Uchihas Craziness (BOOK 1: RE...

By VicMalfoy19

132K 3.3K 379

After a gorgeous wedding and beautiful honeymoon filled with much laughter and sex. The Uchiha couple had set... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Last Chapter

Chapter 15

3.3K 95 5
By VicMalfoy19

Naruto stared down at the pink box Sasuke had handed to him as soon as he came home. Sana and Daiki were in their play pin with a stuffed fox (for omegas and Sanas favorite) and a stuffed toad (for Daiki).
He looked up at Sasuke confused. It read "pregnancy test". He didn't get it.

"Take it koneko."
"Because I asked you to."
"But... why?"
Sasuke sighed. He pulled Narutos shirt up and put a hand on the slightly bigger lower part of Narutos stomach.
"This is why. Your inflating like the early stages of holding those two." Sasuke gestured his hand back to the twins.
Naruto frowned. "You think I'm pregnant?"
Sasuke watched the tears well up in his mates eyes.
"It would explain your mood swings."
"I don't have mood swings!" Sasuke allowed Naruto to smack his arm.
"Sure koneko... sure." He sighed. "Please just go take the test. If you aren't pregnant you can rub it in my face all you want."
"Tch. And to think I gave you sex this morning."
Sasuke shook his head. "Naruto-"
"Yeah okay!"

Sasuke watched as Naruto stomped off with the box in his hand. He smiled and put the groceries away. When he was finished, the door of the bathroom slamming almost made the house shake and definitely made Sasuke jump. He went to look what caused a door in the house to slam but something was around on his upper half and pulling him to the ground.
Sasuke fell to the hard floor on his ass and groaned. He looked to see what brought him down and saw an angry omega above him.

"You irresponsible Alpha! Do you not know what a condom is?!"
Sasuke looked at Naruto stunned. The omega handed him the pregnancy stick and he looked at it to see two bold lines.
Sasuke looked up at Naruto who had his arms crossed and lips in a pout.

"So I was right.. which means your mood swings are because of the baby."
"Doesn't mean shit!" Naruto jumped to his feet, pointing at Sasuke accusingly with his feet still on either side of Sasukes stomach. "You got me pregnant!"
"Technically it takes two to make a baby."
"Your not helping your case." He snarled.
Sasuke smirked and pulled the omega back down to the ground, consciously aware to treat him gentler than he would've before.
Sasuke rolled on the ground so Naruto was under him and unable to make a louder scene.
"I'm very happy that your pregnant Naruto."
Naruto crossed his arms. "Stupid alpha. What'll we do with three babies? This baby will be born just after Sana and Daikis birthday and that means a whole other year of no sleep and no.. actual good sex."
"Please I'm only putting up with our sex now because it'll drive me crazy otherwise."
Sasuke sighed. "I thought we moved from the bed thing."
"I love the bed!"
Sasuke shook his head and kissed the angry omega.
"You'll be just as happy once the shock wears off."
"What if this baby is also twins? What if you get me pregnant again? Huh? You can't "control it" which means I'm screwed either way."
"I hope you do know most of our last sex sessions it's been you who's indulged it."
"Pregnancy makes me horny." He blamed.
"Even that two month dry spell? I didn't know you were pregnant than."
"Cut the sarcasm Uchiha."
Sasuke wiggled his eyebrows and Naruto rolled his eyes. He stood and pulled Naruto up with him. Sasuke kissed Naruto.
"Now we have great news to tell our high school group tonight." He fake cheered and Naruto sighed. "Your the one who's so set on going."
"I know!"


Sasuke finished buttoning a freshly cleaned black button-up shirt when Naruto came out of the bathroom. He was wearing a tight shirt and shinny jeans. The shirt cut off just above Narutos navel, showing off the few stretch marks that reached up there while simultaneously showing the small bump of his belly.
Sasuke smiled as Naruto walked up and tucked his shirt into his slacks.

"You look gorgeous."
Naruto looked up than down at his outfit. "I tried for casual while also showing off my bump a bit."
"And the light makeup?" Sasuke lifted Narutos chin to observe the natural shade of eye shadow and mascara.
"I can put makeup on."
"I didn't know you had any."
"It's in the bottom drawer. I don't usually wear it but I felt like it tonight."
Sasuke kissed Narutos strawberry lipgloss lips.
Naruto smiled but looked back down. He frowned and lifted Narutos chin again.

