The Emperor and his lover

By 00Denise0

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Historical Romance Wang Lei, a powerful and unbeatable Emperor of the Wang Dynasty. He is famous, and brave... More

Chapter 01 | The Beginning
Chapter 02| Royal Guard Palace
Chapter 03| The Punishment
Chapter 04| Pain and Care
Chapter 05| Forbidden thoughts
Chapter 06 | Information Centre
Chapter 07| Hair Pin
Chapter 08| Keep Calling My Name
Chapter 09| Royal Court Meeting
Chapter 10 | Argument
Chapter 11 | Lie and Punishment
Chapter 12 | Mixed Up Feeling
Chapter 13 | Jealousy and Trust
Chapter 14 | Bite Mark
Chapter 15 | Sword Fighting
Chapter 16 | Sexual Tension
Chapter 17 | Meeting Xin Ying
Chapter 18| Mission
Chapter 19| Mishap
Chapter 20| Rejection
Chapter 21 |Friends
Chapter 22| Ruler of Qi
Chapter 23| Drunk confession
Chapter 24| Me or Her?
Chapter 25 | The Next Morning
Chapter 26| Deal
Chapter 27 | Spring is here
Chapter 28 | Punishment Kiss
Chapter 29| Unfortunate accident
Chapter 30| Best Flower
Chapter 31| Humiliation
Chapter 32| Unexpected Decision
Chapter 33| Nickname
Chapter 34| You are the definition of my lust and yearning
Chapter 35| Torture
Chapter 36| Shining Armour
Chapter 37| Reunion
Chapter 38| Ugly Scars
Chapter 39| Patch Up
Chapter 40| Promise
Chapter 41 | Family Reunion
Chapter 42 | Family Meeting
Chapter 43| Deep Conversation
Chapter 44 | Training Class
Chapter 45| New Lead
Chapter 46| Motel Room
Chapter 47 | Royal Family Dinner Part I
Chapter 48| Royal Family Dinner Part II
Chapter 49| Concubine's Ceremony
Chapter 50| Pregnancy
Chapter 51 | One Step a time
Chapter 52| I wish I never had met you
Chapter 53| Will your life be equally beautiful without me?
Chapter 54| Unforgettable Past
Chapter 55| Old Love or Obsession?
Chapter 56| My love for you won't turn into insanity
Chapter 57| Make Love to me Tonight - Part I
Chapter 58| Make Love to me Tonight- Part II
Chapter 59 | Choose wisely between your love and those children's lives?
Chapter 60| Disappeance
Chapter 61| Dream or Illusion
Chapter 62| Basement
Chapter 63| Betrayal and Confession
Chapter 64| Ocean Apart
Chapter 65| Revelation and Reunion
Chapter 66| Love Confession
Chapter 67| Shall we begin your punishment then? Part I
Chapter 68 | Shall we begin your punishment then? Part II
Chapter 69| Rain does not seem as scary as losing him.
Chapter 70| Nickname
Chapter 71| Xin Ying's Secret
Chapter 72| Moon Festival
Chapter 73| Stay here for me.
Chapter 75| Courtroom, Corruption, And Confession
Chapter 76| Past Trauma
Chapter 77| Misunderstood feeling
Chapter 78| Pearl Magic: Power to Destroyed the worlds
Chapter 79| Tease and Possessiveness
Chapter 80| Xin Ying and Ru Qin's Wicked Plan
Chapter 81| One Step Closer
Chapter 82| Conspiracy
Chapter 83| Drug and betrayal
Chapter 84| Aftermath
Chapter 85| Journey to Lian Dynasty
Chapter 86| No More Pearl Magic
Chapter 87| Argument
Chapter 88| New Entry
Chapter 89| Still Fighting
Chapter 90| Patch up
Chapter 91 | Unexpected Meetup
Chapter 92| Showing the mirror
Chapter 93| Pill Effects
Chapter 94 | Buried Truth
Chapter 95 | An impossible desire
Chapter 96| Breaking them apart
Chapter 97| Beating the guards
Chapter 98| Aftermath
Chapter 99| Royal Court Decision
Chapter 100| Symptoms Worsen
Chapter 101| Aftercare

Chapter 74| Huang Dewei versus Ru Qin

886 41 5
By 00Denise0

Wang Lei swim as he got hold of Huang Dewei and quickly pulled him out of the water. Huang Dewei was unconscious and Wang Lei breathlessly stares at his wet body then bend down, opened his lips and blew inside his mouth. He did the process a few times as Huang Dewei gained back his consciousness, water came out of his mouth and his eyes flew open. Wang Lei sighed in relief.

