16. Cheat

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Years ago

There was something special about Targaryen's. Everyone knew it and everyone wanted a piece of them. Viserys being the eldest was the responsible one. Finding proper suitors and sitting in on council meetings. Meanwhile Daemon and Davina were having the time of their little lives.

'You fucking cheat!" Davina shouted. "Go Fury!" she demanded as they chased after Caraxes.

'I'm sorry did you say something?" daemon mused.

"You are lucky I love you, anyone else Fury would have fried.' Davina warned.

'he certainly has your temper.' Daemon remarked.

'My temper? You are one to talk!' Davina declared as they flew their dragons soaring at an angle from each other. Daemon shouted down to her.

'Yet it is Fury that has a liking for the smell of burnt flesh.' Daemon reminded her.

'It was three times.' Davina reminded him. 'that's nothing!'

'Tell that to those three people.' Daemon told her and Davina chuckled. 'oh wait you can't!' daemon reminded her.

'shut up!' she groaned.

'why you ask.' Daemon went on.

"I didn't.' Davina corrected.

'Because they are dead!" he said with a laugh.

'Stop shaming Fury he-' Davina didn't have a good reasoning.

'he what?" Daemon mused 'go on sister I am waiting.'

'Shut up.' Davina said laughing as she ran her fingers along Fury's scales. 'Race you to dragon stone!" Davina said taking off.

'Who's the cheat now?" Daemon questioned trying to catch up. Viserys was waiting for them when they got back.

'You were gone a while.' Viserys remarked.

'Yep. We were having fun.' Davina told him. 'try it sometime.' Daemon sniggered as he slide off Caraxes back. Viserys knew the twins had a special bond and he wished they would let him in on their fun but he wasn't as adventurous as them. He was the responsible one, the dependable. Davina and daemon were the chaos, the vortex, the storm, the commotion, the disarray and the anarchy.

'I was reading the histories of-'

'BORING!" Daemon declared.

'I said fun Vis, fun.' Davina reminded him.

'learning our history-' Viserys began again.

'BORING!" Daemon shouted again.

"- I find learning fun.' Viserys told them.

'Good for you.' Davina told him. Viserys let out a pained breath.

'Perhaps I could join you.' He said slowly and Davina turned back to him confused.

'join us where?' Davina questioned.

'On a ride.' He suggested gesturing to Fury.

'Really?" Daemon questioned.

'Yes... you two enjoy it so much...' Viserys looked between them. 'it could be... fun.' He offered and the smile Davina gave him made the whole terrifying experience of riding a dragon worth it.

'Lets go!" Davina declared.

'Right now?" Viserys questioned nervously. 'you just got back.' He remarked looking between them.

'I don't have plans.' Davina told him. 'come on.' Viserys thought he would have more time to prepare but Davina was so excited he couldn't say no. he had only ever seen Davina smile like that with Daemon he wanted to be included.

'Okay.' Viserys said slowly. 'yeah, lets go.' He tried to sound more confident than he actually was. But the whole experience terrified him. He gripped so tight to Davina as she spun Fury around the air, Viserys thought he might vomit on her. when their feet finally hit the ground Viserys didn't care if he was one of them, if they thought him the boring of the siblings.

'what did you think?" Davina asked but Viserys saw that smile on davina's face. Viserys knew that Davina and Daemon were the dragon riders. They were born for it. It was in their blood. Although they were all Targaryen, all of fire and blood Viserys was not fond of the dragons.

'it was... fun.' Viserys told her and she smiled happily.

'you can come with us again.' Davina offered.

"Oh that's... thank you Davina.' Viserys said his head still spinning.

'He hated every second of it.' Daemon remarked.

'I did not.' Viserys told him.

'You did too.'

'He just hasn't been on dragons as much,' Davina told Daemon.

'the first time you got on Fury you were smiling and had your hands in the air, trying to get him to do flips.' Daemon recalled.

'so not every one is as awesome as me.' Davina mused but she saw Viserys face. 'you really didn't like it, did you?" he shook his head. 'that's okay.' Davina told him and her smile faded. It wasn't that she didn't like Viserys she did, but they didn't really have anything in common. Meanwhile Davina and Daemon were very much the same.

'I have my dreams.' Viserys remarked. 'my feet are on the ground for them though.' Davina nodded as Daemon pulled her to him.

'Dreams wont make us kings.' Daemon remarked. 'Dragons will.' 

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