The Wizarding World (And Othe...

By jokermadhatter

187K 2.7K 434

Many people just appeared in the same room, people from the Wizarding World, some of the Avengers, and the pe... More

Cast Part 1
Cast Part 2
Cast Part 3
Cast Part 4
Prologue-- How They Met
The End of the World + Interlude
The Unquiet Death + The Aftermath
Aliens of London + World War Three
During the Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting of Ways
Born Again/The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
School Reunion
Girl in the Fireplace
During Rise of the Cybermen and Age of Steel
The Idiot's Lantern
The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit
Fear Her
Army of Ghosts
The Runaway Bride
Interlude--The Pregnancy and The Prank
Blacks and Jones
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan
Evolution of the Daleks
Aftermath of Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
After The Lazarus Experiment
Aftermath of 42
The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
Time Crash
Voyage of the Damned
Interlude/Aftermath of Voyage of the Damned
Partners in Crime

Tooth and Claw

3.4K 56 12
By jokermadhatter

(Forgot to add them but Doctor Strange and Peter Parker are in this too)

"What do you think of this? Will it do?" Rose said coming out in denim mini-dungarees.

"In the late 1970s? You'd be better off in a bin bag. Hold on, listen to this," the Doctor went and put a CD into a player, "Ian Dury and the Blockheads. Number One in 1979."

"You're a punk," Rose stated.

"It's good to be a lunatic."

"That's what you are. A big old punk with a bit of rockabilly thrown in."

"Would you like to see him?"

"How'd you mean? In concert?" Rose asked. Lily was looking through the portrait at Rose as if she was an idiot, her husband of course, needed to comment, "'Cause we're soooooo not in a time machine!" The Doctor pointed to James in response, "Sheffield it is," Rose answered.

While James did not like getting cut off, it was by his own self on the screen because he was about to make the exact same comment. He just nodded with his on screen self.

"Hold on tight," he said and they took off, landing on the floor when they land, "1979. Hell of a year. Ivy! Are you coming?!" he suddenly screamed, "Yes!" they heard and the Doctor continued, "China invades Vietnam. The Muppet Movie. Love that film, so does Teddy. Margaret Thatcher. Urgh. Skylab falls to Earth, with a little help from me. Nearly took off my thumb," they stepped out, the Doctor immediately noticing what was wrong, Ivy quickly stepped out after with Teddy in her arms, Rose noticing she was in a long black dress, "And I like my thumb. I need my thumb. I'm very attached to," The sound of rifles were heard, "My thumb."

"Wrong time?" Sirius guessed.

"Wrong place?" James also guessed.

"Yep," Ivy said, popping the 'p'.

Rose, the Doctor, Ivy, and Teddy (who was hiding his face in his mom's neck), were surrounded, "1879. Same difference," the Doctor excused.

"Not really," Lily said.

"Not really," Ivy said.

Lily smiled.

"You will explain your presence. And the nakedness of this girl," the leader motioned towards Rose, who was a bit offended.

"Are we in Scotland?" The Doctor asked in a Scottish accent, a Scottish accent that Ivy definitely seemed to approved of.

"Damn," Natasha said, also approving of the accent.

"I will fight you," Ivy playfully said, turning around.

"Well, you make it obvious you really like the Scottish accents," River spoke up.

"I like male Scottish accents, if I said Scottish accents in general then it would be saying I got a thing for somebody who looks like my mother," Ivy said, pointing to River's mother. Twelve was just sitting there a bit smug, knowing how much she reeeeeaaaally likes the Scottish accent.

"How can you be ignorant of that?" the leader asked confused.

"Oh, we're, we're dazed and confused. We've been chasing this, this wee naked child, more naked than the actual child, over hill and over dale. Isn't that right, ya timorous beastie?" he directed the last bit towards Rose.

"Och, aye! I've been oot and aboot," Rose attempted the accent making the two older beings cringe and the toddler bury his head even more into his mother's neck.

"You do not have a talent for slipping into accents," Natasha said, slipping into a Russian one.

"You really do not," Tony said, slipping into an Italian one.

"Yeah, not really," Wanda and Pietro said in American accents.

"No, don't do that," the Doctor said.

"Hoots mon," she tried again.

"No, really don't. Really," Ivy finally spoke up.

"Will you identify yourself, sir?"

"I'm Doctor James McCrimmon, from the township of Balamory," he introduced, using a name of a past companion, "This is my wife Ivy, and our son Theodore," The Doctor introduced the other two, knowing Ivy would be looked down upon for a child out of wedlock, "I have my credentials, if I may," he got out his psychic paper, "As you can see, a Doctorate from the University of Edinburgh. I trained under Doctor Bell himself."