"What's wrong koneko?"
Naruto shrugged. "I feel like people will just judge."
"About the stretch marks? That's perfectly natu—"
"No." Naruto shook his head. He loved having the stretch marks, people could suck a dick before commenting on his comfort with them for all he cared. "About me being pregnant. You know what everyone at high school used to say."
"About how toxic we were and how we should just break the marking bond?"
Naruto sighed. "No. They used to say how'd I always get pregnant and then would get pregnant again and again until you just left. They always used to say I would be irresponsible and would make nothing of myself... I'm just nervous seeing I am pregnant.. and I have two five month old twins."
Sasuke frowned and sighed. He put Naruto on the bed and knelt.
"Naruto you are successful. You aren't irresponsible. And if those fucks say something about you being pregnant, tell me. It's much more common for children to be born in a year of one another. It takes eight-to-nine months for a baby to grow Naruto, you won't be giving birth tomorrow."
Naruto smiled and nodded. Sasuke wiped the growing tears away and kissed the omega.
"Plus I'll be by your side, no one will dare say shit in front of you."
"You sure?"
"Unless they have a death wish, than yes I'm sure."
Naruto nodded and hugged Sasuke. The alpha squeezed his tiny body gently and kissed the small bump.

"On another note. I made an appointment with Tsunade next week. We'll see how far along you really are."
"Are you nervous we'll get another set of twins?"
"God I fucking hope not."
Naruto giggled and kissed Sasuke. "I'll get my shoes if you have the children."
Sasuke nodded and held Narutos hand as he jumped from the bed.
"It doesn't matter what people think Naruto. Most of the people we used to hang out with got pregnant during their teenage years or are un-mated. For our past history, we were incredibly smart with having children at twenty-five."
"I know... it'll just be weird showing up to a school where everyone had expected me to walk in with a big belly at age sixteen."
"But you didn't, and if people want to talk crap about you being unsuccessful just tell them you work at Uchiha Corporation and are rising quickly with that Uzuyuga company you and Hinata started two years ago."
Naruto nodded and watched as Sasuke kissed the back of his hand.

Naruto met Sasuke downstairs with a pair of pink flats in his hand to match his top. Sasuke finished tying his shoes as Naruto grabbed Daikis car seat.

"Not getting Sana?"
"I'm not going to give all of my love to one child."
Sasuke chuckled as he grabbed Sanas car seat and opened the door for Naruto.
They made their way to the Audi and Sasuke smirked.
"Showing them up huh?"
"Of course."
He chuckled as Naruto put Daiki in the back. Getting Sana in the back, Sasuke grabbed the handle and opened the passenger side for Naruto. He thanked him as he got in and buckled up. Sasuke rounded the front of the red vehicle.
Starting the ignition, Sasuke shifted the stick to reverse and backed out of the driveway. Putting the stick in drive, Sasuke made his way to Konohagakure Private HS with Naruto pulling up the directions.

The school was the same as they remembered. Large, full of long windows and front perfect from what was inside.
The green lawn was freshly cut and watered, the bushes of pink and yellow flowers freshly trimmed and the cherry blossom trees in full bloom.
Three wide steps of concrete led to the three sets of double doors opened to the white tiled school. Inside brick layered the walls with deserted hallways filled with green and grey lockers. The ceilings were high with banners of championships passed student sports teams had won. The office double doors were closed and locked and the classrooms were dark.
The only lights on led to the large gymnasium where the basketball hoops were pulled to the high ceiling and a small stage was in front of the pulled back bleacher seats.

Sasuke stopped Naruto just outside the two sets of double doors that led to the sleek floors of the gymnasium. He pointed to a shelf dedicated with the names of all Uzumakis and Uchihas. Their names engraved on the trophies they won with pictures of them and their teammates on the glass shelf.
Naruto smiled seeing his old soccer team framed picture next to the multiple trophies they had won in his four years of high school.
Sasukes old football team was right next to it, their hair seeming damp from just winning a game and jerseys dirty.
Naruto had won more trophies than Sasuke.

They walked into the gymnasium with Sasuke pushing the stroller filled with their two children and the baby bag under Sanas seat. A handy little contraption to weigh some of the load off of the parents shoulders.

The tables were covered in brown and green cloths with decorations like white, blue and green banners hanging low on the pulled back bleachers. A long table held food and drinks (some alcoholic) while the tables could hold up to ten people each.

Naruto grasped Sasukes sleeve and he looked down confused.
"Is something wrong?"
"The decorations are terrible color coordination."
Sasuke looked at Naruto confused and looked back. He didn't see anything wrong with it. He felt Narutos hand wrap around his bicep for his fashion comfort and Sasuke didn't complain.

