Fast Love

By AlyssaWonder

537K 16.9K 2.5K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 25

8.9K 291 45
By AlyssaWonder


“My whole life I was in your father’s shadow. He went to business school and I was expected to do the same. He started his company and your grandfather had to beg him to hire me so I can get some ‘real world experience’. I went to college but it wasn’t for me.

I spent about ten years jumping from job to job. I got into trouble; nothing big and your father had to bail me out of jail a few times. I got arrested for some unpaid tickets and spent a year behind bars. When I got out six years ago your father told me I had to straighten out my life or he wouldn’t be there the next time I was arrested.

I had started working out while in jail and I was at this bar and a nasty fight broke out between three bikers. I helped some guards break it up and came out without a scratch. I was offered a job and I took it. Being a bouncer wasn’t exactly a job your father wanted to tell his snobby friends that I had so that night when I saw you last, your father paid me ten thousand dollars to disappear and never contact him or you again.”

I held the phone to my ear listening to my uncle tell me this story. My dad never mentioned that he went to jail; but then again that wasn’t something you talk to a ten or eleven year old about. It would make sense for my dad to stay that Mitch stole the money especially if my mother questioned him about the missing funds.

“So if I were to believe your story, what does it change?” I sigh.

“Well, seeing as I made plans with Vivian for Monday night we’ll be seeing each other more often.”


“You live in Florida?” I ask in astonishment.

“No, I live in Alabama but I’m only an hour’s drive away. I actually have a week off before the next cruise so I plan on getting to know Vivian a bit better.”

Oh wow. This was crazy. Was Amber’s mom really going to start dating my uncle?

“Mitch I’m sure Mrs. Richards told you what happened to her and her daughter-whom I happen to be dating, and I think she’s not ready to jump into something new.”

He chuckles. “That’s for Vivian to decide. Emery, I’m not a bad guy okay. Yes, I’ve made some mistakes-who hasn’t? Give me a chance and if I fuck up then you can hate my guts until the day I die all right kiddo?”

I sigh and tell my uncle I’ve got to get back to my girl, not giving him a definite answer if I was going to give him a chance. I end the call and head back to my room.

Since it is still early I suggest to Amber that we hang out in the room for a bit before going sight seeing and whatnot.

“But the ship leaves at two o’clock.” Amber whines, ready to go.

“But it’s barely eight o’clock.” I argue while sitting on the couch.

She groans and flops down on the couch next to me. I place my arm around her shoulders and bring her head closer to me. I kiss her forehead.

“The island isn’t going anywhere babe.” I chuckle.

She gives me a small smile and then turns to her mother who is just finishing her plate of food.

“What are you doing today?” she asks.

Vivian shrugs her shoulders. “I guess I can go sightseeing too. I promised some co-workers I’d bring back some souvenirs anyway.”

She nods and turns back to me. “We should get some stuff for Shannon and Garrett.”

I agree and turn on the TV. We watch a movie on HBO for about two hours and decide to get off the boat. We’ve got six hours before the boat is to leave the dock and head back to Florida, giving us more than enough time to take in the sights and buy souvenirs.


“Okay, so you guys call me at one and we’ll meet right here an hour before the ship leaves.” my mom tells me when we get off the ship.

“Okay.” I stay and grab Emery’s arm and attempt to pull him away but my mom grabs my arm and stops me.

I spin to her and she slips some money in my hand. I give her a smile as she releases my arm. Emery and I head straight for a souvenir shop that is near the beach.

“Oooh, I like this. I think I’ll get this for myself.” I state when I see a white tee with blue sleeves that has Bahamas written across the front.

“I thought you wanted to buy something for Shannon and Garrett.” Emery laughs as I look through the tees for my size.

“I know but…oooh!” I gasp when I spot a pillow of the Bahamas’s flag. “I want one of these too.”

Emery just laughs harder as I act like a kid in a candy store. We end up spending two hours in the shop. For myself I purchase the tee, the pillow, a Bahamas flag coffee mug and a key chain. I buy a calendar and a white tote bag for Shannon and a Bahamas embroidered water bottle for Garrett.

Emery splits the cost with me for the gifts and buys an embroidered Bahamas cap for himself. We leave the store and head back on the ship. We place our things in Emery’s room and then go back to the room that Axel bought and get my luggage.

I grab my swimsuit and we go back to Emery’s room to change so we can spend the last three hours at the beach.

Since Emery has seen me naked on several occasions, I am not shy about undressing in front of him and placing on my swim suit. He does the same and we head for the beach.

Emery rents a jet ski once we arrive on the beach and asks if I want to ride. I have never done it so I decide to try it. We each are given life jackets and Emery gets on the jet ski first. I climb behind him and clutch onto his waist and let out a scream as he speeds out to the middle of the water.

Emery drives the ski like a pro and I am screaming the whole time. He laughs at me as he maneuvers the watercraft and even jumps against a wave. That makes me scream my head off.

