The Wizarding World (And Othe...

By jokermadhatter

187K 2.7K 434

Many people just appeared in the same room, people from the Wizarding World, some of the Avengers, and the pe... More

Cast Part 1
Cast Part 2
Cast Part 3
Cast Part 4
Prologue-- How They Met
The End of the World + Interlude
The Unquiet Death + The Aftermath
Aliens of London + World War Three
During the Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting of Ways
Born Again/The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
Girl in the Fireplace
During Rise of the Cybermen and Age of Steel
The Idiot's Lantern
Fear Her
Army of Ghosts
The Runaway Bride
Interlude--The Pregnancy and The Prank
Blacks and Jones
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan
Evolution of the Daleks
Aftermath of Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
After The Lazarus Experiment
Aftermath of 42
The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
Time Crash
Voyage of the Damned
Interlude/Aftermath of Voyage of the Damned
Partners in Crime

The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit

3.1K 49 7
By jokermadhatter

Ivy and the Doctor had Loki and Luna with them this time, they were simply just bored so they came along.

"Wish we didn't," Loki mumbled. Thor and Hela looked concerned hearing the comment and seeing Luna agreeing.

They landed in a tight closed in spot, "I don't know what's wrong though. She's sort of queasy. Indigestion, like she didn't want to land," the Doctor said. Ivy had stayed in her natural form, something told her to be in that form, and she could tell from the heat that this would not work out well for Loki.

"Oh, if you think there's going to be trouble, we could always get back inside and go somewhere else," Rose said. They all share a look before they laughed. "I think we've landed inside a cupboard. Here we go," the Doctor said and they got out of the small room.

"Open door 15."

"Some sort of base. Moon base, sea base, space base. They build these things out of kits," the Doctor observed.

"Close door 15."

"Glad we're indoors. Sounds like a storm out there," Rose noticed.

"Open door 16."

"Human design. You've got a thing about kits. This place was put together like a flat pack wardrobe, only bigger. And easier."

"Open door 17."

"Oh, it's a sanctuary base," the Doctor realized.

"Close door 17."

"Deep Space exploration. We've gone way out. And listen to that, underneath. Someone's drilling," Yeah Doctor, it's not quite drilling, Ivy was looking at the same 'Welcome to Hell' sign along with alien script that Ivy could translate and was not feeling great about it.

"Why does it look all wiggly? It wasn't when I looked at it?" Rose asked.

"It's probably because I could translate it, and so could Loki at the time. You and I both know what that translates to shouldn't be said," Ivy told her.

"Well if the TARDIS won't translate and neither can you, what about Loki and Ivy?" Rose had asked.

"Don't think it good," Teddy spoke up. The two looked behind them and noticed the looks on our faces, "I agree," Luna said.

"It's not," Loki and Ivy said. They heard the computer keep announcing what doors were opening and then they saw Oods.

"Oh! Right. Hello. Sorry. We were just saying, er, nice base," the Doctor covered.

"We must feed," the Oods said.

"You've got to what?" the Doctor asked in surprise.

"We must feed," they repeated.

"Yeah. I think they mean us," Rose assumed. The Ood started entering the room, the Doctor immediately had Ivy and Teddy behind him, while Loki grabbed Luna. Rose, the only human, get's left out in the open.

Rose looked offended as she remembered that, Jackie on the other hand wasn;t happy but she understood, the two were protecting there significant others (in Ten's case, also a child) and Rose was just the odd person out.

The Ood kept coming closer, they pulled out weapons, Ivy knew something was interfering with the minds of the Oods as they kept repeating 'We must feed,' until they stopped.

"We must feed," an Ood tapped the globe it holds containing their brains, "You, if you are hungry," it finished.


"We apologize. Electromagnetics have interfered with speech systems. Would you like some refreshment?" it said.

"They had a glitch?" Tony asked.

Ten and Ivy nodded while Thor looked very confused. He's met Oods before so that malfunction was rather weird. Ivy saw the wizards looking confused at the Oods and what they do, "Basically they are like House Elves," she explained quickly, and then casting the silencing spell on Hermione before she could go on the "House Elves are slaves" rant.

Before any of them could say anything, a door opened and they were eventually greeted with the humans that were here. They met Zach, the captain, and his team, they had to run out though as a quake was hitting. Zach had been stunned to find their was other people there, especially a Norse God, a dog, and a young child showing up.

