The Supernatural Diaries {Boo...

By TeamArrow4Life

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Sam and Dean are teenagers attending school at Mystic Falls High. Dean is a Hunter but is best friends with S... More

Unknown I
Dean I
Elena I
The New Student, Part I
The New Student, Part II
Elena II
Unknown II
Stefan I
Sam I
Dean II
Friendly Meetings, Part I
Friendly Meetings, Part II
Stefan II
Elena III
Late Night Parties, Part I
Sam II
Late Night Parties, Part II
All's Well That Ends Well
Before You Start Episode 2
Night of the Comet: Sam I
Night of the Comet: Elena I
Night of the Comet: Stefan I
Night of the Comet: Bonnie I
Night of the Comet: Dean I
Night of the Comet: Elena II
Night of the Comet: Stefan II
Night of the Comet: Bonnie II
Night of the Comet: Sam II
Night of the Comet: Getting Answers
Night of the Comet: Damon I
Night of the Comet: Dean II
Night of the Comet: Between Brothers (Salvatore I)
Night of the Comet: Elena III
Night of the Comet: Sam III
Night of the Comet: Welcome to the Festival
Night of the Comet: Caught Feelings
Night of the Comet: Interview With A Vampire
Night of the Comet: Damon II
Night of the Comet: Inquisitions & Explanations
Night of the Comet: Dean III
Night of the Comet: Figuring Things Out
Friday Night Bites: Caroline I
Friday Night Bites: The New "It" Couple
Friday Night Bites: Stefan I
Friday Night Bites: High School Mayhem, Part I
Friday Night Bites: Elena I
Friday Night Bites: Dean I
Friday Night Bites: Four Is Company, Seven Is A Disaster Waiting To Happen
Friday Night Bites: Damon I
Friday Night Bites: Elena II
Friday Night Bites: Sam I
Friday Night Bites: Stefan II
Friday Night Bites: Devil's Tango, Damon's Tango! What's the Difference?
Friday Night Bites: Go Timberwolves!
Friday Night Bites: 8, 14, 22
Friday Night Bites: Dean II
Family Ties: Dean I
Family Ties: Stefan I
Family Ties: Elena I
Family Ties: Damon I
Family Ties: A Series of Unfortunate Events, Pt. 1
Family Ties: A Series of Unfortunate Events Pt. 2
Family Ties: Sam I
Family Ties: Stefan II
Family Ties: Elena II
Family Ties: Between Brothers (Winchester I)
Family Ties: The Legacies of Our Blood
Family Ties: The Right Partner
Family Ties: Family Heirlooms
Family Ties: Elena III
Family Ties: Damon II
Family Ties: It's Been A Long Night
You're Undead to Me: Dean I
You're Undead To Me: Stefan I
You're Undead To Me: Damon I
You're Undead To Me: Elena I
You're Undead To Me: Makin' My Head Spin
You're Undead To Me: True Colors
You're Undead To Me: Damon II
You're Undead To Me: Soap Suds & New Buds (Pt. 1)
You're Undead To Me: Soap Suds & New Buds (Pt. 2)
You're Undead To Me: Elena II
You're Undead To Me: The Great Escape
You're Undead To Me: Dean II
You're Undead To Me: Secrets & Sins
Lost Girls: A Revelation
Lost Girls: Trust Issues
Lost Girls: Elena I
Lost Girls: Missing Teenager
Lost Girls: Ancient History
Lost Girls: Stefan I
Lost Girls: It's A Wonderful Life
Lost Girls: Metamorphosis
Lost Girls: Bloodbath
Haunted: Damon I
Haunted: Dean I
Haunted: Recent Developments and Pressing Issues
Haunted: Elena I
Haunted: Why Is It Always Damon?
Haunted: All Hallow's Eve
Haunted: Hunger
Haunted: Divide And Conquer
Haunted: Dean II
Haunted: Sam I
162 Candles: Stefan I
162 Candles: He said, She Said, Who Said?
162 Candles: Strengths & Weaknesses
162 Candles: Talismans Are A Powerful Tool
162 Candles: Elena I
162 Candles: Party Planner
162 Candles: Dean I
162 Candles: Secrets & Surprises
162 Candles: Follow the Amulet
162 Candles: Caroline I
162 Candles: It Always Comes Back to Dean

Family Ties: There's A Lot of History Here

50 3 0
By TeamArrow4Life


That evening, all of the guests were arriving at the Lockwood Mansion, and Tyler and his parents stood outside to greet them at the front door. Just then, Tyler caught a glimpse of Vicki standing in the line of people and immediately left his parents' side and discreetly pulled his girlfriend out of the line and took her around the back entrance. Unfortunately for him, this did not escape his mother's attention.