“Babe, I think you busted my ear drum.” he jokes when we’re no longer in the air.

I hit his arm. “Take me back to the shore!”

“Oh come on babe. We’ve still got forty minutes.”

I shake my head while holding onto him tighter. “I don’t care. You can come back out but I want to go back to shore!”

“Fine.” he laughs and heads for the shore.

I jump off the ski when we’re close enough and walk to shore. I take off the jacket and hand it over to the guy manning the rental booth.

I find a shady spot on the beach and lie down in the sand while I wait for Emery to finish his hour on the ski. I relax a bit and end up falling asleep.

I am shaken awake when I feel water splashing on me. I open my eyes and see Emery shaking the water off his hair onto me.

“Don’t you know it’s dangerous to fall asleep on the beach?” he states while sitting next to me.

“I wasn’t sleep. I was resting my eyes.” I grog and sit up.

He chuckles. “Yeah yeah. We’ve got two hours left. What do you want to do?”

I get an idea and throw a sexy smirk to my sexy boyfriend. “I can think of a few things.”

I pull him to me and kiss his lips.

“Do those few things involve us getting out of these wet bathing suits?” he asks against my lips.

“Uh huh.” I whisper and peck his lips.

“Do those things involve us touching each other?”

“Uh huh.”

“Do those things…”

I giggle and kiss him roughly to shut him up. “Let’s just go to your room so I can take advantage of you.”

He laughs loudly when I pull away. He stands and reaches his hand out to me. I take it and he pulls me out of the sand. I brush the sand off my butt and the back of my thighs.

“You missed a spot.” Emery states and he places his hand on the curve of my butt.

“You’re using the sand as an excuse to cop a feel?” I say in a sarcastic shocked voice.

He pulls me close to him. “I can’t help it. You’ve got a great ass.”

I laugh and accept his kiss when he leans down into me. I pull away and pull him toward the ship. We get on and all but run to his room. Emery spins me to him once we’re inside and closes the door with his foot. He kisses me and pushes me to the bed.

I moan as I attempt to pull away from his lips. “Do you want to take a shower first? We’ll get sand on the bed and get the sheets wet.” I reason.

“The sheets are going to get wet regardless babe.” Emery smirks.

“Oh my God, you’re so bad.” I giggle.

“Okay, let’s take a shower.” he states and pushes me to the bathroom.

He turns on the water in the stall and when it’s a good temperature he pulls off his swim trunks and gets inside. He looks to me and wiggles his finger to me.

I pull of my wet suit and join Emery in the stall. He immediately latches his lips to mine as the water falls around our bodies. I feel his hard member against my stomach.

“Lift your leg babe.” he whispers to me between kisses.

“No.” I sigh and push away from him. “You’re not wearing a condom.”

He groans. “Come on babe. I’ll pull out.”

I laugh. “Don’t you know that’s how so many girls get pregnant? We’ll have sex when you can put on a condom.”

He pulls me back to him and trails kisses along my jaw line. “Baby I know my body and I know when I’m about to cum. Trust me okay.”

He goes back to kiss me and I feel his fingers between my legs. A slight jolt is sent through my body and Emery pushes me gently against the wall. Against my better judgment I don’t stop Emery when he pushes inside me. I gasp as he quickly begins thrusts, not giving me time to adjust to his size.

“I love you so fucking much.” Emery breathes against my cheek.

I throw my arm around his neck and lift my leg so he can get a better angle for penetration.

“Oh, yeah. I’m going to cum soon.” he states while thrusting like there’s no tomorrow.

“Pull out. Pull out!” I gasp while holding onto him for dear life.

He continues the thrusts. “Not yet. Not yet. Fuck!”

He hisses and jerks away from my body. I feel something hit my calf and look down at the pearly white substance running down my leg and mixing in with the water. I look up at Emery and he gives me an apologetic smile.

“Sorry about that.” he states and points to my leg.

“You good.” I smile at him and grab a cloth.

I lather it with soap and clean my body. Emery does the same and once we are rinsed off I wash my hair and Emery does the same. Emery turns off the water when we’re done and we step out. I grab a large towel and dry my body and hair.

Emery quickly dries off and pulls on some clothes. I dress in a simple tank top and shorts. Emery and I flop down on the couch and end up falling asleep in each other’s arms.

We wake up a few hours later to knocking on the door. Emery goes to the door, opens it and my mother comes in with some bags.

“Did you two have fun?” she asks as she places the bag next to the bed.

“Yeah. What about you?” I ask while yawning and stretching.

“Well, you know how much I love shopping.” she smiles and flops down on the bed. “What happened to us meeting by the dock?”

I had forgotten about that. “Sorry, we came up here and end up falling asleep.”

She eyes me. “Mhmm-hmm.”

I chuckle and there is an announcement that the ship will be leaving in half an hour. I was so glad; time to get back home and back to regular life!

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