40. Unqueenly

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'This is unqueenly.' Otto remarked

''She is getting to know her people.'' mellos corrected.

''She is getting drunk with the knights.'' Otto corrected.

''She is the queen. She may do as she wishes. I will tell the king we found her.'

''No. I will,'' otto corrected.

''Alright. Goodnight otto.''

'I'm pleasantly surprised at our new queen.'

''What? You thought a crown on my pretty little head would change how awesome i am?'' Davina countered. "If anything it amplifies it." Davina said with a chuckle. "Oh Harwin honey,'' davina said leaning over the table. ''I'm going to drink you under the table.'' She purred leaning back.

''Is that a challenge?'' Harwin questioned

''It wont be a challenge for me.'' Davina mused ''but if you don't want to try...''

''Another round.' Harwin declared

'You scared you might lose to me?'

'No.' Harwin said immediately ''but you are going to wish you stayed in bed.''

''Ohh your lame attempt at fore play bores me harwin.' Davina informed him. ''Drink up. Maybe you have better comebacks when you are drunk.''

''To the queen!'' Criston declared a round of cheers echoed to the queen in the tavern.

''Harwin.'' She clinked her glass against his.


''Thank the Gods one of us is responsible.'' Davina remarked as they walked back. Or i should say staggered back.

''Your grace you can drink.'' Harwin remarked

''I dont like losing Harwin.'' Davina told him. ''I like you though.''

''I like you too your grace.'' harwin chuckled

''You want a job?'' Davina questioned

'Your grace?'

''Work for me drink with me and keep me from losing my head.'' Davina offered.

''Thats a fine idea your grace.'' Harwin agreed.

''Wonderful because you cant say no to me... you want to know why?'' Davina mused

''Because you are the queen.'' Harwin whispered back.

''Damn right. This was fun lets do it again.'' Davina told him patting his back as she straightened up and walked down the hall with elegance and grace

''You were faking?'' Harwin called after her

''It was a test my handsome friend.'' Davina called back. ''You passed. Flying colors.'' Davina assured. ''Goodnight Harwin.'

''Goodnight your grace.''

'Davina!'' Viserys declared when he saw her.

''Viserys!'' She countered with the same enthusiasm. ''What?''

''Where were you? I was worried.''

''Oh Gods vis dont be that guy.'' Davina grumbled

''What? What guy?''

''That guy that needs to know where i am all the time. Dont be that guy. Because you wont know where i am and you will have deal with the unknown.'' Davina told him stubbornly

''I was worried. You are the queen i thought the worst. I had people out looking for you-'

''Otto saw me.'' Davina informed him.

Reputation // Daemon Targaryen // Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now