As Stefan walked down the stairs and folded down the collar of his shirt over his blazer, Zach waited for him at the bottom of the stairwell with a defeated look on his face. "That was his favorite scotch. I'm sorry it didn't work," he apologized. "Don't be. I wasn't counting on it," Stefan answered. The two men walked down the hall towards the front door, and that was when Zach realized what Stefan was doing. "You knew it would fail," he stated. "Uh-huh. Did what I wanted. Lowered his guard. He won't expect me to try again so soon," Stefan replied. Zach smirked as he pulled out a small vial from his pocket and handed it to the vampire. "I doubled what I put in the scotch."

Stefan nodded to his nephew before exiting the house. But much to his surprise, he saw Sam Winchester dressed in a tuxedo leaning against the hood of a teal blue convertible 1968 Cadillac Coupe DeVille grinning like the cat who ate the canary. "Need a lift to the party?" Sam smirked. Stefan tilted his head. "Why? What are you planning on doing?" he questioned. "I think the real question is what's in that vial and how are you gonna use it against your brother?" Sam shot back.

Damn. This kid is way too smart for his own good. Stefan pondered. "I guess I'll tell you on the way there," Stefan remarked. Sam nodded and walked back around the car and opened the door on the driver's side while Stefan got in the passenger seat. "Did Sheila lend this to you?" Stefan inquired. "Yeah, she said she was staying in for the night anyway," Sam smirked. Then he started up the car a drove off to the Lockwoods' house.


Elena had just finished getting dressed for the party when she spotted her dad's pocket watch sitting on the counter of her dresser. Despite the promise her mother made to Mrs. Lockwood, something didn't sit right with her about giving it to someone that wasn't family. She took a deep breath and grabbed the watch, and started down the hallway towards Jeremy's room. Quietly, she cracked open the door to his room and carefully set the heirloom on his desk before departing from her brother's presence.


When he and Caroline finally arrived at the front of the Lockwoods', they were instantly come upon by the main hostess herself who gave them a charming smile. "Caroline. You look smashing," the Lockwood Matriarch smiled, embracing the young blonde. "Thank you, Mrs. Lockwood. This is my boyfriend Damon," Caroline beamed giving a gesture to Damon who was still standing just outside the threshold of the mansion. "Oh, well, come on in," Mrs. Lockwood invited. Damon smiled and stepped through the door. "Lovely to meet you. I've been looking forward to this party for quite a while," he greeted. "Well, enjoy." After the woman left the two adolescents, Damon held out his arm for Caroline to loop hers through, and the duo started off to the refreshments table. However, they didn't get very far before they were spotted by Caroline's mother who was still in uniform.

"Hold on. Give me a minute," Caroline said to Damon, before twirling around to go speak with her mother. Damon did not, in fact, hold on and went over to the bar as he originally intended while contemplating all the things he needed to do to move his plan forward now that he was inside the Lockwood house.

"Hello, sir, what can I give you?" the bartender asked. "Gimme a bourbon neat," Damon huffed, as he sat down on one of the stools.

"Hi, Mr. Lockwood," came the distant voice of Elena Gilbert. Damon whirled around on his chair and grimaced at the sight of his ex standing arm-in-arm with the little Katherine lookalike bitch as they both entered the house. He studied them enviously, his face contorting into a sneer when he saw Dean lean closer and whisper something into her ear that made her eyes light up in total adoration. He was so caught up in glaring at them, that he almost missed the sound of a glass being placed on the counter behind him. Deciding that he couldn't plot without a pick-me-up, Damon turned back around in his seat and downed the glass of bourbon before ordering another.

However, he did miss the sound of Sam and Stefan walking into the house.


Later that night, Dean found Elena going through the small Founders' Exhibit that the Lockwoods had set up in the study, and approached her. "Hey," he grinned placing a gentle hand on her back. "Hey, yourself," she replied, somewhat sadly. Dean noticed the sudden change in her mood and furrowed his brow inquisitively. "What's wrong?" "Nothing," she sighed, staring down at her mother's ring. "It's just... There's a lot of history here." He seemed to understand what she meant and nodded before interlocking their hands and kissing her left temple.

They continued to move through the exhibit stopping only when Dean asked questions about certain pieces belonging to the Gilbert family and Elena took pleasure in answering each question he asked, not just because she was proud to share her family history, but because she knew he was also trying to get her mind off of her parents. And that was a welcome relief.

Finally, they came to the end of the exhibit and Elena was back to her old smiling self, and she caught sight of something interesting hanging on the wall. "Hey, check this out," she announced. Dean followed her over to the framed document that was hanging on the wall and analyzed it while she read aloud. "The Founding Families of Mystic Falls welcome you to the inaugural Founder's Council Celebration." "Wow. This was the guest registry from the very first Founder's Party," Dean noted.

