The Mafia's Love | Taehyung F...

By Cuteztae

634K 19.1K 931

( Fetus writing until chapter 10, after that the story turns exciting ig..。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。) That one ruthless Mafia... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
New Book
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Another New Book ♡
Bonus Chapter #1 (⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠)
My Favourite

Chapter 21

11K 319 2
By Cuteztae

" sir we are here " Mr. Yang called Taehyung softly. He opened his eyes and looked at Y/n. She was fast asleep Leaning on to the seat. Taehyung kept on looking at her sleeping.

" She looks so innocent when she's sleeping " taehyung thought. He stared at her for about 2 minutes and slowly patted on y/n s shoulder to wake her up.
" Y/n ssi. We are here. Wake up " taehyung called y/n in a soft voice.
Hearing Taehyung s voice, y/n opened her eyes slowly and looked at taehyung. She was still drowsy. She straightened on the seat and smiled at taehyung.
" Thank you Mr. Kim for taking your time to drop me off at home. It means alot. And also thank you even more for everything you did for me today. I am so grateful " y/n said bowing her head to thank taehyung
" Aniyo. I am the one who is more and more thankful y/n ssi. I am glad that you had a good time today. I will see you soon " taehyung said with a smile.
" Yes sure Mr. Kim. Have a good night. Thank you once again. Also good night Mr. Yang.. thank you for driving us. " Y/n said in her small voice and got down from the car and closed the door.
She seemed to be waiting until Mr. Yang drives off but Taehyung rolled down his window and talked to y/n..
" We will go once we see you off y/n's already past 10.30. Go home safely" Taehyung said.
" Okay Mr. Kim. Good night "y/n said with a bow and walked away.
Taehyung watched her disappear from his sight and closed the car window and asked yang to drive him home.


At Rosé s House

Rose went home in a taxi in the morning but her mom wasn't home. She was in a very bad mood as always. As soon as she came home, she went to her room and closed the door.

At around 6 30 in the evening, Mrs. Lee Hyun came home and once she saw Rosé s shoes at the entrance she got startled. She called a maid and asked whether Rose came home.
" Yes ma'am. Miss Rose came home early in the morning. She is inside her room. She hasn't come out since she came home." The maid replied.
Rose's mom knew something was off so she hurried to Rose's room.
" Rosé!! Darling open the door. It's your eomma " she called her daughter.
After some time Rosé opened the door and her mom went into her room and sat on the bed.
" My daughter? What's wrong? Why did you come back ? " She asked Rosé
" Eomma. Why did you even send me to his house? I was so lonely. No one other than the maids accepted me. Why did you made me go there? Let me stay home. I will never ever step into that house again " Rose said with teary eyes.
" But you are married. You cant come back home like this rose " her mom told Rose.
" No eomma. We didn't marry . We didn't sign anything. So don't ever ask me to go back there again. I will find someone who will love me and then I will marry. Please let me live my life until then and please I beg you eomma, don't use me to fulfill your grudges Against Kims. I won't do it anymore " Rosé kept on saying and her mother slowly hugged her. " I am sorry my daughter. I won't ask you anything like that again. You live your life. I will talk to Mr. Kim about this." She said to rosé.
" No eomma.. no talking anymore. I am done with them. Okay?" Rosé said. She seemed super determined never to get involved with the Kim family.
Lee Hyun nodded slowly. " Okay my daughter. Have a wash and come downstairs to eat something. Forget everything that happened. Start a new life from tomorrow" she said and left Rose's room and went to her room closing the door behind her.