'Are you alright?' Wang Lei asked as Huang Dewei stares at him and slowly nodded his head while Wang Lei moved and hugged him. Ru Qin stood far away and saw the whole thing happening and somehow he could not run away. He can't see Wang Lei with anyone as he slowly came down from the bridge and stopped in front of them. Wang Lei looked at the black-masked man and his anger returned. He stood up as he took out his sword and put it on his neck.

'Who are you? How dare you? Do you have any idea who you are messing with?' Wang Lei screamed asked as he was boiling with rage while Ru Qin  stares at him then he slowly took off his mask. As his face was revealed, It does not even take Wang Lei a second to recognised him. Wang Lei  shocked freezes in his place as his hand shiver and the sword fell from his hand to the ground. Huang Dewei slowly stood back up and saw his shocked reaction, but had no idea what suddenly happened to him whereas Ru Qin was happy to see his reaction...he was worried that he might give no reaction to his appearance but Wang Lei being shocked was what he excepted and that was what he got. He was satisfied because Wang Lei remembered him. 

'Wang Lei...' Huang Dewei called out to him as they both looked away from each toward him. Ru Qin hated his existence at this moment between them. Ru Qin looked back at Wang Lei and before he could say anything, he bend down in front of Huang Dewei on his knees as he spoke up.

'I apologised, forgive me. I will accept whatever punishment you will give me.' Ru Qin said as he apologised but he does not sincerely mean it from the heart at all. They both looked toward him. Wang Lei still look shaken up...he was still in shock whereas Wang Lei's reaction was making Huang Dewei restless.

' you are alive...?...' Wang Lei whispered shutter as he had no idea what to say as Ru Qin looked up towards him and smile

'Bribing the police officer is an easy job in the palace, Lei.'  Ru Qin said as he softly lovingly looked at him and upon calling him from the nickname Huang Dewei suddenly realised who might be that person. He had suspicions about who was he? But he thought Wang Lei told him he was wonder he looked very shocked from his appearance. He does not like the fact either that he calls him by a nickname. By the nickname, Huang Dewei wanted to call him but was not allowed.

'Then you should never have come back.' Wang Lei said coldly as all the emotions of betrayal rushed back to him. His shock turns into anger and coldness. Upon hearing his words, Ru Qin slowly stood back up as he intensely stares at him.

'Because I miss you...did you not miss me?'  Ru Qin asked softly as he confessed and Wang Lei was dumbfounded at his shamelessness whereas Huang Dewei glared at him. He does not like his words at all. However, Wang Lei sighed then moved and got hold of Huang Dewei's hand as he spoke to him.

'Let's go.' Wang Lei said and pulled him with him to go back to the palace but Huang Dewei stopped him.'

'What? Are you just going to let go of him? He tried to kill me.' Huang Dewei whispered complained because of the shocking how Wang Lei was reacting while Wang Lei looked back at him.

'Well, you are alive.' Wang Lei responded and Huang Dewei was even more shocked by his words. 'Do he had to die for Wang Lei to react more aggressively?' Huang Dewei thought. He give punishment to Huang Dewei over little things while he was soft like cotton for the man he once loved who also happened to betrayed him. Does that man matter more to him then Huang Dewei? Why Huang Dewei suddenly felt third wheel between them and that man was here just few minutes ago. Like his mere few minutes exitance ruined what they had build since they met. 

'What?' Huang Dewei whispered as Wang Lei looked away back to Ru Qin

'Stay here and don't go...I will come back and deal with you.' Wang Lei ordered and Ru Qin nodded his head quickly thinking that he will come back and once they are alone it will be more easy for him to convince Wang Lei. While Wang Lei he pulled Huang Dewei with him. Huang Dewei was stunned as he looked back towards Ru Qin who was smirking as he sarcastically waved bye to him and Huang Dewei hurtfully looked away.

