Dangerously Close

By nerdyflirtykari

54.5K 3.7K 1.1K

"Are you scared?" What's the use of playing a game and not receiving the best prize? It started out as a savi... More

Author's Note


1.5K 108 37
By nerdyflirtykari


 It's Lucifer's big day, and the guy was a nervous wreck. Although he was perfectly fine in the days leading up to it, he went over every detail with Amara with a love-sick smile on his face and didn't leave her side for more than an hour. Eros found his older brother patiently waiting on him upon his arrival at the training gym earlier. "You're the only one who will fight me unbiasedly. I request a fifteen-minute spar," Lucifer asked of him.

"I'm fucking nervous and anxious. I need to get this shit out of my system."

"I can do that."

Their spar went past the time limit, and it was Roman found them thirty minutes later going past the rules their parents established. The laws were put in place for a reason and the outcome of unsupervised training when they were younger. When news circulated of the brothers' little spar, it caused an uproar they didn't expect. Hence their situation at present their mother was giving her oldest an earful while watching over the make-up artiste's work. Though they had on protective gear, Eros still landed a few injuries to Lucifer. Painkillers were administered to him but his arm was slightly dislocated, his left knee and ankle were severely swollen, bruised ribs, a few cuts above his brow and neck, and two fingers were cracked. 

"How could you do this on your wedding day? Of all the soldiers under your name, your brothers who can fight equally with you, you chose the 'fucking war god incarnate'. Did you lose judgment because of the name your father gave him? I swear that man established a lifelong joke when he named all three of you. Plus, you two broke the rules. You should've known better, Lucifer; you're officially the head once you complete your vows. Ah, geez. I'm too old for this."

All seven young men kept silent, six with their heads lowered, and the one who was the star of the day had his eyes lowered. "Speak," Arianna demanded.

Eros stepped forward and bowed lowly at the waist. "I accepted his request knowing what day it is. I apologize for upsetting you and Amara. Forgive me."

She knew her kids' tactics like a well-read manual. "You're deflecting the blame from him. Go back," she commented. He didn't raise his head at his mother's dismissal, the anger and disappointment that he heard in her voice, he didn't want to see it in her eyes.

"Mama, I'm fine. Nothing major is damaged. We both went overboard. Rose was simply helping me," Lucifer said softly.

"There were other ways to help with your nervousness, sweetheart. I need to change a few things around since you can't be on your feet for long and put into consideration how long the pain killers will last," she said in an equally soft tone. 

"Thank you."

Without a word, she left when the woman tending to the cover-up placed her last touch on Lucifer's face. "This will last for the entirety of the day. Before bed makes sure to wash your face thoroughly then apply ointment to your bruises. Enjoy your day, young master Lucifer."

Hearing the click of the closed door, the tension in the room was released. From Arianna and Amara's discovery of Lucifer's state to the anger that was near choking them to death, it was a relief to have some peace to themselves. Standing before his brother, he paid attention to his slow movements then relaxed statements. Guilt slowly passed through his body. It was his hands who caused his mother and sister's anger to spike. They wanted a perfect day now they have an injured groom and possibly a shorter event. He was feeling guiltier because his injuries were minor, a bruised arm and busted lip was his outcome. Eros frowned recalling his brother's reason for his request.

"Why were you nervous? You're about to marry the woman you've loved since you met her. Though you two have bonded from an early stage, this wedding ceremony is a procedure to confirm a state-recognized protocol for societal and business ventures."

Their friends' eyes widened incredulously at his statement, Lucifer chuckled and shook his head in amusement at his brother's honest comment. "I do agree with your outlook but this is for an emotional purpose."

"Emotional purpose?" 

The older Delacourde grinned when Eros unconsciously donned that 'confused puppy' look when he's stumped on things. "Love is emotional, so is fear, anxiety, nerves, doubt and so many more. I woke up nervous and scared. Why? I fear she will run away from me and what I represent. My mind is at ease knowing she accepted it all but my heart isn't on that level. I will always have that inkling of fear which is pushing me to do my best for her, proving to her that she made the right choice. This wedding to me is an emotional confirmation that may tamper that fear."

"Hmmm." Eros gave him a small nod then took to a corner to go over his brother's words. Love includes other emotions on which both mind and heart usually don't agree. He tried to remember the feelings he felt with him but only came up with confusion and unease with traces of happiness. The fear of losing him wasn't there, nor the need to be the best for him, Eros came to terms it wasn't love, he had for the guy that made him lose his focus. It was the negative backlash of having his first experience of infatuation, well, external affection being returned with betrayal.

"Are you looking for a partner?" This question came from Damion Valdez Junior who decided to get a quick drink in. He, along with his younger brother Samuel didn't venture outside of South America much but it was their cousin's wedding. They had to attend.

