Born Blue

De HoneyMabel

30.3K 330 14

This starts off at the end of the season 10 finale. (Which was amazing!) The interactions with the baby Jamko... Mai multe

Starting a Family?
Baby Blues
It's About Time
Sick Day
Telling the Family
Cloudy Judgement
Operation:Family Stakeout
Not in Church
Christmas Day
Unwanted Visitor
Getting Ready
Mood Swings
Baby Time
First Night Home
Meeting her cousins
First Mothers Day
Joe Babysits
Nicoles Interview
Eddie Goes Back to Work
Know your place
Settling the Dispute
Learning The Ropes
Night Adventure
Eddie Goes Out
Hashing it out
Blast from the past
One thing to the next
More puzzle pieces
Take them down
The double date
Pregnancy brain
What does it mean
The reagans 2 cents
Everything happens for a reason
Could've been worse
Run down
Cheater cheater
Now What?
New Game Plan
The Truth
The Old Flame
Unnecessary Visitor
Weighing the options
Professional conversation
So sweet
Case closed
Teamwork makes the dreamwork
Quality time
New Partner
Seems Familer
In Need of Love
Over The Edge
One on One
The One That Got Away
Making Amends
Still His Little Girl
An Honest Mistake
To be fair
Going to the Chapel
Drama at the 2-9
Bringing work home
Water Under The Bridge
Finally Some R&R
Battle Scars
Kiss and Makeup
A New Addition?
New Dinner Guest
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Big News
Deja Vu
Trouble in Paradise
Spicy Night
The 2 Week Wait
Ryans 1st Birthday
Seeing Double
The Big Announcement
Gathering Intel
Well This Is Awkward
Who's The Father
Officially Outnumbered
Another Reagan Is Born
Babies Left and Right
Just Another Day- Final Chapter

High Tensions

186 2 0
De HoneyMabel

Monday April 3th 2023

Jamie and Eddie were at work bright and early after a long night of hardly any sleep with the kids. Mostly Alaina, she was scared to sleep in her room and kept coming into their bed to sleep with them.

Eddie was riding with officer Tipton today, Rachel got the opportunity to be apart of an operation that was getting run in the middle of the night and probably going into the morning. Eddie was up all night it felt like anyway she should've volunteered.

"I need a gallon of coffee after my night, want me to get you a cup?" Eddie asked Tipton as she parked along the road.

"No thanks, I had some already." She said. Eddie got out of the car and walked up to the coffee cart and waited.

"Janko! 10:13 in the park!" Tipton yelled out of the car. Eddies heart stopped, she threw the barista the money and ran to the car with her coffee.

"Here!" She basically threw the coffee at Tipton to hold as she whizzed out of there with the lights and sirens on.

"This was where the op was going down that Witten was apart of!" Eddie said trying to stay calm but she was panicking, let's be honest.

They got to the scene and the perp was on the ground getting cuffed and read his rights but the main attraction was off in the park where the EMTs were and a gathering of people. Eddie and Tipton ran off to see what was going on. They were too late and they had them in the ambulance and started to leave for the hospital. Eddies heart was beating out of her chest.

"Eddie!" A familiar voice called out.

"Rachel!" Eddie said when she saw her coming toward her. She was a mess, crying, blood on her uniform, not hers.

"What happened!? Who got shot!?" Eddie asked.

"I shot Rodrigues! He was undercover coming toward me and no one radioed they they had the perp in custody!" Rachel said shaking in fear. Eddie was in shock and gave her a hug before she had to go talk to the sergeant on the scene and get checked out herself. Eddie felt awful watching her walk away, her heart sunk for her.

"We should get to the hospital?" Tipton suggested. Eddie agreed and they left.

When they got in the waiting room full of other officers already Eddie looked for Jamie immediately and walked over to him.

"Do you know what the hell happened!?" Jamie asked her just as shocked. Eddie pulled him away from other people listening to talk and gave him all the information she knew.

An hour later the doctor came out and said he was stable and probably wouldn't be up for visitors until tomorrow. So everyone left to get back to work. Eddie wanted to wait for Rachel but Jamie encouraged her to give her space and just get back to the street.

The rest of Eddie and Tiptons tour wasn't very interesting so they headed back to the precinct. Eddie was hoping to see Rachel before she went home anyway.

She saw her talking to Jamie in his office with the door shut. She waited outside for her.

" okay?" Eddie asked her when she finally came out.

"Yeah. He wasn't mad, I'm just shaken up and feel like this is all my fault but looking back I didn't know anyone was not in uniform" she explained as they started walking.

