The Emperor and his lover

By 00Denise0

164K 6.9K 695

Historical Romance Wang Lei, a powerful and unbeatable Emperor of the Wang Dynasty. He is famous, and brave... More

Chapter 01 | The Beginning
Chapter 02| Royal Guard Palace
Chapter 03| The Punishment
Chapter 04| Pain and Care
Chapter 05| Forbidden thoughts
Chapter 06 | Information Centre
Chapter 07| Hair Pin
Chapter 08| Keep Calling My Name
Chapter 09| Royal Court Meeting
Chapter 10 | Argument
Chapter 11 | Lie and Punishment
Chapter 12 | Mixed Up Feeling
Chapter 13 | Jealousy and Trust
Chapter 14 | Bite Mark
Chapter 15 | Sword Fighting
Chapter 16 | Sexual Tension
Chapter 18| Mission
Chapter 19| Mishap
Chapter 20| Rejection
Chapter 21 |Friends
Chapter 22| Ruler of Qi
Chapter 23| Drunk confession
Chapter 24| Me or Her?
Chapter 25 | The Next Morning
Chapter 26| Deal
Chapter 27 | Spring is here
Chapter 28 | Punishment Kiss
Chapter 29| Unfortunate accident
Chapter 30| Best Flower
Chapter 31| Humiliation
Chapter 32| Unexpected Decision
Chapter 33| Nickname
Chapter 34| You are the definition of my lust and yearning
Chapter 35| Torture
Chapter 36| Shining Armour
Chapter 37| Reunion
Chapter 38| Ugly Scars
Chapter 39| Patch Up
Chapter 40| Promise
Chapter 41 | Family Reunion
Chapter 42 | Family Meeting
Chapter 43| Deep Conversation
Chapter 44 | Training Class
Chapter 45| New Lead
Chapter 46| Motel Room
Chapter 47 | Royal Family Dinner Part I
Chapter 48| Royal Family Dinner Part II
Chapter 49| Concubine's Ceremony
Chapter 50| Pregnancy
Chapter 51 | One Step a time
Chapter 52| I wish I never had met you
Chapter 53| Will your life be equally beautiful without me?
Chapter 54| Unforgettable Past
Chapter 55| Old Love or Obsession?
Chapter 56| My love for you won't turn into insanity
Chapter 57| Make Love to me Tonight - Part I
Chapter 58| Make Love to me Tonight- Part II
Chapter 59 | Choose wisely between your love and those children's lives?
Chapter 60| Disappeance
Chapter 61| Dream or Illusion
Chapter 62| Basement
Chapter 63| Betrayal and Confession
Chapter 64| Ocean Apart
Chapter 65| Revelation and Reunion
Chapter 66| Love Confession
Chapter 67| Shall we begin your punishment then? Part I
Chapter 68 | Shall we begin your punishment then? Part II
Chapter 69| Rain does not seem as scary as losing him.
Chapter 70| Nickname
Chapter 71| Xin Ying's Secret
Chapter 72| Moon Festival
Chapter 73| Stay here for me.
Chapter 74| Huang Dewei versus Ru Qin
Chapter 75| Courtroom, Corruption, And Confession
Chapter 76| Past Trauma
Chapter 77| Misunderstood feeling
Chapter 78| Pearl Magic: Power to Destroyed the worlds
Chapter 79| Tease and Possessiveness
Chapter 80| Xin Ying and Ru Qin's Wicked Plan
Chapter 81| One Step Closer
Chapter 82| Conspiracy
Chapter 83| Drug and betrayal
Chapter 84| Aftermath
Chapter 85| Journey to Lian Dynasty
Chapter 86| No More Pearl Magic
Chapter 87| Argument
Chapter 88| New Entry
Chapter 89| Still Fighting
Chapter 90| Patch up
Chapter 91 | Unexpected Meetup
Chapter 92| Showing the mirror
Chapter 93| Pill Effects
Chapter 94 | Buried Truth
Chapter 95 | An impossible desire
Chapter 96| Breaking them apart
Chapter 97| Beating the guards
Chapter 98| Aftermath
Chapter 99| Royal Court Decision
Chapter 100| Symptoms Worsen
Chapter 101| Aftercare

