The Wizarding World (And Othe...

By jokermadhatter

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Many people just appeared in the same room, people from the Wizarding World, some of the Avengers, and the pe... More

Cast Part 1
Cast Part 2
Cast Part 3
Cast Part 4
Prologue-- How They Met
The End of the World + Interlude
The Unquiet Death + The Aftermath
Aliens of London + World War Three
During the Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting of Ways
Born Again/The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
Girl in the Fireplace
During Rise of the Cybermen and Age of Steel
The Idiot's Lantern
The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit
Fear Her
The Runaway Bride
Interlude--The Pregnancy and The Prank
Blacks and Jones
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan
Evolution of the Daleks
Aftermath of Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
After The Lazarus Experiment
Aftermath of 42
The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
Time Crash
Voyage of the Damned
Interlude/Aftermath of Voyage of the Damned
Partners in Crime

Army of Ghosts

2K 34 3
By jokermadhatter

While it wasn't clear what happened between Padfoot and Anubis, they both came back in there animal forms and Padfoot's fur was ruffled and Anubis seemed to have trouble walking, people assumed what happened. Anubis gingerly sat down while Padfoot was trying to fix his fur, Sirius pointing a few spots he missed. While he was fixing his fur, he was also looking up at the screen as the next episode started.

The Doctor woke up to find Ivy next to him, staring down at her stomach in shock.

Those who knew what she was shocked about sat forward in anticipation. "Was that when you knew about them?" Ten asked and Ivy nodded.

"Ivy? What's wrong?" she snapped out of it. "Nothing," she said and walked out. The Doctor semi shrugged it off; he was still weary because he could feel she was shocked about something. "Rose! Ready to visit your mum?" he called out.

"Yep," she said, coming out dragging a rucksack behind her. Susan and Jack also walked out with Ivy following with Teddy and Padfoot on her heels.

"I remember I sensed something different," Teddy commented. Padfoot nodded, he knew exactly what it was, he could hear it.

Luna popped into the room, "Some things will go down and Ivy needs me, I will stay out of danger," she told the Doctor, "And make sure Ivy and Teddy are out danger too," she added as the Doctor now looked at Ivy again who was staring at Susan with wide eyes.

"Oh, it's this," Two said while Three nodded sadly. They were both happy and sad, they knew what was up with Ivy, but they knew Second Susan regenerated. Jack pulled two closer to him, figuring out what was wrong with them.

"Mum, it's us! We're back!" Rose called.

"Oh, I don't know why you bother with that phone. You never use it!" Jackie complained.

"Shut up, come here!" Rose said cheerfully.

"Oh, I love you!" Jackie said.

"I love you!"

"I love you so much!" they heard Jackie say again before walking in. Ivy seemed to be directly avoiding Jackie while Susan seemed also surprised about something.

"Saw her?" Ten asked Two who nodded. Jackie had looked back at Ivy in question and she leaned forward and whispered something in her ear making the older blonde's eyes widen remembering why Ivy was avoiding her.

"Oh no, you don't. Come here!" Jackie caught the Doctor and gave him a big ole kiss in the cheek. "Oh, you lovely big fella! Oh, you're all mine now, not Ivy's," she teased. She saw Ivy had her arms across her stomach and Padfoot standing protectively in front of her and understood.

"Yes Papa knew before you, he could hear them," Ivy told Ten. Ten pouted, the dog knew before he did. James was sitting forward looking at the screen in suspicion before whispering something to his wife, parents, Sirius, and Remus. All of them were looking at the screen in suspicion. It seems Narcissa and Andromeda had the same idea and it also looked like Loki and Stephen had an idea based off the look they shared.

"Just, just, just, put me down," the Doctor whined. Jackie was giving a questioning look to Ivy and directing her eyes to the Doctor, who she was still hugging, and soon as she saw a shake of her head, she let go.

"Oh, come on!" Ten whined while Eleven, Twelve, and Thirteen glared at the screen. Jackie and Ivy started laughing while Two and Three hid their amusement, they knew before he did too.