"I haven't decided."

"So you're thinking about it?" Ares asked next.

Eros saw the worry on his twin's face and decided to calm him. "I have yet to put things in place. I will tell you when I'm ready," he answered. Ares may be the free spirit among the Delacourde boys but he's sensitive to change within their dynamic, similar to him.

"When you do, please do the same for us, little brother." Roman, the best man was an older brother to the twins and Rejeane, and just like Lucifer, worries about them too.


Samuel sighed at Eros's retort. "Because not everyone is like you, my dear honest-to-goodness cousin. You came out boldly to your family and friends and also openly gay, others aren't like that. Finding a same-sex partner requires work and a lot of luck," he said.

"Shaun did say the same," he muttered.

"Why don't you two get together?" Ares asked, truly intrigued by his brother's connection to the fighter.

"If we do establish some sort of relationship, it will purely be physical. He's not looking for emotional ties as he relayed to me and I only see him as a partner for pure kinship."

"So mature," his twin muttered under his breath. 

Lucifer heard and held back his teasing. "Okay enough of Rose's love life, he's growing a tad bit uneasy. I have a few gifts for you. Sorry for not following normal etiquette but the bags near the window are you. Thanks for supporting me throughout the years and helping me not only with the jobs but with Ami. I pray we continue this bond not only as guys who grew under the same family dynamic but as brothers."

While the others moved to see what gifts the oldest gave them, Nico who has been silent for the longest time finally spoke up. He was now at the age to be the new patriarch of his family and has made waves in Italy as the most influential heir. "Luke." 
His voice was heavy and garnered the attention of everyone in the room.

"What is it, Nico? You've been reserved since you arrived. Is everything well on your end?"

No response.

This worried everyone.

"This may be the wrong time but this will be the last chance I have to have all three brothers in one room." Wait, is he nervous?

"Speak up," Lucifer pushed. Nico Monetti. Don Mario Monetti's only son and heir to many riches, a tech genius and devilishly handsome. His days of preparing to take over the family's name had him training in different areas. He grew a lot of muscle over the years and adopted his cousins' taste for handmade suits. His love for being unpredictable was still there as it was shown with his heavily tattooed body and blonde-streaked hair. His crass language and wild card behavior were there but that didn't affect his duties. There was one thing he held back for many years and he finally found the courage to ask for it.

"I'm asking for permission to approach Rejeanne. Can I freely pursue her?"

Eros raised an eyebrow in disbelief at the kid's formal language, he looked stiff with tension as he asked for their permission. The silence didn't last for more than five seconds when everyone shouted their relief at his decision. "What the fuck? You bitches knew?" he shrieked.
That didn't last long, Eros thought to himself. The entire room erupted in full-blown teasing but Nico didn't truly hear the answer the brothers gave. He was too busy retorting to comments from the guys. 

"He'll figure it out soon," he muttered to himself.

"Okay you guys, quiet down! Time to get ready, son." The firm voice sliced through their loud chatter, standing at the door with three helpers behind him was Raizon Delacourde. 


Raizon silently entered the room and scrutinized the work done on Lucifer's face. His green eyes shifted to his second son who stood behind his brother with an indifferent expression. He did his best to hide his smile and adapted a serious facade. "I don't want a repeat of this," he stated clearly. Their father knew of Eros's strong fighting nature, if Roman didn't stop them, the wedding would have been postponed.

"Yes, father."

"Now, boys get dressed. We have an hour."

Like any male changing room, lots of shouting confused questions, and discomfort in putting on new clothes. Raizon stood near the window and watched over them with a smile that clearly stated his position in the family and his pride. Another generation was about to begin and the new things they have added to the family's history. He was happy to witness the changes in the empire his forefathers created. It was time to let go.

"Father, I'm ready."

He turned to the sound of his oldest voice and was stunned to him sitting on a high stool with the twins on either side. At that precise moment, a favored memory came to the forefront of his mind. 
That moment solidified his confidence in being a father his kids can depend on. Lucifer was eight and the world knew of his existence for two years which meant a lot of media houses wanted a glimpse of him. They were relentless and it placed pressure on the soldiers to keep him safe also the twins' presence a secret. It was a trying time for them when you include Arianna's hospitalization and the hiccup in one of the companies. He was stretched thin and couldn't see his kids for longer than two hours. Stuck in the office after a quick visit to his wife, he got the message from the front desk of the company that the young master arrived. Raizon couldn't remember exactly what document was in his hands but he remembered how fast he made it to the lobby. When he arrived, the eight soldiers he placed on his kids stood as barricades in the middle of the space. Curious eyes tried to get a look but were hindered. 
"What is the meaning of this? There were no orders given..."


