Reputation // Daemon Targarye...

By rissarosewrites

461K 23.6K 2.9K

Twins, Daemon and Davina Targaryen are trying to figure out their place in the world as their niece is declar... More

1. Iron Throne
2. Dragons
3. Gorgeous
4. Ruin my life
5. Sick
6. Heaven help us
7. Impunity
8. Say it again
9. Watch me win
10. Don't be scared
11. Dracarys
12. Stardust
13. Never yours
14. Heir
Cesar Lannister
16. Cheat
17. Welcome to Hell
18. Used to be Fun
19. It's only forever
20. They are All Shit
21. His whore
22. Egg
Barney Baratheon
24. Fragile
25. Promised Forever
26. Choices
27. WTF Viserys
28. Revenge
29. Living a nightmare
30. Drown
31. Blank space
32. A Dark Place
33. Am I the Devil?
34. Fight for Me
35. Through the Madness
36. See me in a crown
37. Romance or threats
38. Life and Death
39. Sit Still Look Pretty
40. Unqueenly
41. Realms Chaos
42. A Girl
43. Letting go
44. Gabriel Greyjoy
45. Yes
46. Birth Cake
47. Larys
48. Not A Lannister
49. I am the realm
50. Hart
51. Faceless
52. Don't Die You Idiot
53. Secrets
54. Call yourself King
55. Lonely Prospect
56. Liar
57. I want you
58. Ruin Her Reputation
59. I Hate Him
60. Winterfell
61. Do Not Cower
62. Driftmark
63. A Chance
64. Where else Would I Be?
65. Fuck Off Lannister
66. Whatever may come
A Lapse In Sanity
67. Yes You Can
68. I'm Here
69. Bring him to his Knees
70. Are you Scared?
71. My dragon rider
72. Pumpkin
73. Strong
74. Cheater!
75. Partner in Crime
76. Burn Those
77. Messy
78. Don't Move
79. Midnight
80. Thrones
81. How would you like to die?
82. Titus Lannister
83. Push
85. De ja vu
86. Wants to Fly
87. Finish Your Ejaculation
88. Break Bones
89. Shame
90. Marriage
91. Poetic Justice
92. Death and Smiles
93. Fears Nothing
94. Doesn't Want You
95. Vhagar is Mine
96. So You Want To Start A War
97. Immune
98. And now, we ride
99. Fantastic
100. Give You Life
101. Punished
102. Vipers
104. Brave Enough
105. Keep Your Tongue
106. A Toast to Strong Men
107. Gone
108. Fate
109. Explode
110. Grandma Said!
111. Loyalty
112. Running Home
113. Burn
114. Perfect

103. Welcome back... Daemon

3.3K 229 27
By rissarosewrites

'' All hail Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, Princess of Dragons tone and heir to the Iron Throne and her royal consort, Prince Daemon Targaryen.'' Steffon Darklyn announced as they arrived at the capital.

''Welcome back, Princess.''

''Lord Caswell.'' Rhaenyra remarked as they walked inside. "I would say it's nice to be home, but I scarcely recognize it."

''Mm.'' Daemon agreed looking around it looked full of life and love and smiles, not the proper guards standing staring back at you with dull eyes. There was a dark peace over the land.

''We have continued to enjoy improved customs duties since the settling of the Step stones. And the extent to which we exploit those is contingent on the harbor master's receipts. Of which, um, uh, the, uh, septons have requested half that again for a bronze bust they wish to co... to commission for the, the Festival of the Mother, which I would not recommend." Beesbury said to the council.

'Thank you for that exhaustive accounting, Lord Beesbury." Davina told him, she sat in Viserys spot. He rarely left his bed and he was in no shape to rule.

''I remind you...'' but the door opened and Davina turned to the guard.

'' Your guests have arrived, Your Grace.'' Davina's face pinched as she released a hot breath.

''I trust they've been welcomed as befits their station.'' Otto remarked stiffly.