After Rose had told her mother about the bazoolium, it hit a certain time and Jackie interrupted her daughter, "Listen, there is this thing that I have been questioning, the same hour every day, your granddad Prentice shows up, he's been dead and I don't think a ghost just appears like that," she said to Rose but directed the last bit towards Ivy. "It should be any second now," she informed them. A humanoid shape appears and Jackie points out, "That's him."

Everyone looked at Ivy and she shook her head as Padfoot got into a protective stance in front of her. Some of the group ran outside, "They're everywhere!" the Doctor said. He noticed that nobody seemed to be bothered by it, and got to feel what it felt like to go through one, not comfortable.

"They haven't got long. Midday shift only lasts a couple of minutes. They're about to fade," Jackie said.

"What do you mean, shift? Since when did fake ghosts have shifts? Since when did shifts have fake ghosts? What's going on?" the Doctor was rambling, clueless as to what was going on.

"Oh, he's not happy when I know more than him, is he?" Jackie asked an amused Ivy.

"No he doesn't," River comments, Eleven just gave her an annoyed look. "We know her in the future?" Ten asked Eleven.

"Yep," he replied, popping the p, while looking back at Teddy, who was avoiding looking at him.

"No, but he looks adorable," Ivy gushed.

Ten blushed.

"But no one's running or screaming or freaking out," The Doctor continued.

"Because I am assuming they are seeing dead loved ones," Jackie responded loudly before turning back to Ivy, "How long?"

"I can see the start of life forms, so I am very early," Ivy told her. Padfoot, finally realizing why he was feeling even more protective looked up at his goddaughter with shocked eyes, "wonder what my dad's reaction is going to be if my godfather's is anything to go by," she adds while Jackie tries to hide her laughter, she already figured she hadn't told the Doctor yet.

"She's pregnant!" James exclaimed, startling his family. "Please tell me I did something to him," he asked his daughter who nodded while Ten winced. Nine stared at the screen with wide shocked eyes and a big grin. He was going to have more children!

The Doctor was busy searching through the channels about the "ghosts" while Jack was trying to figure out why Susan was upset. "You'll get your break soon, you better visit me," Luna said, laying her head on Ivy's shoulder.

Susan finally came over, "Can I ask you something privately?" she asked. Ivy nodded and they walked back to the room where they could still here the Doctor yelling in disbelief at the TV. "You said Dad was a bit different and had a Watcher merge with him instead of having different ones show up, would it be possible that I would too?" she asked. Ivy gave her a look and simply nodded, "The Watcher merged because Four had taken a really big fall, and well, because he's him. So you might get it, are you seeing one?" she asked. Susan looked over Ivy's shoulder where a mummified blonde stood and nodded,

"Ew, is that what I looked like?!" Three looked disgusted seeing a mummified version of herself. Two laughed and nodded.

"I'm gonna die soon, aren't I?" the sad look Ivy gave her gave her the confirmation, "Do you want some good news before this happens?" Ivy asked.

"Okay, that I couldn't be mad about," Ten comments. He saw the soft smile on Two's face and knew he couldn't be angry about her knowing before she regenerated.

Susan nodded and so Ivy said, "I sense life forms, sensed something this morning," and pointed to her stomach. Susan's eyes widened and almost shrieked before hugging her mom, "Who else knows?"

"Jackie, Padfoot, and obviously Luna," Ivy said. They went back into the living room hearing the Doctor questioning Jackie again.

"It just happened. Woke up one morning, and there they all were. Ghosts, everywhere. We all ran round screaming and that. Whole planet was panicking. No sign of you, thank you very much. Then it sort of sank in. Even the Avengers couldn't figure it out," Jackie was explaining, "They were saying its ghosts, but after learning the supernatural existed, thank you Ivy, I looked into it, and you aren't supposed to see a ghost that clearly multiple times a day, every day, at the same time," Jackie ranted. Ivy looked impressed to say the least.

"Actually a ghost could show up in a place they are known for being in but not always doing the same thing multiple times a day," Ivy corrected.