Lucifer's firm shout halted his words and a soft order to the two men blocking him was given. Bundled up warmly with masks covering half their faces, little Lucifer held the twins' hands tightly, holding them back from running to their father. He too was dressed to conceal his features but his mother's wild hair stuck out like a beacon.
"I went against your orders, for that I'm sorry. The twins missed you and mama. You were the easiest to get to on my own. " 
Raizon's features softened knowing how strong his little boy was trying to be. "Father missed you, too. It's alright, come here," he said in a comforting voice. Crouching lower, he spread his arms wide to accommodate his twins' who were chatting crazily in French. Ares was the one who took the lead while Eros clutched onto him and interjected with things his twin missed. Lucifer walked towards them with great restraint and watched over his brothers. 
"You did well, our little prince." Giving him the 'okay' to come forward, he saw the weight on his tiny shoulders lifted. He was eight and already taking up his position as the next head of the family. 

He can never forget that day. His love for his boys grew and the duty of a father expanded. Raizon promised to never let the world shut him away from his children. Here he was presenting his first gift from his wife with the family heirloom.

"To have this moment, I will have to thank your mother once more. There's no need for flowery words when it comes to this. You kids studied our family history and learned the meaning this set held. I pray that you can do this when that time has come. There should be some advice to go with the day but you're our son, after all, you've been learning over the years and the results exceed our expectations. Cherish her and never hinder her. A wife is your partner not someone whose job is to serve you. Keep that in mind and for a strong marriage."

Tucking the bronze-colored tie under the cream vest, he took a step backward and put to memory Lucifer in his wedding finery. The groomsmen were styled in cream linen suits with white cotton dress shirts to coordinate the garden wedding the couple wished for. Each party member added an accessory to their linen vests and donned the gifts they received. Their own individual wealth was shown subtlety and matched their heavy presence. 

"Look at my once dirt-covered boys with bruised faces fitting the definition of gentlemen. Careful, your ladies may rush to put rings on y'all fingers when they see you," Raizon teased. Parting ways with his sons after a cycle of hugs, he made his way to find his wife. 

"I won't mind," Roman murmured in response to his uncle's comment. 

"You do know I have the ring designed and waiting, right?" Ares offered. He was crouched before Lucifer, checking the swelling on his ankles and knees.


That question was to be said at a moderate volume but the Russian couldn't control his excitement. "Aye, one will think you were planning to propose during this visit," Samuel commented, knocking back a shot of tequila his brother served him.
"It became a prominent thought when we arrived," Roman said, a cheeky smile was on his face which has become a common thing over the years. 

"From what I've seen of her since she arrived, Tammie has become stronger and a bit unguarded around males. You, both look genuinely happy together. It's similar to older brother's early days with Amara. Go for it. It will be a nice development for me to witness," Eros said. 

"There you have it. Robot cupid gave his opinion, you can propose to her." Nico was the one who shared his opinion this time. They all turned to the Delacourde who was seated regally in an armchair returning their intense gazes. "Impressive, little brother. That's some progress you've made being on your own." Roman received a curt nod of thanks from him which was the usual response they receive from him. His action brought larger smiles to the group's faces and an opportunity to tease the stoic twin.

For the first time in a long while, Eros felt like part of the group.


The gazebo stood clearly ahead of him, decorated with white roses and baby's breath, creating the image of a nature-created platform only for lovers. The lawn was cut the day before lending the scent of the fresh green grass to mingle with the flowers overhead. The open-air tent was white and each covering was strategically placed over the guests. The sun created light streaks, pasting them on the design below.  Four long rectangular tables created aisles leading towards the gazebo, two vertical and one horizontal pathway. The chairs were gold framed with cream cushion with each guest's name handwritten on weathered parchment. The theme of cream, gold, and bronze was shown from the carefully picked dishes to the thank you gifts for the guests. 

Lucifer was seated on a chair, face heated with embarrassment when his family inquired of his injuries. It was evident since he had to use a cane to walk from the castle's patio to the venue. Though the pain was lingering his ankle and knee couldn't handle the pressure of walking or standing for a long period. He felt extremely bad for derailing his wedding but Amara's voice message before he arrived comforted him. 
"Doesn't this remind you of something?" 

An exasperated groan came from him when he heard his uncle's teasing voice. The low chuckle of Stephen clued him in that he was going to be part of the next family joke.

"Hello, uncle Gigi. Uncle Stephen," he muttered.

"So not welcoming. How are you, you twisted brat," Gianni asked, standing before his nephew.

"I haven't locked on a feeling just yet."

"Your father was antsy. He wanted your mother to show up and say her vows quickly," Stephen said, taking the cane from beside Lucifer's chair. "Is this going to be a wedding tradition? I had to use one after our ceremony, Ray had to use his when they left for their honeymoon. Now you're using one for the entire day. Way to go keeping things lively, little devil."