''As you instructed, Lord Hand.''

'' It was my understanding Lord Corlys wished for his grandson Lucerys to succeed him as Lord of the Tides. The boy has been raised most of his life away from Driftmark. He can fly a dragon, yes, but can he command a fleet?'' Grand master Orwyle reminded them.

''Ability does not alter his claim.''

''The Sea Snake has never formally named him as heir, if it comes to that. The crown must choose what is best for the realm.''

'' He is Laenor's son. What grounds could there be...''

''What indeed, Lord Beesbury. What indeed.'' Otto agreed. Davina had gotten used to Otto, he assured her that his intentions were with her and Viserys and her children. He would prove himself to be a good and loyal hand as he was for years without any qualms. Davina didn't love Otto but she tolerated him, he was wise and good at dealing with the other council members and he was loyal. To her.

''We shall hear Rhaenyra's petition, along with those of the other claimants on the morrow." Davina told them as she rose up

''But...' Beesbury tried again

''I do beg your pardon, my lords. I must greet our guests." Davina told them stiffly.

''Shall we levy a tax on the sale of new wool?" Davina rolled her eyes.

''Your Grace... a matter has arisen that requires your attention.'' Erryk said as they left the small council room.

" Whatever it is, Ser Arryk, it'll need to wait." Davina hissed she was already in a sour mood and didn't need more drama. "I need to start reminding daemon of my promises to remove his head..."

''I'm Erryk, Your Grace.''

'Erryk, Arryk, honestly how can you tell if I'm saying the wrong name?" Davina mused nudging him with her shoulder.

"I can tell." Erryk told her.

"Of course you can. What's wrong?"

''It's about Princess Visenya, she was up all night, a fever and vomiting.'' Erryk informed her.

"Why wasn't I gotten sooner?" Davina demanded moving down the halls.


''Father?'' Rhaenyra asked approached his bed Viserys lay with wheezing breaths in his lungs.

" Who goes there?" Viserys questioned disoriented.

"Father. It's me, my King." Rhaenyra said sitting beside him on the bed. ''Rhaenyra.'

''Oh... Oh.'' Viserys answered opening his eyes

''I'm here with Daemon.'' Rhaenyra went on

''Daemon? Daemon?'' Viserys said recognizing the name but finding it hard to place it. ''Daemon.'' He agreed his brother. Viserys wheezed again. 'Help me up.'' With a groan Rhaenyra got him sitting up in bed his pillows propped up behind him.

''It has been so long.'' Viserys said with a heavy breath.

''The Sea Snake has taken a grave wound in battle in the Step stones."

''When?' Viserys questioned

''We won that war years ago.' Daemon reminded him

''No.'' Viserys said confused.

''The Triarchy is resurgent. The fighting is anew. And there is a p... There is a petition to decide upon the succession of Driftmark and the heir to the Driftwood Throne.'' Rhaenyra informed him and Viserys sighed deeply.

"Petitions? Davina and Otto... they see to all that business now." Viserys remarked.

'' No, brother, listen to me. You are to affirm your position for Lucerys to be Corlys Velaryon's successor." Daemon told him as the door swung open.

''Has something happened to Lord Corlys?'' Viserys questioned and Rhaenyra turned at the sound of her babies babbling behind them.

''Father... there's someone we wish to introduce you to. '' Rhaenyra told him as he counited with his labored breathing before them. He didn't look like a king anymore. His face weathered his eye gone, he was weak and fading quickly.


''Brother.'' Daemon answered softly.

''Who is that?' Viserys questioned looking to the silver haired babe before him

''Father... this is Aegon."

"Aegon." Viserys said through an exhale.

"And this... is Viserys." Rhaenyra told him

" Ah... Viserys. Oh." Viserys choked out a laugh. ''Now that is a name fit for a king.'' He laughed out but soon started coughing, the children were scared of his face. ''Oh... Oh, oh... Oh, I'm sorry.' Viserys said as the babies started crying. ''Oh, I'm sorry. I-I'm sorry.'' Viserys repeated. ''I'm so... Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sor... Please.'' Viserys took a heavy breath and mouthed. ''My tea... My tea.''

