The Wizarding World (And Othe...

By jokermadhatter

187K 2.7K 434

Many people just appeared in the same room, people from the Wizarding World, some of the Avengers, and the pe... More

Cast Part 1
Cast Part 2
Cast Part 3
Cast Part 4
Prologue-- How They Met
The End of the World + Interlude
The Unquiet Death + The Aftermath
Aliens of London + World War Three
During the Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting of Ways
Born Again/The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
Girl in the Fireplace
The Idiot's Lantern
The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit
Fear Her
Army of Ghosts
The Runaway Bride
Interlude--The Pregnancy and The Prank
Blacks and Jones
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan
Evolution of the Daleks
Aftermath of Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
After The Lazarus Experiment
Aftermath of 42
The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
Time Crash
Voyage of the Damned
Interlude/Aftermath of Voyage of the Damned
Partners in Crime

During Rise of the Cybermen and Age of Steel

3.3K 54 13
By jokermadhatter

Ivy was sitting in the console room when she heard, 'It seems your boyfriend is switching dimensions unknowingly,' she heard, her expression becoming one of familiarity.

"Oh, it's this," Ten and Mickey said, while Rose grumbled, she wanted to know where Ivy had been.

'It also seems we have somebody named Ricky Smith who will be dying in the next twenty four hours,' he implied. Ivy went into the console room, and grabbed Mickey, briefly seeing the portraits, the main ones coming off the walls disappearing in a black smoke.

"Where are we going?" Remus asked.

"I can't cross dimensions, your portraits apparently can't either," Ivy said.

"Mickey," Ivy called, seeing as the Doctor and Rose were telling him stories about what they had been doing. Ivy also saw a text from Luna, "You will be landing here where Loki and I currently are, you might be surprised by two of the people here. You will get to meet Thor and Hela will be joining soon. FYI, you will land just before Halloween," it said.

"Wow, you really were planning that out," Pietro spoke up.

"Yeah," Mickey had said, coming up to her side.

"There's a time coming, very, very, soon that you are going to get an opportunity. There is a way to come back, but you have to trust someone, you will know exactly who that is, okay?" Ivy told him.

"Oh," Martha spoke up in realization, she really was told a lot about Mickey's adventures.

He nodded, "Got it," he said.

"Good, now give me a hug. I can't go with," Ivy gave Mickey a hug.

Right as the TARDIS started malfunctioning, Ivy and Teddy, along with the paintings and Padfoot disappeared. They heard the Doctor calling for them, but then Ivy landed in front of Loki, Luna, and Hela. "What just happened?" somebody said.

"Who the fuck are you?" were the first words out of Ivy's mouth.

"HA!" came from Sirius. Lily was giving Ivy a look from cursing in front of Teddy.

"He's heard worse from the Doctor," Ivy immediately said.

"She's so James' child," Dorea muttered, an amused Charlus sitting enxt to her.


"Well, we know who that is," Stephen drawled.

The Doctor sort of got over his shock about the TARDIS dying, and Ivy suddenly disappearing, along with Teddy, Padfoot, and the paintings, Mickey and the Doctor walked outside.

"London, England, Earth. Hold on," Mickey picked up a fallen newspaper, "First of February this year not exactly far flung, is it?"

"So this is London?" the Doctor asked, noticing a big difference.


"Your city?" the Doctor continued looking in one direction.

"That's the one."

"Just as we left it."

"And that includes the Zeppelins?"

"What the hell?" Mickey said in shock as he looked over, in the distance was Zeppelins. Rose had already walked off by this point.

"Welcome to an alternate universe," a man said. The three of us turned and saw a man with black hair and green eyes, passing as a sibling to Hela, Loki, and Ivy. He was short, but what I noticed was he had the same shade of eyes as Ivy and his shadow was moving.

"So that's what he looks like," Ivy said. Some of the other people in the group who knew who that was looked curious.

"You didn't know what he looked like?" Mickey asked.

"No, I only hear him."

Back at Avenger's tower, "Whom the fucketh is thou?" Ivy restated, "That better?" she asked the blonde man.

James and Sirius started laughing again. Stephen wore a smile on his face while Peter started laughing with Tony and a few others, "Oh, that's just as funny the second time," Tony said, wiping a tear. "Wish I was there," Peter said.

