The Emperor and his lover

By 00Denise0

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Historical Romance Wang Lei, a powerful and unbeatable Emperor of the Wang Dynasty. He is famous, and brave... More

Chapter 01 | The Beginning
Chapter 02| Royal Guard Palace
Chapter 03| The Punishment
Chapter 04| Pain and Care
Chapter 05| Forbidden thoughts
Chapter 06 | Information Centre
Chapter 08| Keep Calling My Name
Chapter 09| Royal Court Meeting
Chapter 10 | Argument
Chapter 11 | Lie and Punishment
Chapter 12 | Mixed Up Feeling
Chapter 13 | Jealousy and Trust
Chapter 14 | Bite Mark
Chapter 15 | Sword Fighting
Chapter 16 | Sexual Tension
Chapter 17 | Meeting Xin Ying
Chapter 18| Mission
Chapter 19| Mishap
Chapter 20| Rejection
Chapter 21 |Friends
Chapter 22| Ruler of Qi
Chapter 23| Drunk confession
Chapter 24| Me or Her?
Chapter 25 | The Next Morning
Chapter 26| Deal
Chapter 27 | Spring is here
Chapter 28 | Punishment Kiss
Chapter 29| Unfortunate accident
Chapter 30| Best Flower
Chapter 31| Humiliation
Chapter 32| Unexpected Decision
Chapter 33| Nickname
Chapter 34| You are the definition of my lust and yearning
Chapter 35| Torture
Chapter 36| Shining Armour
Chapter 37| Reunion
Chapter 38| Ugly Scars
Chapter 39| Patch Up
Chapter 40| Promise
Chapter 41 | Family Reunion
Chapter 42 | Family Meeting
Chapter 43| Deep Conversation
Chapter 44 | Training Class
Chapter 45| New Lead
Chapter 46| Motel Room
Chapter 47 | Royal Family Dinner Part I
Chapter 48| Royal Family Dinner Part II
Chapter 49| Concubine's Ceremony
Chapter 50| Pregnancy
Chapter 51 | One Step a time
Chapter 52| I wish I never had met you
Chapter 53| Will your life be equally beautiful without me?
Chapter 54| Unforgettable Past
Chapter 55| Old Love or Obsession?
Chapter 56| My love for you won't turn into insanity
Chapter 57| Make Love to me Tonight - Part I
Chapter 58| Make Love to me Tonight- Part II
Chapter 59 | Choose wisely between your love and those children's lives?
Chapter 60| Disappeance
Chapter 61| Dream or Illusion
Chapter 62| Basement
Chapter 63| Betrayal and Confession
Chapter 64| Ocean Apart
Chapter 65| Revelation and Reunion
Chapter 66| Love Confession
Chapter 67| Shall we begin your punishment then? Part I
Chapter 68 | Shall we begin your punishment then? Part II
Chapter 69| Rain does not seem as scary as losing him.
Chapter 70| Nickname
Chapter 71| Xin Ying's Secret
Chapter 72| Moon Festival
Chapter 73| Stay here for me.
Chapter 74| Huang Dewei versus Ru Qin
Chapter 75| Courtroom, Corruption, And Confession
Chapter 76| Past Trauma
Chapter 77| Misunderstood feeling
Chapter 78| Pearl Magic: Power to Destroyed the worlds
Chapter 79| Tease and Possessiveness
Chapter 80| Xin Ying and Ru Qin's Wicked Plan
Chapter 81| One Step Closer
Chapter 82| Conspiracy
Chapter 83| Drug and betrayal
Chapter 84| Aftermath
Chapter 85| Journey to Lian Dynasty
Chapter 86| No More Pearl Magic
Chapter 87| Argument
Chapter 88| New Entry
Chapter 89| Still Fighting
Chapter 90| Patch up
Chapter 91 | Unexpected Meetup
Chapter 92| Showing the mirror
Chapter 93| Pill Effects
Chapter 94 | Buried Truth
Chapter 95 | An impossible desire
Chapter 96| Breaking them apart
Chapter 97| Beating the guards
Chapter 98| Aftermath
Chapter 99| Royal Court Decision
Chapter 100| Symptoms Worsen
Chapter 101| Aftercare

Chapter 07| Hair Pin

2.6K 112 21
By 00Denise0

Huang Dewei stepped inside his office chamber and Wang Lei looked up towards him while Huang Dewei walked towards him and stopped in front of him. He put his hand inside his robe, took out the sealed letter and put it in front of him. Wang Lei looked at him and then picked up the letter. He took out the letter and open it. He read what was written on it while Huang Dewei stood still and waited patiently. Wang Lei looked up towards Huang Dewei as he closed the letter away when his gaze fell on his arms. There was little blood on his robe. Wang Lei stood up.

'What happens to your arm?' Wang Lei asked he walked towards him and Huang Dewei looked towards his arms which had bloodstains. The bleeding has not stopped yet. He was still bleeding despite the fact he wore the new robe as well use his old robe as a bandage.

