I think of that? Obviously, if I had my phone, I wouldn't be standing here right now!"

"Get in my car, come on."

We run back to his car, which was beautifully warm inside, and it takes me a second to speak.

"Damn, you're shivering like crazy." He says as he blasts the heat and turns on my seat warmer.

"W-Well, yeah."

"Your lips are fucking blue, holy shit. Here," He reaches in the back seat and hands me a blanket, "Take your clothes off and wrap yourself in this."

"W-what?! A-are y-you c-c-crazy?"

"Your clothes are soaking wet. You're never going to warm up if you stay in them. Your shoes, too. Relax, I won't look."


I struggle to take my clothes off due to shivering so much, but I finally manage.

And I really hate to say that I actually feel better already.

Might I mention that it was incredibly hard to not stare at him as he took off his own shirt and put a dry hoodie on.

"What should I do with them?" He takes them from my hand and throws them in his backseat, "Now your cars gonna be all wet."

"It's leather, it'll be fine. Do you feel okay now?"

"Better, yeah. Thanks, Keigo." His expression changes for a moment, "What is it?"

"Nothing. Just... forgot I told you my real name." He clear his throat while lowering the heat a bit, "What the hell were you doing out of your car in the first place?"

"I uhh... I saw a kitten in the road."

He rolls his eyes, "Are you serious? You stopped for a fucking kitten?"

"Yes. Shut up."

"Jesus, peach. Why didn't you just smash the window?"

I scoff, "Do you not see what car I drive? I wasn't smashing the window."

"So, you were just planning on getting hypothermia and freezing to death?"

"No! I don't know. Well, I'm fine now. So, what does it matter?"

"Yeah, you're fine because I saved you, again. You're welcome."

"Hey, I said thank you. Stop being sassy with me and help me figure out what to do with my car."

"What do you mean? We have to leave it."

"Leave it?! Someone's gonna steal it!"

"So, call whoever works for your rich family to come and get it."

"Oh. I guess I could do that."

"Jesus." He says under his breathe.

"Wait, I don't have my phone."

"Use mine."

"I, uhh... can't."


"I don't know the number."

"Anyone's number you do you know?"

I hesitate, "No."

He scoffs, "Seriously, Akira?"

"It's not my fault! I literally suffer from memory loss. Certain things slip my mind sometimes."

"Not even your Mom? Dad? Brother? You don't have any of their numbers memorized?"

"No. It's so– wait... how do you know I have a brother?"

"Oh, uhh... Dabi. He told me."

"Oh, good. I'm so glad to know that asshole feels the need to share my business." I look at him, "Sorry. Didn't mean to call your friend an asshole. But he is."

"You're not wrong about that. I'm assuming you don't have a spare house key anywhere, either?"


"To my house it is, then."

"Wait, what? You're going to take me to your house?"

"Unless you want to sleep outside naked all night in the rain."

Totally forgot I wasn't wearing any clothes.

I could've asked him to bring me back to my parents, but I think I'd rather freeze to death than have to stay overnight in that house.

"You can borrow some of my clothes."

Guess I don't really have a choice.

"What about my car?"

"I'll have one of my guys come get it tonight."

"I don't want to leave it. Do you mind if we wait until they come get it?"

"Yeah. I'll call him now."


This is going to be a long night.


"Just a heads up, I don't live alone."


"Jin and Shigaraki live here with me. Sometimes Himiko, too. But I don't think they're home, so you're good."

Oh. Well, that makes me feel a little better.

Wonder who Himiko is...

I wrap the blanket tightly around my body as we walk through the house to his bedroom, and for some reason my heart was beating faster than normal.

"Here," He takes out a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, "You can wear these."


"I'll be out there."

I smile and nod at him, but the second he closes the door I let out a deep breath.

What the hell is wrong with me?

This is so weird. Being in his house all alone. I mean, it doesn't seem like he has any intentions other than helping me.

I walk through the house towards where I heard noise coming from, and wind up in the kitchen.

"You hungry or anything?"

Aaaand his shirt is off.



"Oh, I'm good, thanks."

"Okay, then how about a drink? You look like you could use one."

"Gee, thanks."

He chuckles, "Not in a bad way. What's your poison?"

"Pretty much anything. Except scotch."

He turns around to make our drinks, when I notice two fairly sized scars slashed down the right and left sides of his spine.



Shit, I said that out loud?

"Uhh... nothing."

"You saw the scars, didn't you?"

I hesitate, "Yeah. Sorry."

"It's fine. Doesn't bother me. And since I know you're gonna ask what happened– I was stabbed."

"Oh my–"

"It comes with the job. Nothing I can't handle, peach."

He hands me a glass, but his eyes travel up and down my body.

I'm wearing his baggy ass clothes and he's still staring at me.

Now I need to make things less weird.

"So, where is everyone?" I say as I take a seat on the counter.

"Not sure. Probably out with Dabi."

"Why aren't you?"

He leans forward, "Well, aren't you nosy tonight?"

I slouch down, "Sorry."