Steve Rogers looked a bit startled while Tony Stark. Ivy was then hugged by a tall woman with black sleeves, "Hi Hela," Ivy assumed as Loki was standing as a male in front of her.

"Hi Mistress," she said.

"Wait so that's Death?" somebody asked. Loki, Luna, and Thor nodded.


"I will if you quiet the fuck down," Ivy said back. Thor then muttered something along the lines of 'just like your sister' before Ivy was introduced to everyone, only to stop on two named Pietro and Nebula. "Why do you keep staring at them?!" a red head, Wanda, asked.

"Sorry," Wanda apologized, but Ivy just waved it off and prevented Nine from doing anything, he didn't know why Wanda acted that way.

Ivy knew this was Pietro's twin, then she was feeling something trying to get in her head, "Do you really think it would be a good idea to get into Death's head?" Ivy said looking directly at her.

Some looked mad, but saw Wanda did look ashamed of her actions.

Hela and Loki looked mad, and then suddenly Susan and Jack along with a certain set of twins could drop in. "Who the fuck are you?" Jack said to the avengers and the twins. Before Steve could say anything, Ivy spoke up, "No we have a corrector here, its 'Whom the fucketh is thou?"'

There were a few more snorts at Jack and Ivy's interaction.

"Hi Fred and George," Luna said happily.

"Wait, aren't they the other two you took a death date from?" Susan asked.

"Yes, Fred wasn't dead long enough for me not to be able to bring him back and so I did and did another thing."

"And we—"

"Couldn't be—"

"More grateful," they finished.

Bill W., Charlie, and Percy looked grateful; Arthur looked like he could do a jig, while Molly, Ron, and Ginny could care less.

"Now what was it about Pietro and Nebula?" Natasha asked.

"Oh, here it comes," Ivy said, pure amusement in her tone while everyone heard Padfoot whine.

Padfoot sprung up and looked at them and his jaw dropped, "Padfoot used to be my godfather who passed and came back, before I continue, Nebula, do you have a more humanoid form that would make you a bit more comfortable, you're not the first person I've met that hides there actual form around people they don't know, I'm one of those people," I said, also hinting towards Loki. She looked a bit relieved before she became a woman with pale skin, dark eyes and ginger hair, also proving my point as Padfoot's mouth dropped farther.

"Shocked much?" Andromeda teased.

"It's weirder when you're the person they look like," Amy said, seeing her own doppelgangers wearing the same look, and so did James and Pietro.

"Well, Sirius has a doppelganger too, which he met," Ivy said.

"I have one?" Sirius asked in surprise.

"Yeah, a bit odd who he was considering who one of your best friends is," she hints and leaves it at that.

"What is going on?" Tonks asked from her painting.

"I also happen to have my parents, Teddy's birth parents, and Luna's parents in paintings that can come out on Halloween, along with Padfoot coming out of his dog form," Ivy said to the stunned group, "And yes, I am purposely holding off some time waiting for it to be Halloween. There is this thing that goes around called dopplegangers, they are the exact copy of somebody, give or take a few things that might make them separate. I'm just going to say Nebula and Pietro are both one, and those who traveled with me should know who I'm talking about," Ivy said moving her parent's portrait behind the two, Wanda's eyes widening seeing what Ivy was mentioning. Then it hit midnight.

(Alternate Dimension)

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Mickey asked, still surprised. Rose had walked off checking something on her phone. "Well, you travel with my female counterpart," he said.

"What?!" went around the room.

"Ivy?" the Doctor and Mickey both asked.

"Yes and I'm sure the Doctor has figured that out, presuming by my eyes and my shadow?" the Doctor nodded. "Well, my name is Harry Potter-Black," he introduced.

"Oh, okay, we would have named you Hadrian if you were a boy, and Harry is a nickname," Lily admitted.

"That's why you said 'Harold' and not 'Harry'?" Harold asked, receiving nods.

"Wait, so you're literally her male counterpart?" Mickey said.

His form switched into a white haired, black eyed form, "Yes, literally," he said before switching back. "I would keep an eye on Rose Tyler though; she's going to cause some problems. From what Ivy has told me, she's not the biggest fan of the girl. We have an offer for you, Mickey, that we won't give Rose. But you need my approval first, she put in a good word for you, so far I agree. You shouldn't walk away, leaving your companions in front of a total stranger who could be dangerous," he shrugged. "You'll be fighting some Cybermen by the way," he said causing alarms for the Doctor,

"WHAT?!" came from Nine, Harold, and O. Missy just groans at the mention of them.