An upper class English accent was heard from a carriage that was nearby, "Let them approach,"

"I don't think that's wise, ma'am," the lead guard had suggested.

"Let them approach," the lady repeated.

"You will approach the carriage, and show all due deference," the leader said to the trio, Ivy grabbed the Doctor by the arm, seeing his jaw clench at talking to her and Teddy like that. The door to the carriage was opened revealing, Queen Victoria. The Doctor and Ivy gave a small bow of the head, Ivy would've curtsied but she was holding a child, the Queen giving her an understanding look, "Rose, might I introduce her Majesty Queen Victoria. Empress of India and Defender of the Faith," the Doctor introduced.

"QUEEN VICTORIA?!" Remus screeched before Sirius whipped his head around to glare at the man screaming in his ear again.

"Rose Tyler, Ma'am. And my apologies for being so naked," Rose curtsied, a bit embarrassed.

"I've had five daughters. It's nothing to me. Now who is the little one?" she asked looking at Teddy.

"This is Theodore, he's almost three years old, he's a bit shy," the Doctor said.

"Can you wave to Queen Victoria?" Ivy asked her son. Teddy peaked his head out, looked at the Queen, waved his hand, the Queen waving back, and buried his head back into Ivy's neck, "Now, Doctor. Show me these credentials," the Doctor handed her his psychic paper.

"Aw," Teddy had his head in his hand as he did a silent countdown waiting for River's comment.

"Why didn't you say so immediately? It states clearly here that you have been appointed by the Lord Provost as my Protector," Queen Victoria argued.

"Does it?" the Doctor questioned, looking at the paper, only to be quickly elbowed by his mate, "Yes, it does. Good. Good. Then let me ask—why is Your Majesty travelling by road when there's a train all the way to Aberdeen?"

"A tree on the line," she answered.

"An accident?" The Doctor questioned.

"I am the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Everything around me tends to be planned," she said

"An assassination attempt?"

"What, seriously? There's people out to kill you?" Rose questioned, missing the look Ivy gave her that was reminiscent of her mother's earlier.

"Ah, that's Lily's 'you're an idiot look,'" Sirius said.

"I'm quite used to staring down the barrel of a gun."

The lead guard spoke up again, "Sir Robert MacLeish lives but ten miles hence. We've sent word ahead. He'll shelter us for tonight, then we can reach Balmoral tomorrow."

"This Doctor, his family, and his timorous beastie will come with us," Queen Victoria declared.

"Yes, Ma'am. We'd better get moving—it's almost nightfall," he said.

"Indeed. And there are stories of wolves in these parts. Fanciful tales intended to scare children. Bu good for the blood, I think. Drive on!" She unknowingly said to a wolf shifter and a child of a werewolf. The Doctor, Rose, and Ivy walked behind the carriage with the soldiers; The Doctor was now carrying Teddy.

"By the way this will involve something about werewolves," Ivy said, looking towards Remus.

"It's funny though, because you say assassination and you just think of Kennedy and stuff. Not her," Rose said.

"What's funny about it?" Ivy questioned, she didn't think assassinations were exactly funny. The Doctor agreed, "1879? She's had, oh, six attempts on her life? And I'll tell you something else. We just met Queen Victoria!" he said at the end trying to cheer up his mate, she smiled a little bit.

"I know!" Rose said.

"What a laugh!"

"She was just sitting there."

"Like a stamp," the Doctor replied, unfortunately not noticing Ivy's slight smile disappearing.

"Oh, you're in trouble," River teased.

"Oh, shut up," Ten said.

"I want her to say we are not amused. I bet you five quid I can make her say it."

"Well, if I gambled on that, it'd be an abuse of my privileges of traveler in time," he said with fake seriousness.

"Ten quid?"


"Ivy?" Rose asked, the Doctor turned to see his unamused mate, and knew he was in trouble later. They arrived to greet Sir Robert, with some servants who made Ivy feel a bit weird, Teddy had smelt something he didn't like and was getting slightly fussy but kept quiet. "Your Majesty," Ivy heard Sir Robert greet while she was thinking about what was wrong with the situation. He had a preventable death date on him. The Doctor could also tell something was wrong, but he couldn't place it yet. They both snapped back into the conversation when Queen Victoria said, "And please excuse the naked girl."

"Sorry," Rose said.

"She's a feral child. I bought her for sixpence in Old London Town. It's was her or the Elephant Man, so," he shrugged.

"Thinks he's funny but I'm so not amused. What do you think, Ma'am?" Rose commented, the Doctor and Ivy thought that was slightly inappropriate, the Queen did too because she was sounding a bit annoyed.