"That's not your fault. That's whoever was in charge of the operation Rachel! Don't beat yourself about it, besides he's okay, he's alive!" Eddie told her after seeing how disappointed she was with herself.

"Don't shoot I'm a cop" a female officer (Draves) said passing by them. Eddie whipped around to confront her.

"Excuse me!?" She said.

"Not you." She said.

"I don't care who! Take it back!" Eddie said getting feisty, drawing attention to them.

"Eddie it's okay...!" Witten said looking at the stares.

"Yeah Janko just relax." Draves told her.

"Listen up buttercup...You wanna come after my friend who did nothing wrong you're gonna come after me!" Eddie got up in his face playing mama bear. The fellow officers who were watching starting saying "ooo" and making fun of the fact that miss big shot was getting told.

"Screw off." She told her and started to turn away. Eddie flipped and started to fight with her, it got loud, some people were hollering to fight, cheering them on and some we're trying to break it up.

"Hey!" Jamie came storming around the corner to see a mob of cops in the hall. He had no idea who it was but he had to obviously stop it.

"Break it up! Who is it!?" He asked trying to feed his way into the middle. No one answered him it was just loud, he grabbed one of them and put them up against the wall to get them broken up, only to see it was his wife!

"Eddie!?" He was shocked and then turned to see who she was fighting with. Eddie was fired up, her face said it all. Jamie let go of his grip on her as he would never handle his wife like that.

"What the hell is going on!?" He asked looking at Draves and then Eddie.

"She started it!" Draves said pointing fingers.

"You started it running your smart ass of a mouth!" Eddie snarked back.

"Alright enough! Both of you in my office we're not doing this here!" Jamie commanded. They both walked off.

"Get back to work! I don't want any more problems the rest of the day got it!?" Jamie shouted to the crowd around them.

"Yes sir..." they all said at the same time and dispersed.

"Sarge wait! Eddie was standing up for me, Draves made a smart comment about me shooting Rodrigues...Eddie was just trying to have my voice when I didn't." Rachel said holding Jamie up. He let that sink in.

"Thanks for the backstory. Now go home, get some rest." He lightly punched her arm to send her off and then headed to his office. He took a deep breath ready to face a beast. Talk about a tough spot.

"Alright. Draves in the hall." He said and closed the door behind her. He sat down and looked at Eddie, sighing with another breath.

"What happened..?" He asked.

"She walked by Witten and I and said don't shoot I'm a cop. I called her out, I defended Rachel confidently, she told me to screw off and I..." she got hesitant and couldn't look at Jamie.

"And??" Jamie asked.

"And I got handsy..." Eddie admitted looking down knowing she was in the wrong for starting the physical stuff.

"Huh. Eddie..." Jamie was disappointed in her and she knew it.

"I know I shouldn't have but she just pissed me off!" She emphasized.

"I know it's been a bad day and everyone's stressed out and tired from today's events but you can't throw the first person that pisses you off to the floor..." Jamie told her.

"It won't happen again." Eddie told him confidently.

"I know." Jamie replied and motioned Draves to come into his office.

"Your smart comments need to stop and Eddie needs to keep her hands to herself. Get nice and friendly with each other cause your riding together the rest of the week." Jamie said and gathered his stuff to go home. Both of them groaned about it but said yes sir and left.

Jamie waited for Eddie to drive home beings they could carpool most days. He knew she was probably going to be a little upset with his decision so he turned on her favorite radio station, not his. Turned the heat up a little higher so she wouldn't be cold and complain. She came out of the precinct and got in the car. She didn't say anything and had a blunt look on her face. Jamie knew she was mad.

"I love you." He said looking at her profile.

"Mhm." She said.

"Eddie...c'mon babe..." Jamie said hopelessly.

"Can you just start driving so we beat the traffic and I can get dinner started." She asked with attitude and confidence.

"Yeah but can you please not be mad at me? It's my job. I can't let you walk and punish know that I'm in a tough spot." He said and started driving home.

"I understand that but I rather of just been put on foot patrol for a month then ride with that bitch for the week." She said resting her head in her hand against the window.

"Wow. Okay well I'm sorry but this is how I handle in house disputes...make them work together. It happened to me a couple times and helped. This will be good for you." Jamie told her. Eddie just shook her head but understood Jamie was in a tough spot and didn't argue anymore. Jamie grabbed her hand and held it the rest of the way home so she'd know it hurt him to do it and she still meant the world to him.

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