Barns Courtney One-Shots

By DarkGuardian_15

1.7K 121 28

This book is a collection of one-shots about the singer/rockstar Barns Courtney. More

Passing Notes
Passing Notes | Part 2
Best Friends
Supernatural | Part 2
Supernatural | Part 3
Passing Notes | Part 4
Supernatural | Part 4
Passing Notes | Part 5
Noise Complaint
Nature Boy
Nature Boy | Part 2
Noise Complaint | Part 2
Nature Boy | Part 3
Passing Notes | Part 6
Supernatural | Part 5
Nature Boy | Part 4
Supernatural | Part 6
Passing Notes | Part 7
First Concert
Passing Notes | Part 8
First Concert | Part 2
Magazine Cover
Nature Boy | Part 5
First Concert | Part 3
It's Cold Outside
The Shadows
The Shadows | Part 2
Passing Notes | Part 9
Passing Notes | Part 10
Treat You Better
Treat You Better | Part 2
The Singer
Treat You Better | Part 3
Different | Part 2
First Concert | Part 4
In The Grass
In The Grass | Part 2
Night Walk
Social Media Assistant
Subject 404
Subject 404 | Part 2
Subject 404 | Part 3
The Fog
Bad Boy
The Fog | Part 2
House On The Hill
House On The Hill | Part 2
Bad Boy | Part 2
Bad Boy | Part 3
Cult Leader
Bad Boy | Part 4
Cult Leader | Part 2
Corner Store
Corner Store | Part 2
Corner Store | Part 3
Cult Leader | Part 3
Honey | Part 2
Dangerous | Part 2
The Fog | Part 3
Honey | Part 3
Honey | Part 4
Honey | Part 5
Honey | Part 6
Malt Shop
Pearls | Part 2
Honey | Part 7
Pearls | Part 3
The Circus
Roses | Part 2
Roses | Part 3
Roses | Part 4
The Record Store
Roses | Part 5
Heartbreak Hallelujah

Passing Notes | Part 3

40 4 0
By DarkGuardian_15

Weeks passed since I became friends with Barns. I kind noticed that my other friends were drifting away from me. They stopped asking me to hangout as much. And I wondered if I had a hand in pushing them away a little. Especially since they don't like Barns. A part of me was sad to see an eleven year friendship fizzle out. So instead of spending time with Barns tonight, I went out with my other friend. "I'm glad we could all hangout tonight." One friend said.

"Yeah, it seems like forever since we were all shopping together." Another said. They had bags full of makeup, clothes, and other things. I mostly had CDs, movies, and band t-shirts. And they were all bands, music, and movies that they didn't particularly like. Ever since I started talking to Barns, I realized how little I actually had in common with them. It made me see that we all kinds matured in different ways. Going down different paths in life. And not just with our music tastes and stuff like that.

"Where else do you wanna go?" One if my friends boyfriends asked. They went to another clothing store. I ended up going into the book store. I looked around for a while, not looking for anything specific. "Y/n, hey." I heard a familiar voice say. When I looked up I smiled. "Hey, I wasn't expecting to see you here." I said as Barns gave me a hug, and I hugged him back. "I wasn't expecting to see you either. But... I'm glad that I did." He said with a smile of his own as we broke the hug.

"I'm glad too." I said happily. The two of us walked around looking at books together. It was nice talking to him about books as well. My friends were current obsessed with Twilight books. That's Something I never got into, even when the movies came out. The two of us finished up looking around before going to the food court. I didn't get a text from my friends, so I figured they were still shopping. The two of us got a drink at one of the food places, and sat down.

"Tomorrow is Saturday. Do you have any plans?" He asked after a few moments of comfortable silence. I thought for a moment before speaking. "No, I don't think so. Why?" I replied. "I was wondering if you would like to hangout tomorrow?" He said with a hopeful look in his blue eyes. "Sure, I would love to hangout tomorrow." I said with a smile, and he smiled in return. We talked for a while before he pointed my friends out to me. They were finally walking out of one if the stores.

"I better go. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" I said as I stood up and gathered my bags. "Absolutely! I'll be looking forward to it." He said. I told him that I would be looking forward to it too. I met up with my other friends and we walked outside. My one friend's boyfriend had a car, so he was driving us all home. They dropped me off first since my home was the furthest. We said our goodbyes and I went inside. After talking to my mom for a little while, I went up to my room.

I took a quick shower before changing into my pajamas. I looked at through the things I had bought. I smiled when I saw the birthday present I had bought for Barns. I really hoped that he liked it. And I was glad that he didn't see me buy it. Thankfully we met in the book store and not the music store. After putting everything away I got into bed. It took me a little while to fall asleep. But eventually I fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning I woke up and got dressed. Then I went downstairs for breakfast. As I ate I told my parents about hanging out with Barns today. They said it was okay, and they were glad that I let them know. Although I wasn't sure where he and I would go. He just asked to hangout last night. I finished eating and brushed my teeth. I also made sure I didn't have ant homework I forgot about. Thankfully, I didn't have any assignments.