"That's a bit inappropriate after a possible assassination attempt," Tony said. Steve was going to say something but stopped himself seeing Stephen and Peter glaring at him. He was sure Levi was doing the same. Tony has had assassination attempts on him, and while he was one to joke he knew he didn't appreciate something like that afterwards.

"This, I take it, is the famous Endeavour," Queen Victoria guessed, it was a rather large bronze telescope. "All my father's work. Built by hand in his final years. Became something of an obsession. He spent his money on this rather than caring for the house or himself," Sir Robert replied.

The Doctor was observing the telescope, "I wish I'd met him. I like him. That thing's beautiful. Can I?"

"Help yourself."

"What did he model it on?"

"I know nothing about it. To be honest, most of us thought him a little, shall we say, eccentric. I wish now I'd spent more time with him and listened to his stories," Ivy bit her tongue thinking of Luna, even Loki who is known for his stories, liked to listen to Luna's stories.

"It's a bit rubbish. How many prisms has it got? Way too many. The magnification's gone right over the top. That's stupid kind of," he paused and turned to Rose and Ivy, "Am I being rude again?"

"Yep," they both said in sync, Teddy also nodding.

"But it's pretty. It's very pretty," his voice had gone higher, trying to take back the rude comment.

A few snorts sounded from the obvious lie. Ten was just thinking he didn't really bother to hide the lie but it was good thing he had noticed that thing in the first place.

"And the imagination of it should be applauded," the Queen said.

"Mmm. Thought you might disapprove, Your Majesty. Stargazing. Isn't that a bit fanciful? You could easily not be amused, or something? No?" Rose tried again and Ivy rolled her eyes. "This device surveys the infinite work of God. What could be finer? Sir Robert's father was an example of us all. A polymath, steeped in astronomy and sciences, yet equally well versed in folklore and fairytales," the Queen said.

"Stars and magic. I like him more and more," the Doctor commented.

The Blacks couldn't help but agree.

"Oh, my late husband enjoyed his company. Prince Albert himself was acquainted with many superstitions, coming as he did from Saxe Coburg." Then the story about a wolf had come up, they were interrupted though by another man coming in, and when talks of supper came up, the Queen suggested Rose goes and gets some new clothes, Ivy went with her and after hearing about a full moon being that night, The Doctor realized why Teddy was being clingy. A little later, when supper was being served, the Doctor tensed sensing his mate was in danger and in distress. She had just been taken along with Rose.

"Don't make a sound. They said if we scream or shout, then he will slaughter is," Isobel, Sir Robert's wife told Ivy and Rose. Ivy was looking at the man suspiciously, she could sense the wolf on him. "But he's in a cage. He's a prisoner. He's the same as us," she heard Rose say.

"He's nothing like us. That creature is not mortal," Isobel argued, the man opened his eyes, revealing completely black eyes that reminded Rose of Death, she turned to look at Ivy to see gold flecks appearing in her eyes. She tried to move forward, but Ivy's hand snatched up and forced her to stop while she was still staring at the man, "Where are you from? You're not from Earth. What planet are you from?" Rose had decided to talk instead.

"Oh, intelligence," was all he said.

"Where were you born?"

"This body? Ten miles away. A weakling, heartsick boy, stolen away at night by the brethren for my cultivation. I carved out his soul and sat in his heart."

"He's possessing someone?" Peter asked.

"...In a way," was all Ivy could say. She wasn't going to mention to the boy that it was an unfriendly merge.

"All right, so the body's human. But what about you the thing inside?"

"So far from home."

"If you want to get back home, we can help."

"Why would I leave this place? A world of industry, of workforce and warfare. I could turn it to such purpose."

"How would you do that?"

"I would migrate to the Holy Monarch."

"You mean Queen Victoria?"

"With one bite, I would pass into her blood, and then it begins. The Empire of the Wolf. Many questions." Ivy realized something as her eyes had grown wider.

"Wait, Queen Victoria was the oldest recorded werewolf," Remus said, remembering his father's research. Ivy nodded, "Remus, you are looking at the man who started the werewolf species, he was an alien," she revealed making the man's eyes widen in surprise.

He lunged towards the cage looking at Ivy, "Look. Inside your eyes. You've seen it too," he said and looked at Rose, "You have too, but it rejected you."

"Seen what?" Rose asked.

"The Wolf. There is something of the Wolf about her," he motioned towards Ivy, "She burns like the Sun, but all I require is the moon."