Someone whistled.
"Naruto! Sasuke! Over here!"
Kiba waved his hands like a crazy person. Naruto waved back and ran over to hug him. Sasuke purposely slowed his pace as to not have to greet the already filling table as quickly as Naruto.
Naruto hugged all of their old friends. He smiled at Inojin who introduced himself politely.
Neji shook Narutos hand as Tenten stood from her seat to hug Naruto. She sat back down and allowed Nejis arm to drape over the back of her chair.
Hinata and Naruto shared a quick kiss on the cheek before Naruto hugged Shino and Chojis mate, Karui and their child, Chocho.
Shikamaru only received Narutos kiss on the cheek as he sipped on the spiked punch.

Ino quickly got up when she saw Sasuke and hugged him. He gave a short clap on the back and pulled away. Sakura wasn't far behind but she was much more forcing to make the hug last longer than it should've.
Sasuke straightened his shirt afterwards. He only curtly nodded to the rest as he took the remaining open seat. Naruto sat on his lap, not even asking. Sasuke gladly wrapped an arm around his mates waist though.

"So... what do I see here?" Ino gestured to the stroller with a smile.
Naruto smiled. "Sana is the one with blonde hair and Daiki is the one with raven hair. My and Sasukes children. Twins."
"How old?"
"Five months."
Sasuke rubbed a thumb on Narutos stomach as Ino clapped.
"That's awesome. You know I thought you two would've had children a long while ago. Everyone thought so."
"In the group?" Naruto looked around the table.
Most of them quickly shook their heads no.
"She's talking about everyone in school." Hinata clarified.
Naruto breathed in relief. "Children really hadn't come up before I found out I was pregnant with Sana and Daiki. We were more focused on our careers than anything."
"What do you do?" Sai stared at Narutos blue eyes.
Naruto smiled. "I run a business with Hinata and Sasukes the CEO of Uchiha Corporation."
"Oh I heard about you opening up another building in the Bahamas Sasuke. How'd that go?" Ino asked.
"Hn, Good. Since then I've opened up eighteen more around the world. The main is here in Japan."
Naruto smiled and nodded. "My brother had allowed him to use one of his abandoned buildings to start the Company."
"Kurama? I heard Kushina had two more children." Karui chomped on a chip.
"She did. Samui and Yuki are eighteen actually. Their graduating from here in a month."
Hinata clapped. "I had been meaning to ask about that."
"So when are those twos birthday?" Ino asked.
"December. December 19th to be more precise."
"Do you think you'll have anymore children?"
"We are." Sasuke answered before Naruto could. "We're actually expecting another one right now."
Naruto blushed at the surprised faces.
"We just found out today." Sasuke clarified before anyone could ask.
Sakura clenched the plastic fork. Is this why Sasuke had taken the day off?
"Wow.." Ino smiled after the surprise wore off. "Sai and I would've had another child if he hadn't gotten into that terrible accident before we left for England. I'm happy for you two."
Naruto smiled. "Thank you."
Inojin glanced up from his drawing pad at the Uchiha omega.
"Have you set up an appointment for an ultrasound yet?"
"Next week." Sasuke grunted.
"That's great. You'll have to post it on Instagram so I can look for the baby in England."
The girls shared an awkward giggle. Sasuke didn't get it as Naruto only smiled.

The mic blaring made everyone cover their ears and look up. Uzumaki Naruko stood up on the front stage, clearly already tipsy as she held a plastic glass of the spiked punch.
Naruto smacked his forehead and Hinata giggled.

"Hello~ Konoha graduated glass of 2005!" She giggled. "As you all know I'm not the student president but I just wanted to say that you all be looking mighty fine in your slutty attire-!"
The mic was pulled from her grasp by Tanaka Himaru. The actual student president.
"Naruko would you quit it?!"
Naruto shook his head as Naruko wrapped her arms around the male alpha.

"Uh... should we stop her?"
Naruto waved a hand. "Don't worry I heard they've been dating for a few months, he's got it."
Sasuke snickered. "Yeah. He's got it."
Naruto looked at his mate confused and he pointed to the stage. Naruto looked over to see Himaru passionately holding his sister with his tongue down her throat.

"Uzumaki Naruko!"
Naruto grabbed a bottle of water and walked up to the stage. The graduated class of 2005, watched as Naruto unscrewed the plastic water bottle and chucked the water at the couple.
Naruko shrieked as Himaru cursed.
"Not in front of everyone you two!"
"Oh... Naruto." Himaru grunted.
Naruto crossed his arms. "Go to the janitors closet ya nasty's."
Himaru rolled his eyes but pulled Naruko off the stage. He shook his head and walked back to the group.

"Welcome back to high school!" Kiba announced.
"Not funny!"

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