A Player's Match [Urban]

By cocoabutterkisses

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'The Brothers' Sequel Langston Higgins has been through a lot in his life after being abandoned by his mot... More

A Player's Match
Chapter 1: Back Together Agian
Chapter 2: Meeting the Family
Chapter 3: Finesser
Chapter 4 : First Stop Cali
Chapter 5: Night of Mistakes
Chapter 6: Secrets and Lies
Chapter 7: Back To NYC
Chapter 8 : How to be a Player
Chapter 9: Wedding Plans
Chapter 10: Learning New Things
Chapter 11: Trouble
Chapter 12: Meeting Tasha
Chapter 13: Tell the Truth
Chapter 14: Operation Fix this Shit
Chapter 15 : Communication
Chapter 16: One on One
Chapter 17: The Past
Chapter 18: The Test
Chapter 20: New Boyfriend, Who Dis?
Chapter 21 : The Results Part 1
Chapter 22: The Results Part 2
Chapter 23: BMD: Baby Mama Drama
Chapter 24: Gotta Get My Girl Back
Chapter 25: Forgive but NEVER Forget
Chapter 26: Love Don't Change
Chapter 27: Making Up
Chapter 28: Finding Langston
Chapter 29:Georgia's Story Part One
Chapter 30!: Bump in the Road
Chapter 31: Marraige Counseling
Chapter 32: "Two Wrongs Don't Make a right"
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 33:Back To Our Regularly Scheduled Program
Chapter 34: Bend Like Lexi
Chapter 35: B.O.B
Chapter 36: Beginning of the End
Chapter 37: Shit Happens
Chapter 38!: New Shit and Old Friends
Chapter 39: Can You Stand the Rain?
Chapter 40: Paris Anyone?
Chapter 41: Finding Out
Chapter 42: Major
Chapter 43: Exploring Paris
Chapter 44: The Break-UP
I'M Backkkk!
Chapter 45: A Long Night
Chapter 46: Broken Record
Chapter 47: Can I?
Chapter 48: I Just Wanna
Chapter 49: Wedding Bells 👰🏽🤵🏽💒
Chapter 50: Back To The Basics
Chapter 51: Back To the Basic Pt.2
Chapter 52: Baby Reveal
Chapter 53: Georgia's Story Prt. Two
Chapter 54: People Talk
Chapter 55: Baby Love
Chapter 56: Welcome To Hell
Chapter 57: Here We Go Again
Chapter 58: Closure is Best Served Hot
Chapter 59: HIGH Hopes

Chapter 19 : The Wait

969 40 2
By cocoabutterkisses

A/N : First I just want y'all to know that it takes five business days for a DNA test to come back, I don't want to wait because I'm impatient and want the results now just like some of y'all plus it's a made up story any way so yeah that's all I wanted to say



I sat Jasmine in my lap, and we waited for the doctor; you know what's fucked up? Jasmine hasn't gone to Tasha once, and Tasha doesn't seem too concerned about her daughter either.

"So when we find out you're the dad, are you going to make an honest woman out of me," she said, and if she wasn't so crazy, I would have laughed at this, but all this does is make me sick.

"Tasha, you haven't been honest why start now," I said, and she pouted.

"Langston, why don't you just admit that you miss me and the things we used to do," she said, moving her hand down my chest. I grabbed her hand.

"To be completed honest with you I don't miss it because i can't remember it; the only thing i remember is getting that restraining order on you." I said, throwing her hand; she sighed and rolled her eyes, sitting back.

"Whatever," she said, picking her nail. I shook my head.

Jasmine looked at me with her big eyes; she lifted herself up using my shirt. She stood in my lap, and I helped hold her up so she wouldn't fall.

She started playing with my face again, smiling at her one tooth.

The door opens, and the doctor walks in; he smiles at us and sits his kit down.

"Sorry, we're busy today, so who am I swabbing," he said.

"Me and her," I said, pointing to Jasmine; he smiled.

"Well hello there beautiful," he said and played with her hand.

She smiled and laughed; the doctors smiled back and stood up.

"Okay, why don't you guys sit on the table and we'll get it started," he said, patting the seat.

I stood up and walked over to the table; after sitting down, I adjusted Jasmine in my lap, and the doctors swabbed my mouth and placed it in a bag. Then we moved to Jasmine, who was more challenging, but we did it after playing with her.

"Okay, so I'm going to send the results off, and they should be back in the next few days; you can come to pick them up then," he said, and I stood up, shaking his hand.

"Thanks, doc," I said; he smiled, nodding.

"No problem," he said, waving and walking out of the room.

"Okay, now what, you wanna go out somewhere or something else," Tasha said, and I gave her a Dick look.