Chapter 17 | Meeting Xin Ying

2.3K 97 7
By 00Denise0

Huang Dewei was hiding behind the tree as he stared at people going in and out of her residence. He was nervous as he looked at the fat two guards standing at the door guarding the place. Huang Dewei was disguised in a woman's maid's clothing and he was extremely nervous. Wang Lei did not desire to see his face hence, Huang Dewei was all free. It had been three days since that incident and Wang Lei had not even once called him. Huang Dewei thought painfully and then he shook away his head. He was finally here to meet Xin Ying to get back to how his life was...away and free from Wang Lei. A peaceful mind without a thought of Wang Lei and a life without the existence of Wang Lei. He wanted his life to be like it used to be. 

He sighed as he carefully watched the entrance of Xin Ying's residence and decided to gain courage slowly, but with steady steps came out from behind the tree and started walking. He reached the entrance of the residence and both guards looked up at him. They saw and he tried not to look suspicious and nervous at all, but his heart was rapidly beating inside his chest. Huang Dewei knew he was good-looking and he does have delicate features so if he dressed as woman people probably won't recognise him as a man. And for this reason, he easily was able to deceive these guards at this moment because he was indeed looking like a beautiful breathtaking woman.

'What do you want?' One of the guards asked in his deep voice as he checked him out.

'I am a new maidservant for his Empress. It's my first day here.' Huang Dewei replied by changing his voice to a more feminine which he practised the whole last night. The guard looked between each other and then they let him in without a doubt. Huang Dewei entered her residence and with an anxious heart, he looked for her room chamber. He took careful steps as he reached her door and told the same lie to the female guard standing outside her door who seemed a little suspicious of him.

"We did not need any new female maid.' The female guard asked as she looked him up and down

'Well I don't know about that but I was asked to come here.' Huang Dewei lied and the female guard looked toward him thinking hard then sighed. She moved and opened her door as they entered inside thinking maybe his Empress ordered a new maid without telling anyone else about it. Huang Dewei followed the female guard inside the room. They stopped in front of Xin Ying who was sitting on a huge chair, reading a book while Huang Dewei saw her evergreen youthful face, but she did not because she was more interested in reading a book in her hand. The way she was sitting and reading a book, reminded Huang Dewei how she used to behave with him...once she was into a book, she forgot her surroundings...Huang Dewei missed seeing her like this and found it adoring as a smile played on his lips.

and then slowly he remembered someone else who also loves reading books...someone whose lips taste like heaven and Huang Dewei still could feel his tongue inside his mouth...he felt his mouth burning as Huang Dewei quickly shook away his head. He needed to stop thinking about him...he should be ashamed of himself for desiring him even after how he treated him.

'They sent a new maidservant for you, my Empress.' The female guard announced to her as she bowed down and Huang Dewei also bowed down.

'But I did not need...' Xin Ying said annoyed as she looked up but she stopped midway as soon her gaze fell on Huang Dewei. Their eyes met and even if nobody else recognised him, he knew Xin Ying did. She was stunned as she stood up while staring at him

'Everyone out. I wanted to be alone.' Xin Ying ordered and they were all surprised but then they nodded their heads and all the maids started walking out.

'You stay...' Xin Ying said to Huang Dewei who nodded his head while others were still surprised but then confused and puzzled walked out. As soon as the door was shut, he heard Xin Ying.

'Huang Dewei, what are you doing here? Have you lost your mind?' Xin Ying screamed and whispered dumbfounded.

