101. Punished

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It had been over five years since Davina last saw Rhaenyra and daemon. Jace and Luke had snuck away to visit over the years which Davina loved. Rhaenyra and Daemon did not. But they never came to collect their children either. Alicent although her entrance and exit in the capital was brief Davina thought Alicent knew better than to go up against davina. She half expected it to be a ploy, Otto trying to set Alicent up with Aegon but Otto didnt even know his daughter had arrived. But he confirmed that himself and Oldtown stood by Davina and her children. 

Davina saw that with each visit Luke and Jace had become even closer with her own children and she loved it. She loved that she felt some sense of normal among the treatments and leechings and maesters that flooded Viserys' room constantly.

Davina had been faithful to Viserys. She loved him and their children. She had been faithful since that night of Rhaenyras wedding.

Davina thought she was cursed. Or perhaps it was viserys who was cursed for loving her. He was weak and his body failing, he barely left his room, he was being tended to constantly by maesters and she didn't recognize him anymore. She didn't recognize Viserys. He spent more time sleeping than awake and the children never saw him. Davina knew it wasn't his fault, his body was failing, his mind was failing, he looked like death walking.

The children took to Seamus and Criston like true uncles and protectors. And Seamus loved doted on them as though they were his own. It was nice and calm and her mind stopped racing with worry about Viserys.

She visited Viserys making sure he was comfortable and had his teas and creams for his sores, she felt more like a nurse than a wife but she still loved Viserys. She just hated to see him fading away before her. The twins didn't know Viserys, not really and that made Davina feel awful. She wanted them to know him, she wanted him to sing them songs and tell them stories, she didn't like to see him fading away, not knowing his children.

So seamus and Criston took her out to clear her mind and Davina got drunk. She kept drinking until a bad idea became a good idea and she knew it wasn't an excuse, but it felt nice to be loved again. She knew what she did wasn't love, it was a moment of drunken lust. She woke up with her head pounding, regret filled her and she knew she was the worst wife in the world.

After her much regretted moment with daemon, Viserys collapsed and lost an arm.

Waking up tangled between Criston and Seamus viserys had lost an eye. They were working on it when Davina got up to check on him. Never again was she going to even look at another man. She thought she was killing Viserys. Her actions although unbeknownst to Viserys. Both times she strayed viserys suffered for it.

''Hey, hey, hey,'' Seamus coed dropping to his knees before Davina. She sat with her back against viserys door as they operated trying yet again to save the king. Her knees to her chest and head hidden into her knees, tears streaming down her face. Seamus brushed her hair from her eyes as she looked up to him the most miserable look on her face.

''I did this.'' She whimpered


''I'm killing him. I know it.'' She sobbed

''No. Davina no. He has been sick, you know that. He has been sick for years. Long before I got here long before you wed him. Remember? You told me this." Seamus reminded her gently. ''This is not your fault.'' Seamus assured.

''It is.'' Davina hissed. ''Last night...'' she whimpered looking down the empty halls ''and then the night... viserys lost...'' she swallowed the bile rising in her throat. ''His arm i-'' she couldnt breathe. She was having a panic attack. She was killing her brother. Her husband. Her friend.

''Let's go for a walk how about? While they work.'' Seamus suggested as he saw criston coming down the hall.

''No. I have to stay here.'' Davina whispered.

''Can I get you anything? Food? Drink? Carrot cake?'' Seamus offered

''No.'' She answered simply and seamus rose.

''Have you ever known her to turn down cake?'' Seamus whispered

''Never''. Criston answered.


''You can come in your grace.'' the maester said as he pulled open the door davina nodded slowly rising from the floor.

''Is he...''

''We took the eye but he is stable.''

''Why does this keep happening i thought when you took his arm-" davina whimpered as she licked at dry nervous lips. "-that you got it all that you... that he was going to be okay."

''We thought so at the time but the kings ailments have progressed.''

''Is he going to be okay?'' Davina whimpered

''We hope and pray to the old gods and the new that he gets stronger every day.'' He informed her.

''Thank you.'' Davina answered as she lay down next to viserys.

''He is highly sedated he might not wake for hours.''

''That's okay. I'll stay with him.'' Davina assured the maesters left and Davina sobbed.

Last night played in her mind with every teary blink. Why was she such a fuck up? She loved viserys so much. Gods she should be the one being punished not viserys.

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