My One True Love, Trunks Brie...

By Shinedownlover560

87.4K 1.8K 382

Rosamoona Hokusai is as normal as a Half-Human, Half-Saiyan child could be. She and her parents (Goku and Chi... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Tournament Contestants
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Name Change?

Chapter Nineteen

1.4K 30 7
By Shinedownlover560

Goku manged to keep calm.

Even as Trunks delivered his foul news and lost consciousness.

The Saiyan didn't give anything away. He stayed calm and collected as he turned and looked at the others.

"Goku, what's wrong?" Uub asked, giving him a questioning look.

Goku looked at the boy. He was the only one close to Emily. Piccolo and Pan where beside him.

Kabito, I could use your help right now. I need a place to go, he sent the Kai, praying he would answer. Then he answered young Uub.

"Come here a sec," Goku told the Human, acting nonchalant. Confused, Uub walked forward until he was standing a few feet from the Saiyan. Goku smiled at him before putting himself between the Truffle and the others.

"Why don't you tell us the real reason why you're here, Emily?" Goku asked, titling his head. He could feel the others' eyes on his back. Emily's never left his.

"I'm here, just the same way you are. I'm hiding from Lord Baby," she answered.

"No, you're spying for him," Piccolo figured out. Goku nodded.

"Even if I had doubts before, now I don't. None of us would refer to him as 'Lord Baby'."

Emily looked between the Saiyan and the Namekian. Sneering, she let her Human appearance fade away, exposing her purple skin. Suddenly, another figure with purple skin appeared. But Goku didn't panic. He recognized the energy.

"Quick! Grab on!" Goku shouted. Pan, Uub and Piccolo didn't hesitate. They each placed a hand on Goku as he placed a hand on Kabito Kai.

Just as Emily was launching at them, they disappeared, leaving the mountain room behind. It was replaced with green grass and a blue sky, not unlike Earth. The only difference was the two extra moons that hung in the sky.

"Ahhh... Well, if it isn't Goku," an old, withered voice stated. The four turned around.

A short, grey haired Kai was standing before them. His skin was wrinkled as his voice sounded and his eyes drooped. But you could see the fire still left in them.

"Hey Old Kai!" Goku greeted cheerfully, as if the whole incident in the cave didn't happen.

"Grandpa, how did you know Emily was a Truffle? Before she gave herself away? And what about Trunks and Nate?" Pan questioned.

"They won't be joining us," Goku said sullenly. "Trunks contacted me, telling me that he found out Emily wasn't on our side. I have no idea how. All he told me was that he and Nate probably won't be coming back."

"They were captured," Piccolo said, voicing everyone's thoughts. Goku nodded.

All was quiet until Old Kai spoke.

"Well, I trust your time spent here won't be a waste," he said, looking at the newcomers.

"No, it won't," Goku assured him. "We'll train."

"But Goku, haven't we trained enough?" Uub asked.

"If Trunks was able to be defeated, then we're not strong enough," Piccolo answered bluntly. Goku nodded in agreement.

"Well, if you're going to train, then I think we have a way to help you," Kabito said, looking over at Old Kai, who smiled.

"But, unfortunately, the type of training we're thinking of only concerns Goku. You others will have to find another way," Old Kai informed. The four looked at the Kai's, confused.

"What do you mean? Why does my grandpa have to train alone?" Pan asked.

"It's not alone, it's simply different," Old Kai explained. Then he rubbed his hands together. "Now, let's get started!"


Baby smiled at his reelection in the Dragon Balls. Gently, he set the last one down. Backing up, he called out loudly, ignoring the fact that he was using the Saiyan's voice.

"Dragon! Come forth and grant my wish!"

There was a bright flash of yellow light as lightning shot up into the sky. Slowly, it took the form of a great, red dragon. Baby's smile grew wider.

Finally! he thought.

"I am the Eternal Dragon, Shenron. Speak now so I may return to my slumber," the Dragon spoke, his deep voice echoing all around the Truffle King.

"Bring back the original Truffle planet!" Baby hollered to the heavens, excitement coursing through him.

Shenron's eyes glowed red; the same shade of his body. When they returned to their normal, yellow color, he spoke once more.

"Your wish has been granted." And with that, the Black Star Dragon Balls flew up to meet him.

With another flash of light, the Dragon Balls were off, scattering not around the world, but around the Galaxy.

Looking up at the sky, Baby laughed with delight when he found his home world, floating in the sky. It was as red as the body of the Dragon that brought it back.

"At long last! Planet Truffle has been restored!" Baby cried, continuing to laugh.

Planet Truffle, also known as Planet Vegeta, was larger than the moon, though not by much. It itself didn't have a moon, but that didn't bother Baby one bit. His race, unlike the Saiyans, didn't have a use for a moon. The only thing it would signify would be day and night.

Baby stared at the beautiful new planet for a couple of minutes before walking inside, a triumphant grin on his face.