"Why does it just look like a grey blur in the shape of a human?" Jack asked.

"It might be playing onto your wants," Ivy said, catching the attention of the others, "I hear a lot of prayers wishing that there deceased loved ones are safe, my deities do too. The one thing they would wish for back is there deceased loved ones. Jackie, were you thinking about your father?" she explained.

Jackie nodded, "I had been startled because he was so clear, I was so lonely, granted Luna and Loki along with Susan and Jack visit me, which I appreciate. But then when I looked into it, it started fading, I still see him but it's very faded," she explained.

"You're one of my favorite mortals, of course I would visit," Loki said. The Avengers looked at him in surprise, he didn't like many mortals so him openly admitting that was something.

"So it's like a psychic link, the more you want it, the stronger it gets. They are using there want to pull themselves in, but from where," the Doctor spoke up.

"So where could they be coming from?" Jack asked.

'We got a problem,' Ivy heard in her head. Her head flew back as she sighed in annoyance. Harry just had to confirm her suspicion, didn't he?

"For fuck's sake, Harry," the Potters cursed out Ivy's male counterpart.

"From the alternate universe," she spoke up.

"Where we were and you ditched us?" Rose spat, but immediately shut up as Wolfy's eyes flashed.

"Where Mickey is, yes, and I'm sure you never told your mother that either, now did you?" Ivy countered, seeing the confused Jackie.

Luna, Jackie, and Ivy were off to the side, as Rose and Jack waited for the Doctor and Susan to come out. "So Mickey stayed in an alternate universe?" Jackie asked.

"Yeah, his grandmother was alive in that world and didn't want her to know her grandson had died. He has the ability to come back here," Luna said.


Ivy then spoke up, "The only thing that I cannot cross over to is another universe, but I can communicate with another Death. That universe has Harry Potter-Black, my male counterpart. Harry and I gave Mickey the one time ability to cross back into this universe without causing any damage."

Then Luna spoke again, "The thing is, I see you on that side, reunited with another version of your husband. If I remember correctly, you lost your Pete, he lost his Jackie," Jackie understandably was a bit teary.

Jackie smiled with happy tears; she just got pulled into the TARDIS before finding out what happens to her. She knew she was going to find out here and hoped she got to have a chance with Pete again, even if he was going to slightly different from her Pete.

In the TARDIS, Susan was helping her dad when she heard, 'Tell him, he'll help,' making her jump.

"Greeeeaaaat, I sound creepy too," Three comments.

"Susan?" she heard her dad stop and knew he was looking at her but she too busy and freaked out staring at the mummified being across from her, 'Tell him,' it repeated and pointed to her dad. She took a shaky deep breath and looked at the worried eyes of her father, "I have a Watcher," she revealed. She watched as her Dad's old eyes became sad, "I was asking Ivy earlier if I would end up merging with one like you did, and she said she wasn't sure. She said you had taken a big fall when it happened to you," she added.

"It depends on the Watcher, this might be the last Watcher besides mine, but then again, they can create themselves into existence based off a Time Lord. There is a chance she will merge with you, but if she's appearing now for this regeneration, it may mean you're going to take a lot of damage like I did," the Doctor said.

"Do you guys have one?" Eleven asked the Masters who all shook their heads, if they had a Watcher, they've never seen them.

The Doctor and Susan silently finished the Ghostbuster like thing, then, knowing this might be the last bit of rest time they might have, the Doctor pulled Susan into a tight hug, "Have you told Jack?" the shake of the head he felt told him what he needed to know. "Listen," he pulled away, "I have a slight advantage because Ivy sees when I'm going to regenerate before my Watcher appears. Jack doesn't. You know Ivy can't tell him and he will devastated to not get the last words in while this you is still healthy," he said, "Now, you go and talk to him, and I will go set this up," he said and walked out. Normally, in a situation like this, he would make a joke, especially right now a Ghostbusters joke, but he just found out his daughter would possibly die after this, and Ivy is hiding something and he doesn't know if it's good or bad, but he does know Harry had contacted her about the problem coming from his side.

