By jjredhatily444

110K 1.1K 778


Where they would kiss you ๐Ÿ˜จ
Where your first date was ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿซโค๏ธ
What you wore on your first date with them ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿฝ
Bruce~ The baseball game โšพ๏ธ
Bruce ~ The baseball game part 2 โšพ๏ธ
Vance the break
Insecure~finney blake
wakeful~Robin Arellano
Fake romance~ finney blake
The not so good dance~Finney blake
What you would post on Instagram
If you jokingly push them off while kissing you
My poor boy ~ finney blake
We're in this together~ finney blake part 2
Gone but not forgotten~bruce yamada
Vance~ soft spot for you
Robin~ foe to swain
What would happen if someone walked in on you guys kissing
Mason Thames~ live stream confession
Robin~ Watch it y/n
Mason Thames~ live stream confession part 2
Finney ~ "Abracadabra"๏ฟผ
Their favorite thing about you.
Vance~ That small sword in my hand.
Finn~ attention
PDA levels
Brady~ hate someone's guts
Robin~ damage
Vance~ That small sword in my hand part 2 (request)
Bruce~ mint condition
Robin~ jealousy jealousy
Billy~ my loving paperboy
Mason~ his hair
Billy~ my loving paper boy part two (request)
A/N question????
Finney~ a hand full of capsules
Robin~ your lips my lips
Finn~ that alarm in my head
What they would do if you cried
tristan ~ clingy
Vance~ temper
Finn~ comfort
Finn~ attention (part two)
Brady~ admire
Robin~ kisses
Vance~ That small sword in my hand part 3 (request)
Mason~ fake love bite prank
What you would argue about
Finney~ a hand full of capsules part two
Finn~your beauty never ever scared me
What they would do if you were sick
miguel- movie night
Vance~no longer mine.
Bruce~ my "best friend"
Mason~ the scene that changed it all
Vance~ the other women
Robin~ memories
Mason~ break
Mason~ break part two
Mason~ break part three
Bruce~ are you jealous of him?
What trope you guys were๏ฟผ
Robin~ my best friends sister
Their favorite color on you.
Finn~ You're safe with me
Pictures you would post on insta (cast)
A/N SORRY ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Brady- jealous
Their favorite shoes
Finney- stars
"Robin~but you're not mine."
Vance hopper~i want her.
Hey guys... !news!
He hi ho
More info
its been awhile...
Brady hepner- Georgia

We're in this together~finney blake part 1

1.2K 7 38
By jjredhatily444

Btw you're 13 in this story and so is finney

Y/n pov: 
I've been best friends with finney blake for 9 years we met each other when we were 4 because our parents are friends and they are really close. So I sleep over at finney house every weekend and we've been doing this since we were 6.

Today was Friday so I got up for school at 6 am and packed my sleep over bag and went into the shower. I got out brushed my hair and brushed my teeth. No one is home because my mom goes into work at 4 am so I wrapped a towel around my body and hair and walked to my room to pick out my outfit. This is the outfit you're wearing:


And I just slipped on my black converse because you can never go wrong with converse
I then just blow dried my hair and brushed it out again to make sure there were no knots and I just left it down.

I checked the time and I had to leave in 7 minutes. As I was grabbing my backpack and sleep over bag from the living room I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Finn waiting for me. "Hey Finn!"i said. "Hey y/n you look beautiful!" I blushed at his compliment. "Thanks Finn!" I came out of the house closing and locking the door.

Gwen came over to us and started to walk with us. (Little time skip to when you're at school) I was in science class and we were talking about the core of the earth when I felt someone staring at me. I turned to my left and saw Finn staring at me so I smiled and laughed quietly.

The bell rang so me and Finn got up to walk to our next class together when we saw the group of three kids that Bully me and Finn. So finn dragged me into the boys bathroom. We've done this multiple times because we've had to hide from the bullies so no one cared. Me and Finn went into two separate stalls and stood on top of the toilet to hide our feet.

The Boys bathroom door opened and all three of them came in. "Come on out dick weed!" Matt said. "Come out slut!" Buzz said referring to me because I didn't wanna go out with him he made a rumor that I was a slut. I'm thirteen how can I be a slut?!? I heard Finn come out of his stall so I came out of mine.

"What are you doing in here slut? Gonna give finney here a blow huh?" Buzz said "what the fuck dude?!? Just because I don't wanna go out with you doesn't make me a slut! When are you gonna get that into your head that you're probably never gonna have a girlfriend if you spread a rumor about each one that doesn't wanna go out with you?!?" I yelled at buzz.

Before he could respond Robin came into the bathroom. All three turned around to look at robin. "Dip shits move!" Robin said walking towards the sink. "Hey Finn. Hey y/n. What's happening" "you know just keeping on keeping off I guess." Finn said to him "mhm. Moose got some damn sharpe teeth. Knuckles bleed all first period." Robin said while rinsing off his knuckles. The bullies turned around to leave but Robin stopped them. "Wait." They all stopped and turned there heads to look at robin. "Fuck with Finn and y/n again. I fuck with you." They all looked at each other petrified. "You can leave now!" Robin said shooing them.

"Thanks robin." Me and Finn said to him. "You guys are gonna have to stick up for yourself one day." Robin said to us. "Yeah we know." Finn said "well I'm gonna go now." I said to both of them. I went over to robin and gave him a hug and said thank you and I went to Finn and gave him a hug he was next to robin by the wall. He wrapped his hands around my waist giving me a bigger hug. "I'm gonna head to class I'll meet up with you and Gwen to walk to your house. And I'm picking tonight's movie!" I said while looking at him. "Fine! But we have to watch something other than a movie we've already seen!" He said while chuckling. "Ok fine! Bye Finn bye Robin love you guys. I said while walking away from Finn. "Bye love you y/n!" They both said at the same time. I walked out of the bathroom and walked to class.

