The Wizarding World (And Othe...

By jokermadhatter

186K 2.7K 434

Many people just appeared in the same room, people from the Wizarding World, some of the Avengers, and the pe... More

Cast Part 1
Cast Part 2
Cast Part 3
Cast Part 4
Prologue-- How They Met
The End of the World + Interlude
The Unquiet Death + The Aftermath
Aliens of London + World War Three
During the Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting of Ways
Born Again/The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
During Rise of the Cybermen and Age of Steel
The Idiot's Lantern
The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit
Fear Her
Army of Ghosts
The Runaway Bride
Interlude--The Pregnancy and The Prank
Blacks and Jones
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan
Evolution of the Daleks
Aftermath of Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
After The Lazarus Experiment
Aftermath of 42
The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
Time Crash
Voyage of the Damned
Interlude/Aftermath of Voyage of the Damned
Partners in Crime

Girl in the Fireplace

3.5K 61 7
By jokermadhatter

(A/N: Bolded words are silenced words)

When the name of the episode appeared on the screen, Luna seemed to be really excited while Ivy motioned for to keep quiet, wouldn't want to destroy the surprise.

After they left Sarah Jane, and Teddy had gone for a nap, the Doctor was very happy at the moment, they got a new companion, Mickey, he didn't mind him now, he just didn't understand the idea of aliens being real. The Doctor gained two new children, and he has a beautiful mate, although she comes with that sassy and slightly annoying familiar also known as her godfather, excuse me, dogfather. Since Rose had left to show Mickey around, Idris making an appearance along with the four wizards in the paintings to stop the arguments between Idris and Rose, the Doctor took Ivy to France.

"So Rose is arguing with the ship that could kick her out if she pleased, and you take your mate to France?" Missy questioned. Ten nodded once, "Yep."

"Did it again when Clara was arguing with the TARDIS," Eleven added. Clara's jaw dropped in surprise.

They went to go do the touristy things, can never get tired of the touristy things, until they saw something a bit different about a royal family in France that did not add up.

When they got back, Mickey was there looking a bit annoyed, "What's up?" Ivy asked.

"Rose got visually annoyed that I'm here, so I left, Idris said she would show me around a bit, and then I came here," Mickey said. "Why did I even come?" he asked himself quietly.

"You know, you two are like Ron and Hermione, but better," Ivy said catching Mickey's attention,

Ron and Hermione looked at the mention of their names, also looking a bit insulted.

"She likes to be a know it all like Hermione, but she will actually do what she knows she needs to do. You are determined like Ron, but you see an opportunity and you take it, you reacted negatively to things you didn't understand like Ron, but you asked questions and learned. That is why you're here, you want to be here, you want to see what Rose always talks about, and you saw the opportunity and took it, the Doctor doesn't always ask someone multiple times if they want to come," Mickey looked over at the Doctor and saw he was agreeing, "And another thing, your relationship with Rose, reminds me of those two also, while they stayed together, to me it was just toxic, you both have been gaining negative emotions against each other, you both deserve better," she finished saying, the Doctor had gone over and started driving the TARDIS,

Those who knew Ron and Hermione could see the comparison, about how Rose and Mickey were better people, they were just toxic together. Ron and Hermione wanted to make an argument but every single Doctor turned and glared, making them shut up.

"How was the date?" Mickey asked.

"Oh it was great, did the touristy things but in 19th century France, did see something a bit wrong in the information we saw, so we are going to eventually get to it," the Doctor said.

"Eventually?" Mickey asked. By now Ivy had gone back to check on Teddy.

"While I do like to be constantly going, I also like to take breaks, and I can always get to it later. It didn't have to be right now, unless Idris decides otherwise," the Doctor said, he nodded and Rose came out with Ivy, Teddy, and Padfoot right behind her as we did just land.

Amy looked at Eleven, "You? Take a break?"

Thirteen came to her younger selves' defense, "Yes, he's the more hyperactive one of us, but he does take breaks too, it just has to be at the right time," she said recalling the long break she took as him after Amy and Rory were taken. Eleven gave her a thankful look, seeing Twelve was thinking about the same thing.

"It's a spaceship. Brilliant! I got a spaceship on my first go," Mickey had said as they looked at the big room they appeared in. it looked a bit messy.

"It looks kind of abandoned. Anyone on board?" Rose asked.

Ivy shook her head and the Doctor spoke up, "Nah, nothing here. Well, nothing dangerous," they gave him a look, "Well, not that dangerous," still giving him a look, "You know what, I'll just have a quick scan, in case there's anything dangerous."

"So, what's the date? How far we gone?" Rose asked.

