Bound To Fall

By LysMarieAuthor

52.2K 3K 680

****Story contains mature themes and adult content**** Book #1: Binding Agreement I could feel my breathing b... More

A Request Has Been Made For You
All Because Of One Stupid Misunderstanding
You Can Call Me Isabelle Or Ms. Avildsen
You Did This On Purpose
Baking Has Always Been My Escape
I Refuse To Forget
I Was Just A Pawn
I Don't Think I'm There Yet
Why Don't You Join Us For Lunch?
This Can't Happen
Your Secrets Are Safe With Me
Where The Hell Are Your Balls?
Get Out
Better Not Keep Him Waiting
Kiss Me And Prove Me Wrong
I Regret Nothing That Happened
How The Hell Did It Go So Wrong?
This Is What You Do To Me
Take Back Your Power
She Deserved Better From Me
Spoiled B*tches Were No Exception
She Was Looking For Me
I Missed This Version Of Us
The Devil Works Hard, But Damon Tipton Works Harder
We Need To Talk About It
You Left Me First
I Need You To Keep Going
There's Some Secrets
You Can Relax Now
You Have Just As Much Power
You Still Have Them?
Keeping Tabs On Her
You're With A Tipton Now
We Need To Communicate
You're Welcome Here Any Time
I Think This Goes Deeper
Something On His Mind
What Would You Do In This Situation?
She Has A Weakness Somewhere
I Want To Test Something
This One Urge
I Just Feel Like I Missed Out
Christmas With The Tiptons
On My Terms
I'd Kill Her First
I Let Myself In
Someone Who Gets It
You Need To Let Me Go
She's The One Who Made A Declaration Of War
You're Fitting In Well Around Here
Well, Spill It
What Did She Do Now?
They Couldn't Have Been For Mr. Tipton
No Reason I Could Think Of
You're Here A Lot
A Bloodline
You Know How That Girl Can React
It Was Meant To Be Between Our Children
He's Not Going To Tell You?
There's No Need To Suck Up
I'm All In
Like You Know Sh*t About Ethics
Take Away The Stress
What Does That Have To Do With Anything?
They Make Me Feel Like I'm One Of Them
This Is For You
Just A Feeling
Keeping An Eye On Things
He Was A Cover For Her
You'd Go That Far For Me?
Something Doesn't Add Up
I'd Like To Finish What I Started
The Sooner The Better
We've Got This
An Exchange
Let's Test Her
They Won't Bite
Just Thinking
She Was Provoked
Tell Me What It Is She Found
We Don't Run Away
What We Have Is Real
I Need Some F*cking Air
Show Me You're Sincere
Loving You Is Just A Losing Game
I'm Needed At The Office
His Burden To Bear
A F*cking Land Mine
The Last Chance
Just A Little Secret
I Will Stay In Touch
Not Everyone Can Be Perfect
You Should Give It A Few More Days
You Have Two Options
In The Afternoon
Clean Up Your Damn Mess
Dread Creeping In
I Need To See Her
I've Said All That I Needed To
The Love Of My Life
My Position Here
When The Time Is Right
I'll Go Into This Open Minded
We Need To Set Some Rules
Even If It's Just For Tonight
I'm Glad We Did This
I Stayed For Myself
Your New Assistant
I Think We're Moving In The Right Direction
Take Me Home Please
Something Didn't Feel Right
Never Contact Me Again
Everything I Need
The Job's Been Finished
Come With Me
Like A Little Sister
Where Did She Go?
I Want To Label Us
Added Condition
A Personal Tour?
Something My Girlfriend Can Attend To
Something Sinister
I Want You To Stay Behind
So Heavenly
In Their Nature
Bake With Them
I Much Rather Watch
Girls Night
You Know How She Is
He Was Trying To Hide
A Shift In Things
Out For Lunch
Sudden Power Trip
An Example
Necessary Precautions?
A Surprise
He Looks Stressed
You're Just Like Your Father
You'll Always Have Me
I Was Lying
There's Got To Be A Reason
Don't Put Too Much Pressure
Spending Habits
Stood Up
Off Limits
Fight or Flight
You Can Do This
The Same Cycle
Put Your Heart Into It
Live Your Dream
A Matter Of Time
Second Thoughts
The Pressure
One Step At A Time
Truly Grateful
Sweet Escapes
We Are A Team
We've Got You
This Is Your Moment
A Plane To Catch
Something Isn't Right
Out For Blood
So We Meet Again
Let's Move
He's Ruined It
I'm Here
Time To Pay The Price
Clean Up
It Comes At A Cost
What's Next?
Thank You!!

Take The Contract

189 8 1
By LysMarieAuthor


"Isabelle isn't coming?" Killian raised a brow. "Why?"

"Because I said so." I made it clear in my tone as I sat in the car that this wasn't up for a debate. "Trust me, it's best this way."

I had her staying in the penthouse with multiple guards outside of the door. I may be overreacting and being a little excessive about this, but it's always better to be safe than sorry. Especially if Mr. King is really up to something.

