Barns Courtney One-Shots

By DarkGuardian_15

1.7K 121 28

This book is a collection of one-shots about the singer/rockstar Barns Courtney. More

Passing Notes
Passing Notes | Part 2
Best Friends
Passing Notes | Part 3
Supernatural | Part 2
Supernatural | Part 3
Supernatural | Part 4
Passing Notes | Part 5
Noise Complaint
Nature Boy
Nature Boy | Part 2
Noise Complaint | Part 2
Nature Boy | Part 3
Passing Notes | Part 6
Supernatural | Part 5
Nature Boy | Part 4
Supernatural | Part 6
Passing Notes | Part 7
First Concert
Passing Notes | Part 8
First Concert | Part 2
Magazine Cover
Nature Boy | Part 5
First Concert | Part 3
It's Cold Outside
The Shadows
The Shadows | Part 2
Passing Notes | Part 9
Passing Notes | Part 10
Treat You Better
Treat You Better | Part 2
The Singer
Treat You Better | Part 3
Different | Part 2
First Concert | Part 4
In The Grass
In The Grass | Part 2
Night Walk
Social Media Assistant
Subject 404
Subject 404 | Part 2
Subject 404 | Part 3
The Fog
Bad Boy
The Fog | Part 2
House On The Hill
House On The Hill | Part 2
Bad Boy | Part 2
Bad Boy | Part 3
Cult Leader
Bad Boy | Part 4
Cult Leader | Part 2
Corner Store
Corner Store | Part 2
Corner Store | Part 3
Cult Leader | Part 3
Honey | Part 2
Dangerous | Part 2
The Fog | Part 3
Honey | Part 3
Honey | Part 4
Honey | Part 5
Honey | Part 6
Malt Shop
Pearls | Part 2
Honey | Part 7
Pearls | Part 3
The Circus
Roses | Part 2
Roses | Part 3
Roses | Part 4
The Record Store
Roses | Part 5
Heartbreak Hallelujah

Passing Notes | Part 4

34 5 1
By DarkGuardian_15

It was Halloween, so I was at home giving out candy to trick or treaters. My parents had a business party to go to, so I was the only person at home. I knew I couldn't go to any parties, but it didn't hurt any less when my friends didn't invite me to one. They always have a huge party and half of the school is invited. It was clear to me that my friends and I were drifting apart. I hoped that they were having a good time though.

The sound of someone knocking on the door took me out of my thoughts. 'More trick or treaters!' I said in my head. I grabbed the candy bowl and opened the door. "Tick or treat." A familiar voice said, and I smiled like an idiot. "Barns! What are you doing here?" I asked, happy to see him. "My parents went to a party, and I didn't wanna be alone. I hope you don't mind me dropping by." He said as he took off his random Halloween mask. He was dressed in his usual attire.

Leather jacket and whatnot. I invited him in and offered him something to drink. "I like the jack o lantern you carved. It's really nice." He said with a smile. "Thanks." I replied with a smile of my own. The two of us talked as well as hand out candy. Once tick or treating hours were over, I turned on the tv. We decided to eat the leftover candy and watch horror movies. I grabbed a blanket that we covered up with. As the movie marathon went on, I noticed we had moved closer to each other.

We were practically cuddling, and it made me blush a little. It gave me butterflies. A few moments passed before we stopped fighting it. We leaned into the cuddling, and it felt nice. I felt safe with him. The sound of my parents pulling into the driveway made us move apart though. I didn't want them to ask any questions about Barns and I. Well... I didn't want them to think he and I were dating. We're just friends after all. When my parents walked in I introduced them to Barns.

I felt so nervous, because I really wanted them to like him. Especially since he has become my best friend. I breathed a sign of relief when they didn't seem upset about anything. "Hey, tomorrow is the weekend. You could spend the night if you want, Barns. We have a spare bedroom." My mom said to him, which surprised the both of us. He thanked her before calling his parents. Apparently they were okay with him staying over too. We cleaned up the living room a bit and turned the tv off.

Then I stepped outside to blow the candle I had in the jack o lantern out. After all of that I went up to my room to get ready for bed. I hoped that Barns slept well in the spare bedroom. It made me happy knowing that I'd get to see him in the morning. It took me a while to fall asleep, but eventually I did.

A/N Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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