"About three thousand years into your future, give or take," Ivy spoke up next to the Doctor as he was looking over the console in front of him, through the bond, he was noticing the discomfort coming from Ivy. "Fifty first century. Diagmar Cluster, you're a long way from home, Mickey. Two and a half galaxies," he estimated.

"Mickey Smith, meet the universe. See anything you like?" Rose questioned, while Ivy and the Doctor looked at the console more. "It's so realistic!" they heard Mickey say.

"Dear me, had some cowboys in here,"

"He said that to me when I was younger," Amy told Rory.

"Got a ton of repair work going on. Now that's odd. Look at that. All the warp engines are going. Full capacity. There's enough power running through this ship to punch a hole in the universe, but we're not moving. So where's all that power going?" the Doctor rambled.

"Where'd all the crew go?" Rose asked.

"Good question. No life readings on board," the Doctor said, seeming as if he already knew.

"Daddy, I smell meat," Teddy spoke up, seemingly helping to confirm the Time Lords thoughts.

"Oh," Tony spoke up, him and some of the others were catching on.

"What?" Steve questioned with a sigh, it couldn't be too bad?

"Ivy is Death, Death looks uncomfortable, meaning a lot of Death may have occurred there, and Teddy who has strong senses smells meat, and they're questioning where the crew went. The crew is dead and body parts are being cooked," Tony theorized.

"Don't be ridiculous," Steve said.

"Can he join the six?" Ivy asked Ten quietly.

"I'm sure you're not the only one thinking that. Levi looks like he wants to strangle the man and Stephen won't stop him for long," Ten replied eyeing up the cape on Strange's back.

"Yeah, someone's cooking," Rose said.

"Sunday roast, definitely," Mickey spoke after Rose. 'Pretty sure, it's not Sunday roast,' Ivy mentally told the Doctor. 'What were you sensing?' he replied. 'People getting torn apart. I do sense the life of a child though,' she said and walked over to a part of the wall.

The Doctor noticed a door, it opened when he messed with the console, it had actually opened right where Ivy had walked too. It had a fireplace which made him curious, especially since Ivy walked right to there after saying she sensed a life, "Well, there's something you don't see in your average spaceship. Eighteenth century. French. Nice mantle. Not a hologram. It's not even a reproduction. This actually is an eighteenth century French fireplace. Double sided. There's another room through there," the Doctor said.

"Wait do you think it might have something to do with what you and Ivy had found?" Mickey asked. They nodded, "Yes, because it's something to do with the 18th century to it's a good chance," the Doctor said.

"What do you mean, and there can't be another room. That's the hull of the ship. Look," Rose motioned to the porthole right next to the room. "Hello," Ivy suddenly said. The Doctor bent down to see a blonde girl in a nightgown kneeling by the other side of the fireplace.

Luna squealed seeing the girl making Loki wear a fond smile, he knew why she was excited.

"Hello," the girl said back.

"What's your name?" the Doctor asked.


"Reinette, I love that name. Can you tell me where you are at the moment, Reinette?" Ivy asked.

"Thank you, and in my bedroom,"

"And where's your bedroom? Where do you live, Reinette?" the Doctor asked.

"Paris, of course."

"Paris, right!" the Doctor replied as if he was stupid.

"Monsieur, Madame, what are you doing in my fireplace?"

"Oh, it's just a routine fire check. Can you tell me what year it is?" the Doctor asked.

"Of course I can. Seventeen hundred and twenty seven," Reinette answered.

"Right, lovely. One of our favorites. August is rubbish though. Stay indoors. Okay, that's all for now. Thanks for your help. Hope you enjoy the rest of the fire. Night, night," the Doctor said and she smiled, "Goodnight Monsieur, Madame."

"You said this was this was the fifty first century," Rose said.

"I also said this ship was generating enough power to punch a hole in the universe. I think we just found the hole. Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink," the Doctor said.

"What's that?"

"No idea, he just didn't want to say magic door," Ivy spoke up, "It's a magic door," she added.

Cue a few snorts.

"And on the other side of the magic door is France in 1727?" Rose asked.

"Well, she was speaking French. Right period French, too," the Doctor said.

"Oh yeah, the TARDIS translates," Mickey had said. Rose looked at him confused on how he knew that, "What? Idris told me after you walked off, I think it's cool," he said. Rose made a face, pretty sure she was remembering when she made a big deal about it.

"Gotcha!" the Doctor said, finding what he was looking for, only for the fireplace to rotate Ivy and the Doctor as the others called for them. "This isn't the exact same time," Ivy noticed. They found Reinette asleep, but it was snowing, it was August when they talked to her. Reinette jerked awake, looking at them in surprise. "It's okay. Don't scream. It's me. It's us, the fireplace people. Look. We were talking just a moment ago. We were in your fireplace," the Doctor said while Ivy magically lights a candle, Reinette looking at her slightly amazed but still startled, "Monsieur, that was weeks ago. That was months," she said confirming what Ivy had said.