"Hey, Ghostbusters," Rose noticed.

Rose winced again. Three watched Jack cuddle up more with Two and she wasn't jealous of herself. She was glad she had told Jack about her Watcher. She got to have a bit more time with Jack before changing. Wanda seemed to have her attention on Damian who was squeezing Elysium's hand.

"Yeah, Jackie, when's the next shift?" the Doctor said. He was putting three metal cones down and linking them, he could see Jack holding a crying Susan, knowing he had just been told.

"Quarter to. What's that lot do?" Jackie asked.

"Triangulates their point of origin," the Doctor said.

"So, I am most definitely going to be going to that other world thingy?" Jackie asked Luna. The seer nodded, "Then I am going to go tell some people what I really think of them," Jackie went back up and quickly came back down with her phone as Luan and Ivy shared an amused look, "Harry is definitely visiting her," Ivy said. Jackie had paused her ranting as they all got onto the TARDIS.

"I had fun doing that," Jackie smirked. Andromeda and Narcissa wished the muggle had stayed in their universe, they wouldn't mind getting to know her. Sirius just smirked knowing he would meet her at some point.

"I like that. Allons-y. I should say allons-y more often. Allons-y. Watch out, Rose Tyler. Allons-y. And then, it would be brilliant if I met someone called Alonso, because then I could say, allons-y, Alonso, every time. You're staring at me," The Doctor ranted and then noticed everyone was staring.

"My mum's still on board," Rose said, and the Doctor turned to see Jackie, "If we end up on Mars, I'm going to hurt you, I would said kill you, but Ivy has the ability to scare me," she threatened.

"Still does," Jackie said before smiling innocently at Ivy who raised an eyebrow.

Something cool was going through the room and all of them looked up to see a swarm of black fog, "Well, Jackie, it was nice knowing you," she leans in closer between Susan and Jackie, "I'm being pulled out by reapers and my little ones because of my situation," she said quietly to the two, "I will be back when it happens," she promised Susan.

"Were you?" Two and Three asked. They really didn't know, neither could remember. Ivy gave them a nod, she wasn't offended, she knew the memory of regenerations isn't the best.

Teddy came forward as Ivy waved goodbye to the Doctor and the swarm took her, Teddy, and Padfoot, as there was a loud bang down the hall, "What was that?" Jackie asked.

"That was the TARDIS going into lockdown mode. Ivy got taken because either the reapers or her deities knew about what would happen today, the TARDIS also knew, that was her locking and hiding the important rooms, the ones either Loki, Luna, Ivy, or Teddy usually frequent, and that's why the portrait disappeared, all of them went into those rooms," the Doctor explained.

"So Idris is taking precautions in case someone gets in?" Luna asked. The Doctor nodded and exited to meet Yvonne.

Ivy lands back at the Avengers, "Hi again," Tony said.

"Hi again, I got taken away while they deal with the fake ghost things," Ivy said while Hela appeared and cheerfully hugged Ivy.

"Yes, I knew," Hela cheekily said. Ten groaned again.

"Sir, something is interfering," JARVIS spoke up. Tony looked alarmed and so did a few others, "Oh, that's Heimdall, he's making a makeshift one of his thingy's onto the TV to show the Doctor and the others," Hela said. Loki had immediately gravitated towards the TV, because you know, Luna.

"UGH, Torchwood," Ivy complained. They were sooooooooooo annoying to deal with.

"SHIELD's been wanting to work with them," Natasha said.

"Don't," Ivy immediately said, "Fury, you can at least get through too," a few snorted.

"You both and Luna scare him," the Avengers said.

"I only said that if he kept trying to argue with me that I would cut off his hand so he have a hook to add to the pirate look," Ivy defended herself.

"And I only promised to make it permanent so no technology or magic could regrow his hand," Luna added. Everyone that was not a Lovegood or Black or Potter or "adopted" by Ivy looked a bit scared.

