19. It's only forever

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'Your Grace.' Corlys said as he approached Viserys.

'I'm glad we could meet. I know tempers ran hot today, and I wanted to assure you how much I value the bond between our houses. Rhaenys is my favorite cousin after all.' Viserys told him.

"I wish to apologize for the tenor at the Small Council today, Your Grace. It was not my intent to make offense." Corlys assured.

"Your fleet is one of the realm's most important assets, Lord Corlys. But you must understand, as King, it is my obligation to avoid war until such time it is unavoidable." Viserys reminded him.

'None among us desire open war." Corlys agreed. "Might I speak plainly, Your Grace?" Corlys questioned hesitantly.

"I always welcome the unfettered thoughts of my council." Viserys agreed.

"I fear that the eyes of our enemies are presently fixed on the Red Keep. The Queen has passed. A girl has been named heir to the Iron Throne, the first in its history. The King's brother, so disinherited, has claimed the Targaryen seat on Dragonstone without challenge. And now, a foreign power has established a colony in our most critical shipping lane." Corlys remarked.

"You paint such an aspirant portrait of my reign, Lord Corlys." Viserys said trying to keep his tone light and not bitter.

"It is an honest one, cousin. At the moment, The Crown is perceived as being vulnerable." Corlys told him

"And a blind incursion in the Stepstones is the only way to demonstrate that we are not?" Viserys countered.

"To elude a storm, you can either sail into it or around it. But you must never await its coming." Corlys told him.

"Do you have a specific course of action to propose, my lord?" Viserys questioned.

"Join our families. Wed our daughter, Laena." Corlys told him and Viserys face pinched. "Unite the two great surviving Valyrian houses. With the Targaryen dragons and the Velaryon fleet bound in blood, you can show the realm that The Crown's strongest days are ahead... not behind." Viserys couldn't look at him he turned the room, trying to maintain his composure.

"I must admit... I haven't given marriage much thought. It hasn't even been half a year since Aemma passed." Viserys reminded him.

" The realm expects you to take a new wife soon or late, Your Grace, to strengthen your line and produce more heirs. You could not ask for a stronger match than Laena." Corlys reminded him. Or a younger match, Viserys thought.


"You have a constipated look on your face.' Davina remarked pouring herself another glass of wine. Viserys stared back at her annoyed. "You want honesty or bullshit like the rest of your council?" Davina questioned.

'Honesty... gentle honesty.' He corrected.

'So ease back from the constipated look on your face?" Davina mused. 'why is your face like that?" Davina questioned.

"I thought I said gentle honesty.' Viserys reminded her.

'What happened today?' Davina questioned.

"I had a talk with corlys.' Viserys told her.

"Yikes, what did he say? No let me guess.' Davina declared and Viserys had to give it to Davina she did know how to make him smile. 'My wife wasn't queen and you named your daughter your heir!" Davina declared making her voice deeper. 'You are a disgrace and now you must wed and fuck my daughter so we can have real power. But as soon as you marry your child bride we will kill you and take control!' Davina declared with a deep laugh and the smile faded from Viserys face. "Fuck I got it right.' Davina remarked pouring them another glass. 'I understand that look now.' she told him.

'Davina.' He groaned.

'what? What do you want me to say?" Davina questioned. 'don't marry the 10 year old little mini Corlys because he is a cunt.' Davina told him 'and he will manipulate you through her and you are never going to love her. if you want heirs you need someone that can reproduce now, not in five years.' Davina reminded him.

'I know, but the-'

'Gross.' Davina declared taking his glass from him and forcing him to look at her. 'Don't give a damn about what they want. It if your life.' Davina reminded him. 'don't pick a whore,' Davina suggested and Viserys swatted at her. 'But pick someone that can make you happy. Not someone you are going to hate like you tried to do with me.' she added sweetly. She forced a smile as he swallowed the lump in his throat.

'I am sorry about that.' Viserys told her softly.

'So either marry the child with a great blood line or pick someone that could make you happy.' Davina suggested.

'Like who?'

"I don't know.' Davina admitted. 'take a walk outside and see which women pretend to swoon over you and pick the ones that are not.' Davina suggested and Viserys rolled his eyes. 'Don't rush into this.' Davina told him. 'It's only forever.'

'Or until a dragon burns them to death.' He reminded her.

'Pity, so many cunts had to burn or drown for you to see that I'm better on my own.' Davina told him as she got up.

'Davina.' He called and she turned back to him. 'Thank you.'

'That's what I'm here for. Gentle honesty.' She told him blowing him a kiss. 

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