"Okay." Killian nodded.

I didn't tell him all of the details because I figured it would be best after the contract was taken care of. Killian can be hit or miss with his expressions and the last thing I needed was for him to tip off Mr. King that I was onto something.

I'm still waiting for details to come back, but so far my guys haven't found anything on Mr. King. Not that it means he's not up to something, he may just be good at covering it up. Lord knows he has the money to do so.

The car came to a stop in front of the building. Killian, Eve and I got out of the car and I led the way. Just like yesterday his assistant was waiting for us in the lobby and happily showed us to the meeting room where Mr. King sat.

"Mr. Tipton, so nice to see you again." Mr. King grinned as I walked into the room. "Where's your girlfriend?"

"She's on her way home." I lied, I don't trust him enough to let him know she's still at the hotel. "Something didn't agree with her last night and she's not feeling well, so I felt best to get her home where she can rest."

"I see, I hope she gets well soon." His tone seemed sincere but there was that flash of darkness in his eyes yet again.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye Killian was looking between the two of us, trying to figure out exactly what was going on. His face remained expressionless as he looked at me one last time and gave me a small nod. This was his way of letting me know he now understood why Isabelle was left at the hotel.

"I'll let her know, thank you." I still needed to get this contract signed or my father would have my ass if it turns out Mr. King is harmless. "Shall we move onto the reason I'm here today?"

"Of course." Mr. King gave a small grin as he motioned to the chairs at the table. "Let's all have a seat."

Killian and I sat next to each other, across from Mr. King. Eve took her seat next to me and proceeded to pull out the final copy of the contract and passed it to me. I proceeded to then slide it over to Mr. King.

"All the changes have been updated." I informed him as I watched him sift through the papers. "You should see them in front of you."

"Yes." He nods, still focused on the papers in front of him. "Everything looks great so far."

The room fell silent as he continued to look through papers. He finally reached the final one and placed the stack on the table. He looked up at me, those dark eyes met mine as I noticed the serious look on his face. I could tell this bastard was about to ask for something more.

"I know we discussed the profits being split evenly." He began. "However, with this project I'm giving up some of the land I've had an eye on. I'd like to change it so that my company gets seventy percent, since we're going to be giving up a prime piece of property."

An amused smirk twitched at my lips as I folded my hands on the table and leaned in. I saw this coming, to be honest I'm surprised he didn't ask sooner. However, this is the time I get to remind him that it's the Tipton's he's trying to do business with.

"Mr. King." I made it a point to remain professional but stern. "This deal is doing you a favor. If you want more than fifty percent then Tipton Enterprises has no problem going and making a bid on the land that we know you can't compete with. Then, we'll build whatever we want and take the entire profit. I suggest you take the contract or I'll move on to the next stage, you've got one minute to get your signature on that paper before I walk out of here and I will not be returning to negotiate. That I can promise you."

I proceeded to look at my wrist, watching my watch as I noticed Mr. King contemplating the decision. Honestly, it's a no brainer here. If he's smart he'll take the deal and we can forget he even bothered to insult the generous offer from us.

"Thirty seconds left." I continued looking at my watch, watching as the time continued to run out. "Ten... nine... eight—"

"Fine." Mr. King folded and signed the papers in front of him, just like I figured he would. He then slid them back over to me. "There, everything is finalized."

The smirk of amusement on my face only grew wider as he looked a little defeated. This was more than just making him stick to the deal, this was me showing him that he can't intimidate me. That no matter what fucked up plan he's got in his mind, he isn't a match for me.

"Thank you Mr. King." I stood up from my seat. "Now that we've got this all taken care of, I need to be heading out. I'll have my assistant send over the copy to yours with all signatures."

"Okay." Mr. King stood up, the confidence he had been carrying every other time I had met with him in the last twenty-four hours was diminished. "It's a pleasure to be doing business with you."

"Likewise." I casually responded. "Have a good day Mr. King."

I led the way out of the building and to the car that was still waiting for us. Once we were finally in a private setting Killian turned his attention to me.

"What's that dude's obsession with Isabelle?" I could tell even Killian was annoyed by Mr. King, understandable since he considers Isabelle as a sister to him.

"I don't know." I responded as the car pulled away from the curb and headed back to the hotel. "I've spoken to my father and we're going to go ahead and leave tonight. Something doesn't sit well with me about the way he talked to her yesterday and how he asked about her."

"Okay." Killian nodded. "She's safe right now though, right?"

I pulled my phone out, an update had just come through in a text from one of the guards. "Yes, she's fine. There has been no activity on the floor since we've left. I still think it's in our best interest to get out of here sooner rather than later."

"Agreed." Killian responded. "I assume you're already looking into him, what happens if you find out he's up to something?"

"Then the contract is voided." My tone slightly darkened. "If he's up to something bad then I will find out and I will put an end to it, no matter how far I need to go. Especially if it's something involving Isabelle."

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