"Really? Oh. Must be a loose connection. Need to get a man in," the Doctor said.

The Doctor noticed Ivy looking at a clock that was ticking louder than it should be, "Who are you? And what are you doing here?" Reinette ask. "Okay, that's scary," he said.

"You're scared of a broken clock?"

"Well the thing is, if that clock is broken, and it's the only clock, what is making the ticking sound?" Ivy questioned. "Because that is not a clock. I can tell because there is a sentient energy coming from it, and you can tell by the resonance. Too big. Six feet, I'd say. The size of a man," she continued.

"What is it?" the girl asked scared.

The Doctor motioned for Ivy to get on the bed, and she held the shaking girl. "Now, let's think. If you were a thing that ticked and you were hiding in someone's bedroom, first thing you do, break the clock. No one notices the sound of one clock ticking, but two? You might start to wonder if you're really alone. Stay on the bed, next to Ivy. Right in the middle. Don't put your hands or feet over the edge," the Doctor told her calmly. He waved his sonic under the bed and it got smacked away and something stood up. "Reinette," the Doctor whispered, "Don't look around," he told her. He could feel Ivy was tensed, she was sensing the fear from the child who was masking it rather well now, other than she still had a good grip on his mate. He looked at the smiley face wearing figure behind them, "You, stay exactly where you are. Hold still, let me look," the Doctor grabbed Reinette's head and looked into her eyes, seeing her mind had been scanned many times, "You've been scanning her brain. What, you've crossed two galaxies and thousands of years just to scan a child's brain? What could there be in a little girl's mind worth blowing a hole in the universe," he spoke angrily to the figure.

"I don't understand. It wants me? You want me?" Reinette had turned to the creature. Ivy watching with a fond look on her face.

"You know something he doesn't right?" Draco asked.

"Yes, it has to do with why Luna is excited," Ivy told him.

"Not yet. You are incomplete," the droid had said.

"Incomplete? What's that mean, incomplete? You can answer her, you can answer me. What do you mean, incomplete?"

The droid walked around the bed, a blade coming out of his hand, a red headed Ivy glaring at the droid, Reinette looking amazed at the color changing hair, before also saying, "Monsieur, be careful."

"Just a nightmare, Reinette, don't worry about it. Everyone has nightmares. Even monsters from under the bed have nightmares, don't you monster?" the bot had gotten its blade stuck in the mantle and Ivy rushed over while Reinette asked, "What do monsters have nightmares about?" the Doctor activated the mantle and they turned again, "Us!" he said.

"Doctor!" Rose called as they came back around, "Mommy! Daddy!" Teddy also called. Ivy had taken out her wand and froze the bot, "Where's Loki when we need him?" she muttered.

"Enjoying Luna's company and annoying Thor," Loki said.

"Where did that thing come from?" Rose questioned.

"Here," the Doctor said. He was trying to ignore the black dog that was becoming a mother hen towards Ivy.

Padfoot gave Ten a small growl before flopping down onto his adoptive daughter. Remus looked at Sirius, "Yeah, you and James both became mother hens to me after a full moon, I could see it," he said making the Potter and Black turn red.

They were all kind of eyeing the dog whose head kept swinging from side like he was as making an argument. It was probably funny to Rose and Mickey who couldn't understand him.

"So why is it dressed like that?" Mickey asked, bringing the topic back to the android.

"Field trip to France. Some kind of basic camouflage protocol. Nice needlework, shame about the face," the Doctor said and removed the face, looking down at its mechanics,

"Wow," Tony, Jack, Eilam, and Damian said, as they looked at the mechanics. Nine just looked impressed.

"Oh, you are beautiful! No, really, you are. You're gorgeous, not as much as you dear," the Doctor said to Ivy with a big smile and she just rolls her, amused, "Look at that. Space age clockwork, I love it. I've got chills! Listen, seriously, I mean this from the heart, and, by the way, count those, it would be a crime, it would be an act of vandalism to disassemble you. But that won't stop me," but before he could, it beamed away,

"It stopped you," Peter sassed.

"Short range teleport. Can't have got that far. Could still be on board."

"What is it?" Rose asked.

"Don't go looking for it!" the Doctor yelled, knowing full well she will go look for it. Ivy did too, she was checking Teddy had his emergency port key, and that he stuck with Padfoot, who was able to shadow travel onto the TARDIS.

"Where're you going?" Rose asked.

"Back in a sec," the Doctor said and grabbed Ivy as they turned back around. They appeared back into another room, it looked quite different, "Did we change time again?" the Doctor asked. Ivy nodded, they waited for Reinette to come back, "You were looking at her with fondness, do you know something about her?" he asked Ivy. She nodded but then an older Reinette entered. "Reinette," they both greeted.