"It was a joke."


"I just didn't feel like going with them. That's all. And good thing I didn't. Or else you'd be a block of ice right about now."

"Guess I ruined your Saturday night."

"No one said anything about it being ruined."

And it's now it's awkwardly silent. Cool. I should say something.

"Hey... I have a question."

"Course you do."

I roll my eyes, "Tch."

He chuckles, "Go on."

"Anyway... umm... why... do you keep helping me? Don't you hate me?"

"I don't hate you."

"You don't?"

He sighs, "No."

"But... Dabi told me that you would always say all of this stuff whenever he'd hang out with me."

"Yeah, I would."


"Because," He walks closer to me, "What we do... our job... it's important. You were a distraction for him. He couldn't focus on anything, he would forget important shit. This isn't a job where he can afford to not be paying attention. One screw up and it can all go to shit. But ever since he cut things off with you... he's been back to normal."

I scoff, "Yeah. I could tell by all of the different girls he brings home. I'm sure that's his normal life style."

"So, you've been watching him?"


"What? No. Just... he's my neighbor, and I see him..."

"You're a bad liar, peach."

I sigh, "Okay, fine. So what? I know it's pathetic. I don't need to hear it."

He hesitates, "You really like him, don't you?"

Why are we talking about this...

"I... I don't know. I mean... I did. It's so stupid when you think about it. I knew... exactly who he was when I met him. The type of guy he is. And I still let myself fall for him. I barely knew anything about him. Yet, I told him practically every detail about my fucking life. I told him things nobody else knew. And he just... pretended to care. Everything he said... it was all a lie. Just so that he could get what he wanted... and sleep with me. It was my own fault that I got hurt."

God dammit.

"And here I am trauma dumping again. I'm sorry. I'm just gonna keep drinking and shut the hell up."

And now we're back to even more awkward silence. Awesome.

I'm a fucking idiot.

This is so embarrassing.

"Here," He tosses me something, "Peach."

"You got more jellies?"


I give him a smile, "Thanks."

Okay. No more sadness or awkwardness.

"Ooh, I wonder how it would taste if I mixed some in the drink." I squeeze some into the glass, getting some on the outside of it. "Shit, I'm making a mess."

As I'm licking the outside of the glass and my fingers, Keigo takes my hand, and slowly licks the jelly off of it. His tongue glided across my palm to the tip of my index finger ever so softly, all while never breaking eye contact with me.

"W-What are you doing..."

My breathing has become heavy. My heartbeat, erratic.

He doesn't respond, just keeps his eyes locked on both my lips and my eyes.

Fuck it.

We suddenly collide our mouths together at the same time, kissing ferociously. Our tongues were mixing together so messily, but I wanted more. His hands explore underneath the shirt I was wearing and as he goes to take it off... I let him. I'm lifted up off of the counter, being carried somewhere else.

Oh my god.

What the hell am I doing?


I don't want to stop.

He's a good kisser.

A really good kisser.

As he lays me down on his bed, our kiss never breaks once. He trails kisses down my stomach as he takes the sweatpants off, then comes back up to me.

He looks down as he hovers over me, "Tell me you want this."

"What?" I say as I heavily breathe.

"Tell me... Akira. Tell me what you want. Because once I start... I won't be able to stop."


I look up at him, eyes full of lust, "I want you... Keigo."


What is all that noise...

I blink a few times to clear my vision so that I can check the clock, "Shit, it's late."

Keigo rolls over and puts his arm over me, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing. Just woke up from the noise."

He groans, "Sorry. The guys must've just gotten home. They'll quiet down in a sec."

I close my eyes as I snuggle against his arm, immediately feeling sleepy again.

"Yo, Keigo! The hell are you sleeping for?"

The sound of the door opening and the light being turned on causes us to wake up.

"Oh, shit. You were with a girl? My ba– Akira?!"

Well, this is great.

"What the fuck is going on here?"


"Did you fuck her?"

"What's with all the yelling?" A blonde girl says as she walks in behind Dabi.

"Answer the fucking question."

Oh, wow.

This is bad.

"You know what? Don't. I don't fucking care."

"Dabi, wait–" I call out while getting out of the bed and putting a shirt on. "Can you just stop for a second?"

"Why? Don't you have my friend to finish fucking?"

"Relax, Dabi. Stop yelling at her."

Before anyone can speak again, Dabi's fist is met with Keigo's face. "I don't want to hear another fucking word out of your mouth."

"Dabi, chill!" Jin says while holding him back.

"Get off of me."

He storms out of the house, but I run after him. "Dabi, can we talk? Stop walking away."

"Go talk with your new boyfriend."

He keeps walking but I stop. "Why the hell do you care so much?"


"Why do you care that I fucked Keigo?"

He scoffs while laughing, "Keigo, huh? Didn't know you guys were so close."

"Answer my question."

"I don't have to tell you anything."

"Yeah, you kind of do! You have absolutely no right to be mad over this. You told me you were done with me. Meaning I was free to be with whoever I wanted, just like you are. You didn't see me storming into your bedroom while you had a different girl in it every night."

