43. Letting go

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"A raven for you my prince." Daemon stared down at the scroll. He read it again and again and again. His eyes blurred as he read the royal announcement. The King Viserys and the Queen Davina have given birth to a son. Aegon Targaryen.

The scroll scrunched in his grip. A son. Viserys fucked Davina. Davina birthed Viserys son. Daemon wanted to bash his own head in. Now his mind was spiraling. Thinking of them together. Davina and Viserys. We he used to be with her.

Daemon must have had three bottles of wine trying to clear his mind but every sip he saw them clearer and he needed to see her in real life and look her in the eyes.

"Does he love you in the way I do? I mean the way I used to?" Daemon sneered dropping the bottle it cracked to the floor.

"Does he touch you like I do I mean like I used to?" Daemon muttered as he marched to Caraxes.

He wished she looked different. He wished she looked miserable but Davina looked like a goddess. Aegon in her arms as he reached out for Fury.

Fury. Davinas first baby. Her first love. Meeting her human baby. With viserys. Daemon knew Davina saw him as he hoovered. But she didnt dare look up at him.

"Fury meet Aegon." Davina said as fury looked between Davina and Aegon. "Fury this is my baby boy. You going to protect him like you protect me right love?" Davina coed rubbing a hand along his scales. Fury leaned into her touch but his head looked up at Daemon above them.

"Say hello to your uncle." Davina said softly as her eyes drifted up to Daemon. As handsome and heartbreaking as ever.

Daemon stared down at them. He felt like his heart might burst out of his chest.

Her voice was in his head the space between them didnt keep him from wondering what could have been. Had he not been such a fool all along.

"Davina love there you are." Viserys called and It took everything in Daemon not to try and burn Viserys to the ground. Instead he flew away. He didnt look back. He couldnt look back to see all he had lost.


"Do you think if it was the fairy tale about a man who lived inside of a whale and it was religion that Jack built a beanstalk today, you would know the difference? Why do you believe in one fairy tale and not the other? Just because adults told you it was true and they scared you into believing it, at pain of death, at pain of burning in hell."

''That was a lovely story.'' Viserys chuckled coming up behind Davina and Aegon.

''Hes only a few moons he doesn't understand me.'' Davina said confidently as she smiled down at him. "I think you should sing him a song." Davina remarked and Viserys chuckled.

"Come on Vis, he needs to hear your awful voice at a young age so he finds comfort in it as I do." Davina said kindly.

"I think you insulted and complimented me at the same time." Viserys remarked pulling her back into him as he sat down behind her.

"It is a skill I have." Davina agreed. "Go on." She encouraged leaning into him he kissed at her neck and shoulder as he thought, his eyes drifted to the fire, aegon's dragon egg sat perched in the flames.

''We are on a dragon hunt.'' Viserys declared and Davina looked back at him biting her lip but a smile tugged through. We are on a dragon hunt... But there's a river over there,  We can't go around it We must swim through it.'' Viserys sung. "Your turn, you have to help me." Viserys told her running his hands under her dress.

'Splash, splash, splash!'' Davina declared. 'We are on a dragon hunt.'

''We are on a dragon hunt. But there's a mountain over there,  We can't go through it, We must climb over it .' Viserys went on.

'Climb climb climb!'' Davina moved Aegon's legs as though he were climbing, he reached up for her and she brought him to her chest. ''We are on a dragon hunt.''

'We are on a dragon hunt But there's a frozen lake in front of us! We must skate across it.' Viserys told her ''Skate, skate, skate!' her dragging his fingers over her stomach.

''Cause we are on a dragon hunt.' Davina declared.

''Yes, we are on a dragon hunt.' Viserys agreed. ''But there's a – oh, this is crazy,' Viserys told Aegon and Davina laughed back into him. ''Is that the enchanted forest Davina?''

"I think so." She agreed and Aegon stared up at them.

''We must walk between the trees... Step, step, step!'' he walked his fingers across her legs. ''We are on a dragon hunt We are on a dragon hunt . There's the dragon's lair!''

"We must be at the capital now, where did we start this hunt?" Davina mused.

''We must go inside!' Viserys said with a laugh.  'Ahhhh, the dragon is behind you!'' Viserys declared as his hand buried between her legs, his fingers nestled deep inside her while his thumb rubbed in slow, agonizing little circles on her clit. Davina opened her mouth wordlessly. Her voice stuck in her throat as she tipped her head back into him, his chuckle vibrated along her spine adding to the pleasure.

''But – wait a minute!'' his fingers stopped and pulled away slightly leaving her feeling on the verge before that feeling faded quickly, she groaned. ''That's not a dragon!''

''That is cruel and unusual punishment." Davina hissed.

''No my queen, it's only a tiny white mouse in front of us! I thought I would find a very dangerous dragon!" His fingers started circling again.

"You found a dragon." Davina confirmed turning to him.

"Did I?" Viserys questioned kissing her deeply.


"Was it hard?" Rhaenyra asked and Davina looked up from Aegon. ''Letting go?"

''Not as hard as holding on to something that wasn't real." Davina admitted.

"You love my father?"

"I have always loved Viserys- Well not always, for a few solid years I did hate him." Davina agreed "but I do love him... when I'm with him its like there is this... happiness." Davina admitted.


"When you love someone, a certain kind of love that shifts..." Davina began trying to describe it. ''You'll feel underlying happiness despite what is going on around you.''

"Are you trying for a girl next?" Rhaenyra asked.

"You want to kill me? is that it?" Davina questioned.

"What? No." Rhaenyra said immediately.

"Aegon is not even a year yet, I'm not going through that again." Davina told her.

"You tell my father that?" Rhaenyra mused.

"I think me shouting keep your cock away from me you have a boy I'm done will work?" Davina offered. Rhaenyra couldn't help but laugh.

"You are a good mother, aegon adores you."

"Thank you... I like him. He's... God he reminds me of me." Davina remarked.

"An angel sent from heaven and delivered onto westeros?" Rhaenyra offered sarcastically.

"I sense sarcasm and it is not appreciated." Davina countered with a chuckle. "There was a time when I thought Daemon was forever, that wasn't too long ago." Davina admitted as Aegon smiled up at her. "But I love Viserys, I do. He grew on me."

"I see that... you make a cute baby that's for sure." Rhaenyra agreed.

"I mean look at me." Davina teased. "Of course."

"So humble too," Rhaenyra added and Davina nodded immediately but a chuckle was on her lips.

Reputation // Daemon Targaryen // Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now