"Miscalculation on my part," Lucifer grumbled, snatching the cane from the smug-looking uncle.

"Even my old mind knows not to approach Eros for an unbarred spar. The family bloodline is strong in that one. How long you will be like this?" Gianni asked.

"Three days, four tops."

"That's not bad. Oh, they're starting."

The reverend left his seat and took his position at the stairs of the gazebo. Lucifer got to his feet and ambled towards the man. The sympathetic look on the man's face irritated him greatly. If it wasn't for the instrumentals of the song he dubbed as theirs, a scowl would have been on his face. 
The wedding party made their entry with the best man and maid of honor on either side of the horizontal path. Tammie was positively glowing as she walked towards the man who held her bruised soul and heart in his hands from the day they met. The bronze-colored chiffon dress was tailored to fit her body. Each step she made, gave the viewer a glimpse of her thigh and enclosed feet in jeweled sandals, thanks to the risque side split. Her arms were bare bringing attention to the deep V cut of the dress. Roman closed his eyes to keep his composure when she met him at their starting point. Her soft laugh made it harder for him. She boldly wrapped her arms around his and allowed him to lead her down the left aisle. "You look amazing, malen'kiy voin," he whispered in her ear. Tammie felt her face heated and thanked the great melanin gods for hiding her blush. It was a struggle to accept his compliments and love at the beginning, not to mention, having confidence in herself once more but he stayed by her side through it all. He endured her outbursts, the results of her fears and her insecurity, to replace each one with love and support. She was so lucky. This man healed her without asking for anything in return. Tears burned behind her eyes but she held them back to say two words. 
"Thank you."
Roman heard the shakiness in her voice and how heavy the words felt in his heart. Placing his hand over hers, he gave them a gentle squeeze in understanding and came to the decision of proposing to her that night. Stopping at the altar, he placed a slow kiss on her lips and left her in a daze when he took his spot beside Lucifer. 
"Way to give a show," his friend muttered under his breath. He had no retort prepared because the grin on his face didn't want to move. He was already living the moment his little warrior answers yes to his question in a few hours.

The next couple was Eros and Charlotte. The close friend and work colleague of Amara considered herself fortunate to be part of the circle and to have one of the famed sons as her wedding partner. It was mind-blowing to know the girl she befriended at the beginning of her tenure was the fiance of the Delacourde heir. Over the years, the gossip columns and entertainment houses reported everything they found on the children of Raizon and Arianna Delacourde. Three out of four graced magazine covers and social media posts but one was elusive. Dubbed the second prince, Eros Delacourde was beside her, it was the world's mystery revealing before her eyes.  Feeling his warm body against hers as he escorted her down the aisle was an irreplaceable fan girl moment. Charlotte couldn't help but steal glances of his godly appearance. Money would be thrown at him if he hit the social scene. His eyes were captivating leaving her both in awe and cautious. The genetic pool he was blessed with gave him model-like features most spend millions for.  He didn't talk much which made him unapproachable but he was respectful when they were introduced. Charlotte's main purpose before she heads back to the US is to get closer to the second prince.
Ares followed with his MC ally, President Valerie who's not only a friend of his but sister in arms. "How long is this gonna be? I feel so exposed," she grumbled. 
"Ahhh, big brother's injuries aren't severe but a concern so probably twenty minutes tops. Chill, you look so cute like this. Check it. Your pops is crying his eyes out," he replied. Valerie turned to the third table to see her father hastily wiping his tears with her mother taking photos every five seconds.
"I think I know what this year's Christmas card will be. Prepare to be ambushed when we go back to Miami."
"Your admirers know better." Ares tugged at her hand laughing at her cute little pout and proceeded to escort her down the aisle.
Rejeanne and Nico heard little bits of the conversation and snickered knowing it will be considered playtime for Ares.
"Hey, will you be busy with work in two weeks?"

Nico mentally checked his calendar for the scheduled meetings he can remember and training sessions of his new recruits. "I think the weekend can count as free time. Why did you ask?"

"What better way to end my vacation than the beaches in Italy alongside my best friend?"

"No need for the cute voice, fairy. You're always welcome. If I have meetings I will change them around. Do you want me to pick you up at the airfield?" His voice was low and absent of any crass tone he normally speak with to his friends. Rejeanne noticed and hid her face with her straightened hair. She didn't want him to see her blushing state, it was unbecoming and too cliched. 
"Sure. I want to have the utmost fun while I can. Between school and club training, it will be crazy until graduation." 
"My fairy is such a hard worker." What used to be accepted as teasing words to her, turned into more over the years. She became aware of him but didn't want to show. Love wasn't part of her plan. She had to fight it.

Being his wedding partner wasn't the best idea, big sis.

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