30. Drown

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This is me trying // Tyrion Lannister out now!!

Another huge thank you to mik4elsons for another beautiful cover!!!

'Out.' Davina demanded. Viserys stared at her as his staff left. ''You know how weird it is that people are watching you bathe?' Davina remarked letting her dress fall to the ground. Viserys stared at her taking in her every curve. ''Are you going to drown in the bath brother?'' Davina questioned stepping in opposite him. ''Oh.''

'Too hot?'

'Not hot enough.' Davina corrected.

'It's steaming Davina.'' Viserys remarked

'I'm hotter than you. Only answer.' Davina remarked stinking down into the water he moved his legs to the sides as her toes drummed along his stomach. She certainly was, Viserys thought.

'Foot massage please.' Davina requested viserys smirked grabbing her foot. 'That's nice,' she said leaning her head back and closing her eyes.

'Is this how it's going to be? Me being your man servant?' Viserys questioned

'It's a good idea,'' davina chuckled. He watched her chest rise and fall the water rocking against the sides of the tub.

'You think I'm pretty.' Davina remarked a smug smile on her face.

''Beautiful.'' Viserys agreed.

'Aw.' Davina grinned over at him. ''Melt my frozen heart.'

"How are you doing Davina?"

"Fan-fucking-tastic." Davina grumbled, "deeper,'' she told him as he moved his hands into the soles of her feet. "Right there." she purred. "Rhaenyra is ignoring me." Davina remarked.

"I'm sorry, I can talk to her." Viserys offered.

"That wont help." Davina muttered.

"I'm sorry Davina, I know how close you two are." Viserys remarked letting out a deep sigh.

"I'm going to win her back." Davina said confidently.


"Dragons." Davina said as though it was obvious.

"You planning on gifting her a dragon egg?"
"No. That's silly, baby dragons cant be ridden for at least a 2 years and that's too long." Davina told him.

"You are going to go riding and hope to win her back?" Viserys realized.

"She is more like me than you, brother." Davina reminded him. "She has my temper and my knack for adventure."

"That she does." Viserys agreed. His fingers running along her legs. He watched her a long moment, he had never seen Davina this quiet or calm in forever. Perhaps Daemon was making her crazy this whole time. "I'm glad you are here."

"Here in your bath or here in the capital?" Davina mused.

"Both." Viserys answered honestly. 'Come here.' Viserys requested and davina leaned forward. 'Thank you for giving us a try.' Viserys told her.

''You need it hotter in here.'' Davina told him.

''Noted.' Viserys agreed and pressed his lips to hers. He pulled away and rested his forehead against hers. ''That was better right?'' Viserys questioned ''or were you cringing on the inside?'' Davina opened her mouth to answer but a laugh escaped her lips. Davina slid back to the other end of the bath she waved a foot at him.

'Make it even please. .''

''So demanding.'' viserys mused his hands sliding up her wet legs. ''Is this how its going to be. You bossing me around.''

''You should be used to it by now.'' Davina told him sweetly. Viserys stared at her his feet leaning against the outside of her thighs.

''Vis?'' Davina whispered the only other sound the flicker of the candles burning brightly in the moonlight.


'I don't think I'm going to be a good queen.'' Davina told him

'I think you will'. Viserys corrected and davina opened her eyes looking over at him

'All of your advisors probably said what the fuck is viserys thinking.'' Davina remarked.

'Maester mellos thought it a good idea.'' Viserys told her.

'Wow one of what? Six?'' Davina muttered. ''Viserys you can still pick someone else.''

''I don't want anyone else. I want you. I think you will be a good fit. A good and just queen.' Viserys corrected

''The realm-''

'Doesn't get to decide.'' Viserys reminded her. ''I do and I chose you.''

'I don't think I'm going to be a good mother.'' Davina told him.

'I disagree. I think you will be a wonderful mother.' Viserys assured her.

'Vis I'm irresponsible and loud and I'm chaotic. I act rash and I jump before I think. I leap head first.'' Davina told him. 'I'm not meant for a crown. For... motherhood. You need someone that can give you heirs and the people love. I don't know that that's me.''

'Davina sweetheart,' her legs curled around him as he got closer the water spilling over the tub as he moved closer. "I believe in you. I see how wonderful you are." Viserys told her.

"I feel broken, you don't need a broken queen."

"I don't see a broken women." Viserys corrected taking her face in his hands. There was such a sadness in hers eyes.

"Davina... You tore into my life ... into my heart, wrecking all sense of the man I was before you. Being with you is the best part of my day ... every day, when you are not tormenting me that is... You think you're broken, but you're not. And if you were ... it wouldn't matter. I love every. Single. Piece of you." The ghost of a smile pulled at Davina's lips.

"Kiss me, and you will see how important you are to me." Viserys requested. 

Reputation // Daemon Targaryen // Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now