Loki, Hela, Thor, and Nebula, all being aliens, had proven him wrong. Some aliens could be allies but some are dangerous. Fury also knew at the top of the list of aliens to not have as an enemy, was the Doctor. Apparently he wanted to know what the Time Lord could do in drastic situations because he soon arrived afterwards, the Weasley Twins following right behind.

"Will they be able to get into the TARDIS?" Bruce asked as they saw the TARDIS roll away and hear the Doctor telling them they wouldn't be able to get in.

"You remember when I said I had a bit of a time ability?" the group nodded, "So I can connect with the TARDIS and so can reapers and death deities, Idris let them in to take us," Ivy pointed to her, Teddy, and Padfoot, "And took us out, when I started staying on the TARDIS, she made a specific lockdown to keep the Wizarding World secret, another reason we would trust SHIELD more than Torchwood," Ivy and Luna had actually set up barriers with the help of Loki to prevent any people loyal to HYDRA from getting in, it was the last bit of help to get Tony to trust Bucky and it made the Maximoff twins feel better about themselves.

"What the fuck is that thing?" Fury said as the Doctor was taken into another room with a sphere that was making the room uncomfortable to look at it.

"This is a Void ship," the Doctor said on the screen making all those with alien knowledge or were aliens freeze.

"What is that?" the Weasley twins asked seeing the lack of movement from certain people, the same time Yvonne asked.

"Well, it's impossible for starters. I always thought it just a theory, but it's a vessel designed to exist outside time and space, travelling through the Void," they heard the Doctor say.

"And what's the Void?" Rajesh asked.

"The space between dimensions. There's all sorts of realities around us, different dimensions, billions of parallel universes all stacked up against each other. The Void is the space between, containing absolutely nothing. Imagine that. Nothing. No light, no dark, no up, no down, no life, no time. Without end. My people called it the Void. The eternals call it the Howling. But some people call it Hell," the Doctor explained. It was determined that there was in fact something in the Void. The group got a small laugh seeing the Doctor, with a determined walk, go the wrong way.

The Masters who were staring at the Void Ship on the screen with wide eyes snorted seeing Ten walk the wrong direction.

"He's partly lying," Loki said. He looked a bit confused though. They looked at Ivy for an explanation.

"One of the best liars you will ever find, besides a God of Lies, is the Doctor. He does know about going into other universes because, as you know, he accidently did it. He knows Void ships do exist, they are just rare, Void actually is like an outer space Hell. I am able to enter and exit it, it just takes a lot of energy, but that's why he knows about it," she explained.

Now, they were in an office, "The sphere came through here. A hole in the world. Not active at the moment, but when we fire particle engines at that exact spot, the breech opens up," Yvonne explained.

'Idiot,' Ivy heard.

'Yep,' Ivy replied. The Avengers looked weirdly at the Doctor who suddenly jumped, "He just realized I'm watching," Ivy told them.

'Where are you?!'

'Avengers Tower,' Ivy told him.

"How did you even find it?" the Doctor asked.

"We were getting warning signs for years. A radar black spot. So we built this place, Torchwood Tower. The breech was six hundred foot above sea level. It was on the only way to reach it," Yvonne said.

"You built a skyscraper just to reach a spatial disturbance? How much money have you got?" the Doctor asked in shock.

"And how the fuck did we not know about it?" Fury added although Yvonne of course couldn't hear.

"Enough," Yvonne stated.

"Hold on a minute. We're in Canary Wharf. Must be. This building. It's Canary Wharf," Jackie said.

"Well, that is the public name for it. But to those in the know, it's Torchwood," Yvonne corrected.

"So, you find the breach, probe it, the sphere comes through six hundred feet above London, bam. It leaves a hole in the fabric of reality. And that hole, you think, oh, shall we leave it alone? Shall we back off? Shall we play it safe? Nah, you think let's make it bigger!" the Doctor finally let out his thoughts.

"The sass," Peter said in awe.

"It's a massive source of energy. If we can harness that power, we need never depend on the Middle East again. Britain will become truly independent. Look, you can see for yourself. Next Ghost Shift's in two minutes," Yvonne said.