It felt like forever before there was a knock on the door. I grabbed a backpack with snacks, water, and extra jackets. It is fall after all. You never know when it'll suddenly get colder outside. Even though I was wearing a hoodie. I said goodbye to my parents before opening the door. They didn't know who I was hanging out with. I didn't want them to meet Barns just yet. I was afraid that they wouldn't want me to spend time with him.

"Hey." He said with a smile. He was wearing his usual leather jacket. A band t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. He also had a backpack and his skateboard. "Hey. How are you today?" I said as we walked off the porch. "I'm okay. I didn't sleep much though, I was up all night playing Assassin's Creed." He said with a small laugh. "Well, at least you didn't forget that we were supposed to hangout." I said with a smile. We walked for a little while until we reached the tree line.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously as I looked around a little. "I thought we could go for a hike kinda. I hope you don't mind." He said, and I said that didn't. We walked into the woods and went along a trail for a while. Then he suggested we stop for a little while. We entered a grassy flat area where he took his backpack off. He took a blanket out of his backpack and laid it onto the grass. Then he sat down on it. "Come here and sit with me." He said, motioning me to join him.

I sat down next to him and took my backpack off. "I brought some snacks and water." I said as I reached into my backpack. "So did I." He smiled and we shared our snacks. We talked for a while. But eventually we laid down on our backs and enjoyed nature. The sounds of the birds and everything was so relaxing. The yellow, orange, and red canopy above us, looked absolutely beautiful.

The golden sunlight filtering though made the leaves glow. "It's so beautiful here. I'm glad you asked me to hangout with you today, Barns." I said, looking over at him with a smile. "I'm glad you tagged along. I really like spending time with you." He said with a smile of his own. I honestly didn't want the day to end. I wanted to lay there with him forever, but I knew that wasn't possible. We eventually packed everything up and went on hiking. Around two o'clock we finally left the woods.

"Would you like to come to my place? We could get a late lunch and play video games if you want." He said with a hopeful look in his gentle blue eyes. "Sure, that sounds fun." I said with a smile, and he smiled in return. When we got to his home, I noticed that his parents were out. But that didn't make me uncomfortable. I was kinda a little nervous about meeting them. He lead me into the kitchen where we made sandwiches. After eating we went to his room.

We played various different video games. He won almost every time. Mostly because I wasn't experienced with playing them as much as he was. I didn't mind losing though. Especially when he was being comical about it. He really has a great sense of humor. After playing video games we decided to listen to music. He sang along to most of the songs. "You really do have a good singing voice, Barns." I said with a smile. He smiled back and blushes a little. "Thanks." He replied awkwardly.

We heard his parents come home and he turned the music down a little. A few moments passed before there was a knock on door. It was open, so his dad could see inside. "Barnaby, we made it home. Oh... who is this? A friend?" His dad said in a British accent. "Yes, this is y/n." Barns said, introducing us. We said hello and his dad asked me a few questions. Mostly about school and how Barns and I met. I don't think he knew how much Barns was bullied.

I guess it wasn't a surprise that didn't know. I doubted that Barns would tell his parents. "I hope you'll help my son with his studies. Maybe you could get him to attend class more than he has been." His dad said, giving Barns a look. It made me feel a little awkward, and I'm sure Barns felt embarrassed. "I'll try my best, sir." I said shyly. When his dad finally left, we both let out a sigh of relief. There was a long moment of uncomfortable silence. "You're full name is Barnaby?" I asked curiously. "Yes." He cringed a little.

"It's okay, I like it. It's different, although I do prefer Barns." I said with a small laugh, which made him smile. He made me promise not to tell anyone his full first name. Of course I promised that I wouldn't. If anyone at school knew about it they would bully him even more. His parents invited me to stay for dinner. I called my parents to see if it was okay, and they said yes. Barns's parents made a delicious dinner.

I thanked them for inviting me to stay. I got to meet Barns's brother as well. After dinner I went to Barns's room again. He asked for my help with his homework. "I'm sorry that I'm asking for you help on the weekend." He said shyly. "It's okay. I don't mind. Although I can't help you much with math." I replied with a laugh. He laughed too and said that was okay. I helped him with his homework and then decided to go home. It was getting late and we had school tomorrow.

Barns's mom offered to drive me home. Barns actually tagged along. He walked up to the porch with me and we said our goodbyes. Because his mom was watching we shared an awkward hug. I knew his mom would probably ask him a bunch of questions on his way home. When I got inside I spoke to my parents for a while. They asked about my day and everything. Then I went to my room to get ready for bed.

A/N: Thanks for reading!! Remember to vote, comment, share, etc. :) <3

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