Bound To Fall

By LysMarieAuthor

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****Story contains mature themes and adult content**** Book #1: Binding Agreement I could feel my breathing b... More

A Request Has Been Made For You
All Because Of One Stupid Misunderstanding
You Can Call Me Isabelle Or Ms. Avildsen
You Did This On Purpose
Baking Has Always Been My Escape
I Refuse To Forget
I Was Just A Pawn
I Don't Think I'm There Yet
Why Don't You Join Us For Lunch?
This Can't Happen
Your Secrets Are Safe With Me
Where The Hell Are Your Balls?
Get Out
Better Not Keep Him Waiting
Kiss Me And Prove Me Wrong
I Regret Nothing That Happened
How The Hell Did It Go So Wrong?
This Is What You Do To Me
Take Back Your Power
She Deserved Better From Me
Spoiled B*tches Were No Exception
She Was Looking For Me
I Missed This Version Of Us
The Devil Works Hard, But Damon Tipton Works Harder
We Need To Talk About It
You Left Me First
I Need You To Keep Going
There's Some Secrets
You Can Relax Now
You Have Just As Much Power
You Still Have Them?
Keeping Tabs On Her
You're With A Tipton Now
We Need To Communicate
You're Welcome Here Any Time
I Think This Goes Deeper
Something On His Mind
What Would You Do In This Situation?
She Has A Weakness Somewhere
I Want To Test Something
This One Urge
I Just Feel Like I Missed Out
Christmas With The Tiptons
On My Terms
I'd Kill Her First
I Let Myself In
Someone Who Gets It
You Need To Let Me Go
She's The One Who Made A Declaration Of War
You're Fitting In Well Around Here
Well, Spill It
What Did She Do Now?
They Couldn't Have Been For Mr. Tipton
No Reason I Could Think Of
You're Here A Lot
A Bloodline
You Know How That Girl Can React
It Was Meant To Be Between Our Children
He's Not Going To Tell You?
There's No Need To Suck Up
I'm All In
Like You Know Sh*t About Ethics
Take Away The Stress
What Does That Have To Do With Anything?
They Make Me Feel Like I'm One Of Them
This Is For You
Just A Feeling
Keeping An Eye On Things
He Was A Cover For Her
You'd Go That Far For Me?
Something Doesn't Add Up
I'd Like To Finish What I Started
The Sooner The Better
We've Got This
An Exchange
Let's Test Her
They Won't Bite
Just Thinking
She Was Provoked
Tell Me What It Is She Found
We Don't Run Away
What We Have Is Real
I Need Some F*cking Air
Show Me You're Sincere
Loving You Is Just A Losing Game
I'm Needed At The Office
His Burden To Bear
A F*cking Land Mine
The Last Chance
Just A Little Secret
I Will Stay In Touch
Not Everyone Can Be Perfect
You Should Give It A Few More Days
In The Afternoon
Clean Up Your Damn Mess
Dread Creeping In
I Need To See Her
I've Said All That I Needed To
The Love Of My Life
My Position Here
When The Time Is Right
I'll Go Into This Open Minded
We Need To Set Some Rules
Even If It's Just For Tonight
I'm Glad We Did This
I Stayed For Myself
Your New Assistant
I Think We're Moving In The Right Direction
Take Me Home Please
Something Didn't Feel Right
Never Contact Me Again
Everything I Need
The Job's Been Finished
Come With Me
Like A Little Sister
Where Did She Go?
I Want To Label Us
Added Condition
A Personal Tour?
Something My Girlfriend Can Attend To
Something Sinister
I Want You To Stay Behind
Take The Contract
So Heavenly
In Their Nature
Bake With Them
I Much Rather Watch
Girls Night
You Know How She Is
He Was Trying To Hide
A Shift In Things
Out For Lunch
Sudden Power Trip
An Example
Necessary Precautions?
A Surprise
He Looks Stressed
You're Just Like Your Father
You'll Always Have Me
I Was Lying
There's Got To Be A Reason
Don't Put Too Much Pressure
Spending Habits
Stood Up
Off Limits
Fight or Flight
You Can Do This
The Same Cycle
Put Your Heart Into It
Live Your Dream
A Matter Of Time
Second Thoughts
The Pressure
One Step At A Time
Truly Grateful
Sweet Escapes
We Are A Team
We've Got You
This Is Your Moment
A Plane To Catch
Something Isn't Right
Out For Blood
So We Meet Again
Let's Move
He's Ruined It
I'm Here
Time To Pay The Price
Clean Up
It Comes At A Cost
What's Next?
Thank You!!

You Have Two Options

224 15 5
By LysMarieAuthor


"It's so nice to see you at the dinner table again Sterling." Elise's mother smiled in my direction. "Elise said that you had a special announcement for us."

"I do." I nodded. "But I'd prefer to get to that once we've gotten to dessert."

