(Discontinued) Harry Potter O...

By tf-is-fanfic

111K 1.3K 554

Thank you for taking interest in my book! I am sorry to inform you that my book is no longer taking requests... More

Draco for Carmen
Ron x Reader
Brother!Cedric x Sister!Reader x Friend!Cho
Neville x Reader
Draco for Savannah
Brother!Draco x Sister!Reader
Fred x Reader
Dean x Reader
Draco for Savannah Pt 2
Draco for Annabelle
Draco for Bella Rose
Draco for Annabelle pt 2
Draco for Samantha
Neville for Jassmine
Drarry *Lemon*
Ron for Ella
Harry for Moony (Hareem)
Neville for Jassmine pt 2
Ron for Ella Scene 2
Draco x Fem!Reader *Lemon*
Harry for Angel
Supernatural x Reader x Harry Potter
Draco for Jasmine
Oliver for Jazmyn
Harry for Bree
Neville x Reader
SPN x Reader x HP pt 2
Draco for Annabelle
Charlie for Sophie
Oliver x Reader
Pansy for Carmen
uh... hey...
Draco for Chloe
Ok (a/n)
Draco for Jasmine
Draco x Reader

Draco x Reader x Harry

4.7K 70 11
By tf-is-fanfic

These next two are probably going to be longer, sorry :3 I DO NOT OWN PHANTOM OF THE OPERA~! And, sorry this one isn't dedicated, the person decided to remain anonymous, which is completely fine with me. I personally LOVE Phantom of the Opera


'Here we go! Time for the audition,' you thought, trying to brush off your nerves. Slowly, you walked onto the stage when your name was called.

"I am auditioning for Christine Daae," you said loudly.

"Alright, Miss (l/n), please sing 'Think Of Me' and say a few lines," the judge said. Soon after, the music started playing.

You sang the song and thought you did a horrible job, but when you looked up, the judge seemed shocked.

"Say some lines with me now," they said, collecting themselves. After all of the lines, the judge nodded at you, "Thank you. We will contact you with the results."

You scurried out and sat in your car for a bit before seeing a blonde haired man and a brunette walking in, glaring at each other.

"Wouldn't it be funny if one got the Phantom and the other got Raoul,' you giggled to yourself.

On your way home you thought of everything you could have done better. You waited for (b/f/n) to come home and talk about her audition to become Meg Giry. After a hour or so, she finally came home. She talked about what lines she had to say and what song part she had to sing. Soon, you were asked questions about your audition and if you could sing the 'Angel Of Music' with her. Of course, you agreed. When you were done singing and playing around you two decided to stay right beside each other until you both got the call.

~~Time skip to next day~~

You two were awoken to the sound of (b/f/n)'s phone going off.

She shot up and answered, "Hello?...Really?!...Thank you so much!...I won't disappoint you!...Alright! See you then! Bye!"

When she hung up, she squealed and pulled you in for a hug, "I get to be Meg Giry! I wonder when they are going to call yo-" your phone rings, "Never mind."

You quickly answered with a polite 'Hello'.

"Hello, Miss (l/n), we are pleased to inform you that you are the official Christine," the caller said.

"Thank you so much! I won't mess up," you promised.

"Great. Rehearsals star next Tuesday," they said, "But we will need you in by Saturday, same place, at 4:00 PM for costumes."

"Of course! I'll be there," you replied.

"Thank you for auditioning. Bye," they hung up.

"(b/f/n)! I got the part," you squealed, hugging her once more.

~~Time skip to Saturday~~

When you walked in you saw people trying on corsets, or making sure they can move around. In the very back you saw (b/f/n) and started walking over. Someone grabbed your hand and pulled you to the stage.

"Everyone! May I have your attention, please?! I need Erik (the Phantom for people who don't know <3) and Raoul up her please," the director called out.

Soon, the two boys you saw glaring at each other walked up.

"Everyone! This is (y/n) (l/n), she will play Christine. This boy here is Draco Malfoy, he is the Phantom. And, this one is Harry Potter, he is Raoul," he beamed as everyone clapped.

You blushed as you deeply bowed.

Soon after everyone quieted down, the director continued to talk, "I need Monsieur Andre, Monsieur Firmin, Carlotta, Madame Giry, Piangi, Monsieur Reyer, and Meg Giry now. Monsieur Andre will be played by George Weasley. Monsieur Firmin will be played by Fred Weasley. Carlotta will be played by Pansy Parkinson. Madame Giry will be played by Hermione Granger. Piangi will be played by Neville Longbottom. Monsieur Reyer will be played by Ron Weasley. And, Meg Giry will be played by (b/f/n) (b/f/l/n)."