The Doctor and the others realized, the servants weren't actually servants, as moonlight had appeared in front of the man, causing him to change, Rose and Ivy giving off directions, Ivy was in the front, eyes flashing gold as Bad Wolf was making her appearance and using extra strength. The Doctor was demanding where Rose and Ivy were, especially Ivy even though he knew she could handle herself. He pulled Sir Robert out of the room knowing his wife was taken too.

The two of them (with Teddy clung to the Time Lord) managed to find the girls as soon as they broke off the chain. "Where the hell have you been?" Rose questioned. The Doctor looked at the wolf in amazement, "Eh, I prefer the gold," he said as Robert was urging people out.

Ivy smiled and blushed a little bit. Her fur had been gold for some reason in the first place so Bad Wolf couldn't take the compliments. She liked the compliments about her fur and she had been too distracted to hear the first time. She kissed Ten's cheek before turning around to see herself about to kick another wolf's ass.

The werewolf broke through, snapping the Doctor out of his thoughts, it might've also been Teddy pulling his hair, "Out! Out! Out! Out! Out! Out! Out! Out! Out! Out!"

"Come on," Ivy pulled the Doctor with as he stared at the wolf again, almost getting hit by a crate. "Oi! There is a defense that will give you more men without risking lives, protect the Queen, and don't shoot the gold wolf, that's my wife!" The Doctor ordered, after he checked Ivy would be alright. The guards watched in amazement seeing the black haired woman stare down the werewolf and turn into a golden wolf and attacking it. "Mommy?" Teddy asked quietly.

"GO IVY!" James and Sirius were cheering. Some were watching there Mother/Aunt/Best Friend/Sister-Figure in amazement as she was fighting the wolf.

"Mommy is helping us, she will be alright," the Doctor said. The Guards were protecting the building in case the werewolf got passed the gold wolf. The Doctor winced hearing the familiar wolf's shriek of pain.

"Was that you?!" Nine immediately asked, turning around, her parents and Remus also looking. Sirius had already guessed seeing Padfoot's wince along with Anubis' whine and Hela flinching.

"Yes, and I'm fine," she responded. That was a slight code for 'I was injured but I was healed,' Nine figured that out because he was cautiously turning back around as if Ivy was about to have wounds appear on her at any second.

The monks had gotten some weapons and the soldiers were attacking the monks, Teddy started crying, "Teddy, I know you don't feel well, and you're not in a good mood, but you need to be strong for mommy okay?" the Doctor said. Teddy nodded, and the Steward was then killed, the wolf had thrown Wolfie against a building and she was taking a bit longer to heal. The Doctor was getting agitated too, sensing her pain, he was back to being rude and not ginger. "The front door's not good, we have to go out the window," he said bluntly.

The Queen had found out the wolf was trying to bite her, that's why she was being targeted, she would have denied there being a wolf if she didn't just see a black haired woman change into one. A howl sounded, it wasn't Ivy, "Anyone got any silver?" the Doctor questioned.

"But—," Remus started.

"The deadly silver thing disappeared through the years, back then it was affective," Ten told him. When learning about the supernatural world and the fact that it did exist, Nine had been the one that started looking into different creatures,

"Not on me, no," Robert said.

"Then we run," he replied, this time hearing the fighting again, Ivy was up. That prevents Reynolds from going out and sacrificing his life, a death date disappearing from his shoulder.

"Oh, I prevented his death, lovely," Ivy said.

They barricaded the door, hearing one single wolf and then knocking, "It's me," they heard a female say. They opened the door to reveal a banged-up Ivy. They brought her in as Robert kept apologizing to the Queen, Ivy cringed near the door, "That really does not smell good," she said, Teddy agreed while looking at his mom, he wanted to be with her again but knew she was in pain.

"What, exactly, I pray tell me, someone, please. What exactly is that creature?"

"You'd call it a werewolf, but technically it's a more of a lupine wavelength haemovariform," the Doctor explained. Rose was confused and was going to say something but saw him and Ivy discreetly shake their heads. The Doctor was called out on his accent change, but they gave up and let him take charge, after snapping at Rose who tried to get her to she was not amused again. The Doctor had found out the monks were using mistletoe to get the wolf to avoid certain spots, making it think it was allergic, it just didn't have a good smell to wolves. They had spotted the Queen's valuable possession of Koh-I-Noor, and debating whether Jackie would have managed to steal it or not, then finding that the wolf was above them.

"The mistletoe thing only works for a sub-species of werewolves now. Not so much an allergy but getting really sick. It just smelled disgusting to us," Ivy explained while motioning between Teddy and herself as she had sensed the question coming from Remus.