Lee Hyun had a grudge against Taehyung. Because In an auction which was held not long ago , taehyung bought a very successful business for a super high bid. Lee Hyun wanted that but since she lost to taehyung, she wanted to get back at him. It was not the only reason she had a grudge against him. She didn't want to stop seeing taehyung when she was using him for sex. But at the age of 18, taehyung realized that she was the one who destroyed his childhood which would have been beautiful if she wasn't a part if it, he stopped every contact he had with her. Lee Hyun was so mad at him for that since making her friends and others sleep with taehyung, she used to make money. But because taehyung stopped seeing her, she lost her main way of making money.  She wanted to destroy Kim Taehyung for cutting ties with her. She knew she destroyed taehyung s childhood but she wanted to keep doing it.  The need of destroying taehyung was growing more and more everyday in her mind.  She has been waiting for the right time to approach taehyung to activate her plans. For that she tried to use her own daughter. But since it went wrong she was thinking about some other method to hurt Taehyung.
" I will never ever let you live in peace Kim Taehyung. I will destroy you. I will make you suffer. Give me some time. I will be back soon " Lee Hyun thought to herself and went downstairs to check on her daughter


" Eommaa!!! I am home " calling her mother, y/n went inside. Even though it was past 10 30 she knew that her mom would be awake until she comes back home.
" Ooh. Nice that you are home before 11. How did you come home y/n ? And what's with your dress? It was not what you were wearing? " Mrs. Choi asked y/n raising one of her eyebrows.
" Mr. Taehyung dropped me home eomma. And accidentally my coat and a sleeve from the top got torn. I didn't see it at first. Mr. Taehyung was the one who saw it. Therefore he asked the hotel staff to bring ALOT Clothing so that I can choose whatever I like. I tried to turn his offer down but it was no use. " Y/n kept on saying.
" Ah. But don't keep any relationship with them y/n okay? They live in a different world than us and even though it's filled with money, it's way more dangerous. So keep your distance. Talk if they talk to you. But don't go off your limits okay? " Mrs. Choi advised y/n
" Yes sure eomma. But Mr. Taehyung was such a gentleman eomma. I don't know why others say that he is fierce and this and that. To me he was one of the sweetest people that I have ever seen. He was such a kind , caring..." Y/n didn't get to finish what she was saying, Mrs choi cut her off.
" Enough with that y/n. Go have a wash and sleep. You have university tomorrow " she said looking at her excited daughter.
" Okay eomma. Good nighttt " y/n wished her mother and went to her room to change until pajamas.


Taehyung changed into his pajamas and laid down on his bed scrolling up and down on his phone. Mrs. Hong informed taehyung that Rosé left early in the morning. Taehyung was already in a good mood when he came home but after hearing that Rosé was gone, his mood uplifted even more.
When he was zoning out looking at his phone, he felt it vibrate so he checked the inbox to see who texted him. And it was y/n. Seeing y/n s name pop on his notification panel made Taehyung excited. He opened the chat to see what it was.
" Hope you went home safely Mr. Kim.  Thank you for everything once again. Good night " the message read and it made him smile.
" Yes I came home safely y/n ssi. Have a good night you too" taehyung replied and kept his phone away.

It was the first time that he spent time alone with a stranger after about 8 years. He was used to spend most of his time alone, with Jimin or with his friend hyungs and Jungkook. Taehyung was feeling something different but he didn't know what it was. He was happy and excited. His life has been monotonous for a long time, that he didn't know what real happiness was.
" May be I should start associating more people, or may be I should have new friends" taehyung was thinking and he fell asleep after sometime.


The following Day

Taehyung was going through some documents in his office and he heard his mobile ring and it was Jimin. He quickly answered the phone.
" Taehyung ah. Your father Mr. Kim is here to see you " Jimin said In a worried voice.
" Oh it's fine Jimin ssi. Send him to my office. By the way is my hyungs there? " Taehyung asked Jimin.
" No taehyung ah. Only Mr. Kim is here. Namjoonie hyung and Seokjinnie hyung aren't here." Jimin said
" Okay send my father to my office Jiminah. Thank you " taehyung said and disconnected the call.