I handed her Jasmine, and she took her, placing her on the ground, "You are going to go take care of your daughter," I said and walked out of the room.

She followed me, talking about things I didn't care anything about; everyone got up when I got to the lobby.

"Well?" Alecie said, "I have to wait till a few days," I said, and she nodded.

"Well, as fun as this was, I have things to do," Tasha said and grabbed Jasmine, forcefully pulling her.

"Oh no, she is not taking her anywhere. I think it's best if she stays with us," Mo said, and I looked at her.

"Why, that's her daughter; she can take her," I said, and Mo glared at me.

"I agree with Mo," Alecie said, waking over to Tasha, "Listen, how about we take her until the results get here, and that way, you can have a break? You look tired, girl," Alecie said, touching Tasha's shoulder like she cared.

"What the fuck is happening," I said, and Chris chuckled.

"Some reverse psychology bullshit she learned she uses it on me all the time," he said, and I continued to look at the scene unfold.

"Thank you, I am," Tasha said and let go of Jasmine. I shook my head just like that, give your child up.

"I know, girl, go ahead well, call you when the results come in," Alecie said, and Tasha smiled.

"Thank you so much," Tasha said, and Alecie smiled, hugging her.

"No problem enjoy yourself, hon; we got her," Alecie said, and Tasha looked at me and smirked.

"Oh, I will," she said, walking out of the building.

I nodded, sitting down and placing my head in my hands.

This is the longest day of my life; I should have never returned home.

Someone touched my hands and moved my fingers; I saw Jasmine looking at me.

She moved my hands and walked between my legs, hugging me; I sighed and bent down to hug her back, resting my head on her shoulder.

I hugged her tighter because, as pussy as it sounds, I needed this; I pulled away and kissed her forehead.

"Thanks," I said, and she smiled; I shook my head; she's smarter than she looks.


I smiled because I've never seen Langston act like that; ever since I've met him, he's been an asshole who just doesn't care about anything.

But... That little girl will change him, and he doesn't even know it yet; we all watched as they hugged; he kissed her cheek, and she smiled at him.

He stood up and held her hand, walking over to us.

We stared at him, and he snapped at us, "What?" He said.

"Nothing," we said, walking towards the exit.

We got to the elevator, and Alecie froze. She looked at Chris just like she did earlier, and he nodded, grabbing her hand.

"We'll see y'all at the car," he said, and they walked in the opposite direction.

We stepped inside, and I wanted to know why she was so afraid of elevators. I mean, damn.

"So we're going to pretend that's not weird," I said, and nobody said anything.

I nodded, "Okay..." I said and shook my head.

When the elevator opened, we stood around the cars waiting for Chris and Alecie.

Mo grabbed Jasmine and buckled her up in the car seat; soon, Alecie and Chris came out the door, and we all went into the cars.

I sat in the front with Alecie; of course, Mo and Marie sat with Jasmine.

"So why are you scared of elevators," I asked. I'm sorry my curiosity gets the best of me, and I want to know I don't like being out of the loop on anything.

Marie hit me upside down, and I rubbed it, "Ouch bitch" I said.

"Well, you remember what I told you earlier?" She said, and I nodded, remembering everything she's been through.

"Well, that's part of it, I don't ride them alone, but lately, I won't ride them altogether. I've been working on that with my therapist," she said, and I nodded.

The mood turned sour, and I felt terrible.

"I bet your calf muscles are huge," I said, and she laughed, causing the car to laugh.

"You're an idiot, G," Marie said, and I shrugged, chuckling a little.

Justin (I haven't heard from him in a while)

We pulled into a restaurant parking lot; Alecie texted and said they were hungry and going to eat.

We got out and walked in; the hostess smiled and flattened her hair.

"Hello, how may I help you," she said, smiling at me.

"You can help him by back the fuck up before I sock your ass," Mo said, placing her arms through mine.

I laughed and shook my head; she rolled her eyes and guided us to the table.

"It's so sexy when you're jealous," I said, and she punched my chest.

"Shut your face Combs," she said, sliding into the booth.

I sat next to her, and she handed me the menu, I looked over it, and the waiter came.

"Hey, guys, what can I start you off with."

We all told him our drinks, and he walked away.

We sat there and talked, and my phone rang, "Hello."

"Hey, baby, how are you" Ma's voice came through the phone.

"I'm good; what's up," I said.

"Uh, I was wondering if you and Alecie want to come over and stay the night," she said, sounding different.

"Yeah I'll ask her what's wrong, ma," I said, and Alecie looked at me.

"Nothing. I just want you guys to meet my new boyfriend," she said, and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll see what Alecie says," I said. I don't want to meet some nigga that's fucking my mama.