"Come on, we're in the middle of an alert! Danny, strap up. The quake's coming in! Impact in thirty seconds! Sorry new people. Just hold on tight," Zach ordered.

"Hold on to what?" Rose questioned in a panic.

"Anything. I don't care. Just hold on. Ood, are we fixed?" Zach questioned.

"Your kindness in this emergency is much appreciated."

"What's this planet called, anyway?" the Doctor asked.

"Now, don't be stupid," Ida glared, but the glare quickly left seeing Ivy's glare, "It hasn't got a name," Ivy looked like she disagreed, "How could it have a name? You really don't know do you?" she asked seeing most of them wearing confused faces.

"And impact!" Zach called and the quake hit for a few seconds,

"Oh, well, that wasn't so bad," the Doctor spoke even though Ivy was still latched onto him, "There's this thing called aftershock," Ivy said and immediately there was another worse quake. The consoles had burst into flames. 'I didn't like that,' Padfoot spoke; he had been sliding around since he couldn't dig his claws in. Zach checked for everybody and made sure they were okay, he even checked if Teddy was okay.

James let out a small snort seeing Padfoot frantically try to latch on to something. He got identical glares from the dog and his human counterpart.

"The surface caved in. I deflected it onto storage five through eight. We've lost them completely. Toby, go and check the rocket link," Zach ordered.

"That's not my department," Toby said.

'He's smells odd,' Padfoot said followed by, 'Watch out for him,' from Death. They had just found out there was a black hole above them but Ivy knew it something a bit different. Toby had come back and Ivy did sense something different and the others were explaining the black hole when Rose is handed a drink by the Ood. "Your refreshment."

"Oh, yeah," Rose seemed startled seeing them as if she hadn't seen them handing Loki the coldest drinks they could find, he had started sweating from the bit of heat, "Thanks. Thank you. I'm sorry, what was your name?"

"From what I understand about House Elves, Oods can detect if something is wrong with somebody like a House Elf could. But an Ood also knows species," Loki explained, he appreciated the Oods that were helping him cool down, at least before they went insane again.

"We have no titles. We are as one," the Ood said.

"Er, what are they called?" Rose asked the group.

"Oh, come on. Where have you been living? Everyone's got one," Danny said.

"Well, not me, so, what are they?"

"They're the Ood."

"The Ood?"

"The Ood."

"Well that's ood," Rose said the basic pun you could ever make about species.

"So funny," Tony deadpanned.

"I died of laughter," Pietro and James continued.

"Very ood, but handy. They work the mine shafts. All the drilling and stuff. Supervision and maintenance. They're born for it. Basic slave race," Oh, now he did it.

"You've got slaves?" Hermion—I mean Rose asked outraged.

Hermione motioned to the screen as if to say 'SEEEEE???' and Rose looked down again, once again seeing firsthand the comparison to Hermione.

"Don't start. She's like one of that lot. Friends of the Ood," Scooti said.

"Well maybe I am, yeah. Since when do humans need slaves?" Rose argued. Danny really said the wrong word. 'Aren't Ood basically like House Elves?' the Doctor mentally asked Ivy after she knew he saw Padfoot, Luna, and her roll there eyes. 'Yes, but like House Elves it is always good to get on their good side, there are a few that can rebel against their master,' I replied.

"Dobby?" the Malfoys asked, getting a nod from Ivy.

"Seriously, you like being ordered about?" Rose asked an Ood.

"It is all we crave," the Ood said.

"Why's that, then?

"Rose!" Ivy snapped, "They are like House Elves, it is what they were made to do, there is nothing you can do about it," Ivy argued and then the Doctor finally spoke up, cutting off Rose's ranting.

"There we go. Do you see? To generate that gravity field, and the funnel, you'd need a power source with an inverted self extrapolating reflex of six to the power of six every six seconds," he said. Luna finally figured it out and looked at Loki and Ivy in shock.

"Noooo," Thor whispered, Hela's eyes just widen.

Toby was explaining the phenenomina going on and how it was calling them in and the thing seemed like it was calling them in and they arrived. They found the alien language and Toby had been trying to translate it. He had wrote the lettering on the wall, claiming he couldn't read it, the Doctor looked back at Ivy and she shook her head, and then he looked at Loki who was obviously in no condition to do anything at the moment. He was sweating quite noticeably.