'I came for you.' Huang Dewei replied and he saw her sighing

'But why?' Xin Ying screamed and whispered frustrated

'Are you not happy to see me?' Huang Dewei asked little disappointed

'No, it's not like this. I am scared for your safety.' Xin Ying replied while trying to be calm

'I am here to get you.' Huang Dewei said and Xin Ying looked at him bombshell

'Have you lost your mind? It's not possible anymore.' Xin Ying replied back and somehow Huang Dewei was not expecting that reaction from her

'Are you happy with your marriage?' Huang Dewei asked

'Well, I am not overly happy but I am not sad either now. I was when we got married but Wang Lei is not that bad as a husband. I used to find him cold and stone-faced but he always gives me what I want. I realised recently he is not that bad to live with. Also, I can't disappoint my father. I am going to give this nation their next Emperor.' Xin Ying said as she explained and Huang Dewei just stood staring at her. He was more surprised because he somehow does not even feel hurt over her rejection like he does not mind if she does not want to be with him. But why? He came for her then why he was feeling differently now?

'So what about us?' Huang Dewei mumbled under his breath

'There is no us now. You live your life and forget about me.' Xin Ying said and Huang Dewei just stared. He still seemed fine, which he was not expecting. Why was he not going crazy that his first love does not want him anymore or she does not care about him? In fact, he felt completely the opposite of it... And then he also slowly realised why he came here today because he wanted to forget about what happened between him and Wang Lei. He wanted to prove to himself that he still wanted Xin Ying and not Wang Lei and now he realised how wrong he was. He can lie to himself but his heart would not. He knew who he wanted now and it was not Xin Ying. He somehow felt relieved over her rejection that now there would be no guilt about Xin Ying holding him back from pursuing someone who he actually wanted now. Deep down, Huang Dewei knew he was not as hurt about Xin Ying rejecting him but it was the rejection of Wang Lei that broke him.

'I have decided to love Wang Lei.' Xin Ying confessed and Huang Dewei stared at her and that was something he did not like. He already had so much competition and now there was more...And in front of Xin Ying, he stood no chance since she was his wife and somehow who would receive all the honour from Wang Lei and the nation while he called Huang Dewei his sex toy. Huang Dewei thought hurtfully as his gaze fell on a photo drawing on the wall and he walked towards it. It was a huge drawing framed which looked like their wedding photo. He looked at Wang Lei who seemed expressionless in the picture while Xin Ying also looked sad.

'Is that your wedding picture?' Huang Dewei asked as he was staring at Wang Lei in the drawing. He was jealous...he was jealous of Xin Ying for Wang Lei. He never thought it would be like this when he came here because he was in love with Xin Ying, but now everything has changed.

'Yes, it's our wedding picture Huang Dewei. Don't be jealous.' Xin Ying and he snapped his head towards her. He does seem jealous but she was wrong thinking it was for her but in reality, he was jealous of her. He was jealous that she was his wife and would give birth to his children while he was just a whore who he would use for sex.

'Please forget about us. I wanted to be Wang Lei's wife and this nation's Empress now.' Xin Ying replied as she expressed her desire and Huang Dewei looked toward her. She seemed sad just some time ago when he saw her in court and now she wanted to be with Wang Lei.

'What changed? Why do you want to be with him now?' Huang Dewei asked curiously about the question which was bothering him and Xin Ying looked at him and then she slightly turned red. Huang Dewei was confused as he did not like the expression on her face.

'He actually looks cold but underneath is a very caring and warm person and three days ago, we finally consummated our marriage and now I wanted to give him a child. My father, his father...our families have a lot of expectations from me...from us...I can't disappoint them.' Xin Ying said as she was blushing red remembering their intimate night together three days ago. On the other hand, as her words reached Huang Dewei's ears, he froze in his place. He stared at her and then it hit him. Three ago.... Does that mean he came to her after their kiss?

'He is such a cold-hearted Jerk...' Huang Dewei whispered in shock which Xin Ying did not hear.