"Hieta!" Baby yelled. Almost instantly, a Truffle in the body of Bulma came running up.

"Yes, my Lord?" she asked.

"Prepare the ships. The wish has been made and we now have a year until this miserable rock implodes," he ordered, not stopping.

Hieta nodded, running off. Baby forged ahead, making a beeline for the Throne Room. Upon entering, he found his wife sitting on her chair, looking out the window. She had a perfect view of the new planet and her eyes were almost as wide as it.

"Breathtaking, isn't it? Baby asked, walking up beside her. Slowly, she nodded.

"How long until it can be inhabited?" Unmei asked. All her life she had dreamed of living on her home world. The one that the filthy Saiyan monkeys took over. Now, that dream was finally coming true.

"Two days at the most until we make the trip," Baby said. "The rest of the population has to wait. The final ship should leave in about a month."

"A month to vacate the planet?" Unmei asked her husband, tearing her gaze away from the red planet. He nodded.

"And that's only with those lucky enough to make it here on time," Baby told her, smirking. Suddenly, Unmei couldn't keep a smile off her face.

Jumping up, she flew into the Truffle King's arms. His smirk grew.

"We're going home!" Unmei cried, laughing.

"Yes, we are," Baby agreed, thrilled to have finally be giving his wife something worthwhile.


True to his word, two days after Baby made the wish on the Dragon Balls, he and Unmei boarded the first ship. It was black and white and resembled an octopus.

Once on, the King and Queen made their way to the control room. Pressing launch, they prepared for their six hour flight to the new planet.


"Old Kai, could you please tell me why I have to push this wheel?" Goku asked, stopping and looking at the Kai. A month had passed since the group of four arrived at the Kai planet. Though both Kai's had told Goku that he had special training, the Saiyan was starting to believe it was actually just cheap labor.

"You whine too much!" Old Kai stated, waving a finger at Goku.

"But I've been at this for days! I don't see how this is better than Piccolo's training. Or Pan's or Uub's," Goku said glumly. He'd much rather be out there, practicing with the Namekian than pushing Old Kai's stupid wheel.

"Trust me, Goku. This'll work. When you're done here, you'll be ten times as strong as you were when you started, if not more," Kabito assured the Saiyan.

"Well... If you say so..." The Saiyan said reluctantly.

"That's the spirit! Now come one! That wheel ain't gonna turn itself you know!" Old Kai encouraged. Piccolo, who had heard the whole exchange, sighed deeply. None of them were getting anywhere fast. If something didn't happen soon, it might end up being too late.

"Piccolo, do you really think my Grandpa could get stronger by pushing that wheel?" Pan asked the Namekian. She was looking at the two Kai's doubtfully.

Not wanting to discourage the kid, Piccolo grunted. "Please. Your grandfather could get stronger just by sleeping." It wasn't actually that far from the truth. Goku did seem to be able to power up very easily.

"Really?" The young girl asked. Piccolo nodded.

"When he was on his way to Namek, he trained non stop for a month in one hundred times gravity. Than, just a day later, he became the first Super Saiyan. Vegeta on the other hand, trained for about four years and barely made it in time for the Androids." Piccolo watched Pan's face as it brightened up.

"Wow! That's amazing!" she exclaimed, looking up at Goku. Piccolo smiled slightly at the girl before also looking over at Goku.

"Yeah, it really is," he answered quietly.

A few more days, and Goku was completely discouraged.

"This isn't getting us anywhere. I give up. What are you trying to accomplish anyway?" he asked the Kai's.

Old Kai sighed. "Well fine. I guess it really wasn't working anyway."

"What wasn't working?" Goku asked.

"We were attempting to regrow your tail," Kabito said. "But it appears it hasn't worked."

"How would pushing a wheel regrow someone's tail?" Piccolo asked.

"It's a difficult process to explain," Kabito admitted.

"But, there is another way," Old Kai informed. "We have a liquid that should be able to regrow the tail. Then all you'll have to do is train for a little while to learn how to control it."

"Will it work?" Uub asked.

"If we got the calculations correct, then yes, it should work," Old Kai replied.

"And if you didn't get them right?" Pan asked.

"Well... Let's not worry about that now," Kabito said. Pan started to protest, but Goku cut her off.

"If it helps me get stronger, than let's do it. I'm willing to try anything as long as it means killing Baby and getting my family back."

Old Kai nodded and Kabito walked off, going to get the liquid. He came back a few minutes later with a vial.

"Drink the entire thing and your tail should grow back in a matter of minutes," he said, handing the serum to Goku. The Saiyan took it, nodded.

Uncapping the bottle, Goku looked at it for a moment before downing the whole thing.


Days continued to pass by as the Truffles traveled to West City from all over the world. They hoped to find a spot on one of the ships leaving once every week. Each week, the ship was filled to the brim.

Soon, no one would be left on Earth.

And it would cease to exist.

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