'Nothing...Someone followed me and wounded me. I don't know who that person was and neither he was able to see my face. I escaped after stabbing him.' Huang Dewei explained as Wang Lei stopped in front of him.

'Are you feeling alright?' Wang Lei asked and Huang Dewei looked at him

'Yes, I am fine your Majesty.' Huang Dewei lied and then he did not hear Wang Lei for a few seconds. Then he heard footsteps closer to him decreasing the distance between them and then he watched as Wang Lei untie the front of his robe and took off his robe swiftly to his shoulders. Huang Dewei freezes as he felt his warm breaths near him.

'You are bleeding badly and you said you are feeling alright.' Wang Lei said as he looked at the cloth he tied on his arm filled with blood. It was a good temporary solution but not for the long term. Without asking he took the cloth off his arm and inspected his wound as he spoke up

'Your wound needs medical attention.' Huang Dewei said nothing as he stood still as Wang Lei inspected his wound.

'You need some help. If you leave your wound untreated it will cause you more pain. It is a deep cut.' Wang Lei said in a concerned tone and Huang Dewei felt his heart melt over the fact that Wang Lei cared for him.

'Okay, I will go to the doctor later, your Majesty.' Huang Dewei replied innocently and Wang Lei sighed

'You are a dumb person. The people who were behind your life would know about the wound and would go to doctors to see if someone came to them with an arm wound. Do you want to get caught?' Wang Lei asked and Huang Dewei nodded his head in understanding that Wang Lei was right as well he was extremely smart as he shook away his head.

'Then what should I do?' Huang Dewei asked worried and anxious because he needed to go to the doctor to treat his wound. He found no other option for himself.

'Well, leave that to me. I will treat you.' Wang Lei said nonchalantly and Huang Dewei shocked looked at him at his words.

'You will treat me, your Majesty.' Huang Dewei asked surprised and Wang Lei looked towards him then sadly smile

'Do you think I don't know how to treat the wounds...I am an Emperor of the Wang Dynasty. My body is filled with wounds and marks...You have no idea how many people wanted to kill me.' Wang Lei said carelessly with a hint of helplessness and walked away. Huang Dewei stood still in his place as he deeply thoughts about his words. How complicated and sad a life he had lived? Is not Emperor suppose to live a luxurious and comfortable life? Huang Dewei thought as Wang Lei came back with a box.

'What are you waiting for now? Come and sit here on a chair.' Wang Lei ordered and Huang Dewei quickly came out of his thoughts and followed his order. He sat down on a chair at the side while Wang Lei sat down in front of him on another chair.

You will need some stitches and then I will put some herbal paste on your wound. You will be fine soon.' Wang Lei said as he explained to him like a professional doctor while he opened up his luxurious medical box.

'Stitches?' Huang Dewei screamed horrified and Wang Lei looked towards him and Huang Dewei quickly bite his lips out of embarrassment. Wang Lei's gaze followed and stopped on his lips but this time he said nothing.

'You will be fine. It will be painful but it's better than having an infection later.' Wang Lei said and Huang Dewei just nodded his head as he does not want to embarrassed himself anymore but deep down he was a little terrified of the stitches in his conscious condition. Whereas, Wang Lei took out a needle and thread. It was a high-quality medical needle and thread which usually doctors use but since he was an Emperor, he can have it if he wanted to. He professionally set up the whole thing and the way he was working it seemed like he had a lot of experience with it. Huang Dewei wonders how many painful wounds he had on his body and how many of them he healed and cured himself.

Wang Lei, with a serious face, took his arm and put the needle in. Huang Dewei screamed in pain as he closed his eyes. Wang Lei stopped and looked at him who bite his lips again out of embarrassment for making those sounds. Wang Lei said nothing and continued. He made the needle go through his skin as he heard him.

'Ahhh...' Huang Dewei moaned loudly because of pain and Wang Lei's hands stopped working. He stopped for a second but then continued with his work as Huang Dewei closed his eyes and tried to not make a sound.

'Ah...Ahhh...' Huang Dewei moaned painfully as he could not help and this time Wang Lei looked up towards him.

'Stop making these inappropriate sounds.' Wang Lei said coldly and Huang Dewei's eyes flew open as he looked towards him

'I can't help...It's painful.' Huang Dewei replied as he complained whereas Wang Lei stares at him for a few seconds and then looked around. He found a piece of cloth. He grabbed Huang Dewei softly from his chin and put the cloth inside his mouth.

'Bite on it, it will be helpful. But don't make that vulgar sound again.' Wang Lei ordered and Huang Dewei nodded his head as he bites on the cloth. Wang Lei continued his work and Huang Dewei was looking at him as he bite hard on the fabric to keep himself not screaming out of pain. Wang Lei was very delicate with him yet it still was extremely painful.