Taehyung saw this coming. Mr. Kim was the one who wanted to marry taehyung to Rosé. But since taehyung sent her back and since they were not legally married, taehyung knew that his father must be so mad at him. He was ready to face any consequences so he went out of his office to welcome his father.
Mr. Kim walked into Taehyung s office without speaking a word. Jimin was looking at them with a worried face but Taehyung assured him with a nod signalling that everything is gonna be alright.
Taehyung closed the door and took a seat looking at Mr. Kim
" You must already know why I am here?" Mr. Kim growled at Taehyung.
" Yes father and I think you should let me explain myself " taehyung said without any hesitation.
Since Mr. Kim didn't respond, taehyung started to speak. " Aboji. I know that you wanted me to get married so that I won't be sleeping with other women. But I don't wanna get trapped into a marriage. And if you think that I will change just because I marry someone, you are wrong. I am not ready to marry anyone at the moment. Give me time, I will think about it and consider about marriage myself. " Taehyung said looking straight at his father's eyes.
" What's the reason???? What's the reason for refusing Mrs. Lee s family this much ? " Mr. Kim questioned from his son with a blank expression. Mr. Kim wanted to shout at Taehyung once he got to know that Taehyung sent Rose home. But Seokjin and Namjoon were able convince mr. Kim that Taehyung must have had an unavoidable reason for his actions since he has never gone against Mr. Kim before. Mr. Kim was asking Taehyungs' Hyungs whether they know the reason for taehyungs behavior. Even though they knew it, they didn't say a word to their father because they knew that Taehyung will tell him when the right time comes. So they pretended not to know anything but kept on requesting Mr. Kim to think from Taehyung's side as well.  Mr. Kim also knew that taehyung doesn't act out like this without a reason. He wanted to know his son's reason to do so. 

" It's related to my painful past aboji. I don't want to talk about it again. Please trust me. I will find someone who'll love me for who I am. Not someone who is interested in my money or status" taehyung said in a pleading tone because he didn't want to argue with his father. 

Mr. Kim didn't say anything for sometime. Then he looked at Taehyung and nodded slowly. "Okay I will give you sometime. But remember that you don't have forever to find a partner. Okay?" Mr. Kim said that and stood up. He looked at Taehyung and patted his shoulder before leaving the office chamber. 

Once his father was gone, Taehyung let out a big sigh. He heard two quick knocks on his office door and Jimin walked inside. "Is everything okay Taehyungah? Your father smiled and talked with me really nicely before he left. H e asked me to look after you well" Jimin said with an amazed face. Hearing that Taehyung let out a small chuckle. " everything happens for the best Jiminah. I think aboji finally understood what  i was saying." Taehyung said with a relieved face. 

"Thats really nice Taehyung ah. By the way we questioned the one who drugged you. She was saying that she got a call from an unknown number to drug you and then to kill you. Apparently they have told her that they will pay her handsomely for that. She said that she wanted money for her mom's heart surgery and that was the reason for her to do so " Jimin told Taehyung about their ongoing investigation.

" Then why hasnt she completed the task?" Taehyung asked Jimin. "She said that she didnt want to kill anyone to get money and she has gotten scared once you passed out due to drugs. So she has left the club soon and apparently she has been watched by someone and once she left the club she has received a call from another unknown number and the caller has said that they are going to kill her and her mother because she didnt do what they asked her to do. Thats why she has been inside her house without even coming out to breath." Jimin said. "We checked her background and all she said was true '' he added. 

"I knew it jiminah. There must be someone powerful behind this. Dont harm the girl. Take her phone and track the unknown numbers. Try to find out who called her. And ask our medical staff to check on her mother. I will pay for her surgery . " Taehyung said 

"But she tried to harm you Taehyungah. " Jimin started to say but Taehyung cut him off. " Yes but she didnt right? As you said , She tried to do that for her mother and she had some humanity left not to kill me for money. So i dont see any wrong side in helping her jiminah " Taehying said .

"you are such a great gentleman Taehyungah. Whatever you do in your private life, you have so much goodness in you and i am so proud to be your friend." Jimin said looking at his best friend.

" Aww thats so nice of you chingu. I was planning to go to the club tonight but i ll do it later. I will be going to the warehouse to meet that girl after work. I would really appreciate it if you can join me. " Taehyung asked jimin. " Yes i will come for sure taehyungah. " jimin said so and left the office since he got a call from mafia yoongis secretary. 

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