35. Through the Madness

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'They say I did something bad but why does it feel so good?'' Davina mused. ''And I would do it over and over again if i could.'' The small council stared at her. ''You're right Vis this is fun.'' Rhaenyra chuckled as she filled up Davina's cup.

"The princess should not be here." Otto remarked.

"Why?" Davina countered spinning her wine.

"You are not yet wed, it is improper. Considering the nature of your recent..." Otto began.

"Recent... fun? We are at war, we have dragons. We have few enemies today then we did yesterday. I don't see why you are so mad. I am a problem solver." Davina told him. She smiled sweetly at Viserys.

"Fire is my outlet, be glad I took it out on the villains and not you Otto." Davina mused and Viserys grabbed her hand.

"Thank you Davina, please don't threaten Otto." Viserys offered kindly.

"Just a friendly reminder." Davina told him. Otto didn't like the look Davina was giving him.

"Perhaps we speak of the wedding." Mellos offered. "After all, Princess Davina did do us a great deal, in... burning the camps... they will take many moons to recover from such devastation."

"See Otto?" Davina smirked over her cup. "I was helpful. What did you do besides sit on your ass and whisper the halls?"

"The wedding!" Viserys declared trying to keep Davina from burning Otto.

"Everything is in place-'

'Cake." Davina told him.

"Carrot cake as large as a dragon is being made."

"Fury is one of the largest dragons alive. But we want talk about Vhagar..." Davina countered. "That's a lot of carrots."

"A baby dragon perhaps?' Rhaenyra offered.

"Say that then, don't say dragon, or else I'm going to be very disappointed and you don't want to see me anything other than happy. I assure you on that." Davina told them.

"Dear Lord." Viserys held up his cup for Rhaenyra.

"Still time to back out." Davina reminded Viserys.

"Not a chance." Viserys assured.

"Your funeral." Davina teased kissing his cheek. Viserys ran a hand over his head letting out a deep sigh.


''Are you sure you don't want a fall wedding or winter? I think winter might be coming in... 6 years?" Davina offered 'That could be fun!' Davina suggested

''Get some rest and dont fly away tomorrow.' Viserys corrected

''Still time to change your mind.'' davina called

''My mind and heart is set on you.'' Viserys called over his shoulder.

'You remember what happened to my first five husbands right? It should be a cautionary tale!''

''Good night davina.'' Viserys called back.

"I'm madness, ask anyone!" Davina warned.

"I will love you through the madness." Viserys countered.

"You really should give up the crown and become a poet." Davina remarked.

Daemon and Davina fell in love. A little too wild for each other. Shiny until it wasn't. Feels good until it doesn't. It was her first real lover. His too until he had another and another and another. Oh, God, when she found out. Trust levels went way down. Of course she was sad But now she's glad she dodged a the blade mostly. It took few moons to soak up the tears But look at her now, watch her go... A queen to be.

Fast nights that got Daemon. That new life was his problem. I'm Not saying Davina was perfect. Still regrets that moment. What a thing to be human. Made her more of woman.

She hopes she'll find love. On the up from the way down.


"Well, now this is great. Just great, remember when I told you I would have your head? Or does everything I say go in one ear and out the other?" Davina spat.

"Don't' marry him." Daemon begged.

"I wish I would have seen this sooner, seen you for who you are sooner." Davina told him. "Could have saved myself the heart ache."

"Davina don't marry him, marry me." Daemon begged. "Like we always wanted."

"I'm getting married tomorrow." Davina reminded him, she looked out at the starry sky, if she were a weaker woman it would have sounded tempting but she wasn't. she was strong and brave and she was done with his shit.

"I love you." He whispered.

''I don't! But it happened...' Davina whispered. "But little by little you stopped loving me. So I had to stop loving you. Little by little, if suddenly you forget me do not look for me. For I shall already have forgotten you.''

"I didn't though." Daemon told her. "I love you."

'Go." Davina demanded her door creaked open, Rhaenyra peered in.

"Davina there is still time-' She turned around and grabbed a glass from the counter filling it up.

"To douchebags!" she declared, gesturing to Daemon. "And to girl that breaks your heart," Davina tipped her glass to him. "And to the absolute fucking horror of losing your best friend, your twin, the woman who thought the world of you forever because you were stupid enough to fall in love with her... and to turn her heart to ash in a fiery inferno." Davina said throwing her drink in his face. "Get. The. Fuck. Out." Davina said slowly as Daemon wiped at his eyes. 

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