"Reinette! We're ready to go," they heard.

"She looks like Pandora," James commented. Pandora was now looking at Reinette with suspicion, she does look like her. Xeno looked between the two and then whispered something in Luna's ear. Luna nodded, smiling, he had guessed right.

"Go to the carriage, Mother. I will join you there," she said into the hallway before turning back to them, "It is customary, I think, to have imaginary friends only during one's childhood. You are to be congratulated on your persistence. You do not even appear to have aged a day. That is tremendously impolite of you," Reinette said.

"Doesn't she sound like Luna?" the Weasley Twins asked. There older brothers who have met the blonde nodded.

"Right, yes, sorry. Listen, lovely to catch up, but better be off, eh? Don't want your mother finding you up here with a strange man and woman, do we?" the Doctor said.

"Strange? How could you have been strangers to me? I've known you since I was seven years old."

"Yes, we just came the quick route. Reinette I believe you need to go to your mother," Ivy spoke up which was followed by, "Mademoiselle Poisson!" coming from outside the room.

"A moment!" she yelled back, she hugged them both, "So many questions. So little time," she said, "But I believe you will show up again," and she leaves before a servant could come and get her. "I still can't believe that was Madame de Pompadour, we just got hugged by Madame de Pompadour Ivy," the Doctor said in shock as Ivy was leaving something on her desk.

They turned back in the mantle, showing up on the ship to an empty space, "Every time, it's rule one. Don't wander off. I tell them, I do. Rule one. There could be anything on this ship," the Doctor complained.

"I thought rule one was the Doctor lies," Ivy said.

River looked at Amy and Rory and pointed at the screen as to say, 'SEE?!'

"Well you lie too," the Doctor said.

"Then Rule One, the Doctor and Ivy lie, Rule Two, don't wander off," she said.

"Yeah, but we'll pretend that's rule one, now where did they go off to," the Doctor said.

"Well I'd like to know if the phrase, "Everything but the kitchen sink," applies here," Ivy said. The Doctor looked at her confused and she motioned behind them where there was a white horse.

"A horse?!" sounded through the room.

"Rose? Mickey? Teddy?" the Doctor was calling out, walking hand in hand with Ivy. He turned back to the horse who was following them, "Will you stop following us? I'm not your mother and neither is she," he said motioning towards Ivy at the last bit. There were white wooden doors and a bright light, "Ah, that's where you came from," Ivy realized.

"It's France again. We can see France," they heard Mickey say in the distance. They had just watched Reinette interact with a friend of hers.

"Blimey, look at this guy. Who does he think he is?" Mickey asked.

"The King of France," Ivy and the Doctor said.

"Oh, here's trouble. What you been up to?"

"Oh, this and that. Became imaginary friends of a future French aristocrat, picked a fight with a clockwork man," the Doctor was interrupted by the horse.

"And we met a horse," Ivy added.

"So not random or anything," Clara said.

"What's a horse doing on a spaceship?" Mickey asked.

"Mickey, what's pre-Revolutionary France doing on a spaceship? Get a little perspective. See these? They're all over the place. On every deck. Gateways to history. But not just any old history," and you know how that thing called timing is, Reinette had entered, "Hers. Time windows deliberately arranged along the life of one particular woman. A spaceship from the fifty first century stalking a woman from the eighteenth. Why?"

"She's a witch," Ivy said.

Everyone, except those who already knew or had already figured it out looked surprised that a figure from muggle history was a witch.

They looked at her surprised, "She was like me, a witch who was raised by muggles, she's just scared to say something such as she actually being a pureblooded witch, so I left something for her to practice," she continued.

"Who is she?" Rose asked, referring to Reinette.

"Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson, known to her friends as Reinette. One of the most accomplished women who ever lived," the Doctor said. "She soon becomes Madame de Pompadour," he added.

"How did you know she was a witch?" Mickey asked Ivy.

"I know her descendant, she had a daughter, who she faked her death and raised her privately, and after generations, she had a descendant named Pandora who married Xenophilius Lovegood, and had Luna," Ivy explained.

Pandora's jaw dropped, that was her ancestor?!

"Ooooh, that's why she seems to look at things differently," the Doctor said.

"Yes, Luna got her seer ability from her mother, that line tends to have a bit of psychic ability."

"So do the Lovegoods," Xeno mumbled. The Lovegoods could see other creatures, so Luna came from that Line and a psychic Line.

"The Queen must have loved her," Rose said. They were watching her check her appearance in what she thought was a mirror, none of noticing a white haired woman peak into the room.

"Wait, is that Ivy?" James said.

"That couldn't be her, she's with them," Steve said, very Snape like.