I needed to buy enough time for them to eat the meal that's been prepared. I invited them over to my penthouse, it was the best way to make sure this plan was executed perfectly. I'm working on borrowed time, I can't have anything go wrong.

"Okay." Her mother nodded.

One of my personal guards came into the room with the food, ready to be served. I didn't want to hire anyone on the outside. My guards have Non-disclosure agreements, what happens here tonight is something that will be kept between my people and me.

"This looks good." Elise's father, Stephen, spoke as the plate was set down in front of him.

It was a simple dish being served, just spaghetti with some sauce and salad. I didn't want to go too extravagant, they're not that special

I observed as everyone began to dig into the meal. The food is fine, it's the wine in their glasses that's been tampered with. It was the best way to slip something in to knock them out, plus if they noticed I wasn't eating questions would be raised.

We made small talk here and there, I kept mostly to myself and just watched. I noticed the way Elise's brother—adopted brother—looked at her. It was sickening, he had nothing but lust in his eyes. I don't know how I managed to miss that.

Everyone finished and I took a look at my watch. Everyone's glasses are empty and it's just a matter of minutes before they begin to feel drowsy and pass out. That's when the real fun will begin.

"Sterling." Elise batted her eyes at me. "What's this special announcement? I'm getting impatient, can we get on with it."

I looked between the four people in front of me. I noticed Elise's parent's eyes glossed over, it was beginning to work.

"Sure." I shot her a dark smirk. "The announcement is, I'm finally breaking free from you and this bullshit. I know everything Elise and your entire family is about to feel my wrath."

"What?" Her face drained of color as she furrowed her brows. "What are you talking about?"

"What the hell is going on?" Elise's brother asked, looking at me and then his parents. "Something isn't right here."

"You'd be correct." It was too late now, there's nothing they could do to stop this. "I drugged you, I have a place that's more fitting for this conversation."

Stephen tried to get out of his seat, anger had taken over his face. "You son of—"

He didn't get to say anything else because he fell face first onto the ground. One by one, each of the Tunts began to pass out. Elise was the last one, the look of fear on her face as I looked at her with darkness and animosity was priceless.

I stood up from my seat. "It's time."

My guard who served the meal radioed the rest of them and the Tunts were taken out of my penthouse. Luckily my elevator goes right to the parking garage which I had reserved for my personal use. This made it easy to avoid any bystanders see the four people carried out of the building.

Once they were loaded into the SUV near the elevator door, I got into my car and headed for the warehouse. Everything's going according to plan, in just a few hours I'll have these fuckers taken care of and then I can go explain everything to Isabelle with the ability to reassure her that this is all over.

Killian was already there when we pulled in. He exited the warehouse and approached the parked Lamborghini. I shut the car off and got out, as I did he looked at me with worry and concern.

Killian is one of the few that knows me well. He keeps asking if I'm alright, and to be honest at this point I don't fucking know. I'm hurting because I hurt the one I love most, I'm angry because I let myself be fooled by the scum of the earth. I just have to solve this, then I can get back to my normal self.

"I'm fine." My tone was emotionless and my face was firm as stone.

"If you say so." He mumbled under his breath.

I glared at him for a moment. "Shut the fuck up and help me, or get the fuck out of my way."

He didn't say another word, he just shook his head as I pushed past him. He followed behind as we went into the warehouse and to the basement. My guards brought the Tunts in and placed them in the chairs. Then they tied them up and we waited for the drugs to wear off so they could wake up and get the last part of the plan executed.

"Are you aware she's leaving tomorrow?" Killian asked as he sat by and observed me. "I assume your father told you by now."

"He did." I nodded as I sat down, watching the Tunts intensely. "This is why this had to be done tonight. I need to get rid of them so we can actually be happy without watching our backs."

Killian and I sat there for a moment, in silence. I knew he didn't know what to say. He could tell I was already on edge and the last thing he wanted to do was say something to set me off right now.

Finally, the Tunts began to come to. As each one woke up they looked around to see where they were and they looked at me with horror on their faces. Then they started yelling which was annoying but I let them get it out, and I made damn sure they knew it wasn't going to phase me.

"Shut up!" I shouted once they were all awake, letting the anger and rage come through to my words. "All of you, shut the fuck up!"

Elise practically gulped, she has never seen me this angry. I could tell she was uneasy which is perfect. I don't want them comfortable, I don't want them to think they can talk their way out of this because they can't.

Standing up from my chair, I walked over to them. "I know what you've all been hiding, I know everything about this fucked up family of yours and this shit ends here."

"W-what are you talking about?" Elise's mother stammered out.

"I'm glad you asked." A sadistic grin twitched onto my lips. "Now the real question here, is where to begin? Should we get right into the drug smuggling and trying to use my family to clear your name, or should we get into the fact your adopted daughter has been fucking her brother? Tell me Mrs. Tunt, what do you want to start with?"

I watched as they grew even more horrified. They proceeded to look at each other, judging by the anger Elise's parents looked at their children with I could tell I had provided them with brand new information.