Time skippppppppppppppppppppppppppppp!
I was walking to finney and Gwen's house with the both of them after school when me and Finn saw the bullies. I just flipped them off and we kept walking. Gwen said she was sleeping over at Susie's tonight and told Finn to take care of their dad. I hate that they have to take care of a fully grown adult.

Me and Finn got to his house and we hung out in his room until I said to Finn that I'm gonna go shower and put on my pajamas and he said ok. I locked the door and went into the shower. What's nice is that at the Blake's house i already have a tooth brush here and my own body wash,shampoo and conditioner. So it's like a second home. I put on my pajamas. These are what they look like:


After I got out I went to finney room to see he's already in his pajamas so I asked him if he wanted to watch a movie and he said yeah.

When we walked out of Finn's room we saw his dad passed out on the recliner by the fireplace with a beer in his hand. Finn grabbed the bottle out of his hand trying not to wake his dad up and put it on the side table. He turned off the music on the record player and we went to the kitchen to get ice cream we then put two cushions in front of the tv and I put on a scary movie.

There was a part in the movie were blood was coming out of the sink and then the lady went to the bathroom to see the bathtub full of blood. The lady went over the tub and a hand was coming out of it. Me and finney put a hand on our mouth so we would be quite and we turned our heads around to look at his dad to see if he's asleep and he was.

After the movie ended me and Finn laid down on the couch and cuddled up together and went to bed.

Me and finney woke up to screaming coming from the kitchen we rushed off the couch and ran to the kitchen to see terrace (that's Finn and Gwen's dads name) hitting gwen with his belt. "IM SORRY!" Gwen screamed while he was hitting her "DAD!" Finney screamed "TERRANCE STOP IT!" I screamed at him. He stopped hitting Gwen and looked at us. "HEY! You two stay out of this!" He screamed at us. "Gwenny they came to my work! Why did the police come to my work?!?" He hit her again "I DONT KNOW IM SORRY!!!" Gwen yelled while getting hit. "TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS INVESTIGATION!" "NOTHING!" "Tell m- WHAT?!? HUH?!?" Terrance yelled at Gwen at her response. "Nothing" Gwen said through gritted teeth. terrace raised his belt ready to hit Gwen. "HUH?!?" Terrance screamed at Gwen. "NOTHING!!!!" Gwen yelled grabbing the bottle of vodka on the counter backing up from terrace. "Hit me again and I'm dropping it!" "You drop that and I will beat your ass twice as hard." Terrance said through gritted teeth. He stepped over to Gwen to intimidate her and she dropped the bottle of vodka. Me and Finn's jaw dropped and our eyes opened wide. Terrance grabbed Gwen and pushed her to the ground and started hitting her. "THAT WAS AN EIGHT DOLLAR BOTTLE OF GODDAMN VODKA!" He screamed while hitting Gwen. Gwen got up and was sobbing. "'Now you listen to me! Listen to me! You are not your mother!" "I know!" "That means that you do not hear things that are not there. You do not see things that are not there!" "Ok!" Gwen said while still crying "there not there gwenny!" "Ok!" Gwen said "and your dreams. There just fucking dreams. Do you understand me?!?" "Yes!" "Do you understand me?!? "Yes!" "I wanna hear you say it!" "My dreams are just dreams." "Say it again!" "My dreams are just dreams!" "Say it again!" "My dreams Are just dreams!" Gwen said angrier through gritted teeth. There was a long pause. "Go watch the television or something. And no Ice on that bottom young lady! I want you to think about what you
did!" Gwen walked away to go to the living room. Terrance picked up his orange juice and looked at us. "Did you two know anything about this?" Me and Finn shook our heads with clenched jaws. "Same goes for you two. You got that? YOU GOT THAT?!?" We didn't respond "now get out!" Finn walked away while I looked a terrace. "You're a piece of shit terrace!" I yelled at him. I walked Into the living room and sat on Gwen's right while finney was on her left. Rubbed her back while she laid her head on Finns shoulder.

Time skipppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
I was at my house because it was a Sunday . I was doing homework at the dinner table and my mom was at work. It was about 8pm and then the phone rang. I picked it up and said "y/l/n residents how may I help you? "robin arellano has gone missing so we are asking everyone to keep a look out for anything suspicious or if you do see robin. I gasped and started to tear up I've known robin for 3 years and he was my friend so I was heartbroken by this. I didn't even say anything I just hung up the phone grabbed my jacket and keys and ran to Finn's house I knocked on the door and Gwen answered. "Hi Gwen where's Finn?" I said while still sort of crying. "You heard the news about robin too. I'm sorry y/n." Gwen said bringing me in the house and giving me a hug. "It's ok I just need to talk to finn." "He's in his room." I walked to Finn's room and knocked on the door. No response. "It's y/n finn." "Come in." Finn said. When I walked in I saw finn staring at the window. He turned to me and saw that my nose and eyes were red from crying. I gave him a hug while sitting on his bed. "I'm so sorry Finn." I said while crying into his shoulder. He picked up my chin. "It's ok y/n/n let's just hope he's ok." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and hugged him again. "Yeah I'll try to find him don't worry finn."


1942 words

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