 In complete silence, they reached back to the palace. People were still outside enjoying themselves as walked passed between them, making their way back to Huang Dewei's room. Everyone was busy to notice them as they reached back to his room and Wang Lei looked at him then rushed towards his wardrobe and came back with new clothes.

'Change your are all wet otherwise you will get cold.' Wang Lei said concerned and Huang Dewei was still glaring at him.

'I want punishment for you can let go of him after he pushed him into the water right in front of you.' Huang Dewei asked bitterly and heartbroken

'Change your clothes.' Wang Lei said as he ignored his words and Huang Dewei bites his lips to control his anger. Wang Lei stood still waiting for him and Huang Dewei sighed and then took out clothes from his hand. He changed his clothes when Wang Lei moved forward and picked him up. He walked towards the bed and made him sit down on it as he put a blanket over him.

'You should rest and I will be back.'Wang Lei said as he stood up then turned over to walk when Huang Dewei quickly spoke up.

'Are you going back to him?' Huang Dewei questioned and stopped Wang Lei but he did not turn over towards him. He said nothing as he started walking again when he heard Huang Dewei again.

'If you walk out to go to him then don't come back to me.' Huang Dewei said and that stopped Wang Lei as he turned over towards him who was angrily glaring at him.

'Do you think you are in position to order me around?' Wang Lei said in his authority tone and Huang Dewei painfully smile since he knew he was not lying. He was an Emperor, he can do and get whoever and whatever he wants...Wang Dynasty can work according to his desire if he wanted to.

'Well, good then go and fell into his arms since your old flame is back. You seem ready to forgive him for his betrayal.' Huang Dewei ruthlessly as he taunted him while hiding away his sadness and devastation. Wang Lei looked toward him as he slowly spoke up.

'I won't lie, but I am happy. I always have a guilty conscious for killing him so I felt relieved knowing he is alive. As I grow up I realised sometime you need to forgive people to move on instead of taking revenge on them.' Wang Lei said gently as he tried explaining to him but his words irked Huang Dewei even further knowing that he was actually happy seeing his ex lover alive. 

'Oh, so you want to forgive him now then what? Do you also want to accept him back in your life?' Huang Dewei said sarcastically but hurtfully as he was glaring at Wang Lei. Wang Lei understood his anger.

'I never said that Huang Dewei. Forgiving does not mean you forget about the pain...It is just you try to move on from that pain.'  Wang Lei said as he try explaining his point of view.

'Wow...well thanks for letting me know about it..' Huang Dewei responded back in same sarcasticness whereas Wang Lei sighed. He knows about his possessiveness so his reacting like this was not shocking to Wang Lei.

'All I am saying is I wanted to know why he betrayed him. Seven years ago when he runs off and I order his killing, I actually never ask him the reason. I want to know why he did what he did.' Wang Lei tried explaining to him again but Huang Dewei was not in the mood. The thought of him being all alone with Ru Qin was making Huang Dewei go insane. The thought of him forgiving and might still have space in his heart was Ru Qin was killing him. He was hating the Ru Qin more than he ever did anyone...not even Xin Ying because he was the once a man who had Wang Lei's heart and Wang Lei's heart belong to him in return. The effect he could have on Wang Lei, Xin Ying never had.

'Then what? Forgive him and pull him in your arms. Just accept it you never forget about him.' Huang Dewei screamed as he was losing his patience and Wang Lei sighed

'You are not even trying to understand me.'

'Well, that may be because I see right through you. You still have feelings for are still softened for him...Is your love spark back for him? Did he bring back good loving memories which you wanted to re-live again...or did he awaken a desire inside you? You know what...just go and fuck him as much you want and satisfy your desire and relive your love. I don't even care.' Huang Dewei screamed in a rage as he glared at Wang Lei who sighed and then walked back towards him. He sat down and then slowly touched his cheek. Huang Dewei angrily pushed him away.

'You get  warm and rest...I will come back and fuck you as much as I want to. You are the only one who can satisfy my desire and I will make you feel the deepening of my love for you.' Wang Lei said but Huang Dewei stayed angrily as Wang Lei got up and walked out. Huang Dewei frustrated screamed as he felt helpless, but he could not stop him from walking away from him. 

