62. Driftmark

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'' Where is Lord Corlys? He should be here to receive the King.'' Lyonel demanded.

''Welcome to High Tide, Your Grace.'' Laena remarked as she came down the steps to greet them.

''What is the meaning of this, Lady Laena?"" Lyonel shouted through the rain but Viserys was too tired and too weak to deal with such nonsense today. ''Is this how House Velaryon greets its King?''

''My father has but just returned from his long journey and he has hastened to the Hall of Nine to await Your Grace's arrival.''

''Let's just get on with it.'' Viserys said marching past. The sooner he did this the sooner he could go home and collapse into bed with Davina.


''An outsider... among the natives.'' Larys strong said as Davina approached him in the gardens at the capital. A groan stuck on her lips when she saw him.

'Larys.'' Davina drawled out.

''Malvales." He clarified. "A rare bloom. Indigenous to Braavos. By all rights, it shouldn't be thriving here. Nature... such mystery.'' Larys remarked he gripped to his cane as he looked over at her.

''The weather has been lovely.'' Davina agreed holding a hand out and catching a raindrop.

''Indeed.'' Larys chuckled discreetly looking her over ''And yet it is a dark day for the realm.''

"Why is that?" Davina questioned.

"The hand." Davina smirked.

"Why it is a dark day?" Davina encouraged. "Your father seems a wonderful replacement for that cunt." Larys chuckled.

''Yet still, the manner of Lord Hightower's departure... it feels something of an injustice.'' Larys remarked and Davina stepped forward as the thunder raged on around them.

'What do you know of the matter of his leaving?" Davina countered, "he was a bad hand with selfish motives, where is the unjust?"

''When one is never invited to speak, one learns instead to, um... observe. You're perhaps in need of an ally?' Larys suggested cautiously.

''I'm the Queen. I have no shortage of allies.'' Davina countered. "In fact I was just at Winterfell, great people, Rickon and his family I would even consider a friend after my short stay."

''Naturally. The north are very welcoming to outsiders." Larys mused.

"I am the queen, they make an exception." Davina remarked. "If that's all, riddles I would like to see my children." Davina remarked walking past him.

"Princess Rhaenyra, for example.'' Larys went on and Davina stopped an annoyed glare on her face as she turned back to him. "A close ally I'm sure."

''State your purpose, Larys.'' Davina demanded.

''Uh... I did wonder if she could be relied upon now that she is... unwell.''

''Unwell? I haven't heard anything.'' Davina countered

''Begging your pardon, Your Grace, I may be mistaken. It's just that on the very same night Lord Hightower was dismissed, the Grand Maester delivered a tea to the Princess's chambers.'' Larys informed her.

''A tea?''

'Yes.'' Larys agreed

''That the Grand Maester himself brought?'' Davina questioned she swore she didn't, it was just a kiss why lie, she needed to be in the clouds being down here was torment.

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