"Idiot," Loki, Hela, Nebula, and surprisingly Thor said along with Death, Padfoot, and the Doctor in Ivy's head. Then Ivy groans in pain, Hela knows that a lot of people were going to die because of the stupid woman. 'Cybermen, it's Cybermen,' Harry told her. The Doctor, feeling his mate's pain, urged Yvonne to stop the shift. Then he stops.

"What are you doing?!" Nine and the Masters exclaim. "Just wait," Ten tells them.

"Thor called somebody an idiot," Tony pointed out to Stephen.

"Because the woman is a big idiot and Thor knew it," Stephen responded.

"What is he doing?" Wanda asked. The Doctor had gone and fetched himself and Susan something to sit on, "Never mind. As you were," he said.

"Ooooh," Ivy spoke up, Fred and George looking they had a clue, Loki catching on afterwards. "It's about power," Loki said.

Seeing the confused looks, Ivy spoke, "She thinks she has the power because he's trying to get her to stop, so he's suddenly doing the opposite and letting her have that power and she's thinking otherwise now," she explained just as Yvonne suddenly stopped the shift.

Tony won't admit it, but he had been doing the same thing to Steve to make him second guess himself. The other Avengers won't admit it, but they've been following Tony's lead and doing the same thing, even Bucky has done it.

Yvonne was explaining to the Doctor what she knew when who they knew was Rajesh was heard, "Yvonne? I think you should see this. We've got a visitor. We don't know who she is, but funnily enough, she arrived at the same time as the Doctor," Yvonne turned the computer to see Rajesh and Rose.

"It'd be her," Susan muttered, and those who heard and have met Rose would have agreed.

"Mmhmm," more people agreed while Rose sunk down even more, she almost out of her seat at this point.

"She one of yours?" Yvonne asked the Doctor.

"Never seen her before in my life."

"Good. Then we can her shot."

"Oh, all right then. It was worth a try. That's, that's Rose Tyler," he admitted. Nobody would admit it but some were a bit disappointed that somebody had to stop Rose from being shot.

"Well, if that's Rose Tyler, who's she?" Yvonne pointed to Jackie, who was behind Susan. The levers started going again and Luna finally ran in, Jack following behind, "Some workers are being controlled, they have these weird ear pieces," Luna said.

"More of your people?" Yvonne questioned.

"Yes, and will for sure piss off powerful people if you shoot them," the Doctor muttered, finding the "controlled" workers.

"Mmhmm," Ivy and Loki agreed.

"Are those...?" Loki trailed off. Ivy nodded, "And are they...?" Loki trailed off again which Ivy nodded again while Hela looked confused at the screen. "Care to fill us in?" Tony sassed.

"We weren't there at first but little background info, we got Luna and Susan at the same time, they were captured by this fucked up human who liked to collect alien artifacts. So we were watching over them to let them heal, yes Fred and George, he was dealt with," she added the last bit as the redheaded twins looked angry, "Rose and the Doctor had gone to explore this place, something had been wrong, it was too hot for Loki to go out so he stayed with me until the Doctor needed us to come in and said where they are was freezing and a human thought he was the shit until Loki brought down his glamour, scared the shit out of him, and we found out the workers had actually been dead and controlled by those same ear pieces," Ivy explained as Yvonne pulled a ear piece out and cringed at the gray matter that came out with it. The Avengers all watched between the situations the two groups found themselves, "Yay Mickey's here!" Ivy cheered.

"Yay!" people cheered, Martha the loudest.

'Mickey has just shown up with Rose, Harry told me the Cybermen are coming back,' Ivy told the Doctor.

The Doctor frowned and asked Yvonne, "What's down here?"

"I don't, I don't know. I think its building work. It's just renovations," Yvonne said.

"You should go back," the Doctor told her. 'Do you know how the Cybermen are coming through?' he asked Ivy.