''What tea? This?'' Rhaenyra asked looking down at it.

''Yes. Yes. Yes.'' Viserys agreed taking a long sip as the children kept screaming.


"Visenya love..." Davina peeked in.

"Mama." She whimpered wiping at her lip.

"My babies are sick you get me immediately, no hesitation of time or day or meetings, they come first." Davina hissed as she hugged Visenya to her. "Honey you not feeling well?"

"My stomach is in knots." Visenya told her.

"Get the grand maester, some of the curcumin powder for the fever, astragalus root, sarsaparilla as well." Davina instructed. "I learned a thing or two from your uncle Stephen." Davina whispered kissing her forehead. "Are any of my other babies sick?"

"No your grace." Erryk answered.

"Mama is Visenya okay?" Baelon asked pushing open the door.

"Just a flu it seems, go on love, I don't want you to get sick" Davina requested.

"Are Luke and Jace here?" Baelon asked. "I saw the carriages."

"Probably saying hello to Aemond." Davina mused.


''He looks like a different person. I believe we should also consult Maester Gerardys. Perhaps if he could see the King, he'd suggest a different..."Rhaenyra began but the door opened and Davina approached.

'Rhaenyra. Daemon.'' Davina remarked.

''Hm.' Daemon chuckled his eyes roaming her.

''It has been so long since we were granted the... joy of your presence.'' Davina remarked stiffly.

''Indeed, Your Grace.'' Rhaenyra agreed

''Though not long enough to merit a greeting upon our arrival.'' Daemon added smugly.

"I care for my children, unlike you Daemon who lets them run home to kings landing unnoticed for days at a time." Davina countered and Rhaenyra grit her teeth. "You brought the boys didn't you? I do adore them."

"And a few new ones." Daemon added but Davina wasn't falling for his games anymore.

''I'm sure the Queen had pressing business, my love." Rhaenyra offered and Davina wanted to gag. My love. She took a deep breath as she focused on them. ''What can either of us know of ruling a kingdom?'' Rhaenyra offered kindly.

''I do not rule, as you well know.'' Davina told them 'The hand and I are mere stewards of the King's will and wisdom.''

''And how exactly is that wisdom expressed... hm? In blinks and wheezes? I'd be surprised if he could remember his own name. Or if you could.'' Daemon remarked snidely.

'Viserys's condition has worsened since you saw him last.'' Davina informed them stiffly.

''Hah.'' Daemon spat

'He is in considerable pain, constantly.'' Davina went on ''On the advice of the maesters...''

''Ah, the maesters. Of course. It is they who keep him... addled on milk of the poppy while the High towers warm his throne.'' Rhaenyra added stiffly and Davina let out a hot breath

''Rhaenyra, if you would see him without it, almost blind with suffering.'' Davina informed them. "I'm doing this to help him. To ease his pains. You two ran off. If you cared about this family at all you would have used your head all those years ago and not your cunt."

''Oh, Davina, I have no doubt it was... an act of the purest mercy, but tell me, for the King's suffering, did the maesters also prescribe the removal of Targaryen heraldry and the installation in its stead of various statues and stars?'' Daemon mocked and Davina wanted to snap his neck.

''You may not recall while you were out whoring. But viserys was always a story teller. He told me many a stories of the stars and their constellations." Davina informed him "a higher power out there. Viserys likes it.''

''And on the morrow, which authority will sit in judgment of my son's claim on his own inheritance?'' Rhaenyra asked

''That would be mine... and the Hand's.'' Davina informed them. Gods she hated them more and more with every heart beat.

'Ah." Daemon answered glaring back at her.

''But be assured, the hand is just and commends me to forget the accusations you have hurled in this room today.'' Davina told them. "But I was never good at following directions."

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