"So when it comes down to it, why did you come here? Why did you do that? Why? I'll tell you why. Because it was there. Brilliant. Excuse me, er, Zach, wasn't it?" the Doctor asked the captain.

"That's me," he confirmed.

"Just stand there, because I'm going to hug you. Is that all right?"

"I suppose so."

"Here we go. Come on, then," the Doctor hugged him and Ivy saw he was whispering something to him, "Oh, human beings. You are amazing! Ha! Thank you."

"Not at all," Zach said.

The Doctor's gleeful face then became serious, "But apart from that, you're completely mad. You should pack your bags, get back in that ship and fly for your lives," he said. He then realized the TARDIS was in one of the storage units that were released. They both knew that Idris would have escaped and they could still feel that connection. Luna made the same conclusion and pulled out her key that still glowed meaning the TARDIS was around somewhere, just waiting to be called.

Zach had come to talk to Ivy as everyone was doing their jobs, "The Doctor told me if he wasn't here to trust you, and to keep an open mind, why?"

Ivy thought for a second, "Okay you know Prince Loki?" he nodded, "Okay his older sister Hela is the Norse Goddess of Death, but Death isn't just a domain like it would be for other gods, for those who are a Death deity, they have Death as an entity not a domain, I was originally just somebody named Ivy Potter until I merged with Death the entity and became Death, I sometimes have a look with black hair like I had before I merged and my eyes will go black when Death itself takes over. So yes, I am Death, if you don't believe me then I know your mother died in a car accident and your father died from heart failure, do you want me to go on?"

Zach was stunned, Ivy knew he was a private person, "So do you know what is happening?" he asked but before Ivy could answer, "The Beast and his Armies shall rise from the Pit to make war against God," they heard from the Ood in the room.

"No, no, no, no, no," Thor kept mumbling. Ella and Astrid looked terrified hearing this story a while ago.

"All I'm going to say at this moment, is that something not good is down there, it is targeting the Ood and I think Toby as he is translating the language, if it does get Toby, I can block it but I have to knock him out very early on before the thing has a good grip on him, I can't do anything about the Ood though, but, word of advice, treat an Ood with respect they will help you out at the end."


"Yes I had something very similar to an Ood, they had the same purpose, I had gotten into trouble and even though he didn't belong to me, he helped me escape and he died for it. He rebelled against his previous masters because they mistreated him," Ivy told him.

The wizards respect for the House Elf increased, the Mlafoys wishing they would have treated the Elf better.

"And you will worship him," the Oods said. They repeated it, "Show me Toby," Ivy told Zach. Toby has symbols all over him and red eyes, "Okay he's coming to come through that door, you stay on one side and knock him out, we have to do this now," Ivy told him. He nodded and grabbed a baseball bat they had for some reason. The computers were now repeating 'He is awake' and called for a breach, "It's coming," Ivy said. Then she felt something, "No, no, no, no," she said and reached for her pockets, "What is that?" Zach said worriedly as he saw her open the book, 'Scooti Manista—Suffocation from space,' it read.

"Oooo," came from around the room, some faces scrunching up in disgust while Tony looked scared, he almost experienced that. Stephen, who also knew the feeling a bit, tried to cheer up his partner.

"She's dead?" Zach asked.

"I think she was in the room with Toby," Ivy said.

"Everybody, we gotta do a thing, don't freak out," Zach said, "whatever it is, is taking over Toby, Scooti is somewhere I don't know where, but her chip is in," he added.

'She's dead, we didn't want to freak out the others,' Ivy told the Doctor as her and Zach went to stand off to the side as Toby entered, Zach swung, "Quickly hold him down in case it comes back while I do this," Ivy ordered and everybody rushed over. Ivy went into his head, narrowly avoiding the attention of the beast and locked him in with a reinforced lock that he could not break, it took a lot of energy, so much energy that Luna gave her some of hers as the Doctor needed all the energy he could have. Ivy was pulled out of Toby's head right as he woke up. Ivy was kind slumped onto her side and into Padfoot who came to her side. "What was that thing?" Toby asked terrified and clutching his head.