'Mickey told Rose they escaped them, the King at least did and made more, they retreated and showed up here,' Ivy responded. The Doctor was ignoring what Yvonne was saying, knowing Susan was listening in case something important came up. Jack and Luna had gone off to attack "controlled" soldiers and maybe find Rose and Mickey.

"What is it? What's down here?" Yvonne questioned.

"Ear pieces, ear pods. This world's colliding with another, and I think I know which one." The Doctor theorized.

"Oh yeah, the same ear pods he said were in that universe too," Ivy remembered.

"Shouldn't we be going to help?" Bruce asked.

"To be honest with you, none of your weapons would be helpful, Bucky could maybe make a small dent with his arm and Steve could with his shield, but this is alien metal, its stronger then what you find on Earth. Wanda you would end up straining yourself to death, you're thinking about it and it's making a death date show on you, most of you are thinking about it and I will tell you that you will die. The only one that may have had a small chance is you Bruce and maybe Doctor Strange. But that's pushing it. The Doctor can come through, I'm already helping him by telling him the other things we're seeing," Ivy explained.

After the battle, Thor and Loki, with permission, brought some of the strongest Asguardian metal they had for Tony to experiment with. Loki had charmed it so Tony could pick it up with ease and that Bucky could use it as his arm. After Tony and Bucky became good friends, Tony had made Bucky a few different arms for different situations. He could have one for a normal day, one for battle, and one for alien invasions.

"Like that Mickey kid coming back?" Fury asked. Ivy nodded just as the Cybermen stepped through, "One of these times I would love it if Ivy's warning is wrong," the Doctor muttered.

"Still would," the Doctor's all mutter.

'Heard that,' she told him mentally and then saw something appear in the sky, 'Oh shit,' she added. 'What?' he asked alarmed. Then he heard it "Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!"

"Is that them?" Tony asked. He would have laughed at what they looked like, but he knew not to trust the robots he didn't know inside and out.

"No, those are what killed the Time Lords, but we have more issues to take care of at the moment, there are Cybermen here, Bruce you are going to have to take that chance with Hulk, no doubt Stephen is showing up, hey there he is, Wanda, go with the Weasley Twins, and make Cybermen go kaboom, Fury and Tony, get into the SHIELD system, you will need alien weapons. Nebula, I know you got alien weapons on you, use them, Pietro, try to confuse them, this is a portkey that will get you out if one catches you. Bucky and Steve, get the civilians to safety along with Natasha and Clint, try to get in the eyes of Cybermen with your explosive arrows. Thor, your hammer will work, Loki stay with me, and Hela, your blades will work, everybody move!" Ivy ordered.

"Why did you say attacking the Cybermen could kill Wanda and then tell her to go attack them?" Stephen asked with curiosity. He knew Ivy enough to know she had precautions in mind.

"That's why she was with Fred and George," Pietro said. Ivy had explained it to him very quickly but the episode didn't show that. Some still looked confused, "They were telling me when to attack a cyberman and when not to, they were having me pace myself. It's similar to what you and Loki were doing with Ivy," Wanda added.

"You and I are staying up here and getting them from above," she told Loki.

"Why are you wanting to be up here?" Loki said as Stephen Strange appeared next to them.

"Because I will most likely be letting Bad Wolf out, and I need both of you to make sure nothing hits me, especially the stomach, I am pregnant after all," Ivy said and the two looked at her in shock but quickly snapped out of it and started attacking from above, the Weasley's and Wanda on the building next to them.

"That was the end of part one," Idris said.

"I bet it's the twins over there," James whispered to his wife.

"What makes you say that?" she asked, looking at the mentioned twins who seem to be checking in on another male she think was named Damian.

"Eilam's hair is very curly like my hair, but he also looks just like Harry who is just a male Ivy and he has brown eyes like Ten. Elysium has hair that looks like Sirius' but looks like Ten with Ivy's green eyes," he pointed out. Lily looked again and yes, she agreed that Eilam definitely had crazy hair the Potters were known for and did look James, meaning he looked like Ivy who looked exactly James except with her eyes. At least that was before Ivy's appearance changed. "I see what you mean," she said before the next episode started.

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