Elise looked over at me. "How did you know that?"

"I have my ways." I wasn't about to throw Killian under the bus here. "I can't believe I ever touched someone as vile as you."

"Fuck you!" Her brother, Jude, spat out at me.

Clenching my fist, I gave him a hard punch to the face. "Shut the fuck up. I know Elise has been fucking you since before we even got together. I also know that it probably pisses you off that your parents were forcing her my way to please your grandfather who cut your family off years ago because of drug smuggling. I know all of the dirty details that will destroy each and every one of you."

"Sterling." Elise's father's voice caught my attention. "Let's talk about this son, we don't need to act rashly."

A dark laugh that's void of any humor vibrated my chest as I turned to look at me. "Talk about this? What's there to talk about? You were trying to use my family name to save your ass! I will not tolerate it! You assholes have fucked things up enough for me and tonight you're going to learn your lesson."

And that's where the rest of my plan went into motion. I felt like I had lost control of my thoughts and movements. It was as if I was a bystander who could only watch what was taking place except it was in from my own eyes.

I laid punch after punch into Elise's father's face. When I decided he was bloody enough I moved onto her brother, beating them to the point they'd need medical attention. Elise and her mother screeched as I kept going and going. This was their punishment, to watch all the dark things I'm doing.

I backed away, ready to give them their ultimatum. "You have two options, either leave the country and never fucking come back or never step foot out of this basement alive. And I'm not talking about a place like Canada or Mexico, I want you far away from here and I want you all far away from my family."

"We can't do that!" Elise protested. "That's not fair!"

I walked over to where I had a metal rod heating up. I ignored every plea the Tunts had as I grabbed it out and headed over to Elise.

Elise always cared about her looks. If one thing was out of place she would have a melt down. Even one little blemish would set her off, which is why I'm going to fuck her up forever. That way she'll be reminded how terrible she is.

"Sterling, stop." She pleaded as she noticed I was coming her way. "I'm sorry, I leave you alone I promise! We'll go!"

"I've heard that before." It's what she said when we met about the proof of her fucking other people, she proved she couldn't do that. "Now, you'll be as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside."

I placed the hot metal on her face. Her skin sizzled as I held it there in place. She let out scream after scream of agony and pain but I didn't give a shit. She deserved this.

I moved the metal away only when I decided she was scarred enough. I threw it to the ground. I turned to face all of them, her brother looked at me with disgust.

"You're a fucking monster." He sneered. "If you ask me, Elise did that bitch of an assistant a favor by keeping her away from you."

My gaze darkened as I picked up a knife and marched over to him. It was like I was on auto-pilot. I had one goal in mind and that was to kill this motherfucker for bringing Isabelle up.

"Sterling!" Killian called out my name but I ignored him.

I grabbed Jude by the hair and forced him to look up, giving me more access to his neck. I placed the knife right to his skin, digging the tip in just enough to draw a drop of blood. He gulped as he knew I was about ready to slice him open.

"Enough." My father's voice echoed in the room, causing everyone to go quiet and causing me to look in his direction. "Sterling, that's enough."

"Why are you here?" I asked through gritted teeth, I had made sure he didn't know what I was up to.

"I told him about it earlier." Killian confessed, gulping as he prepared for my wrath. "I had a feeling you were going to go too far and he's the only one you'd listen to."

"Drop it." His voice was stern as his eyes looked into mine. "Now, before you do something you'll regret."

I exhaled a defeated sigh as I backed away from Jude and set the knife down. In the end my father was probably right.

"Thank God you're here Damon." Relief flooded Stephen's face.

"Don't be thanking anyone yet." My father walked over, his face expressionless as he stepped in front of the Tunts. "My son made you a very generous offer and I stand by him. Either take the offer and leave the country or I'll help dispose of you however he decides. Your move Stephen."

"We'll go." Stephen's voice rasped as he gave his answer.

A devilish smirk crossed my father's lips. "Good choice. Now I'll be keeping tabs on you, I know you have some people pretty pissed off at you in both the Mafia and the Cartel. While I'm not involved in either I am familiar with their bosses, if any of your family members steps even a foot out of line I'll give your location to the highest bidder and they'll come take care of you. Understood?"

Stephen nodded. "Yes."

I could tell the Tunts were terrified. With my father's threat they knew this was real, that they weren't going to get away with their bullshit ever again.

My father turned and looked at me. "Let's go upstairs, I'll have the guards take care of this."

I followed behind him. Once the door was shut he turned and looked at me.

"Go home and get some sleep." He ordered.

"No." I shook my head. "I need to get to Isabelle."

"No." His eyes looked intensely into mine. "Look at you, you're a mess. All you'll do is make things worse if you go like this. She's not leaving until tomorrow evening, you still have time and you need to be in your right mind for it."

Reluctantly, I nodded.

He was right, I'd probably only scare her farther away.

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