"That was what is trying to escape, you were translating his language so he used you, there is a reinforced block in your head, it will give you a very bad headache, but he won't get through and the headache will be gone when he is locked up again."

"Oh God Scooti, it possessed me and killed Scooti, oh my god, oh my god," Toby freaked and the shutter were opened where Scooti was floating away. Then the drill stopped, "We've reached Point Zero," Zach said to them.

"If you're sending Ida down, send me down too," the Doctor said.

The Doctor's moved towards Ivy, Ten was the one that had gone down there, so he stayed the closest, but Eleven, Twelve, and Thirteen, were crowding around them. Nine, on instinct moved back to them too, he didn't know what was happening but he was scared.

Ivy didn't want him to go down, but she knew he had extra protection to get him and Ida out, he could call the TARDIS, Ivy nodded to Zach to agree. The Doctor went to get a space suit, "If you die, I will bring you back to life and beat your ass," Ivy told him and kissed him. Teddy got to hug him while Rose said her comments too, and left to get in with Ida in the capsule.

"Rose, stay off the comm," Zach told the blonde.

"No chance," she said back.

All the Avengers rolled their eyes at the blonde human, if you are told to stay off the comms it's for a reason, usually if an emergency occurred.

"She's going to be the problem, just letting you know," Ivy told him, the capsule then dropped making her gasp, feeling the Time Lord's fear, Rose was back on the comm, "They're okay, before you ask, I have a connection with the Doctor, we can communicate telepathically and I can feel his emotions, they were startled but he's not mourning so Ida is alive."

"Rose, you can tell Toby we've found his civilization," The Doctor was heard saying, Rose had responded by joking that Toby's got work to do, "He's basically saying the language is down their too, confirming what is trying to get to Toby is down there," Ivy explained to Toby and Zach, "Tell Danny to be careful with the Ood, it can still reach them," Ivy added towards Zach while he was checking in with Ida.

"Danny, what are the Ood doing?" he asked.

"They're staring at me. I've told them to stop, but they won't. I've checked the telepathic field, sir, it's a basic one hundred. There isn't any fault. It's definitely one hundred."

"But that's impossible," Zach said stunned.

"Goody, zombie Ood," Ivy said sarcastically. she was having trouble sensing things because of that "Beast" so some things are actually catching her by surprise.

"What's basic one hundred mean?" Rose asked.

"They should be dead," Danny answered.

"Basic one hundred's brain death," Jefferson added.

Ivy grabbed the communicator, "Danny, you need to trap them, that thing is going to get us using the Oods since it's other way was blocked off by me and Toby," she spoke.

"But they aren't moving?" Danny responded.

"Doesn't mean they aren't controlled," James comments, thinking about the Imperious curse.

"That doesn't mean they are not being controlled," Ivy countered.

Father and daughter share a smirk.

A guard was put in place and Ida and the Doctor reached the door, "Toby, they need to know the lettering. Does it make any sort of sense?" Rose asked Toby. Both Zach and Toby looked back at Ivy, "Can you still read it?" she asked Toby. Toby nodded, "Okay, in order to defeat this, it does have to be released. So, I'm going to go into your head again and Luna will help me if need be, you will be conscious so you can translate but I will tell you that it will hurt. Okay?"

"These are the words of the Beast. And he has woken. He is the heart that beats in the darkness. He is the blood that will never cease. And now he will rise," Toby read.

"What is it? What's going on? What's happening? Rose, what's going on?" The Doctor was urgently questioning.

"Don't do that again," Ten scolded.

"What did she do?" Lily asked.

"He needed to be aware at the time, and if I needed extra energy, I could pull through the bond. I blocked off the link which made him panic," Ivy explained. Nine's eyes widened, yeah he would be terrified.

There was a red glow while Ivy knew Rose was explaining what she saw and the Ood stood at attention, "Danny why didn't you trap them?!"

The Ood started talking about the Beast all at once while trapping and electrocuting whoever gets in their ways, than everything started moving, the trapdoor was opening, it was being released. "The gravity field. It's going! We're losing orbit! We're going to fall into the black hole!"

"Is there a way out?!" Ivy yelled.

Before Zach could respond, "The Pit is open. And I am free!" followed by some evil laughter.

"Open Fire!" Jefferson called.