Wang Lei was immersed completely in treating his wounds while Huang Dewei could not help and stared towards him. Huang Dewei leaned back on the chair and stares at him. He could not even feel pain as much as he was before because his all sense was focused on Wang Lei.

Wang Lei was busy with his wound treatment but if he would look up towards him, he would see desire, passion and lust in Huang Dewei's eyes. Even Huang Dewei himself would not have realized that he was looking towards Wang Lei with sexual hunger. Huang Dewei felt that he can just sit here all day and stare at him...he felt a desire of touching him...Huang Dewei felt that he will burn into flames if he touched him...Wang Lei felt like a far star shining brightly in the sky which Huang Dewei can only desire to reach but he never can.

Wang Lei finished up with stitches then put expensive herb paste on his wound and put a bandage cloth on it. As he was done with his wound, he looked up and met Huang Dewei's eyes which were already staring towards him intensely. When Huang Dewei's eyes met his eyes, he nervously and freaked out quickly stood up from the chair and started putting on his robe. In a hurry, the hairpin he bought for Xin Ying fell down on the floor. They both looked at the hairpin which Huang Dewei quickly picked it up

'That looks like for a woman? Do you have a woman Huang Dewei?' Wang Lei asked as he stood up in a calm and composure tone

'No, that is for my sister.' Huang Dewei lied as he felt he had stopped breathing while Wang Lei looked towards him intensely and then nodded his head. Huang Dewei let go of his breath and then realised why he lied. It was not like Wang Lei knew about Xin Ying? He just asked if he had a woman so why did he answer no? Did he want to show Wang Lei that he was available which he is not? Yeah technically he and Xin Yang had broken up but he still was here for her then he, of course, was not available for anyone else. Had he lost his mind?

'I will send Cheng with more herb paste to your room. Put it on and get well soon. Now go and have a rest. We have more work to do tomorrow.' Wang Lei said as he walked and stood in front of his window and Huang Dewei looked towards him then he took out the hairpin he got it for him. He thought hard then gained courage and walked towards him. He stopped right behind him.

'Your Majesty, I got this for you.' Huang Dewei finally let the words out and Wang Lei snapped his head towards him and looked at the hairpin he was holding.

'What is that?'

'It's a gift. I thought it will suit you.' Huang Dewei replied as he felt his heart rapidly beating inside his chest. Wang Lei said nothing as he stares at the hairpin. Maybe it was a bad idea? Huang Dewei thought over his long deep silence. Huang Dewei was about to put the hairpin back inside his pocket out of shame when Wang Lei moved and took the hairpin out of his hand. Huang Dewei surprised looked up at him.

'It's beautiful.' Wang Lei praised as he examined the hairpin and Huang Dewei wanted to scream less beautiful than you but he just smile. A smile widen on his face when Wang Lei looked up towards him and then softly hold his face while putting his hand over his right cheek and Huang Dewei froze in his place. Wang Lei softly rubbed his palm over his cheek and then Huang Dewei felt him softly rubbing his ear. Huang Dewei dumbfounded just stares towards him.

'I hope you will never betray me Huang Dewei....' Huang Dewei heard him saying and then he pulled him towards him while turning him over and putting his arm on his chest to fold him.

'....because otherwise, I will kill you with the same pin you are giving me right now, I promise you that. Don't buy that kind of stuff for me ever again unless you are buying them as a weapon for me to kill you.' Wang Lei whispered threatening him and Huang Dewei shocked looked up towards him. He was not ready to hear those words from his mouth and Huang Dewei actually felt very hurt and sad.

'You don't have to kill me...just order me and I will kill myself for you...and I bought this as a gift and I will bring more gifts for you again and again...if you don't want them just throw them in the trash.' Huang Dewei said as he bite his lips unconsciously to not show his hurt and sadness to Wang Lei totally forgetting that he was given an order not to do that in front of Wang Lei. The action of Huang Dewei biting his lips was not passed unnoticed by Wang Lei's eyes and he felt something burning inside him again with his action. Huang Dewei was looking towards him and Wang Lei stares at his lips for a few seconds and then he suddenly moved forward and lick Huang Dewei's lips. Huang Dewei gasped as his eyes widen and he let go of his lips between his teeth.

'How many times have I said you not to bite your lips? Change your habit or I will find another way to change it for you.' Wang Lei said nonchalantly as he let go of him and then turned his back on him again.

'Go and have rest now.' Wang Lei ordered and Huang Dewei without a word came out but his lips were burning where he had touched him. It was only for a second, but his tongue was warm. His face turned red with shyness and he could not help and think how his tongue would feel inside his mouth...or between his legs...he quickly shook away his vulgar thoughts and ran back to his room. He never felt such a desire for someone before..., especially for a man....what kind of spell had Wang Lei done on him? He wonders were coming here was a wrong decision. Was meeting Wang Lei a bad choice?

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