61. Do Not Cower

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"Damn we have it easy in the capital." Davina remarked as they trudged through the snow the next morning. "No wonder you all are to fit you freeze your ass off every morning just stepping outside."

"If you are cold we can-'' Gillane began but Davina smiled back at her. She was never set up with a stark, she wondered if she had if she wouldn't be queen right now. She liked them, didn't like the cold but she liked the people of the north.

"Queen Davina?"

"Yes Sara?" Davina questioned as they headed back inside the castle.

"Whats it like riding a dragon?" Sara questioned and Davina smiled back at her.

"It's a blissful euphoria, a high you never want to come down from." Davina told her. "Maybe one day I will take you riding." Davina offered and Sara nodded eagerly. "But I should be getting home, Viserys will be worried." Rickon damn near choked on his tongue.

"You didn't tell the king?" Rickon stammered.

"He is used to me and my ways." Davina assured. "That you for having me."

"Of course, of course. You are always welcome here your grace." Rickon assured.

"It was nice meeting you all." Davina said as she climbed up on fury. She threw down her fur cloak. "Wont be needing that in the capital." Davina remarked. "See you soon Starks, Snow."


''Good morrow, Lady Rhea.''

''Cousin.'' Rhae answered stiffly from horseback.

''What's today's quarry?'' he pondered ''Rabbit?''

''Deer.'' She corrected

''Oh. Fine challenge. Care for some company?'' he offered

'I'd rather ride alone.'' Rhae told him as she rode off.

'Good fortune to you.' He called after her. Birds were squawking in the distance as Rhae rode farther away but suddenly her horse snorted and neighed coming to an abrupt halt

'Husband. What brings you to the Vale?'' Rhae said stiffly as she looked down at Daemon. ''Or have you at last come to consummate our marriage? The Vale's sheep might be willing, even if I'm not.'' Daemon approached her slowly. ''Our sheep are prettier, after all.'' She recalled word of him saying that and thought she might throw it back in his face. ''Or perhaps your brother has at last had his fill of your company. Cast you aside in favor of a little girl.'' Daemon still said nothing as he got closer, her horses shifted uneasy before him.

''What will you do now? Will you strike the child down? Or?'' Daemon lunged forward her horse bucked sending Rhae flying off getting crushed under his weight. Her horse whinnied as Rhea grunted, she winced, and whimpered as Daemon stepped down on her arm. Satisfied that she would die on her own he walked away.

'I knew you couldn't finish. Coward!" Rhae seethed back at him, Daemon turned back around. Fury in his eyes as he picked up a rock budging her.


"Davina!" Viserys declared he refused to leave for driftmark until Davina was found. Fury landed his nails clawing along the ground before he settled and Davina slide off rubbing at his scales as she moved. "Davina!" Viserys ran to her hugging her to him. "Where were you?"

"I was flying, I told you I needed to clear my head." Davina reminded him calmly but Viserys looked a nervous wreck. "Whats wrong?" Davina questioned.

"Davina you were gone four days." Viserys told her and she nodded.

"I was flying and then I was starving and I was near winterfell and I remember rickon and him and his family took me in. I'm sorry I would have ravened but I knew I would get her faster than ravens would." Davina told him nonchalantly.

"Davina I have no idea where you were, I was worried about you." Viserys told her and Davina sighed leaning into him. "Alyssa and Aegon were in a panic, didn't sleep much, I couldn't sing them to sleep like I did for you, it didn't work, they needed their mother." Davina sighed. 

She was glad they were little and wouldn't remember her little hiatus but she did feel bad leaving them. she missed her babies but her head was so clouded, only the clouds were clear her thoughts and she did feel better. She couldn't be a good mother or wife if she could only see red.

"I'm sorry." Davina whispered kissing his cheek. "Are you going somewhere?" Davina questioned looking to the ships.

"We are going to driftmark to-"

"Ugh." Davina said as he hugged her to him.

"It is decided, Rhaenyra has agreed and Otto-"

"Ugh, dismiss that man or let me burn him." Davina groaned.

"I dismissed him." Viserys confirmed and Davina straightened up.

"You did?" Davina questioned.

"I did." Viserys agreed and nodded to Otto heading out.

"Who replaced him?" Davina questioned.

"Lord Lyonel Strong." Viserys told her and she nodded in approval. "I assume you don't want to come to Driftmark?'

"Stay and I can make it up to you for leaving." Davina countered her hands trilling over his shoulders.

"That is very tempting." Viserys assured "But I need to get this done with." He took a step back coughing, a hand fisted over his mouth.

"Have them come here and stay in bed and rest." Davina told him bringing a hand to his cheek. "You are burning up." She told him moving her hand to his forehead. "Vis, you're really hot."

"Thank you." Viserys mused.

"Viserys, is something wrong?"

"No, just a cold." Viserys assured. "We will be back in a few days time." Viserys told her as she kissed his cheek.

"Come back in one piece." Davina requested.


The seas were ragged and rough as they sailed to driftmark. King Viserys groaned out as he vomited over the edge of the ship. The rain was falling hard as the thunder rumbled on, he should have stayed in bed with Davina.


"Otto!' Davina declared. "I would say I hate to see you go but that would be a lie." Davina informed him smugly.

"Davina." Otto hissed.

"Queen Davina, her royal awesomeness, the ever beautiful and always violent," Davina corrected smugly.

"The King will die. It may be months or years, but he'll not live to be an old man. And if Rhaenyra succeeds him, war will follow, do you understand?" Otto told her stiffly.

"Fuck you Otto. You want to cause a riff between my family, well it didn't work." Davina hissed.

"The realm will not accept her. And to secure her claim, she'll have to put your children to the sword. She'll have no choice.'' Otto warned her

"Rhaenyra is not a killer, she is a child and doesn't think but she has time and I will help her." Davina countered. "My children are not a threat to the crown, your need for power, for control has failed."

"'You know it is true, that's why you left for four days, Rhaenyra is more like Daemon than you want to admit and the people will not accept her. You're no fool you are stubborn and difficult but no fool Davina." Otto told her and Davina rose a perfectly arched brow as she stared him down, ''and yet you choose not to see it. The time is coming, Davina. Either you prepare Aegon to rule, or you cleave to Rhaenyra and pray for her mercy.''

"You act as though I'm not a threat." Davina countered. "I don't cower in fear, I'm not a hightower. I'm a Targaryen."

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