"Great, a patriotic Snivellous," Sirius commented. To his and James surprise, Lily agreed. Lily knew how her daughter had been treated by Snape, and after finding out he only wanted her to live and didn't care about her husband or daughter, she was furious and a bit creeped out.

"No, that's Ivy," James argued, leaving it at that. Ivy glared back at Steve, daring him to argue with her dad.

"Oh, she did. They get on very well."

"The King's wife and the King's girlfriend?" Mickey checked.

"France. It's a different planet," the Doctor said. They were startled when they heard Reinette speak up, "How long have you been standing there? Show yourself!" she demanded to the figure behind her which turned out to be another droid.

The Doctor took a nearby fire extinguisher and opened the mirror, "Hello, Reinette. Hasn't time flown?"

"Fireplace man!" she smiled, and waved to Ivy who was behind him. The android he had just sprayed started creaking, "What's it doing?" Mickey asked.

"Switching back on. Melting the ice."

"And then what?"

"Then it kills everyone in the room. Focuses the mind, doesn't it? Identify yourself. Order it to answer me," the Doctor told Reinette who was lurking a bit closer to Ivy.

"Why should it listen to me?"

"I don't know. It did when you were a child. Let's see if you still got it," the Doctor said. She turned to the android, "Answer his question. Answer all questions put to you," she said.

"I am repair droid seven."

"What happened to the ship, then? There was a lot of damage," the Doctor questioned.

"Ion storm. Eighty two percent systems failure."

"That ship hasn't moved in over a year. What's taken you so long?"

"We did not have the parts."

"Always comes down to that, doesn't it? The parts," Mickey commented.

"What happened to the crew? Where are they?" the Doctor went back to questioning.

"We did not have the parts."

"There should have been over fifty people on your ship. Where did they go?"

"We did not have the parts."

"Fifty people just don't disappear. Where. Oh. Ivy sensed death on the ship, you didn't use the parts, so you used the crew," the Doctor realized.

"The crew?" Mickey questioned

"We found a camera with an eye in it, and there was a heart wired in to machinery," Rose informed them.

Tony looked over in triumph at Steve who looked at the screen with horror and disgust.

"It was just doing what it was programmed to do. Repairing the ship any way it can, with whatever it could find. No one told it the crew weren't on the menu. What did you say the flight deck smelt of?" the Doctor asked Rose and Mickey.

"Someone cooking," Rose said, then the two got the idea from the grossed out look Ivy had on her face, "Flesh plus heat. Barbeque," the Doctor added towards them then turned back to the android, "But what are you doing here? You've opened up time windows. That takes colossal energy. Why come here? You could have gone to your repair yard. Instead you come to eighteenth century France? Why?"

"One more part is required."

"Then why haven't you taken it?"

"She is incomplete."

"What, so, that's the plan, then. Just keep opening up more and more time windows, scanning her brain, checking to see if she's done yet."

"Why specifically her?" Rose asked.

"We are the same."

"We are not the same. We are in no sense the same," Reinette argued.

"We are the same."

"Get out of here. Get out of here this instant!" Reinette ordered upset.

"Reinette, no," the Doctor said but the droid teleported away.

"It's back on the ship. Rose, take Mickey and Arthur. Watch Teddy. Get after it. Follow it. Don't approach it, if Teddy's hurt we'll have a hard time not thinking about throwing you into a black hole. Just watch what the droid does," Ivy said.

"Arthur?" Rose asked.

"Good name for a horse," Ivy and the Doctor said.

"Should I be offended?" Arthur spoke up.

"You are not keeping the horse," Rose said.

"We let you keep Mickey. Now go! Go! Go!" the Doctor urged them out and closed the mirror.

"Reinette I need you to trust us. I need to find what they're looking for. There's only one way I can do that. It won't hurt a bit," and the Doctor looked into her mind again.

"Fireplace man, you are inside my mind."

"Oh dear, Reinette. You've had some cowboys in here."

Reinette makes some comments which startles the Doctor, he breaks the link, "How did you that?" he questioned.

"Well Doctor I did say she was psychic," Ivy said.

"A door, once opened, can be stepped through in either direction," ah, she is a natural Legilimens too. "Oh, Doctor, Ivy, my favorite couple, dance with me."

"We can't," the Doctor said.

"Dance with me," she repeated.

"This is the night you dance with the King."

"Then first, I shall make him jealous," Reinette said making Ivy laugh.

"Okay, she is definitely my ancestor, I would have done that," Pandora bluntly said making Xeno look at her with wide eyes. "I have done that," Luna added making Loki grumble and Thor chuckle. She had danced with him purely just to make Loki jealous, that's what happens when Loki tries to make her jealous, she gets even.

"Doctor. Doctor who? It's more than just a secret, isn't it?"