"And Mickey, be aware, there is a Ricky Smith here, he's what you would be in this universe."

Mickey and the Doctor snorted at that name, "Wait, so why couldn't all of us come here? And how can you speak to Ivy?"

"Me being her counterpart, can speak to her. Like the Death gods we have domains, but ours are by universes and not pantheons," the Doctor immediately thought of when they met Thanatos taking Pete Tyler's soul and Hela backing off, "And I'm aware she has paintings of our parents, the Lupin's, and the Lovegood's, I do too, I also have a Teddy Lupin. Which means no spirits of the same two people hanging around. I am aware that your Luna goes where your Loki is, just be aware that Hela in this timeline is still trapped, so Loki did get tortured by Thanos, and was being mind controlled to attack New York. It would be a good idea not to mention his name," they nodded, "And Susan Foreman in this timeline is dead," he added, giving the Doctor a sympathetic look.

The Second Susan went over to Nine who stared at the screen in shock, the Third Susan checking in on the older ones, before comforting Jack. Thor had pulled his siblings to his sides trying to give them comfort, they both looked terrified. Luna looked mad at the mention of Loki being tortured. Damien looked surprised and shocked about something, while Astrid looked down and seemed a bit angry. Rose looked ashamed thinking Ivy had abandoned them, and that the other Death, Harry, didn't even like her.

"Now, I can't interfere here, but I will be watching," he said and disappeared into his shadow. They found Rose, sharing a look when she found out she doesn't exist in this universe, she's actually a dog, and her father is alive. Well, they found where the troublesome blonde will come in.

"Oh, you didn't," Jackie said, giving Rose the 'mom glare' making her think the ground was rather interesting.

Mickey wanted to explore and see if he could find Ricky, they had a theory on why he would be given this opportunity and Rose wouldn't. They think Ricky was going to die, and Harry and Ivy had a plan for Mickey.

(Avengers Tower)

When it hit midnight, Wanda watched in shock, as two people who looked like her twin and his girlfriend came out of there paintings. "Mom, Dad, meet your dopplegangers," Ivy said and her parents looked at Pietro and Nebula the same time they looked back and all four jumped. Remus and Tonks also looked shocked while Pandora and Xeno were amused, well Xeno still kept a glare on Loki who immediately moved his hand away from Luna, but otherwise amused.

"Wow," Wanda said from her spot.

"Wait so there doppelgangers? How are they doppelgangers? And what's wrong with the identical twins?" Clint questioned specifying on which twins as there were two sets.

"They found the map but didn't know it was us," Remus informed James and Sirius.

"Nebula's more human form is just the form she would take if she was human, her facial features also proves her to be Lily's doppelganger just with a different eye color, while Pietro has a different hair color, which I'm assuming was black at some point," he nodded, "and has better eye sight most definitely and facial hair, along with a different accent," Luna explained. James and Ivy let out identical groans making them get looks,

James and Ivy still made that identical groan but Charlus joined this time, James also happened to see Eilam, Elysium, and to his surprise, Evren, also looking annoyed. "Where did I go?" Sirius asked.

Ivy smirked, "Wait for it," she said, everybody hearing another whine from the big dog that has since given up trying to hide from Anubis.

"Pureblood magical lines have some traits that go out through the line, the Weasleys have the ginger hair, I'm sure Lily got mistaken a few times for being a Weasley," she nodded, " the Lovegoods had their eccentric personality, the Blacks had two different ones, one was an ability called metamorphmagus that died out until new magic came into the line, making Blacks who were not pureblooded have the ability," to make a point, Ivy, Teddy, and Tonks all changed their hair to first brightest color they could think of, "there other one was known as the Black Madness, and you better watch it, that passed through a lot and most of us are Blacks, and then the Potters, we have awful, and I mean awful, eye sight," James explained. "When Ivy became Death, she didn't need it anymore, I don't need these anymore since I became a spirit and a portrait, I just wear them out of habit," he finished.

"I still look for mine out of habit," Ivy comments, "I only wear glasses now to not see ghosts."

Lily was currently looking between James and Pietro comparing the two,

"Lily!" James whined.

"Just wait," Ivy comments again, making Lily start laughing. Pietro started smirking while Nebula and Wanda started laughing quietly.

While the twins stared at James in awe. "And James, Sirius (or Padfoot), and I were a part of a well known pranking group that Fred and George idolize. We had the names Prongs, Padfoot, and Moony, they got to meet Padfoot and I and never got to meet Prongs as he's been dead for twentyish years, and Ivy over there had the pleasure of holding off the secret that she knows Moony and Padfoot and she was the daughter of Prongs," Remus explained. James held up his hand to his smirking daughter and they high fived.

James and Ivy repeated the action while Fred and George groaned in annoyance being reminded that Ivy kept that important piece of information from them.

"Speaking of the Blacks and Padfoot, where is Sirius? He would be able to walk by now," Jack asked.

"Oh, he did changed back, but he laughed so hard he became breathless and is laying on the floor, trying to catch his breath," Ivy said just before the Avengers were introduced to Sirius Black, "I've popped up a few times, wondering why Lily keeps eyeing Pietro and James, that's not the first doppelganger she's met, the Doctor's one too," he said.

"Really?" the Weasley twins asked.

"Apparently I really had a thing for Barty Crouch Jr. which is who he looks like now. I forbid him from wearing leather until he changes bodies again though," Ivy said.

"You three better not start wearing leather," Ivy said as she turned around, "It only works on Nine," she adds making the youngest Doctor blush.

"Oh, cause his Ninth self wore leather and when he changed, he was wearing leather like Barty," Luna said. "Yeah, it didn't help when he's high of regeneration energy, he goes a bit crazy."

"You crashed the TARDIS and got a hand cut off," Rose said, as the Doctor's started looking like they would argue.

"You hurt the neighborhood cat, and ate fish fingers and custard, after spitting out everything in my fridge," Amy said.

"You called a dinosaur sexy," Clara comments.

"You crashed through a train and didn't remember anything, while teasing an alien about his name," Yaz says. All the Doctor's shut up after that.

"You can't talk, you cut off half your hair," Jack told Three.

"He can change bodies?" Pietro asked.

"Yes, him and I can change bodies, it's a defense against dying, we have all this time or regeneration energy build up and it changes us and we kinda explode with it," Susan explained.

"You're one a Time Lord too?" Tony asked, genuinely curious, they had been given an explanation about who would be coming by Thor, with them being muggles they would have to be sworn into secrecy, but when Luna arrived she made it so if they thought about telling someone other than who was in the room, they would feel pain in there lower stomach. Tony respected the decision the blonde witch made and had JARVIS delete the footage.

"Why are you so curious?" Steve asked.

"My mother's a squib, I'm always curious about things like this," Tony said surprising quite a bit of people. Bucky, who had been quiet, had looked down in shame, which did not go unnoticed by Tony or Ivy.

"Technically I'm a Time Lady, I'm still in training though. The Doctor is biologically my Grandfather, but I got adopted by him and Ivy cause I saw them more as parents, so anytime I visit, my dad trains me," Susan told him, "And as for regeneration, I'm only on my second body, my other had paler skin and darker hair," she added.

Everybody started lounging around, the twins were showing off products to the Marauders and Loki, getting their opinions, with Pietro, Clint, and Tony listening in. Lily sat between her daughter and her husband, "What?" James asked seeing his wife's curious look.

"Wondering what you look like with that hair color, yours is a bit too curly though," Lily said, motioning to Pietro's hair. Nebula was hiding her laughter, figuring out what she was doing.

James looked a bit offended, "Or even a shirt that fits you like a glove."


"I'm surprised she hasn't said anything about the accent," Sirius muttered.

"And the accent!" Lily quickly added on. Ivy, who had clutched onto her godfather started laughing really hard with him. Nebula and Loki were also laughing.

Snape looked sick as the room started laughing. James' jaw was dropped as Lily turned as red as her hair, partly from embarrassment and partly from amusement.

James looked extremely offended, while Pietro looked like he just had a major ego boost, "But I love you anyway. You're stuck as a painting and a spirit with me forever," Lily said to him, before she started laughing. 'James knew she was just teasing, Lily knew he knew she was teasing, the two were known to be a scary couple when pissed off. Lily became a fiery redhead while James would be very silent until he snapped. The reputation of being the scary couple when mad had passed down to their daughter and her boyfriend. Ivy gained both tempers, she would be quiet until she snapped, but when she snapped, she became like Lily. They had also heard of the Doctor's reputation of being the Oncoming Storm, and he would just be quiet and watch, watch as he did something drastic, something that could cause somebody's death,' was heard.

Those who have experienced Ivy and the Doctor's anger agreed that they were one scary couple.

Flashes were shown of the Cybermen taking over in the other dimension and the other dimension's Jackie Tyler being killed.

Some people went to sleep except for Ivy and the ghosts, Ivy had handed off Teddy to his parents, and grabbed Tony and pulled him out of the room.

Tony and Bucky shared a look, knowing what this would be about.

He stayed quiet, knowing Ivy had spotted the same thing he did from Bucky, and he somehow knew she knew what he did."Bucky," she said, proving him right, "I know he killed your parents, I know you're not upset over your father, personally I thought he was a dick, but I know you are more upset about your mother. Now I'm going to say this, orphan to orphan, I lost my parents when I was one and the only memory I've got is when they died. When I found out, something told me I needed to do what I thought was right, and just hoped that they would agree with me, which as I found out, they did. What I'm saying is, you kept following in your father's footsteps, and you were betrayed, you redeemed yourself. You got yourself out, and you changed, doing something your mother would want. All of you are redeemable, accept Steve,"

Steve's offended face increased as he watched the screen.

"he has some illusion that people are exactly the way they act, that everything is right with the world, that they should follow what they say without learning about what has happened to that person. Clint and Natasha were assassins, Bruce destroyed Harlem, Thor was an ass who took advantage of his royalty, Loki got bitter, Nebula supported her father until she realized she was wrong and helped her sister escape him, Pietro and Wanda wanted revenge, although I think Wanda still does which I'll have to do something about, but Bucky, Bucky was brain washed. He had no control of what he did and he remembers everything, he carries that guilt with him. Now I'm going to let you think about this and I'm going to talk to Bucky, okay?" he nodded.

"So basically, you all were redeemable in a way, so you understand," Peter concluded, knowing even Stephen was that way. The Masters and Doctors all agreed, they had that moment, the Masters still have their moments. The Marauders have had their moments and redeemed themselves, even if Sirius was mentally unstable from Azkaban. The group of six started arguing again, Dumbledore and Molly have always just been greedy, and Ron and Ginny inherited that. Snape was just bitter and didn't let a grudge go. Steve went ot glare at the boy, knowing he was implying that he hadn't done anything redeemable, but everybody glared abck at him, even Bucky.

Ivy could feel the mourning coming from him about his mother and his regret which Ivy believed to be from the weapons he made. Ivy and Luna met in the hallway giving each other a silent look before Tony was visited by Luna, "Can I show Wanda your memories?" she asked and he immediately nodded. She made copies of the memories about when he was kidnapped, what Steve had done in Serbia, and what his intentions were to help Wanda gain control. Wanda had looked up when she heard Luna enter, "I have some memories from someone, these are the actual memories, I want you to look at them, same with Steve," she added to a silent Steve.

Flashes of the memories belonging to Tony appeared on the screen. When they finished, Tony's face was buried in Stephen's neck, and Peter was hugging them both with tears forming in his eyes. Wanda looked widely at the screen, still feeling guilty for not believing Tony when he claimed to not have been responsible for her home blowing up. Steve was then hexed by all those who had magic in the room. That also included a lightning bolt and some blades being thrown at him.

Steve was silent because Ivy had come back in a few minutes prior and dragged Bucky out, he was going to argue, but Susan held one finger up her lips and shushed him, and somehow he couldn't talk, "What? Even Time Lords have some magic tricks, that's dad's favorite," was all she had said.

"It's annoying," Rory comments only for Eleven to use it on him.

Bucky was dragged into the room next to where Tony currently was, "Okay, I can feel that guilt on you. I feel it directed to Tony, I know you feel guilty about his parents. What you really need to know, he is just upset about his mother. He was close with his mother. He's also upset because Steve knew and never told him," he looked surprised that Steve had done that,

"Ooooh, dick move," Sirius commented. Well, he liked his father more than his mother and if somebody had killed both of them he would have mixed feelings about it. Happy his mother was dead, but upset his father was dead? Yeah, confusing.

"And that thing he has in his chest," he nodded knowing what she was talking about, "is not just a power source for his suit, it's functioning as his heart, it's what's keeping him alive. What Steve did put him in a coma," Ivy revealed. She could feel how upset he was getting, "Now I think you and Tony can get along really well, I know he was trying, before Steve took you, he was trying to get you set up with a therapist, it was the one he would go to for his PTSD. He was going to help clear your name," Ivy said. Bucky sat there surprised, he killed Maria Stark and her son still wanted to help him. "And he was going to ask Loki, and Luna when he heard about her, to help put a block in your mind for those words, to take that command out of your head so you would feel more secure in your own mind," she added.

Ivy left him for a little bit and came back to a sobbing Tony, she had reached him and pulled him into her arms as he clutched onto her. She sat, holding the older man, until he calmed down. "I'm gonna have Bucky come in here, and you two talk, okay?" the man nodded and assumed JARVIS called him in, the two sat across from each other. "Come out when you're done," Ivy said and walked out.

Wanda and Steve just watched Tony's memories, Wanda was shocked, Tony really was not responsible for the bomb, she was just too stubborn to realize it. She looked at her brother, who quickly believed Tony, seeing that he was too surprised to actually be lying. She watched as he was talking to his look alike and remembered that Tony actually saved him, Pietro had pushed Clint out of the way, and Tony blasted down the bullets. She made him relive his worst memories, she didn't even see the memories, she didn't see he had a giant hole in his chest, that he was treated badly by his father, and he was still going to send her to the sorcerer Steven Strange to help control her abilities, and get Loki to help her too. "You believe it now?" she heard her brother say, he had appeared next to her, knowing what she had just seen, Luna had immediately told them what she was doing. Steve had come out of his dazed state to see Wanda glaring at him. "He was going to help me with my abilities, and get me therapy, he wanted to keep me inside so nobody would attack me, you took me away from that, away from my brother, putting me at risk, you almost killed the man that wanted to help me even if I've done so many bad things to him," Wanda ranted.

"AH!" Steve screamed as a portal opened below him. Everybody looked at Stephen, "I believe I was told that if I did that he would reappear in a library and that I wouldn't regret it," he said. He made the portal open up again, from the ceiling, and Steve fell through it and landed, bruises and soaking wet. "Swimming pool," the Doctor's mumbled.

"A swimming pool that gives bruises?" Lucius questioned.

"Might've hit some book shelves," Ten comments.

"To get to a swimming pool?"

"It's in the library," Amy comments.

"Why?" Lily asked in surprise, her inner Ravenclaw coming out.

"Why not?" was the answer she got.

"I-I-I didn't know," Steve stuttered. That, Ladies and Gentlemen, and Other Beings, was when it was discovered that not only does Pietro have James' looks and mischief, he also had his temper, as proved by him speeding towards Steve and winding up enough power to actually punch the super soldier.

Pietro smirked in satisfaction as he watched that scene again. James had been nodding in agreement with the actions, if he had a sister he would've done that too.

He hid his pain that he was feeling from his obviously broken hand and went back to his sister. Steve sat there ashamed, realizing Tony showed a different person to the public that he was actually in private. He saw that Howard Stark was really not a good man, and that Tony was better. He was even more devastated to realize that he almost killed the man. Wanda and Pietro moved back over to the group of mischief that Ivy had rejoined, already asking the Norse God and her sister if they could help Wanda and Bucky, the two already agreeing. Luna grabbed Pietro's hand and quickly healed it, only hearing a small amount of pain from the Potter doppelganger. He healed quickly, so he didn't need to take something to regrow bones, just had them put back together. Bucky and Tony walked back in, seeming more comfortable with each other and sat down, they had been informed that Steve also saw the memories.

"Okay, I know what the plans are, I would rather wait for the Doctor to show back up before we tackle Bucky's mind, he is telepathic and can get into the mind and I know Susan isn't fully trained on that," the Time Lady shook her head, "And I want Luna to start with Wanda and have Ivy help me," Loki added, giving out his reasonable plan.

"If I understood what I was told correctly, my magic could be compared to a witch or wizard experiencing accidental magic through strong emotions," Wanda explained, after seeing the confused look on why Luna, who was great with keeping a calm personality, was the one helping her besides Stephen.

"Why are we waiting?" Steve asked, causing him to get glares. They had figured out what Steve had done to Tony, after Wanda defended him, the rest who didn't care for Tony had realized what he's actually done for them. "Because, I don't know what is going to be in his mind, there is a lot of defense that can suddenly be put in his mind. No offense to Wanda, but I don't want him to get worse because I don't want somebody with not a lot of experience to make him worse," Loki said. Wanda buried herself farther into her brother's side, not offended, she understood, "The Doctor is over 900 years old and Ivy became more knowledgeable when she merged with Death. I also happen to know the two had put up a barrier in one of their companion's mind when she got possessed," Loki added. Tony had gone off and called Stephen and his therapist, setting up therapy for Wanda and Bucky. "Okay, Wanda, Bucky, you both have appointments, but for their safety, and they meant no offense, they want Bucky's barrier put up and Wanda to have at least two sessions with Stephen," Tony said, the two nodded, "And Stephen will be here tomorrow."

Just then, a ripple was seen in the sky and something flew past, straight through one of Tony's windows, and knocking Ivy over. "What is that?" Fred and George asked.

"Okay, the Doctor, Rose, and Mickey, accidently went into another universe. Like the Death deities don't interfere with other Death deities souls they collect, I can't go into another universe where there is another Death. That one is my male counterpart, Harry," Lily and James looked surprised, "We would have named you Harry, if you were a boy," Lily said.

"Well, I think we know that now," Pietro sassed.

"Well, there you go," Ivy responded, "He knew of a certain person named Ricky Smith, who to us is Mickey Smith," Jack and Susan snorted, "And we are giving him an opportunity, that isn't being given to our other one, because she's, um, a bit of a stubborn bitch that I sometimes want to rip out her hair and curse her so it won't grow back, yes Luna you can use that idea."

Rose fully admits she can be a stubborn bitch, but she was also looking back at a certain blonde witch that has been spending too much time with her boyfriend based off the mischievous and slightly sadistic smile she had on her face.

"Because Ricky Smith is going to die, and Ricky's grandma is still there, while Mickey's is dead, the opportunity was to give him more time with his grandma until she passes, and give him a way to come back without causing damage," she explained, "I was just waiting for Harry to agree to it," she added before she added something to the tube that crashed in, and sent it back, fixing the window in the process, "Nobody would notice it other than us. It had a Notice-Me-Not charm on it, but it's big enough that those around me would see it," she said.

(Alternate dimension)

"Mickey," Mickey heard, he was stunned, Ricky just died. He just saw someone who was technically him, die. Mickey turned and spotted Harry, "I decided to agree to the opportunity for you. I'm just waiting," then something came through from the sky and crashed into Harry, "Bad as bloody Errol," Harry muttered.

"I would agree," Percy said, his twin brothers and their older brothers agreeing.

Harry stood up, "Okay, this is something that will allow you to stay here, and be Ricky Smith, and have your grandmother again, I can tell you she's got a bit of time left, take advantage. This works only one time, it has my energy in it and Ivy's it will allow you to go back to the other world when you feel the need to leave," he handed Mickey the key,

"I swear both you and Harry have a thing for keys, or is it a Death thing?" Mickey questioned, noticing both Hela and Anubis finding interest in the floor.

"So you don't accidently activate it, you say my full name, I have my father's name as my middle name, then add 'to' and then Ivy's full name, she has our mother's full first name, Lillian, as her middle. Use the hyphenated names and you will be back," Harry told Mickey and left. 'Okay so it's Harry James Potter-Black to Ivy Lillian Potter-Black, okay, got it,' Mickey thought.

Later Mickey walked back to the Doctor, "The opportunity was to let me stay because Ricky died, it is a gift from Harry and Ivy, to have my Gran for a bit longer. They gave me something to let me go back into the other universe after she passes," I told him.

"But wouldn't that—?" Missy was cut off.

"They were allowing me to do that, it wouldn't cause any damage to anything," Mickey explained.

"Wow, that is an opportunity," the Doctor said, stunned.

"And I didn't comment about it, cause there is plenty of things I still don't know that Ivy can do, so I wouldn't know either about Harry either," Ten clarified.