"We're stabilizing. We've got orbit, but yeah we need out," Zach agreed, "What Ida and the Doctor though?"

"He didn't say it out loud because he didn't trust you and wouldn't say it unless it was necessary, his ship his sentient and got herself out of there as soon as she knew she was in danger. Once that thing is taken care of the ship will come and get the two and get us," Ivy quickly explained.

Ivy saw an Ood coming and whispered "Avada," she knew there was no way to get through to the Oods and she could do the Killing Curse without saying the full spell being who she am. "Jefferson, what's happening there?" Zach called.

"I've got very little ammunition, sir. How about you?"

"All I've got is a bolt gun. With er, all of one bolt. I could take out a grand total of one Ood. Fat lot of good that is. But Ivy's got...something," Zach trailed off not knowing what exactly she just did.

"Given the emergency I recommend strategy nine," Jefferson suggested.

"Strategy nine agreed. Rose, anything from Ida and the Doctor? Any word?" Zach asked while looking at Ivy.

'They're okay,' she mouthed while Rose spoke, "I can't get a reply. Just nothing. I keep trying, but its—"

"No, sorry, I'm fine. Still here," the Doctor interrupted.

"Because I know he won't say it, but you can't just shut your trap for a minute so I could've concentrated," Twelve spoke up, snapping at Rose. The blonde flinched, Jackie glared back at Twelve, only because he made her flinch, she knew her daughter wasn't the best with logic.

"You could've said, you stupid—"

"Rose, do not make me come down there and throw you into the black hole," Ivy threatened hearing Teddy giggle behind her.

"Anyway!" the Doctor spoke, his voice going a bit higher pitched, sensing the argument, "it's both of us. Me and Ida. Hello. But the seal opened up. It's gone. All we've got left is this chasm," he said.

"How deep is it?" Zach started questioning while Ivy looked back at Loki. His skin had tints of blue to it now. Rose was freaking out and the Doctor was trying to calm her down while he started mentally talking to Ivy, 'Is Loki being affected?'

'Yes he's beginning to turn blue and I'm afraid if somebody sees his eyes change they may try to attack him. I know who's down there with you and he cannot know he is here,' Ivy said urgently.

'What's down here?'

'Surtur he's pretty much the first Fire Giant from Jotunheim and got kicked off the planet. If he knows there is a Frost Giant, better yet the Ex-King's runt he will go after him directly. Loki knows who is down here and is trying to keep his glamour on until we get to a safer place. He will be rather weak, but he tries to get you mentally, so be warned,' Ivy told him.

When Ivy started listening again, Zach was ordering Ida to bring them back up, but Ida turned off the comms, he groaned in annoyance, "Goody, you guys have your own Rose Tyler," Ivy said.

Zach turned around, and he jumped, he was startled seeing Loki, now fully blue skinned, "Okay I think he's letting it go cause he is trusting you two, so I will explain," Ivy said. "We need off, that thing, that Beast is Surtur, he's the first Fire Giant from Jotunheim and was exiled from it. Loki is adopted, he was the runt son of Laufey, what he wears is a glamour like I would normally where one that is also black haired but keeping the eyes. You two are the most open minded and focused right now. The higher Surtur can come up or be free, the more he's going to know Loki is here and if you figured out where I'm going with this, Loki is a Frost Giant. If Surtur knows a Frost Giant, who is a son of Laufey and a runt, he will no doubt kill him. Now the problem being his skin change, Luna and I are the only ones that can make him appear back in his pale form, but we are both a bit drained from Toby, no offense Toby, so we can do it but we will probably be unwell afterwards and the Doctor might freak so if you can communicate with him explain that. But when we do this, Rose will not go willingly, you might have to knock her out," Ivy explained. The two nodded, "Would it be better if he could de-age himself?" Luna asked. When Ivy nodded, Loki made himself a ten year old, "Right, trickster, got it," Toby said after getting over his shock.

"Aw," some of the woman gushed seeing the blue ten year old Loki.

"Shut up," he grumbled, until Luna said, "But you looked adorable," making him preen.

"Uh-oh," Zach said, the power had gone out leaving the Doctor and Ida down there.

"This is darkness. This is my domain," a voice spoke out and Toby cringed in pain while Loki looked alarmed.

Loki could see the sparks appearing on Thor's hands, "I'll be all right," he reassured him, calming him slightly but not much. He didn't like the thought of a Fire Giant near his Frost giant baby brother.

"You little things that live in the light, clinging to your feeble suns which die in the only darkness remains."

"He's gonna think he's the devil, be warned," Ivy told Zach quietly, having both Teddy and Loki wrapped around her, so was Padfoot, protectively though.

"Is the devil real?" Clint asked.

"Oh yeah, and he knows how to party," Ivy replied with a big smile. The Doctor's couldn't but agree, Lucifer was the only person that could get the alien to party.

Surtur was one of those a bit obsessed with Death and would try to find Hela or Ivy.

Thor's sparks increased at the mention of both his siter and somebody he considers his sister being of interest to the Fire Giant.

"You will die here. All of you. This planet is your grave," it said.

"It's him. It's him. It's him," Toby finally spoke and freaked out.

The Doctor started taunting him, to get him to talk, while Zach found a way to send a message to his team, about 'getting them mentally'. "You know nothing. All of you, so small. The Captain, so scared if command," referring to Zach who flinched a little, "The soldier, haunted by the eyes of his wife. The scientist, still running from Daddy. The little boy who lied. The virgin," I saw Toby flinch, "And a lost girl, so far away from home. The valiant child who will die in battle very soon."

"Well, he didn't know about us four," Ivy motioned to Loki, Luna, Teddy, and herself, "But now he probably freaked Rose out. She's not dying soon."

"She will be if she keeps giving me gray hair," Jackie muttered.

"You will die and I will live," and then they saw the horned figure of Surtur, "That was in my head, still in my head," Toby corrected himself. Everybody was going off on the comms until "Captain, report," was heard from Jefferson.

"We've lost pictures, Mister Jefferson," Zach said and more people started talking, then they heard the Doctor, "Stop."

"What did it mean?" Rose freaked.

The Doctor ignored her, "Everyone just stop."

Danny and Jefferson didn't listen so the Doctor sent some feedback, 'Sorry,' he apologized for Teddy, Padfoot, and Ivy.

"Sorry," Ten apologized again seeing the same three along with Conor, Remus, Sirius, and Peter jump.

"You want voices in the dark then listen to mine. That thing plays on very basic fears, it will attack you mentally by doing that. Darkness, childhood nightmares, all that stuff," he started.

"But that's how the devil works," Danny said. Loki from his position rolled his now red eyes. Yeah, had to remind Toby and Zach that Jotuns had red eyes.

"Or a good psychologist," the Doctor countered, knowing not to play into the fantasy Surtur had going.

"Yeah, but how did it know about my father?" they heard Ida ask.

"Okay," the Doctor started again before anyone could start up again, "but what makes his version of the truth any better than mine, hmm? Cos I'll tell you what I can see. Humans. Brilliant humans. Humans who travel all the way across space, flying in a tiny little rocket, right into the orbit of a black hole, just for the sake of discovery. That's amazing! Do you hear me? Amazing, all of you. The captain, his officer, his elders, his juniors, his friends. All with one advantage. The beast is alone. We are not. If we can use that to fight against him," he was interrupted by the cable snapping and them having to rush out. Rose panicked again while Zach turned to Ivy, "Will this be his ship coming into play?"

"Yes and it will find us because it's connected to me too, but we will need to leave," Ivy said. They heard a lot of banging from the door and apparently others did too, "Captain? Situation report," Jefferson requested.

Zach checked the door, "It's the Ood. They're cutting through the door bolts. They're breaking in," Zach informed everyone. Teddy scooted closer to Ivy out of fear.

"Yeah, it's the same on door 25," Jefferson informed.

"How longs it going to take?" Rose asked. Lovely how they can hear her the whole time even before Surtur was freed that she had not asked about them.

"Well, it's only a basic frame, it should take about ten minutes," Jefferson said. A bolt was cut, "Eight," Jefferson corrected.

"I've got a security frame. It might last longer, but doesn't help you," Zach said. Ivy scooted over to him, giving Luna Loki while Padfoot took Teddy, "You need to guide them out, you might not be able to do much but you can guide them and get the doors open and shut and watch the Oods. You know how to override the safety so you can guide them, you are the captain, listen to what the Doctor was saying, you need to think, get them into the right places. Rose for once is knowing what she's talking about, keep guiding them out, watch out for Ood and let them know if one is coming. Don't worry about Ida they are both still okay, but once everyone is here we need to evacuate," Ivy told him, giving him a reminder at the end.

They were listening to the arguments, "Danny is doing the right thing, we can't get through the Oods, but Rose will start being a problem," Zach said, giving them their next set of directions, "Then enforce it when they get here," Ivy told him.

They followed them for a bit, until Ivy said, "Oods are coming out of Habitation 5," she noticed. Zach reiterated what she said, "They're in the tunnels!" he added.

"Well, open the gate," Danny argued.

"I've got to get the air in!" Zach panicked.

"Just open it, sir," Danny said.

"They'll be fine," Ivy told him while Rose asked, "Where are they? Are they close?"

"I don't know. I can't tell. I can't see them. The computer doesn't register Ood as proper life forms," Zach said. "Well whoever did that is an idiot. I can't see them either, I can sense them slightly but it's harder since they are dead and that thing below us is interfering with me. Toby's not the only one working with a headache," Ivy said. They kept watching and Jefferson got left behind, "He's going to die," Ivy said, "His death can be changed, is there a lot of shadows in their?" Ivy asked seeing Padfoot's head perk up.

"Yeah a bit," Zach said.

"Tell Jefferson to get on the floor, close his eyes, and don't panic," Ivy instructed. Jefferson directly talked to Jefferson and said what to do. Jefferson got on the floor and Ivy sent Padfoot for him, Zach jumped seeing her dog, "He can travel threw shadows," Ivy said.

"Is that a new thing? I'm not sure I could do that," Sirius asked.

"Actually you should be able to, the black dog called Padfoot is magical," Ivy said.

"I always find you by scent not visually on full moons," Remus pointed out.

"You always startle me," James pouted. Sirius and Padfoot both laughed hearing that, you scare a deer, they freeze. They won't admit it, they liked scaring Prongs. Sirius then changed form and found a shadow, running through it and coming back, "That was cool," he said shifting back, he also thought Anubis definitely had an obsession with him, but he wasn't going to say that out loud, especially as he practically on top of his animal counterpart.

Jefferson jumped feeling the jaws and getting pulled and then he was back in the room. "Before you open your eyes, don't panic about the blue skinned red eyed child, it's the man with the black hair we were with. He is a Frost Giant, do not say it out loud or the being Ida and the Doctor are currently with will definitely break in just to get to him, okay?" Jefferson nodded and then opened his eyes. "Thank you," he said.

"Jefferson is alive, do not ask how," Zach informed the others. The Oods just broke in when they collapsed and writhed.

'We're getting out, distract him more,' Ivy told the Doctor as they ran out. They entered the room, and Loki grabbed Luna's and my hands as we put his glamour back up, "So he can de-age himself?" Jefferson asked quietly, knowing not to ask anything involving him directly.

"Yeah, we can put his disguise back up better with a smaller body," Ivy told him. He was standing in front of the child Loki, they couldn't quite get his eyes back to green but they covered most of the blue. Ivy felt something shift, "Toby," she whispered. He leaned his head closer to her, "Go tell Zach he's getting his ship, he will pick up Ida first and then get us, we need to go," Toby nodded and gave the message to Zach.

"He's gone," Ida had said.

"What do you mean, he's gone?" Rose said.

"He fell into the pit. And I don't know how deep it is. Miles and miles and miles."

"But what do you, he fell?" Rose repeated.

"I couldn't stop him. He said 'see you soon, my love,'"

'Cheesy,' Ivy sent him and heard him laugh in her head.

"Still cheesy," Ivy told Ten, giving him a peck on the lips.

Zach took the microphone, "Ida stay where you are. We have no way to reach you, but I need you to trust me, okay?"


"Now, we need to abandon this base. I'm declaring this mission unsafe. All we can do is make sure no one ever comes back here again. Ida Scoot, I promise you will be out of there," Zach said.

"I'll hold you to that. Good luck," and the comms were cut off. "Danny, Toby, close down the feed links. Get the retrotropes online, then get to the rocket and strap yourselves in," while Zach gave his orders, he was silently motioning towards Rose, and Ivy was signaling for Loki to put his head down as Jefferson will have to move, "We're leaving," Zach said.

"I'm not going," Rose immediately said.

"Yeah, we thought you would say that, sorry about this," Jefferson and Toby immediately grab Rose and Zach injects her, "Okay you two, help them, Danny grab Rose," Zach orders. Jefferson stands near Ivy while Toby near Luna, making sure they didn't fall or disconnect from Loki and they guide them to the front where we let go of Loki and his seat started frosting over, "Sorry," he said in a small voice, "That's okay, I'm sure you're happy to be away from there, I know I will be," Toby said. Teddy had climbed into Ivy's lap, Jefferson was going to say something, "It's okay, I'm small enough we'll both be secure," Ivy told him.

"Get in! Get in! Get in!" Zach ordered, "Oods, were moving," he told them. The rocket started moving, and Danny informed them Rose is waking up, Ivy threw a random spell at her, "What spell was that?" Luna and Loki asked.

"I don't know, was it green?"

"No," they both said.

"Then we're good."

The Marauders fell over laughing; even Lily couldn't keep it in and started giggling. The magic users in the avengers started laughing along with the Asguardians and Pietro. Stephen couldn't help but laugh too. Ivy gave a quiet apology to Jackie while Rose's mouth was dropped in shock.

'Get ready, I'm destroying this thing,' Ivy heard, she motioned towards the ones who are aware, pretty much everyone but Danny and Rose, and grabbed onto Toby as the rocket shook. Toby groaned in pain and Ivy could feel herself weakening trying to protect his brain when he slumped against her in relief, "Sorry about the hijack, captain. This is the good ship TARDIs. Now first things first. Have you got an Ivy and Teddy, along with a Luna, Loki, a big black dog, and Rose Tyler on board?"

Zach kept the microphone away from the annoyingly ecstatic Rose, "Yes we do Ivy, Loki, and Luna are a bit drained though, do you have Ida?" he asked.

"Yes, she is also a bit drained but from lack of oxygen. I'm towing you home. Gravity schmavity. My people practically invented black holes. Well, in fact, they did. In a couple minutes, we'll be nice and safe. Ah! Entering clear space. End of the line. Mission closed," the Doctor declared.

"Time Lords created black holes?" Thor asked.

"Yep, fun to play with," Harold said with a small giggle.

Rose ran into the TARDIS and hugged the Doctor, he got her off of him and went for a slightly slumped Ivy and picked her up, while guiding Luna with a still child sized Loki, onto the ship. "Loki, your room is freezing, go at it," he informed the god. Luna was following after, she knew he was going to make sure she went to get some rest first, and she was proven right when he stopped in front of her door which was next to his, "I'm going, go be a popsicle," Luna said and entered.

There were snorts around the room, Loki didn't care, the cold felt damn good.

The Doctor wanted Ivy with him so he dropped her off in his room before taking Teddy to his, "Daddy? Is mommy okay?" Teddy asked as he was put down on his bed.

"Yes, she is okay. She just had a bit of magical exhaustion," The Doctor told him and he nodded before he went to sleep. The Doctor then went back into his room where Ivy was sitting up and looking at him with sleepy eyes. She held her arms up to him and he went over wrapping his arms around her. Their fear and relief finally came out, the Doctor had whispered something into her ear making her gasp and her eyes widened before hugging him tighter.

The Masters looked suspicious while River gasped, "Did he tell you his name?!" she practically squealed. Amy and Rory looked at their daughter in surprise, they had never seen her act like that, she's usually the calm badass woman that doesn't put up with anything. But, as River was half Time Lady, she knew how important that was. Ivy nods with a big smile, and River squealed again. "Time Lords don't tell anybody there real name unless they are close to them or married to them, or related to them somehow," O explained. He didn't know the Doctor's name, but they knew his, it could be because the Doctor was married to Ivy, his motherly/older sister figure, and just knew what his name was. The only others would be Pansy, Ivy, and one other.


I have a term coming up, but my mother is also having surgery and I need to be helping her out, either I can continue having updates every other Sunday, or I can do a really big update when my next term ends. I cannot guarantee how many chapters will be added for each story, but intend to update all of them. I AM NOT STARTING THIS UNTIL JUNE. So please vote:

Every other Sunday—some chapters are updated mainly once

Wait until August—will have a big update)

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