"Ivy do you think, you think you can give us time again?" the Doctor asked with worry in his eyes. She nodded and shifted again and went down to fight the wolf. The Doctor took the diamond and set the telescope so the moon beam would blast through the chamber of the 'telescope' and reflect more light, "Ivy!" he called, the gold wolf burst in with the other being hit by the light, the wolf floated, changing back into a human, "Make it brighter. Let me go," the Doctor did as told and the wolf had disappeared. "Your majesty? Did it bite you?"

"No, it's, it's a cut, that's all," she hid her hand and claimed it was from a splinter of wood. That night, Ivy was getting the venom that entered her out, she didn't want to be a werewolf, she's good with just being a wolf shifter.

"What is that?" Bruce asked.

"Venom from a werewolf bite, I took it out," was Ivy said.

She couldn't do much for the pain, so the Doctor had come up with many things to talk about as he knew she would be uncomfortable to sleep. He apologized for the bet he made with Rose about the Queen, especially because she was being disrespectful about it. Ivy told him that Queen Victoria was the oldest werewolf recorded, while the man was an alien wolf, the Queen was definitely a werewolf.

The next morning the three were knighted, Teddy was calmer, especially after the Doctor had made him sleep. "By the power invested in me by the Church and the State, I dub thee Sir Doctor of TARDIS. By the power invested in me by the Church and the State, I dub thee Dame Ivy of TARDIS. By the power invested in me by the Church and the State, I dub thee Dame Rose of the Powell Estate. You may stand."

"You got knighted?!" came from most of the room.

Then she said what Rose had been waiting for, and then banished the Doctor and Rose, the Doctor expected it, he was being rude after all, and he could always come back in another incarnation and she would never know. Rose was surprised on the other hand, but they both agreed that Ivy helped more; she did fight the wolf after all.

"You got knighted and then banished, definitely James' child with Sirius' influence," Arthur said. The two mentioned men couldn't look more proud then they did at the moment while Remus was silently laughing.

"Oh Arthur, there's an even better part to that," Ten said, quickly noticing Eleven started laughing as soon as he said that. "So you did do it?" Ten asked and Eleven nodded. "So did I," Twelve added, "Me too," Thirteen chimed in.

"What is it?!" James, Sirius, and even Charlus joined in asking.

"Well cause we could show again after the Doctor would regenerate and I could use my natural hair or metamorphmagus abilities and she would never know," Ivy said, with a shrug.

The Avengers started laughing while James and Sirius actually did manage to feel prouder. It had already been implied that they had done that.

"The funny thing is, Queen Victoria did actually suffer a mutation of the blood. It's historical record. She was a hemophiliac. They used to call it the Royal Disease. But it's always been a mystery because she didn't inherit it. Her mum didn't have it, her dad didn't have it. It came from nowhere," the Doctor said after they were escorted back to the TARDIS.

"What, and you're saying that's a wolf bite?" Rose asked.

"Well, it was probably a euphemism because Queen Victoria is the oldest recorded werewolf," Ivy said walking in to put Teddy to bed, he was still tired.

"Oh my God, the Royal Family are werewolves!" Rose shouted.

When Ivy came back out again, the Doctor pointed to the med bay door, she sighed and walked in, they checked for no more wolf venom and any broken bones. She had broken a rib and her leg, "How were you still able to walk?" the Doctor asked amazed.

"I had to work and fight while dealing with injuries to my bones when I was younger, I got used to it. And I didn't have the extra magic to heal," Ivy said.

"You can take the whale, I'll take the horse," Lily quickly said to her husband who was debating whether to charge at the whale as Prongs or not.

The Doctor looked angry that she went through that, Lily wished she could haunt Petunia and scare her badly, and James really just wanted to be the shit out of walrus named Vernon. Dudley may have improve his behavior but his parent's definitely did not. The Doctor set up her leg so it would heal properly and left her in her room, to put on the bruising paste. He laid in his room for a while, he was tired, it had been four days and he could still go another but he was tired. Next thing he knew, his door was opening, and Ivy had come in, her leg cast-free, it had healed. She climbed in next to him, curled up in his side with her head on his shoulder and they fell asleep.

James and Lily had gone into a separate room where a realistic Petunia and Vernon were. Lily casted all the torture curses she could think of towards Petunia, while her husband had shifted into Prongs and charged at Vernon. The fake Vernon screamed and tried to run, but you know, it's hard for him. Prongs stabbed Vernon with his antlers before looking back at Lily who stood over a "dead" Petunia. He knew her magic was a bit out of control because of her being pregnant, so he was thankful that the fake blood disappeared. Even though it was fake blood, he did not want the thought of Vernon's blood staining his antlers. The two walked back looking very satisfied with themselves.

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