Rose had argued about it, but Mickey had officially ended things,

"I found someone better," Mickey said, Martha blushing in response.

"And I apparently can play match maker," Ivy comments, the couples she helped form all agreeing.

"Tell Ivy I'll be back," Mickey added to the Doctor. Rose had said they could come back but the Doctor denied it, saying parallel worlds is impossible and that this was an accident, while it was, Harry and Ivy could send them, but they both knew it would take quite a bit of energy to do it multiple times.

"Good luck, Mickey the Idiot," the Doctor said.

"Minnie the Idiot," Ivy corrected.

"Watch it," Mickey returned.

"Oh, sorry, Minnie the Idiot," the Doctor responded with Ivy's name and rushed into the TARDIS.

"Yay!" Ivy cheered, kissing Ten's cheek.

Mickey said his goodbyes to Rose and called Jake over who watched the TARDIS, stunned, "That's the Doctor in the TARDIS with Rose Tyler," Mickey said, the two walking off.

What I didn't see was Harry watching from afar with a brunette woman in brown clothes, "Why did he get to have his Susan again?" the woman whined.

"It's just something that happened, come on Doc," Harry guided his wife into a blue box and they flew off.

"WHAT?!" came from the Tenth Doctor. The others all having dropped jaws, except Thirteen, she was already a woman, she wasn't surprised.

"Well he's my male counterpart, it would make since his mate would be your female counterpart, or male counterpart in Thirteen's case," Ivy explained, Thirteen's jaw now dropping.

(New York)

It was 11pm on October 31st when the Doctor showed up, the Weasley twins perked up, wanting to see a Barty doppelganger. When the TARDIS landed and the door opened, immediately they all heard James speak up, "Sirius, wanna join this time?"

Ten, Eleven, Twelve, and Thirteen all groaned remembering this while Nine watched in horror, and others watch in amusement.

"Hell yeah," the Doctor opened the door, saw the two and ran back in.

Eilam and Elysium had fallen out of their chairs as they laughed, Ella quickly joining. Connor was silently laughing and so was Teddy. Evren was hiding his face in Astrid's shoulder as his body shook in laughter, the laughter increasing seeing Ten's pout.

With ten minutes left, James and Sirius came back out to hug their daughter/goddaughter. They both hugged there adopted grandson/god grandson, and said goodbye to the Maximoff twins before turning back into their paintings that were back on the TARDIS and their dog forms. The Doctor joined Loki and Ivy to get into Bucky's head, they quickly managed to find the part of his memories with the commands, it did have a guard and they cringed knowing Bucky would have one hell of a headache.

"Thank fuck for pain relievers," Bucky spoke up. "Sorry," he apologized, seeing Stephen and Tony's 'how dare you curse in front of our innocent son' glare.

Loki destroyed the guard and they barricaded the room and Ivy added up extra locks so nobody would get in. Not like it would affect Bucky in any way as Loki made sure the commands would not work. They exited his head and woke him up. He sat up and groaned, "Yeah, sorry, you did have a guard put there and we had to destroy it, the commands won't work, and that area is barricaded so you know what they were, but you also know they won't do anything," the Doctor explained, Bucky had thought about it, thought about his commands, and realized he didn't feel anxious about it and gave a relieved smile. The Doctor was then introduced to the Weasley twins and his mate's parent's doppelgangers before coming back in, Susan and Jack decided to explore the year they were in and Luna and Loki stayed to help Wanda and Bucky.

"So Mickey took the opportunity?" Ivy asked. He nodded, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Teddy's asleep, Lupin and Potter parents asleep, I have owies, we have the TARDIS to ourselves,..." he trailed off. Ivy grabbed his hand and yanked him behind her.

"Ew!" Eilam and Elysium said.

"I have a sex life, deal with it," Ivy retorted.

The TARDIS had landed and we heard Rose storming in, "Maybe if we be quiet, she'll go straight to her room?" Ivy whispered to the Doctor. The two lying in the bed, being very still.

"DOCTOR! IVY!" Rose yelled, they both groaned and got up. Apparently Rose was clueless enough to not notice their messy clothing they just threw on.

The episode ends with the Marauders looking disgusted, along with a few people from the Doctor's side, and a blushing Rose.

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