'You got late Huang Dewei. If you would have come sooner I might have made a different decision.' Xin Ying said as she tried to keep the situation under her control and try her best not to make Huang Dewei feel rejected but Huang Dewei cares less what she was saying all he could think was that after kissing him, he slept with her...He came to her after fucking kissing him... he wonders what would have happened if he accepted to be his whore? Would it be him who he had slept with that night? It made him angry that he did not think about their kiss like Huang Dewei did because he was busy fucking his wife. Huang Dewei was just an option to him while for Huang Dewei he was his only choice. He felt his heart was bleeding.

'Huang Dewei forgot about me.' Xin Ying said as she softly touched his face because he was once a man she was madly in love with while Huang Dewei came back to his senses. He just nodded his head and ran out of her residence. Xin Ying felt terrible and sad that she broke his heart without knowing the real reason why he was so heartbroken.

Huang Dewei came back to his room and locked the door and broke down. He had no idea why he was crying. He knew they would never work out but he still never expected him to be this ruthless with him. He locked himself in the room for the next two days. All he did was cry, get angry and decided to put all his guard around Wang Lei. Wang Lei was Emperor of this nation while he was just his bodyguard...a slave and that was the only relationship that should exist between them. Huang Dewei decided his heart to be closed from any emotions he was feeling towards Wang Lei....he had enough.

Wang Lei was looking outside the window while holding the book in his hand but he does not seem to like anything. He felt life stopped for him because he had not seen Huang Dewei for days now. He wanted to see him yet he did not want to call him. He sighed when he heard a knock on his door and turned over. Xin Ying entered inside as she smiled at him and they greeted each other.

'How may I help you, Empress?' Wang Lei asked staying formal with her.

'I came to see you. You never return to meet me.' Xin Ying said as she smiled looking at him

'I was busy.' Wang Lei replied as he looked back out of the window and Xin Ying looked at his back and smiled. He does seem a little exhausted. Xin Ying walked towards him and stopped right behind him as her gaze fell on a hairpin in his hair. The hairpin seems cheap, unlike his usual ones which were expensive and lavish.

'Your hairpin looks cheap. You should change it.' Xin Ying commented and Wang Lei looked at him and then he remembered that was a hairpin Huang Dewei got for him and he was wearing it because he missed him. He was actually acting like a heartbroken lover after being a moron who ran and slept with his wife after he kissed him. He wonders how Huang Dewei would react if he found out what had happened. Deep down he does not want him to find out about this and deep down he was also scared of his reaction.

'No, it's fine. Someone gifted me.' Wang Lei replied

'But you should change it. It does not suit you. It looks cheap.' Xin Ying said and moved her hand to take out the pin but Wang Lei's harshly pushed away from her hand

'Don't touch it.' Wang Lei said coldly and Xin Ying was taken aback by his reaction.

'It seems very precious to you.' Xin Ying said and smiled whereas Wang Lei just looked away. Xin Ying's behaviour had changed since that night. That night Wang Lei regretted it but he can't change it. He wanted to be distracted from his thoughts regarding Huang Dewei and he knew he had to sleep with her someday so they could give birth to the next Emperor so Wang Lei did it like a duty but he assumed Xin Ying was thinking it more than a duty. Wang Lei also had no idea why he was sleeping around with people just to forget about that one guy which he clearly can't.

'You should go and sleep. It's getting late. I will be busy.' Wang Lei said and Xin Ying felt disappointed but then she felt maybe she was being too much. They spent a night and she caught some feelings for Wang Lei, but Wang Lei might need more time to catch feelings towards her so she should not pressure him and make him run away from her. She should give him time and space because she knew for Wang Lei that night might not be that special and could be more like a duty to him since that is what he said when she asked her permission. He said he was there to do his duty if Xin Ying gave her permission, which she did. She just smiled and walked out while Wang Lei sighed tiredly. His life was a mess and he knew he was the reason for it. He can't blame anyone else for it, but he had no idea what he should do to sort it out.

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