69. Bring him to his Knees

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''Romeo was full of shit. Juliet she fell for it. I am not an idiot.... anymore.''  Davina told Alyssa and Aegon.

"Who is Romeo?" Rhaenyra asked coming up behind her.

"One wild guess." Davina said throwing back the raven mail that had arrived. Rhaenyra bent down picking it up and reading it quickly.

"Daemon married..." Her words drifted off. Laena. Daemon married Laena. "Aunt Davina-'' she looked to the bottle almost empty next to her Davina. Barely a moon and Daemon had married Laena fucking Velaryon.

''It ain't my fault, so don't blame me I swear I just came here to unwind and have one drink." Davina told her "But then this came... The way it looks," Davina said picking it up swirling the remaining liquid. 'Ain't what you think... This cabernet has a way of vanishing on me."

"That so?" Rhaenyra countered.

''There's a hole in the bottle, leaking all this wine, It's already empty and it ain't even suppertime." Davin mused.

"You miss him?"

''Honey, no, I don't miss him, in fact, it slipped my mind... There's a hole in the bottle of wine." Davina assured her. ''I swear ten minutes ago that bottle was full." Davina added.

"He was your first love." Rhaenyra said softly.

''I won't cry, about love gone wrong because tears would water down this ruby red I'm sipping on." Davina told her confidently.

''There's a hole in the bottle of wine." Rhaenyra agreed.

"Thank you." Davina agreed. ''I'm fine." Davina assured reaching back for the announcement Rhaenyra handed it to her and Davina threw it in the fire. "Viserys treats me better than Daemon ever did." Davina told her honestly.

"How is my father doing?" Rhaenyra asked.

"Talk to him." Davina urged.

"I am busy." Rhaenyra said slowly.

"You making a baby yet?"

"We tried." Rhaenyra agreed with a slow and hesitant nod.

"It is harder when there is a lack of love." Davina told her.

"You didn't seem to have any troubles." Rhaenyra remarked.

"I love Viserys." Davina confirmed. "How is Harwin doing in your service?" Davina questioned and she saw Rhaenyra blush slightly and Davina chuckled. "I thought you might enjoy him." Davina agreed. "Come here." Davina requested and Rhaenyra sat down on the floor next to Aegon.

"We haven't..." Rhaenyra began.

"Sometimes... in certain unions... yours for example." Davina began hesitantly.

"Spit it out." Rhaenyra begged.

"Sometimes its best to get things started with a true object of desire." Davina offered vaguely and Rhaenyra stared at her. "Like... for Laenor and you to get started with... others and finish with each other." Davina told her softly. "You understand?"

"I want you to say it." Rhaenyra mused biting at her lip and Davina chuckled messing with the bow in Alyssa's hair.

"I'm positive Harwin would be fine with it." Davina went on.

"Say it." Rhaenyra begged Davina licked at her lips nodding as she covered Alyssa's ears. Rhaenyra did the same to Aegon, he stared up at her confused.

"Bring Harwin to his knees. Take Harwin's handsome bearded face and let his tongue get you started." Davina told her and Rhaenyra burst out laughing. "Officially, of course though... I never said that." Davina reminded her.

"I love you!" Rhaenyra declared.


''Nooo.'' Davina whined.

''What?'' Viserys questioned.

''I'm late.' Davina griped a few moons it seemed but with everything that happened she wasn't keeping track of her cycles.

''Late? For what? Arent you always late?'' Viserys countered.

''Fuck you. I'm. LATE!'' She annunciated.

''Oh Davina!'' Viserys declared hugging her.

''No. I just had Alyssa. I dont want to be pregnant again.'' Davina told him.

"It is mine right?" Viserys teased.

"Ha, ha." Davina said dryly she felt nauseous, it had to be Viserys. It had to be...

"It's been a while." Viserys remarked.

"It has been a while." Davina agreed glancing back at him then down to her stomach, the little bulge forming.

"You seem ageless, timeless." Viserys remarked and Davina brought a hand to his cheek. "Still as beautiful as ever." he praised her sweetly, slipping one hand onto her hip over her dress, so he moved closer and pressed his lips to hers.  It was a soft kiss, slow and gentle and with the barest of pressure, but it was so charged with anticipation and repressed desire that she felt her heart speed up.  He moaned quietly against her lips and Davina knew in that moment that this had been very hard for him. This adjustment and not being love properly, appreciated properly while everything seemed to shift.

"I love you, Viserys."

He drew back from the kiss just slightly, his lips still touching her, then closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to her.

"I love you too, Davina."

Reputation // Daemon Targaryen // Viserys TargaryenWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu