The Wizarding World (And Othe...

By jokermadhatter

172K 2.6K 416

Many people just appeared in the same room, people from the Wizarding World, some of the Avengers, and the pe... More

Cast Part 1
Cast Part 2
Cast Part 3
Cast Part 4
Prologue-- How They Met
The End of the World + Interlude
The Unquiet Death + The Aftermath
Aliens of London + World War Three
During the Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting of Ways
Born Again/The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
Girl in the Fireplace
During Rise of the Cybermen and Age of Steel
The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit
Fear Her
Army of Ghosts
The Runaway Bride
Interlude--The Pregnancy and The Prank
Blacks and Jones
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan
Evolution of the Daleks
Aftermath of Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
After The Lazarus Experiment
Aftermath of 42
The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
Time Crash
Voyage of the Damned
Interlude/Aftermath of Voyage of the Damned
Partners in Crime

The Idiot's Lantern

2.5K 52 6
By jokermadhatter

"If any of the Potters, Marauders, Marked ones, and Doctor's need to let out some anger after this next episode, please go to the next room," Idris' voice sounded. "WHERE THE BLOODY HELL ARE WE?" came a familiar voice to Ivy. Nobody liked seeing how tensed she suddenly appeared, James was already thinking he's going to practice what he did with dummy of his brother-in-law with the actual thing. His daughter was scared, he could tell. Ten immediately pulled his wife closer to him. Rose, along with others looked wide-eyed at the other door, who was that?

Tony, Bucky, and Natasha all saw Ivy tense and assumed who that was. Loki and Hela sat there angrily, Loki also pulling Luna to his side. She knew who that was too, and didn't know how her older sister figure lived with them for ten years. The Weasley twins also sat there angrily, they could see all the Master's had very quickly figured out who that was. Draco was curious as to why Pansy looked angry. Remus and Sirius were both growling. Dan, Yaz, Ryan, and Graham looked cautiously at Thirteen, the usually very happy and cheerful woman looked very, very, angry. Amy, Rory, and Clara were also looking cautiously at Eleven. Amy experienced a truly furious Eleven a couple times, so she knew he was angry. Rory was taking note of his wife's actions and being cautious too. He could also see River looking angry as she heard that voice. Clara knew Eleven was angry, she could see that even though it seemed Eleven and Thirteen were the ones who couldn't get angry, it was possible, as the two looked almost like their other selves at the moment.

"I thought we'd be going for the Vegas era, you know the white flares and the ,grr, chest hair," Rose spoke as she walked out with The Doctor and Ivy behind her. Susan and Jack had shown up because Jack got injured and it was taking him a while to heal. So Susan came with while Jack stayed behind. The Doctor had done his hair to fit the era and walked out and saw Ivy give him an impressed look, "You are kidding, aren't you? You want to see Elvis, you go for the late fifties. The time before burgers. When they called him the Pelvis and he still had a waist. What's more, you see him in style," he said and pulled out two scooters. Susan didn't look happy knowing she would be riding with Rose, but tough luck for her.

"Where we off to?" Rose asked.

"Ed Sullivan TV studios. Elvis did Hound dog on one of the shows. There were loads of complaints. Bit of luck, we'll just catch it," the Doctor said.

"New York?" Susan questioned.

"That's the one," the Doctor said.

"Weeeeellllll," Ivy said in a high pitched tone. 'Oh no,' the Doctor thought.

"Impractical Jokers?" Jack asked. Ivy nodded with a small smile. The two loved watching that show, Jack would know where the 'weeeeellllll,' came from.

"Got the location wrong, didn't you?" Donna questioned. Ivy wore a slightly bigger smile, slightly relaxing, but Ten knew it wasn't going to last long.

"Ha! Digging that New York vibe," Rose said as they all spotted the Union Flag everywhere.

"Well, this could still be New York. I mean, this looks very New York to me. Sort of Londony New York, ok, don't bother, got it," the Doctor said at the end seeing Ivy's amused look.

"You tried," Ivy says in Ten's ear.

"What are all the flags for?" Rose questioned.

"1953, Queen Elizabeth's coronation," Ivy said. They then were introduced to Magpie who revealed the same thing, but then they saw somebody getting taken away with a blanket over his head while a woman was begging them not to take the man. A kid came out to help, revealing it might be the woman's husband and they all were trying to chase after but Ivy urged Rose and the Doctor to chase it only.

"Mom do you know something?" Susan asked as they watched the Doctor and Rose run after the van.

"I heard that something is taking faces and burning them off, not killing them, just stealing their faces, thankfully not pulling a Leatherface. The thing is, I'm pretty sure something was calling through the TV, I saw a face. Magpie is definitely involved though, and Rose is in trouble," Ivy said.

"Leatherface?" Draco questioned.

"A figure in horror movies that takes the faces of his victims and creates masks for himself. Movies are moving pictures that tell a story and have sound," Ivy explained, adding the bit about movies for those who didn't understand.

"What do you mean only Rose is in trouble?"

"Well, when you think about it, if somebody knows we're after them, they attack. Now you, me, and your dad have different faces. Yours would go the quickest cause you're still a bit young and only have had two faces, but the Doctor's got technically eleven, actually technically more if it counts past lives, and I'm just old," Ivy explained as they found the Doctor and Rose who couldn't chase after the people.

"And you have three faces," Two adds.

"Or four if you count her wolf form," Three added to her previous self's statement.

The group walked up to a door, and a man the Doctor already seemed to not like was there, "Hi!" the four of them said 'cheerfully'.

"Why don't you like him?" Steve asked, wondering why he was already being rude to the stranger. "Because he already seems to act like my walrus of a brother-in-law," Lily sneered.

"Who are you, then?"

"Let's see, then. Judging by the look of you, family man, nice house, decent wage, fought in the war, therefore I represent Queen and country," the Doctor went on, holding a strained smile, probably sensing Ivy's bit of distress. He held up his psychic paper, "Just doing a little check of Her forthcoming Majesty's subjects before the great day. Don't mind if I come in? Nah, I didn't think you did. Thank you," they all walked in, "Not bad. Very nice. Very well kept. I'd like to congratulate you, Mrs?" he aimed towards the woman, "Connolly."

"Now then, Rita. I can handle this. This gentleman's a proper representative. Don't mind the wife, she rattles a bit," the man, Eddie said.

"Bastard," Lily comments.

The Doctor could tell now why Ivy has been quiet, from what he can tell this man is like another Vernon Dursley. He treats Rita like Vernon treats Ivy, it wasn't as bad but the Doctor can see it was similar. He's putting up a mask that they are the perfect family and those who speak out are wrong and crazy. Ivy had told the Doctor about the House elf Dobby getting her in trouble and beat up by Vernon for ruining a meeting, although she wouldn't dare tell Dobby she got beat because of him.

"He thought he was helping me but he didn't fully understand the situation," Ivy told the Malfoy's. Lucius had to agree, the elf wasn't the brightest, but he was brave.

"Well, maybe she should rattle on a bit more. I'm not convinced you're doing your patriotic duty. Nice flags. Why are they not flying?" the Doctor said to test him.

"There we are Rita, I told you, get them up. Queen and country," Eddie ordered.

"I'm sorry," Rita apologized.

"Get it done. Do it now."

"Hold on a minute," the Doctor said sternly, not liking Ivy's flinch.

"Like the gentlemen says," Eddie apparently didn't hear.

"Hold on a minute. You've got hands, Mister Connolly. Two big hands. So why is that your wife's job?" the Doctor spoke again.

"Well, it's housework, innit?"

"And that's a woman's job?" the Doctor asked.

"Of course it is," and there goes both the Doctor and Ivy's temper. He could even feel Susan's.

"Mister Connolly, what gender is the Queen?"

"She's a female."

"And are you suggesting the Queen does the housework?"

"No. Not at all," Eddie quickly responded.

"Then get busy," the Doctor ordered him, holding out the flags.

The men in the room agreed, Rita shouldn't be the one having to do all that just because she was the woman. While Lucius wasn't the best father to his son, he did tell him that if his future spouse wanted to have their own job, don't stop it. Narcissa sometimes volunteered at St. Mungo's, Lucius wasn't going to stop her because it made her happy. The women's respect for the Doctor increased, so did Sirius and James' who had noticed on the screen, that the Doctor was purposely keeping Ivy slightly behind him, giving her the option to hide from the other man if she wanted to.

"Right. Yes, sir. You'll be proud of us, sir. We'll have Union Jacks left, right and center," Eddie said and was about to leave but Rose decided to add on to Eddie's embarrassment. She was correcting him that it's only Union Jack when at sea and she only knew that because her mom dated a sailor. They introduced themselves to Tommy, their son, and Rita asked for help. They tried to get the information from her although it seemed Ivy knows something, "Hold on a minute. Queen and country's one thing, but this is my house! What the?" Eddie threw what he was holding down, "What the hell am I doing? Now you listen here, Doctor. You may have fancy qualifications, but what goes on under my house is my business," he demanded.

"A lot of people are bundled up into..." the Doctor started talking while ignoring him.

"I am talking!" Eddie snarled and Ivy tensed next to the Doctor as he felt a bit of fear resulting in him being angry,

Nine looked angry the sorry excuse of a man took his own words.

"And I'm not listening!" the Doctor immediately snarled back, "Now you, Mister Connolly, you are staring into a deep, dark pit of trouble if you don't let me help. So I'm ordering you, sir! Tell me what's going on!" there was thumping going on and they were eventually introduced to Tommy's gran...who had no face. Of course then, they were all pretty sure Eddie was being a snitch, Tommy's Gran gets taken, the Doctor helped try to stop only to get punched in the face.

Some looked angry, including Ivy, but then Nine noticed Ten smiling, when he called him out on it, Ten says, "I swore I was going to help that man get stitches, and I did," was all he said. Ivy, Rose, and Two looked suspicious while the older Doctors now started smiling.

The Doctor suddenly sat up and walked up to Ivy who was being held by Susan. They heard Eddie arguing with Tommy and Rita as Rita's mother gets taken, 'TV,' the Doctor heard Susan say mentally and turned to find out of the corner of his eye, energy coming from the TV. Rose was checking the back, 'Ivy told me she saw faces in the TV's where Magpie works, us three would take longer to get our faces stolen since we have more than one, but Rose will be in trouble if they know we're after it,' she added. 'Stay with her, the man is reminding her of her uncle,' the Doctor said while chasing the van.

"Do you think blood can stain antlers?" James asked his father.

"I don't know, I'm curious to find out though," Charlus responded, he figured out who was back there.

Susan and Ivy walked around waiting for news from the Doctor when they ran into Tommy, "Do you know anything yet?" he asked. "We're waiting on my dad," Susan said.

He looked confused, "The Doctor is my dad and Ivy is my mom, she just looks a lot younger than she actually is before you ask," Susan clarified.

"Is she okay?" he asked referring to her still silent mother.

"She was abused growing up, by her uncle, she was an orphan and was placed with them. Your dad reminds her of him," Susan explained. "I'm just glad you or your mother don't act like her aunt and cousin or else my dad would have definitely been pissed."

"Mmhmm," Ten agreed. Ivy was currently burying herself into his side.

Speaking of the Doctor, he came running back, "It's got Rose," he said. Then he turned to Tommy, "How did you get out here?"

"You looked weird with no face," Ten comments. Jackie now had a hold of her daughter.

"Oh I might've revealed everything my dad was hiding, and ratted him out to mom about Gran," Tommy said. "Nice," Ivy finally spoke.

"Okay we know Magpie is involved," Dad spoke.

"Yeah, he's selling sets cheap," they ran to Magpie's store and broke in, of course an authority figure wanting to stop it.

"Shop! If you're here, come out and talk to me! Magpie!" the Doctor yelled.

"Maybe he's out," Tommy suggested.

"Looks like it," the Doctor mumbled and was looking around quickly. That was when Susan realized mom had disappeared. The Doctor found her under a table in her wolf form, she seemed uncomfortable in the store but they didn't know why, she said they are not dead, but she was uncomfortable and she could see their faces.

"Wimp," Ron comments, but shrieks hearing the furious growl coming from Ivy, excuse me, Wolfie. Wolfie decided to come out full form, so now Ron was trying to hide from a gold seething wolf that was being held back by the Doctor's that were trying to calm her down. When she did, the wolf's went green again but stayed in wolf form. She went and stayed at Ten's feet but relaxed in the spot next to Padfoot who curled around her and Anubis who cuddled into her side.

Susan snapped out of her thoughts by hearing the Doctor mumble about a television. A portable one. One that has not been created yet. "It's not the only power source in this room," and that was when they saw the faces appear on the screen calling for help. Tommy had found his Gran and Rose had been calling out for them.

Rose had gone pale seeing herself on the TV screen, she had no memory of anything after seeing the bright light surrounding her face.

"What do you think you're doing?" Magpie questioned, coming out of the back room.

"I want my friend restored, and I think that's beyond a little backstreet electrician, so tell me, who's really in charge here?" the Doctor questioned.

A woman appeared on the television, "Yoo hoo! I think that must be me. Ooh, this one's smart as paint."

"Is she talking to us?" the Bishop asked.

"I'm sorry gentlemen, and lady, I'm afraid you've brought this on yourselves. May I introduce you to my new friend," Magpie motioned towards the TV. Susan was looking at the screen and Magpie as if they were stupid.

"I was surprised that neither noticed the hiding bright gold wolf," Two said.

"Jolly nice to meet you," the television said.

"Oh my God, it's her, that woman off the telly," the bishop spoke.

"No, it's just using her image," dad said.

"What?" came from Tommy, "What are you?"

"I'm the Wire, and I will gobble you up, pretty boy. Every last morsel. And when I have feasted, I shall begin the corporeal body, which my fellow kind denied me," the Wire said, the picture changing forms to become colored, "Good Lord. Color television!" the bishop spoke. Really? He's amazed by color being on the TV? Not that we were just threatened to be eaten by said TV?

"So your own people tried to stop you?"

"They executed me," the Wire argued. Ivy is probably not happy about that, "But I escaped in this form and fled across the stars."

"And now you're trapped in the television," the Doctor said.

"Not for much longer," she practically sang.

"Doctor, Susan, is this what took my Gran?" Tommy asked us.

"Yes Tommy. It feeds off the electrical activity of the brain, but it gorges itself like a great overfed pig, taking people's faces, their essences. It stuffs itself," the Doctor looked at Susan when he said 'essences' and now Susan seemed to know why Ivy was hiding.

"I'm still confused," Peter spoke up.

Two turned around to look at him, "Basically Mom had been saying that it would take longer for Dad and I because we had multiple faces. Essences were our faces and mom was hiding because if the wire took her face, it would gain magic, if it took Death's face, it would have reaper abilities, and if it took Wolfie's then abilities over time," she explained. Some eyes widened realizing Ivy did in fact need to hide and not get involved in this, she had no choice.

"And you let her do it. Magpie," the bishop accused.

"I had to. She allowed me my face. She's promised to release me at the time of manifestation," oh he truly believed that, HA.

"What does that mean?"

"The appointed time. My crowning glory," the Wire said.

"Doctor, the coronation!" the bishop realized.

"For the first time in history, millions gathered around a television set. But you're not strong enough yet, are you? You can't do it all from here. That's why you need this. You need something more powerful! This will turn a big transmitter into a big receiver," the Doctor realized too.

"What a clever thing you are! But why fret about it? Why not relax? Kick off your shoes and enjoy the Coronation. Believe me, you'll be glued to the screen," the Wire said and energy started reaching out, but it never reached Dad, Tommy, or I. A shield appeared in front of us, pushing the electricity back, "Ah! There's another one! She's armed!"

Next thing they knew, they were across the street from the shop, unfortunately the bishop's face got taken. "I would question how we got here, but it's been a weird enough day," Tommy spoke. Ivy just simply smiled at him.

"Okay, okay, the Wire will need to harvest half the population. Millions and millions of people and where are we?" the Doctor asked.

"Muswell Hill," Tommy and Ivy both said.

"Muswell Hill," The Doctor thought before it hit him, "Muswell Hill! Which means Alexandra Palace, biggest TV transmitter in North London. Oh, that's why it chose this place. Tommy? Susan? Ivy?"

"What are you going to do?" Tommy questioned him.

"We're going shopping," the Doctor said and they ran into the electronics store, seeing Ivy tensed again, and they gathered the parts he needed and ran out. They were running down the streets, the Doctor and Susan switching back and forth creating a device to destroy the Wire. Ivy was next to them, she would be creating a shield to protect the people.

"There!" Tommy pointed out Magpie and the television. Ivy looked startled and pulled out her recent or upcoming deaths book and looked at it, rolled her eyes and put it away. "Come on!" the Doctor yelled.

"Magpie?" was asked. Ten and Two nodded, they didn't really care, the man had brought it on himself.

"Wait, wait, wait! Where do you think—" the guard had been cut off by the Doctor lifting his psychic paper, the guard looked wide eyed between him and Ivy, "Oh! I'm very sorry, sir, madam. Shouldn't you be at the Coronation?"

"They're saving us a seat," Ivy said.

