The Archer (A Tale Of Heroes...

By TheSorceress96

4.9K 181 2

When the land is in peril only one group stands in the way of the demon that would raze their home to the gro... More

Author's Note (Please Read) - Updated May 11th, 2018
Part 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Part 2
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Part 3
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 1

436 16 2
By TheSorceress96

Attack on the Village

"So I departed, leaving behind a pungent smell of brimstone.

Just something to remember me by."

– Jonathan Stroud

Demonica marched toward the village, black dress flowing around her. It shimmered in the fading light, crimson colours staining the silky fabric. She glided across the ground, one of the most graceful creatures to ever walk the earth. She paused at the edge of the small village.

As she smiled her white teeth reflected the light, making her seem even more daunting. As if her presence had been announced, people began spilling into the narrow dirt roads. They watched her warily as she began walking towards the centre of the small village. Less than five minutes after arriving, Demonica stood in the centre and watched as curious villagers began surrounding her. She smiled at the crowd, ruby red lips gleaming menacingly.

"Who are you?" the mayor asked. He sniffed, wrinkling his nose at her. The elderly man who always kept a tight rein on the events of his community was not going to have an outsider disrupt things. He took a step forward, singling himself out from the crowd.

She said nothing. Her hands extended away from her sides. They slowly rose upwards and the ground began to shake. Creatures emerged from the earth. They had black beady eyes and long Orangutan-like arms that dragged on the ground as they slouched. They were all covered with a thick, dark fur matted with mud and their long menacing claws were sharp and ready. Everyone began to panic as the creatures surrounded them, growling and slashing out at anyone close enough.

"I think you know why I am here." Her voice was soft, carrying on the breeze that began to pick up as more creatures emerged from the cracked earth.

"No, you can't be." The mayor rubbed his eyes is disbelief. He glanced from her to the creatures before settling his gaze back on Demonica.

"Oh, but how could I not be? I mean, are these not the creatures of legend?" She feigned confusion before glancing to her right. She held an arm out and a creature came sluggishly up to her so Demonica could rest her hand on its shoulder. She slowly began petting it.

When Demonica glanced toward the back of the crowd she could see some of the adults ushering the young girls of the village away from her. She tsked and shook her head. "It is never easy, is it? I will give you a five second head start." She smiled as the crowd scattered in all directions, running for their lives. After the allotted five seconds Demonica called out into the night, "Find them and kill anything that gets in your way."

The creatures immediately dispersed. Demonica could hear the cries as the creatures did as they were supposed to. She glanced down at the creature still seated by her side. "They always have to put up a fight, don't they? Too bad, now their entire village will have to suffer."

She tapped the creature with her fingertip and it ignited in flames. "Now, do as you were created to. Spread the suffering." She laughed, a cold heartless sound as the creature began running through the village, igniting straw roofs as it fled. Occasionally it entered homes, knocking over kerosene lanterns. As the fire spread a few explosions could be heard and the screams of the suffering as they were burned alive. Meanwhile, she just watched as the creatures did her bidding, black eyes shining.


Declan watched the scene below him. The creatures entered all the buildings, searching for their prey. Not long afterwards they came back out, dragging young girls behind them. The creatures left a trail of blood behind them, even though the girls were alive and only slightly harmed.

Declan had been hunting Demonica for quite some time now. Village after village he'd tried to stop her and her mad rampage. He'd come close a couple of times but had failed. This time, though, it was going to be different. He had crafted almost double the amount of arrows that he usually carried and he had spent more than twice as much time practising.

Ready, he jumped off the roof he'd been perched on. He quietly approached Demonica from behind, bow at the ready. He shot an arrow, aimed towards Demonica's left shoulder.

Demonica whipped around. Her eyes glittered as she caught the arrow in her hand. She smiled. "I see we meet again."

"It's definitely not a pleasure I enjoy having. Now, leave the girls alone or I will kill you."

"You cannot kill a goddess."

"You are no goddess. You are a demon in an innocent's body." He pulled out another arrow. He lifted his bow again and shot. This time he continued to shoot repeatedly.

Demonica held up her hand while he shot his arrows. The arrows were reflected, bouncing every which way, hitting a few passing creatures.

"Is that all you have got, archer?" she sneered. She nodded her head and two creatures came up behind Declan.

He pulled two knives out of the sides of his boots, slipping his bow over his shoulder. He dodged as the creature swung at him, slashing the creature with the knife as he did so. He jumped back as the creature swung again, careful to avoid its talons.


As Declan fought her creatures, Demonica spun around and walked away. The creatures were waiting for her at the edge of town, carrying the bodies of the unconscious girls that they took from the village.

"How many?" she asked one.

"We collected twenty-four," the creature rasped.

"Excellent." She smiled her eerie smile.

"Mistress, what about the archer?" He pointed towards the man being dragged behind the two creatures that had originally attacked him.

"Kill him." Her voice was smooth and the command final. She glanced towards him for only a second before pushing past the creatures into the night.

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