52. Don't Die You Idiot

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'' Make haste to Dwarfstone, Ser Addam.' Viserys instructed 'Hand-deliver this to Prince Daemon yourself.'

'At once, Your Grace.' He agreed

'Dwarfstone?' Rhaenyra questioned

'I'm sending word to Daemon. Aid is sailing to the Stepstones.'

'Did he make call for help?'

'He would sooner die. But his king does not mean to allow that.' Viserys told his daughter as she took a seat. 'Do you not think my decision correct?'

'It is no consequence to what I think... as I'm often reminded.' Rhaenyra told him calmly.

'Daemon is thorn enough in my flesh. Will you insist on taking after him? Must everything be a battle?'

'If you refer to your attempt to marry me off to Casterly Rock.' Rhaenyra told him stubbornly

'I am sorry, Rhaenyra. I was trying to help you. Will you not be helped? Why must every effort on your behalf be resisted as if to the death?' Viserys asked

'Because you mean to replace me... with Davina's son, the boy you always wanted. You have him in hands now. Y-You have no further use for me.' Rhaenyra told him sadly. 'You might as well peddle me for what you can. A mountain stronghold or a fleet of ships.'

'You have misjudged me, Rhaenyra.'

'We all know it. Jason Lannister knows it. You said it yourself, the lords of the realm gather like vultures to a carcass, hoping to feast on my bones.' Rhaenyra told him

'It is true that as rulers we must marry for advantage to forge alliances and bolster our strength. You have always understood this.' Viserys reminded her 'I myself was promised to your mother when I was...'

'ten-and-seven years of age. The Vale had an army to rival the North. I've heard that story since I've had ears to.' Rhaenyra reminded him

'I loved her. She made a man of me. I do not seek to replace you, child. You've been much alone these last few years. Alone and angry.' Viserys agreed 'I will not live forever. I wish to see you contented, happy even.'

'You think a man will do it?'

'A family.' He corrected

'I had a family.' Rhaenyra reminded him

"Davina, Gods you know I was not Davina's first choice, or second but we are happy." Viserys reminded her. "I love her, she loves me, we have a son and our family, you included Rhaenyra, is growing. I want you to have what we have."

"I don't." Rhaenyra countered bitterly.

'What would you have me do?!'

'If it was for advantage, you would've wed Laena Velaryon!' Rhaenyra shouted back

'That is true enough. You must marry, strengthen your own claim, shore up your succession, multiply. As to your match... make it yourself.' Viserys told her 'Search him out. Find one that pleases you, as I did.'

Viserys offered looking down at her. 'Rhaenyra... I did waver at one time. But I swear to you now, on your mother's memory, you will not be supplanted.'

"Your grace, I'm sorry for the interruption, but the queen has begun her labors."

"Wonderful." Viserys declared.


'We have 16, perhaps 18, seaworthy ships. Seven hundred foot, some 60 knights. Our food quickly dwindles, save for what we can fish from the sea.' Corlys remarked 'I would say we have a fortnight, mayhaps a bit longer with strict rationing. I've made call for Driftmark to send more ships, but they will be weeks away. We are faltering and the Triarchy knows it. We must press the attack, continue sending the dragons.'

'It's pointless, father. The Crabfeeder has created a choke point here, beyond these dunes.' Laenor remarked 'Archers hold the high positions, foot soldiers hold the ground. We've strafed them on dragon back again and again, but they just retreat within the caves.

'Dragons can circle Bloodstone until they fall out of the sky. The Crabfeeder and his men have no reason to leave those caves.' Corlys reminded him

'We must give them one, an offering of flesh to bait the crab.' Laenor told him

'Who?' Corlys questioned

'Dragon returning!' Joffrey declared as the dragons screeches echoed the battle field.

'Yes.' Vaemond answered

'Who? Which man here will happily go to his death? Show me the knight who will march into that hell pit, nephew, and I will show you a madman.' Corlys countered

'Daemon.' Vaemond answered confidently.

'Daemon is why we are losing!' Corlys countered

'He at least is fighting this war. What role have you played in his council, uncle, other than Master of Complaints?' Laenor retorted.

'Enough, Laenor.' Corlys demanded

'If King's Landing will not support Daemon, why should any of us?!' Vaemond countered

'Blood or no, Vaemond, I will not have you stoke mutiny.' Corlys warned

'If you do not seize control of this war, my lord, the crabs will soon dine on all of us.'

'Prince Daemon. I bring word from His Grace, Viserys Targaryen, first of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm.' A knight held out a scroll to daemon he took it reading it over his face void of emotion. Then he was filled with rage. He started to bludgeon the messenger, through a muffled cries he begged him to stop.

'That's enough! Stop!' Joffrey said pulling daemon off.

'Brother... I have ordered 10 ships and 2,000 men to set sail from King's Landing to join the effort in the Stepstones. Though time and circumstance have seen us estranged, know that it is not my desire to see you fail in your cause. It is instead my hope that this aid will deliver the victory that has thus far evaded us. I shall pray nightly to the gods for your safe return.' Viserys had wrote and it pained Daemon to read the words. He looked down to the bottom, scratched in quickly but he could tell it was Davina's writing.

'Don't die you idiot. You have broken my heart enough.' Davina wrote and Daemon ran his fingers over the words a small smile on his face.

Daemon waved the white flag of surrender, he was met in the middle of the field, he relinquished his blade as they prepared for the worst.

' Nock.' Arrows were loaded into bows

' Draw.' They held ready. Daemons blade was taken from his hands and a moment of silence passed before Daemon lunged a second blade in his hand and he attacked. Running and dodging through the soldiers as arrows flew all around him.

' Loose!' arrows thwacked

'Loose!' daemon dodged and sliced his silver hair stained with the blood of his kills.

'Loose!' more arrows soared but daemon wasn't stopping

'Loose!' Daemon made his way to cover panting for breath as more soldiers came charging out. He broke the arrow from his chest as his eyes searched the sky. Daemon used his sword to pull himself off the ground, trapped then circled around him but he wasn't done. Suddenly flames covered the land.

'Dracarys!' the soldiers screamed out as they were burned to a crisp.

'Nock!' they loaded their bows again but seeing the dragon their arrows were useless.

'Dragon!' they screamed running for their lives. Daemon felt the fire revive him as he saw a dragon sweep down, claiming their victory.

'Whoo! Dracarys!'

Daemon stood the victor blood dripping down his face.


"A girl?" Davina whispered.

"Are you lying to me?" Viserys questioned.

"It's a girl." They assured and Davina found the strength to laugh.

"A girl." Davina whispered kissing her little face. "How about after mother?" Davina suggested. "Alyssa.''

"It's Perfect.'' Viserys agreed. "She is perfect... you are perfect."

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