Everyone, including the ones on the stage, clapped. While you were there, you managed to get all of your costumes completed and become friends will most of the cast.

"Oh, (y/n)! Wanna walk home together," (b/f/n) asked.

"Yeah, bye everyone," you smiled, waving.


You were just finishing up rehearsal when two bouquets of flowers and two chocolate hearts where delivered to you. Interestingly, they were from two different people. You couldn't help but blush and giggle while putting them into your dressing room.

"Who is all that from," (b/f/n) smirked.

"I don't know. Two different people for sure, though," you blushed.

~~Home a few weeks later~~

"We really need to find out who these two are," (b/f/n) sighed, looking at all the flowers and such.

"I know. I get something from both of them every week," you sighed, smiling.

"Let's eliminate people. They have to be in the production because they know when you are on break. It can't be Harry or Draco because they only speak to you when they have to. It's not Fred or George because they have girlfriends. It better not be Ron because he is my boyfriend. It isn't Pansy because she is dating Blaise. I honestly don't know," she whined.

"Me either," you said, plopping a chocolate into your mouth.

~~Last Show :(~~

The show had just finished and you went into the dressing room. There was a bunch of bright colored and dark colored flowers, some even had a teddy bear. As you looked around in shock, you heard a quiet 'mew'. You smiled, looking around for the small animal. When you found it, it had (long/short) (fur color) fur with (e/c) eyes. You squealed in delight as you pet it.

"Hey (y/n)! It's time- Woah! You got a cat," (b/f/n) beamed.

"Yes! Isn't it adorable," you smiled down at it.

"Boy or girl," she asked.

"There's a note with it. 'My dear 'Christine', This kitten is a (girl/boy). It doesn't have a name yet, but I trust that you will name it something great. Love, One of Your Secret Admirers.' Hmm, what should I name it," you asked, handing her the kitten.

"I have no idea," she said, loving on it.

"How about (pet name)," you asked.

"Perfect," she beamed.

You two got on the bus with (b/f/n) and (pet name) with some flowers carried in.

"Ah! My beautiful Christine," the director smiled, hugging you, "You were wonderful!"

"T-thank you," you stuttered.

"(y/n)! Come here for a minute," Draco said from the other side of the bus.

"S-sure," you blushed, not used to all the attention.

When you got to the back, you saw Draco and Harry glaring at each other, like always.

"Yes? What do you need," you asked.

"(y/n), you know how you've been getting presents and such," Harry asked, looking quite nervous.

"Yeah," you questioned.

"Well, we have been giving you them. All of it," Draco said, looking everywhere but at you.

"Hey, (y/n), I think (pet name) wants you," (b/f/n) said, handing you the whining cat.

"Thanks," you smiled, hiding your blush as you took the cat.

"They are smiling at you! Tell me everything later," she whispered to you.

You nodded in response, and brought you attention back to the two boys in front of you. The cat jumped out of your arms and sat on the couch.

"(y/n), we both waited until the very last show for this," Harry said.

The two boys got up and stood on either side of you. Fear raised in your body as you thought of the things they might have planned. A slight blush made its way to your face as they kissed one of your cheeks. When they saw your blush, they smirked slightly.

"Heh, you're cute when you're embarrassed," Draco smirked, kissing your reddening cheek.

"H-hey! C-cut that out," you said, covering your face with your hands.

"Awe, you're blushing. Surely, you're used to this," Harry said, kissing your forehead.

"Hey cheek only," Draco growled.

"Hmph. I can do what I want," Harry replied, kissing your nose.

You uncovered your eyes to gaze at the two boys glaring at each other. They heard you chuckle and their heads snapped towards you.

"What are you laughing at," Draco growled.

"You two, of course," you laughed, kissing their cheeks and started to leave.

When you got out of the room, you could feel their stares.

"It's not polite to stare," you said, looking back at them.

They blushed and looked away, "Sorry."

You walked to your bunk, snuggled up to (pet name) and tried to sleep. Before you feel asleep, you felt two bodies crawl in with you. You heard two faint 'Good nights' and received two kisses on the nose before you drifted into a peaceful, happy sleep.


 Hey! I hope you liked it! I kind of fell in love with this one! Heh, Neville Longbottom x Reader next by the way. Love you all! Thanks for reading!


P.S.- If you want to listen to think of me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXDonUxBxig

Or Angel Of Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lG2zPKo9e4

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