"Hey, look at all these familiar names," Elena pointed. "Sheriff William Forbes, Mayor Benjamin Lockwood. Huh, that's a new one." "What, Benjamin Lockwood?" Dean asked. "No, the one underneath it. Matthew Dean Campbell. That must be a mistake. I've never heard of a Matthew Dean Campbell being a member of the Founder's council or even being a part of one of the Founding Families," Elena puzzled. Dean balked in astonishment and zeroed in on the name that was elegantly signed on the document. "Matthew Dean Campbell. Why does that name sound familiar?" Dean muttered.

"Oh, my God!" Elena gasped. "What now?" Dean sighed. "Tell me I'm crazy because I swear I thought I saw Stefan's name on this thing," Elena mentioned. Dean lowered his eyes to the name beneath Matthew Dean Campbell and blanched as the perfect signature of Stefan Salvatore was etched into the parchment for all to see. "Stefan Salvatore. Damon Salvatore," Dean hiccuped. "Did I hear someone say my name?" came the familiar voice of the latter Salvatore brother. "Speak of the devil," Dean growled.

He turned around just in time to see his arch-rival sauntering up to him and his girlfriend with Caroline in tow. "We were just reading the names on the Founder's registry. We found some interesting names. Yours and your brother's," Dean started. Damon's eyes glimmered in recognition, and he said, "Ah, yes. The original Salvatore brothers. How could I forget? Tragic story."

"I don't think we need to rehash the past, Damon," said Stefan, as he and Sam entered the fray. "Sammy?" Dean croaked. "Hey, Dean," Sam mumbled. The two brothers stared at each other awkwardly. "So, what's this tragic story about the original Salvatores?" Elena inquired making Stefan, Dean, Damon, and Sam glance at each other intensely. "And why is there a guy on the registry named Matthew Campbell?" "Campbell? As in Matthew Dean Campbell?" Damon perked up, eliciting a curious glare from both Winchester brothers. "What do you know about him?" Dean queried. "More than you, apparently, which is sad considering..." Damon trailed off.

"Considering what?" Sam chimed in. "Considering that Matthew Dean Campbell was your ancestor," Stefan blurted out. Sam and Dean stared at the Salvatores with a gobsmacked expression painted on each of their faces. "WHAT?"

Elena stammered in disbelief while Caroline frowned profusely. "Wait, hold on. You're telling me that Sam and Dean are the descendants of a founding family that nobody else in town knew about?" Caroline harrumphed. "Technically that's not true," Damon hinted. "You see, a long time ago during the civil war, the Founding Families of Mystic Falls heard troubling rumors of Union spies being sent to take over the South by undermining the wealthy Southern elite and capturing southern towns, cities, and strongholds in the name of the Union."

"Let me guess. The Campbells were presumably one of these spy units employed by the Union?" Sam inferenced. "Mm-hmm. And on the night of the Battle of Willow Creek, the other Founding Families allegedly discovered proof of the Campbell family being spies for the Union. The Fells, the Forbes, the Lockwoods, and the Salvatores all banded together and trapped the Campbells inside the church along with anyone else whom they perceived to be allied with the North," Damon nodded curtly as a pained look fell upon his face. "Then they set the church ablaze and everyone died, including the lovers of the Salvatore brothers."

Stefan winced at Damon's mistake, and Dean and Sam immediately caught the vampire's slip-up. "Wait," Dean paused, "you said the Salvatores had lovers, as in more than one?" "Oh. Did I?" Damon backtracked. "Yes, you did," Sam put in. "Huh. I must have been thinking about something else, they only had one. After all, they were both in love with the same girl," Damon lied, flashing a grin in an attempt to derail the hunters. "Right," Dean drawled. "Well, uh, this was life-changing and not at all weird, so I'm gonna go get a drink," Sam exhaled. "Dean, would you like to join me?" "Uh, I don't know, Sammy—" "Dean, I wasn't asking," Sam snapped. Without another word, Sam wrenched his brother away from the group and out of the study while the others watched on with mixed expressions.

"Hey, Stefan, I wanted to go dancing but Damon's not budging. Do you mind dancing with me for a while?" Caroline asked. "Oh, I—" "Oh, my little brother can do just about any dance. Waltz, jitterbug, moonwalk," Damon smiled. "Go for it, Stefan, especially, considering your date just took off with Dean." Before Stefan could come up with any type of protest, Caroline dragged him out of the study to the dance floor.

"And then there were two," Damon mused as he peered predatorily at Elena.

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