"Okay, baby, I love you," she said, and I said it before hanging up.

"What's going on? What did she say," Alecie said worryingly.

"Calm down; she just wants us to meet her new boyfriend or something like that," I said, and she rolled her eyes just like I did.

"I don't want to meet some nigga that's fucking my mama," she said and drank some of her drink.

I looked at her, "You know, I don't know why I didn't know you were my sister before we act just alike I said the same thing in my head," and she laughed, pounding my fits with hers.


*Later that Night *

Justin and I headed over to Ma's house; I don't like meeting new people; the only reason I let Georgia in is that she was cool with Marie, and we tend to not like and like the same people.

I don't like new people, new people cause confusion and complication, and I don't need that in my life, period.

"Why she want to date anybody anyway she don't need to date nobody hasn't she learned from Terrence!" I said aloud.

Justin looked at me, then back at the road, "What that look," I said, and he shook his head.

"What look," he said nonchalantly.

"Don't play me, Combs; you gave me a look," I said, and he shook his head.

"Alecie, you can't expect Ma to stop dating, period. She needs somebody too like I got Mo and you got Chris to help you through the tough time's ma needs someone too; I bet she's just like you, tired of letting Terrence ruin her life. She wants to move on," he said, and I sighed, crossing my arms.

I hate it when he's right, "Whatever," I said, and he laughed.

"Mature Brown," he said, and I pushed him a little.

We grew silent as we rode to the other side of town, "So how are you and Chris" he asked, and I sighed.

"Pass," I said, shaking my head; I really didn't want to talk about Chris and me right now. All I've been talking about for the past few days is Chris and me.

He looked at me, "B, it's me I know you want to talk about it," he said and perched my lips.

"I mean I want to talk about it but then again I don't; I'm tried of talking about it honestly. nothing is going to change until after this wedding is over then and only then can I try and fix this shit show I call a marriage." I said honestly.

"What about you and Mo," I asked, and he grew silent.

"She wants to get married and I don't want to," he said, and I nodded; he and Mo have called me endless nights about fights like this.

"Well, that's simple, marry her," I said, hitting him.

He flinched and swatted my hand away, "I don't want to be married Alecie I mean I don't want to be with anyone else but marriage ruins a relationship" I looked at him.

"No, it doesn't; a marriage is a beautiful thing to share, and I'm sure Mo is like every girl in the world. She probably dreams about her wedding and how it will be, how she will look, how she will feel," I said, and Justin grew silent.

"It doesn't ruin a relationship; I make it strong you just have to make sure you got the right person, and Mo is it for you; I've never seen you happier," I said, and he nodded.

"because that worked out so great for you and Chis," he said, and I flinched a little because his words stung.

We grew silent; he looked over at me and grabbed my hand. "I'm sorry that was insensitive. I'm working on that," he said, kissing my hand, and I gave him a sheepish smile.

"i know you didn't mean it; besides it's not like you told a lie. All I'm saying is don't let other people's marriage define you and Mo; everyone is different, and making that commitment is a huge step so you do need to be ready to make it," I said.

"That's the same thing Julian said," and I smiled.

"And that's why I love him," I said, and he smiled.

"I just don't want to end up like my dad and Misa they were so happy when they were dating then they got Married and it's like they didn't have any love for each other anymore and I don't want that to happen to me and Mo," he said.

I touched his shoulder, "You won't; you can't live your life because of what happened with your parents; you have to take a risk and know that Mo loves you; she wouldn't hurt you," I said, and he nodded.

"You're right," he mumbled.

"I'm sorry what was that?" I teased, and he pushed me a little; "Don't push it..."

We pulled off the interstate and drove to Ma's house.

I sighed; when we pulled into the driveway, Justin honked his horn to let her know we were outside.

Justin got out and opened my door, I stepped out, and he grabbed the bags.

Ma comes out the door with Lauren following in tow.

I smiled when I saw them, Lauren made it to me first, and I lifted her up, hugging her.

"Hey, my baby, did you miss me?" I said, and she nodded; I walked over to Justin, and we traded off; I gave him Lauren and engulfed my mom in a hug.

"Hey, ma," I said, hugging her tightly; I always loved these hugs; they make me feel whole.

"Thanks for coming you two it really means a lot to me," she said and kissed my cheek and pinched Justin.

We looked at each other and smiled back at her, "Anything for you, ma," I said, trying to grab the bags, but Justin looked at me like he would kill me if I did. I shook my head and took Lauren away from him so he could carry the bags.

"Lead the way Ma," I said, and she nodded, walking into the house.

It's going to be a long night.....


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