"What did you see?"

"That there comes a time, Time Lord, when every lonely little boy must learn how to dance with the one who doesn't make him so lonely anymore," Reinette had guided both of them out. But then they stopped hearing an alarm come from Ivy's wand, "Teddy used his portkey," she said.

"Are you okay?!" Tonks screeched.

"He was okay, he had Padfoot with him who blocked him so he could use the portkey before Padfoot could escape too," Mickey said, calming the pregnant woman down.

"Then come with me, stay for a little, I am sure you will find the other two soon, now would be too dangerous, and I want to hear about Luna," Reinette said.

"She wanted to know about me?" Luna asked in awe.

Ivy nodded, "I would have told her about Pandora but I never met her other than her painting and now," she said. Pandora just waved it off, she understood.

The Doctor had gone to party a little, and Ivy was telling Reinette about Luna after she did point out that if the two humans were in immediate, I'm-about-to-die danger, that Ivy would know. After a little bit, The Doctor pulled Ivy aside, "Hi love," he greeted and kissed her. "Hi, do we have to go now?"

"Yep, wanna make it funny?"

"Really?!" Mickey and Rose yelled. Martha started laughing, drawing attention to her, "Mickey told me about his adventures before I met him and I just remembered what's coming," she managed to say.

"Always, can you act drunk?" Ivy asked.

"Mmhmm," so Ivy took his tie off, yanked him down, wrapped it around his head, he took out some sunglasses, put them on. He was already acting out of it as Ivy messed up some of his clothes, he took the gloves she was wearing off and messed up her hair, and Ivy "lost" her shoe. The Doctor and Ivy made their way down to where they knew Rose and Mickey was, at least until the Doctor started pulling Ivy to him and they "drunkenly" danced down the hall, bumping into things they knew were not priceless. They heard Rose talking about them, "Ever heard of the Daleks? Remember them? They had a name for our friends. They had myths about them, and a name. They called them the—" Rose was then cut off by the Doctor's loud singing while Ivy was trying to not start laughing. "I could've danced all night, I could've danced all night," he drunkenly sang.

"—they called them the. They called them the, the," Rose was trying to think of the name they get referred too. She was officially interrupted when the duo swayed in, "And still have begged for more. I could've spread my wings and done a thou. Have you met the French? My God, they know how to party," the Doctor said.

"Oh, look what the dragged in. The Oncoming Storm and his Deathly Witch," Rose spoke up annoyed that they finally just showed up. Her and Mickey were trapped and not able to escape, one android was about to take Rose's brain instead.

"Oh, you sound just like your mother," Ivy sassed.

"Oi," Jackie said, slightly in amusement and slight concerned about the fact her daughter almost had her head cut open.

"What've you been doing? Where've you been? Where did Teddy go?" Rose rambled off. They just waved off the Teddy comment making the two look suspicious.

"We didn't know if Teddy appears back at the TARDIS or by Ivy's side, so we knew he was okay for sure when they waved it off," Rose explained.

"Well among other things, I think I just invented the banana daiquiri a few centuries early. Do you know they've never seen a banana before. Always take a banana to a party Rose. Bananas are good," the Doctor started acting like he was high now, Ivy kept giggling right next to him to keep up her drunk act, "Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, brilliant," he said to one of the androids that hadn't really moved since they walked in, "It's you. You're my favorite, you are. You are the best! Do you know why? Because you're so thick. You're Mister Thick Thick Thickity Thick Face from Thicktown, Thickania. And so's your dad."

There was a lot of laughter heard around the room, most now wearing red faces from laughing so hard. "Okay, that was definitely Marauder worthy," James said wiping a tear, seeing his daughter beam back at him. Ten just looked proud receiving the comment from his father-in-law.

"Do you know what they were scanning Reinette's brain for? Her milometer. They want to know how old she is. Know why? Because this ship is thirty seven years old, and they think that when Reinette is thirty seven, when she's complete, then her brain will be compatible, it's also when a person with psychic ability has mostly trained there brain to use it. So, that's what you're missing, isn't it, hmm? Command circuit. Your computer. Your ship needs a brain. And for some reason, God knows what, only the brain of Madame de Pompadour will do."

"The brain is compatible," the droid motioned towards Rose.

"Compatible?" Ivy spoke up, "Well if you believe that, you probably believe this is a glass of wine," Ivy said holding up the glass that they had brought with them. The doctor went and removed one of the masks and Ivy threw the oil and the droid seizes.

"Multigrain anti-oil. If it moves it doesn't," Ivy said and flocked the off switch to the androids on the console. "Darling, could you free those two we got business to take care of," she added. The Doctor went and freed the two and Mickey was looking at the down droids, "Are those things safe?"