"Who did you he think you two were?" Tommy asked. The Doctor looked at the paper, "King and Queen of Belgium, apparently. Now, keep this switched on. Don't let anyone stop you, Tommy. Everything depends on it. You will still have Susan with you, you understand?" Tommy nodded and the Doctor and Ivy ran off in other directions. Susan watched the Doctor climb up and beat the Wire, and in the process Magpie gets blasted to pieces. Tommy's device wasn't working and he had quickly pulled out the replacement he brought, "Oh, you are brilliant," Susan said and replaced the valve. The energy begun seeping out but it was hit by a barrier, one that Ivy was creating, and forced back in and into a tape that the Doctor brought with him.

"What have I missed?" the Doctor said when he came back, Ivy following right behind looking a bit tired.

"Doctor! What happened?" Tommy asked.

"Sorted. Electrical creature, TV technology, clever alien life form. That's me by the way. I turned the receiver back into a transmitter and I trapped the Wire in here," he held up the tape, "I just invented the home video thirty years early. Betamax. Oh, look. God save the Queen, eh?" Queen Elizabeth had been waving to the crowd.

They walked back to Tommy's house and on the way, since Tommy reunited with his Gran, Susan asked Ivy, "What was making you uncomfortable?"

"Well your dad figured it out, you know that saying 'the eyes are the windows to the soul'?" Ivy asked.

"Oooooooooh," James and Charlus said, figuring it out. Hela raised an eyebrow as she had figured it out too.

Susan nodded, "So when he said "Essence" he met soul. When the wire took the faces, it separated the soul from its life form, AKA the body."

"That's why I had no memory," Jackie heard Rose mutter in realization.

"Ooooh, that's why the bodies had no memory," Susan said and the two nodded as they were reunited with Rose. To their pleasure, Eddie had been kicked out by his wife, way to bruise his ego.

The room celebrated, except for a certain group plus a man who loves to wear blue spandex. "Ivy," Ten spoke up, the wolf's head perking up, "Change back, you're going to like this bit," he told her. She changed into a human again and sat at beside Ten. She was intrigued because she could see the excited grins on the older Doctor's faces.

"Don't let your relationship with your father get ruined, just don't be like him," Susan told Tommy. "He might get beat up in a few months just so you know," the Doctor said quietly and walked off.

It showed a few months later, on Halloween, Eddie opening the door and it showed a man with short curly hair, the legs of glasses hanging on his ears. Beside him was the back of a redheaded woman, two men standing to their sides, one with longer black hair and a leather jacket and one with sandy brown hair and a sweater. Eddie got beat up.

Ivy started laughing so hard her face turned red and her hair started shifting into different colors. The Marauders and Lily looked very satisfied with themselves. Then they remembered who was in the other room, "Is the horsy one back there too?" Lily asked innocently.

"Yes, she is," Idris responded. Lily nodded, a sadistic smirk starting to appear on her face. Some people the Doctor's companions really started to question which parent Ivy got her smirk from, it's like she had different ones. The mad smirk, the sadistic smirk, and the 'shit's gonna go down' smirk. From what they could tell, Sirius had the 'mad' smirk, and James had the 'shit's going down smirk'. A group of people wandered to the entrance of the other room, Ivy included. "Everybody move to the sides and make sure the whale is on the other side," James instructed. "And Idris, could you make the door wider? I won't fit," he adds.

Everybody moves to the sides, moving until James told them to stop, "Are you going to do what I think you're going to do?" Ivy asked with the 'shit's going down' smirk. "Hell yes," James replied, wearing the same smirk. Charlus was behind James wearing the same look.

"Vernon!" Lily called, hearing her sister shriek in shock.

"WHAT THAT BIT—," Vernon opened the door and then was face with a stag that quite resembled a bull at the moment. The stag ran in and targeted the man, Vernon getting impaled by the antlers. He was so startled by seeing the stag, he didn't see the second one behind him, targeting him too. "Let me at her," Lily begged Sirius, who was holding her back. He let her go and went to help with Vernon, Remus following behind. Sirius shifted into Padfoot, so one Padfoot targeted Vernon, while the other targeted Petunia. Some of the unknown people started attacking them too. All of the Marked ones joining in soon after. Bucky, Wanda, and Tony (with Iron Man's arm appearing and amazing the wizards) also joined. Ivy sat next to Ten again, watching her father and grandfather complain about whale blood in their hair and staining their antlers, "Satisfied?" Ten asked. She nods with a smile and leans back into his side.

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