Wang Lei reached back to the bridge where Ru Qin was waiting for him. As he saw him coming back, a smile spread across his face while Wang Lei walked toward him as he stopped in front of him, his hand flew and he punched him. Ru Qin felt that punch in his face as he traumatised looked toward him.

'Don't ever touch him again....don't even dare to hurt him again otherwise watch what I will do to you.' Wang Lei ruthlessly and coldly warned him and Ru Qin shocked nodded his head.

'Understood?' Wang Lei screamed asked as his eyes were filled with fury and fire. 

'Yes, I understand.' Ru Qin said as he moved and put a second silk-made robe over Wang Lei which he took off before jumping into the lake. Wang Lei freezes on his place

'You left it behind.' Ru Qin explained as Wang Lei pushed away his hand and tied down the robe.

'I believe we need to talk. You need to do a lot of explaining.' Wang Lei asked coldly as Ru Qin nodded his head while they stares at each other.

'Follow me...' Wang Lei said and they started walking. In complete silence they both reached at Wang Lei's residence and entered inside his office chamber. Wang Lei sat down on the huge place where he always sat as a Emperor while Ru Qin stopped in front of him. Wang Lei looked up as their eyes met. 

'What do you want to know?' Ru Qin asked starting the conversation as he was ready to answer all his questions. He came prepared because he knew what happen seven years ago would be first thing Wang Lei would wanted to know if he given him chance to talk. 

'Everything.' Wang Lei simply said as Ru Qin thought hard about where to start and then he decided to start the story from the beginning.

'After you became an Emperor I felt you neglected me...I never fall out of love with you but I wanted more time and attention from you. You never were able to do it and someone else gave me what I wanted desperantly from you. I was too young back then and he was older than me. I thought that was real love and I betrayed you but I was wrong. I soon realised that man was not for me. I never wanted him...I was just looking for you in every man. At the end of the day for me, it always has been you. You were so angry with me that you did not even give me a chance and order my killing. I managed to bribe the person who you ordered my killing and run off with my lover but left him straightaway. I run out of the city all alone and lived by myself. I always wanted to come back and wanted to meet you but never gained courage but now I had enough hence I am here...I am here for you in a hope that you can forgive and accept me.'  Ru Qin  said as he explained the whole thing and Wang Lei sighed

'I may be able to forgive you but I can't accept you back. I have someone else whom I can never betray.' Wang Lei simply said as told him the harsh truth which  Ru Qin was not ready to accept.  Ru Qin stayed quiet as he hurtfully sighed

'Then at least let me stay near you.'  Ru Qin requested and find a reason to stay closer to him.

'That is not possible either...Huang Dewei will kill me.' Wang Lei said as he explained and  Ru Qin clenched his fist upon seeing how much Wang Lei cares for that cheap much his feelings matter to Wang Lei.

'Are you sure you won't regret it?'

'Yes, I have no love left for you anymore  Ru Qin.' Wang Lei said the first time taking his name and  Ru Qin could not help and smile upon hearing his name rolled out from his tongue after years.

'If you have forgiven me then please let me work in the palace. I promise I will stay away from you.'  Ru Qin asked

'No, I told you. Huang Dewei will not like it.' Wang Lei once again try explaining to him and his reasoning made  Ru Qin angry but he smile as he hides away his anger

'Fine if that's what you want.'  Ru Qin said giving up and Wang Lei nodded his head.

'Go and live your life as well...We both need to move from each other. I am happy to see you alive.' Wang Lei said and  Ru Qin looked towards him as he nodded his head. A silence took place between them when Wang Lei bowed down to him and  Ru Qin was surprised

'Also, I apologised for ignoring you after becoming an Emperor. I should have given you more attention.' Wang Lei said as he apologised like a man accepting his mistake and  Ru Qin's heart filled with warmth. How he excepted him to move on from him when he was reacting like this?'  Ru Qin thought while Wang Lei stood up 

'You go home as I need to head back to the party.' Wang Lei said gently and then with the last smile he turned over and walked out leaving him behind.  Ru Qin stares at his back till he disappeared and one thing was confirmed he was not going to give up on Wang Lei that easily. He was going to get him back in his life under any condition or in any way.

To everyone,

Once again I know it is quite late update so please accept my apologises. I am quite busy editing previous chapters at a moment. Thanks for your patience and enjoy. Don't forget to vote, share and comment. 

Denise x

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