"Yeah. Safe. Safe and thick, way I like them. Okay. All the time windows are controlled from here. I need to close them all down. Zeus plugs. Where are my Zeus plugs? I had them a minute ago. I was using them as--," he was cut off by Ivy lifting them up in front of his face, "You left them in front of your brand new banana daiquiri," Ivy told him. He smiled sheepishly and took them.

"Why didn't they just open a time window to when she was thirty seven?" Rose asked.

"With the amount of damage to these circuits, they did well to hit the right century. Trial and error after that. The windows aren't closing. Why won't they close?" he said frustrated. "There might be others and they might be fighting you," Ivy suggested, he nodded and then a bell rang.

"What's that?"

"I don't know. Incoming message?" the Doctor suggested.

"From who?"

"Report from the field. One of them must still be out there with Reinette. Like Ivy said, someone's fighting me, that's why I can't close the windows," the Doctor said. A droid reactivates, and the anti-oil spills out of it, "Well, that was a bit clever. If it didn't make such a big noise I would've had Ivy make them explode."

"Right. Any things about this are not good. Message from one of your little friends? Anything interesting?" Ivy asked

"She is complete. It begins," it said and teleports out.

"One of them must have found the right time window. Now it's time to send the troops. And this time they're bringing back her head," the Doctor immediately said, answering the question Rose was about to ask.

"Well, I will assume that you saved her as Luna still exists," Pandora said, she didn't know if she would count at the moment since she was technically dead.

They quickly found Reinette again and Ivy entered the room, "Reinette, they will be here in five years, I can't give you an exact day, but will be while you are thirty seven years old. We right now, are trying to stop it, but the Doctor will be here, she will be here," Ivy told her.

"The white haired woman?" Steve questioned.

"Which is Ivy," James commented making Steve roll his eyes and Ivy glare back at the superhero. Steve didn't know everything, especially when it came to Ivy.

"When the five years is up, what should I do?"

"Keep them talking, keep them busy, and have faith," Ivy told her and Mickey came in announcing that the window was found. "I know you're curious, don't wander but you can look," Ivy told her, holding the tapestry Mickey came out of. Rose was about to argue until Ivy gave her a look. "Are you there? Can you hear me? I need you now. You promised. The clock on the mantle is broken. It is time," they heard a different Reinette call.

"That's my voice," Reinette said.

Ivy urged Mickey and Rose along, "I know your scared, but she will be with you, you are a strong woman, you can do it, you know what to look for now," she told Reinette. She nodded and Ivy gave her a big hug, "Thank you," she said and left through the same window being greeted by the woman again.

Ivy found the group in front of a big window, "I don't get it. How come they got in there?" Rose asked as they saw Louis and Reinette freak out but both staying calm as they were both surrounded by the androids.

"They teleported. You saw them. As long as the ship and the ballroom are linked, their short range teleports will do the trick," the Doctor said.

"Well, we'll go in the TARDIS!" Rose urged

"We can't use the TARDIS. We're part of events now."

"Well, can't we just smash through?" Mickey asked.

"Hyperplex this side, plate glass the other. We need a truck," the Doctor said and Ivy left for a second and found Arthur as she hear Reinette constantly talking, keeping the droids from cutting her head off. The Doctor grabbed Arthur as soon as Ivy came back with him and ran through the time window destroying it in the process. Ivy tried to keep calm as Mickey starts his rapid questioning about what just happened.

After the androids were defeated, the Doctor sadly looked back at the mirror, or rather where the mirror used to be, although Reinette looked like she was hiding something. "They're gone?" Reinette asked. "The connection was cut off, they have no purpose anymore," the Doctor told her.

Later he was looking up at the sky, "You know all their names, don't you? I saw that in your mind. The name of every star," Reinette said.

"What's in a name? Names are just titles. Titles don't tell you anything," the Doctor said, feeling quite depressed.

"Like the Doctor," Reinette said.

"Like Madame de Pompadour," the Doctor countered.

"Like Death," she countered again and the Doctor gave her a look and she motioned towards the doors behind them, and there was Ivy in her natural form,

Steve's jaw dropped, "How did you—?" he cut himself off looking back at James.

Instead of James answering, Charlus did, "When growing up, as the Potters were descended from a Line associated with Death, we got told stories about the entity how they could be anywhere, at anytime, at any year, of any century. Those stories I told James, I believe there was somewhere that the only Potter that wouldn't hear those stories would be the one to become Death," Charlus said.

"And I know my daughter's hair," James added even though he never got to see her with the white hair, he knew that was his daughter's hair.

"How did you know that was your daughter? That could've been Death," Steve countered, still not really believing that was Death.