"So you picked my best friend to fuck? Was Haruko not enough for you?"

"Why do you care so much?"

"I don't!" He shouts.

"No?" I walk closeup to him, "Then what I do, and who I do it with... is absolutely none of your damn business." I smirk, "If I want to fuck Keigo... then I will."

"Not if I kill him."

I laugh, "Wow, Dabi. Correct me if I'm wrong... but it almost sounds like you care who I fuck."

"I don't. I care that it's him."

"Why? I'm sure you've shared plenty of girls before... why am I any different? Oh, wait, I'm not. You said it yourself, remember?"

He doesn't say anything, but looks away from me.

"I'm giving you one last chance, to tell me how you feel about me."

"You know how I feel."

"No... I really fucking don't. So I need you to tell me. Because I can't keep living my life like this. I can't let myself be held hostage by you."

He looks back at the house, where the rest of them were standing, then back to me. His face held an expression I couldn't quite read, "Do whatever you want, Akira. You're free to go."

He starts to walk away, "That doesn't answer my question."

But he ignores me.



"Let him go." Keigo walks up from behind me, "It's no use talking to him when he's mad." He puts his hand on my shoulder, "Come on. It's cold out. I don't need you getting hypothermia again."

As we walk back in the house, Jin, Shigaraki, and the blonde girl were staring at us.

"Shows over, guys. Get a grip."

"Can't believe you stole Dabi's girl." Jin says.

"I'm not his girl. Never was."

"She's right." Keigo says.

"Yeah, but you knew how he felt about her."

"And what exactly was that, Jin? Hm? Because he told me straight to my face that he was done with me." I choke back tears, "He doesn't care about me and never did. I'm over it. And I'm done feeling sorry for myself over this shit." I grab the bottle of tequila off of the counter and walk out of the room, back to Keigo's.

This night has turned into a total disaster.

I sit at the edge of his bed, take a big swig from the bottle, and drop my head into my hands.

"Hey... you okay?"

"I just... I don't know. I feel so embarrassed."


"Because you all had to watch me fight with some guy who doesn't give two shits about me. Fucking cry over someone that I've known for three months. That girl probably thought I was some crazy, obsessed person over Dabi."

"Himiko? Trust me, she's more insane then you could ever imagine. She'd never judge you over something like this."

"I'm so fucking pathetic."

He sighs as he sits down next to me and takes the bottle from my hand, "You're not pathetic."

I scoff, "Everything he said to me... he never meant any of it. He never cared."

"That's not true."


"He cares about you. Probably more than you think, honestly."

I look at him, "What are you talking about?"

He lightly chuckles, "God... he'd probably kill me if he knew I was telling you this. He's probably gonna kill me anyway for sleeping with you. But, he does care about you. He threatened my life over you, believe it or not. Dabi is just... he's a complicated person."

"Yeah, I gathered that. If he really does care about me, he sure as hell has a funny way of showing it. Either way... I don't care anymore."


"My life is already messy enough. And ever since the day we met, he's only made it messier. It's not like me to get attached like this. Usually, I'm the one who dumps them. But Dabi straight up told me he was done with me. And then tonight he pulls this shit? Why should I stick around and feel sorry for myself? I can't do it. I won't. I need to just... move on. Move on from this dumb, little fling we had. It never meant anything."

I go to grab the bottle back from him, but he doesn't let me. "Akira, it's okay if you still care–"

"Why did you have sex with me?"


"If what you're saying is true, that Dabi threatened your life over me and he does care about me... why would you do it?"

Definitely caught him off guard with that question.

If this whole conversation would've never happened, I probably wouldn't have asked it. But I'm curious.

He's not saying anything.

"Because," He takes a swig from the bottle then sets it down, "Maybe I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Why he was so hung up on you."

"Seriously? But I was never interested in you like that. We never even really talked. I never felt anything for you."

"I mean, I was always really intrigued by you. You sparked my interest the second I saw you. Your attitude, and your looks. Anyone with eyes could see that you are... a very attractive woman."

"Not someone who's blind."

"Well, it's a good thing I'm not. And let's be honest here, Akira," He gets closer to me, "That first night in the car, and even just tonight... you're gonna sit there and tell me you felt nothing for me? Not even after I fucked you?"


Because I most definitely felt something for him. Both of those times. But I need to lie.

"No... I didn't. I don't."

"Really?" He takes my hand and brings it to his mouth, "Not even when I do this?"



Now he's licking my hand again.



Stay strong, Akira.

Focus on your breathing.

Calm your heartbeat down.


My body turns to putty in his hands, and I instantly melt into him as we kiss again. The taste of tequila was mixed into our saliva, causing it to slightly burn.

"Stop... we shouldn't do this again." I breathily say.

"Why not?"

"Because," I struggle to speak as he kisses my neck, "I'm just using you."

He places his hand on my neck and his thumb on my bottom lip, "So then use me."


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