"It doesn't matter whether she's Ivy, Death, or Bad Wolf, they are all the same person, and still my daughter, all three of them," James argued. "Same with me, you got a problem with that?" Sirius added. Lily was crying happy tears as her husband was getting some major brownie points, and on top of that he looked really hot getting protective. Ivy flew out of her seat and hugged the two men. When she pulled away the two saw the specks of black and gold in her eyes knowing all three personalities were hugging them.

"I was best friends with Reinette, that's why I knew how Luna thinks. I taught her about her magic and about me, how I can be anywhere, at anytime, in any century," Ivy said. The Doctor laughed and hugged her,

"Wait," Donna said, "Then you know all of the things that we are going to see even if you haven't actually experienced it yet?" she asked.

"It's a bit confusing, but yes," Ivy said.

"Then which Doctor did you appear with?" Rory asked.

"Eleven before he became Twelve," she said.

"We do have something for you though," and the two girls took the Doctor to a bedroom where a familiar fireplace was.

Tony would have made a comment about where he thought that was going, but he liked Luna and thought it would be disrespectful to joke about her ancestor.

"It's not a copy, it's the original. I had it moved here and was exact in every detail," Reinette said.

"The fireplace. The fireplace from your bedroom. When did you do this?" the Doctor asked them.

"Many years ago, in the hope that a door once opened, may someday open again. One never quite knows when one needs one's Doctor. And Ivy also told me to keep it together, so I did. It appears undamaged. Do you think it will still work?"

"You broke the bond with the ship when you moved it, which means it was offline when the mirror broke. That's saved it. But the link is basically physical, and it's still physically here. Which might just mean, if I'm lucky. If I'm very, very, very, very, very, very lucky. Ah ha!" the Doctor exclaimed, he had been trying to find a loose connection.

"Wish me luck!" he had said as he turned around.

"No," Reinette had said.

"Madame de Pompadour! Still want to see those stars?" the Doctor asked the woman when she was on the other side.

Ivy was hugging Ten as he looked sadly at the screen. Reinette had the same personality as Luna, he wanted her to see what he saw, just like Luna get's to explore new creatures now on Asgard.

"More than anything."

"Give me two minutes. Pack a bag."

"Am I going somewhere?"

"Go to the window. Pick a star, any star." he told her and went to go find the others. The Doctor hugged Rose when he found her, "How long did you wait?"

"Five and a half hours."

"Great. Always wait five and a half hours," as he greeted Mickey.

"Where've you been?"

"Explain later. Into the TARDIS, be with you in a sec," the Doctor said. They had quickly told him Ivy had gone back on the TARDIS. The Doctor went back through the fireplace, only to find that Reinette had passed.

Pandora and Luna looked sadly at the screen, they wanted to know more about their ancestor. "I can tell you more later," Ivy offered making the two smile.

He was given a letter and went back through; he walked back into the console room of the TARDIS to see Ivy waiting, the other two leaving to explore more. "Did she know she wouldn't see me again?" the Doctor asked her. She nodded and patted the spot next to her and the Doctor opened the letter:

"My dear Doctor.

The path has never seemed more slow, and yet I fear I am nearing its end. Reason (and a significant other of yours) tells me that you and I are unlikely to meet again, I believe it, but there is always hope. I have seen the world inside your head, and know that all things are possible. Hurry though, my days grow shorter now, and I am so very weak. God speed, my lonely angels."

They set the TARDIS into the vortex briefly seeing the name SS Madame de Pompadour, as they left. They had looked at the name in amazement and Ivy went to go call Luna about her ancestor.

Clara, seeing the name, realized why this seemed familiar to her and looked at Twelve in surprise, only to see him gesturing for her to be quiet as he looked back at his tenth self. Clara followed the direction he was looking and saw how sad the man looked at the moment and kept quiet. Did Twelve feel that sad when they were there, or was he too high on regeneration energy?

Ivy found the Doctor again a bit later, checking the history books he had to make sure the information went back to normal about Reinette. "So do you remember what happened there?" he asked Ivy, she was in her natural form, she had been a bit more comfortable letting that form down when she was in the TARDIS. "Yes, you looked quite heroic smashing through the mirror, it was hot," she said.

"Oh?" he looked at her surprised.

"Mmhmm, heroics deserve rewards," she said but the end of the sentence was silenced.

'Some people wouldn't want to hear what was said,' Idris hinted,

It was implied about what was said from the suggestive look Ivy gave as she walked out, hearing in the distance about the portraits being locked into their main portraits and not moving. That was when the Doctor knew, and he ran off after her.

Some noses were scrunched up in disgust, catching on to what happened. Peter just looked confused and Stephen and Tony were silently telling him not to question it. Ten and Ivy were just bright red.

(A/N: Okay, before I update next time, I will be starting school again. Please stop asking for updates, there won't be as many for now because I will be concentrating on classes)

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