The Wizarding World (And Othe...

By jokermadhatter

172K 2.6K 416

Many people just appeared in the same room, people from the Wizarding World, some of the Avengers, and the pe... More

Cast Part 1
Cast Part 2
Cast Part 3
Cast Part 4
Prologue-- How They Met
The End of the World + Interlude
The Unquiet Death + The Aftermath
Aliens of London + World War Three
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting of Ways
Born Again/The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
Girl in the Fireplace
During Rise of the Cybermen and Age of Steel
The Idiot's Lantern
The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit
Fear Her
Army of Ghosts
The Runaway Bride
Interlude--The Pregnancy and The Prank
Blacks and Jones
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan
Evolution of the Daleks
Aftermath of Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
After The Lazarus Experiment
Aftermath of 42
The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
Time Crash
Voyage of the Damned
Interlude/Aftermath of Voyage of the Damned
Partners in Crime

During the Long Game

3.6K 60 6
By jokermadhatter

Immediately the screen had lit back up with 'During the Long Game' displayed. "After that was the Jag—?" Rose asked and was cut off by Nine's nod. "So since it says 'during' I would assume I get to find out what was going on in the TARDIS," Nine assumed.

The bright orange glow died down and we all looked out to find a taller woman with an olive complexion and brown shoulder length hair. She looked at the group. "Hello...hmm...Australian," she muttered out.

Two was looking at the screen, a bit curious but knew she would be embarrassed. Susan and the Doctor couldn't remember much about when they're high on time energy.

The Doctor stepped forward, "Susan, how are you feeling?" he asked hesitantly.

"Why are you being so cautious?" Lily asked. If it was her granddaughter or even if it was Ivy, she would be trying to comfort them, not be hesitant to come near them. Ivy just pointed at the screen.

"Oh, I feel great, I could run all the way through this TARDIS, do a jig, some jumping jacks, eat out of the fridge! Ooooooooh do we have chocolate cake?! Luna HI! Nice to meet you Ivy and blonde human I don't know the name of. Hi Loki, Luna's got a crush for you! Oh, passing out now," Susan ranted off and the Doctor caught her before she hit the floor.

Two was hiding her face in Jack's shoulder while he smiled at the screen, "Oh, so adorable," he gushed. Lily stared at the screen in amazement, "The Doctors have had a history of having some wacky regenerations, they get very high off the regeneration energy. Susan had apparently inherited that," Ivy explained.

Ivy turned her head and saw a blushing Luna Lovegood. Loki was beside her smirking his ass off.

Loki looked away as Xeno's anger was now being directed towards him, and now Luna was smirking her ass off. The Weasley Twins would have made a joke about little Luna blushing but Xeno is a bit scary when angry.

The Doctor carried Susan off to the med bay as Rose still looked shocked. "That was regeneration?" she asked. Ivy nodded, "I've never really seen it person either, but as Death I've seen it, so I knew what it looked like. Now, remember she is still the same person, she has her memories and she is still Susan, this will be the same situation if it happens to the Doctor, it will be still be the Doctor, just with different looks and personality," Ivy explained to her.

Rose again was looking disappointed with herself knowing that she forgot that.

Rose nodded and Ivy turned to the still red faced Luna, "So, Loki?" Ivy asked her and she quickly ran off not before saying, "Hi Lily and James," to Ivy's parents who waved. They were not surprised she knew who they were. Loki was trying to sneak off after her until the TARDIS changed rooms making him groan in frustration, so he went to the library.

Thor was amused about his brother's misery, while Xeno was amused that Loki wasn't able to follow his daughter.

Ivy went to the med bay to find the Doctor sitting there looking at Susan in shock, "Finally realizing who's in front of you?" Ivy asked. He sat, stunned, and nodded, "I found my granddaughter," he said. "My granddaughter that held on to a regeneration knowing I would find her eventually and recognize her. She was in so much pain while she waited, I'm glad Luna was there though," he said quietly and Ivy saw him getting emotional so Ivy pulled him into a hug and held him as he cried.

"Don't let your survivors guilt get to you, you had no idea she was brought back there, you couldn't have known," she told him and they sat there a bit longer before Ivy convinced him to leave the room as Susan was in a healing coma.

Two got up and wrapped her arms around Nine. She didn't know how upset he had gotten. Many didn't fully realize how lonely the Doctor felt before he met Ivy.

Loki managed to find Luna again outside of Teddy's room. "Hello," was all he had to say for her to jump and blush again, "Hello Loki," she said, "Visiting Teddy?" he asked. She nodded and they both went in, but before we could, Remus appeared on the door,

Xeno was scowling, and Remus had jumped seeing himself fully appear in the painting in the door.

"We think Teddy is sick," he said and they both then went in to see a pale faced, red nosed, miserable looking two year old. "Wuna," he whined out. "Hi Teddy," she picked up and held the two year old, "Oh, your burning up," she noticed.

Teddy was looking at River again in caution. He knew she was going to gush again. Tonks on the other hand looked s if she wanted to cry from how sick her baby looked.

"Give him to me," Loki said and held out his arms, she handed Loki the boy and Teddy immediately snuggled into him, "Riiiight you run colder," Luna said.

"Wan mommy," they heard from Teddy's muffled voice.

"Aw," Teddy heard River start gushing along with a few others.

Loki and Luna walked out of the room to find Ivy and the Doctor in the kitchen. "We think Teddy is sick," Luna said. Ivy had looked up and saw Teddy buried into Loki's chest, "He's got a fever," Loki added the obvious. Rose came in and looked at them, "What's wrong with Teddy?"

"Sick," the four of them said.

"How about you go with just Rose and I will watch over Susan since I gotta watch Teddy who I don't think is letting go of Loki anytime soon and help Luna recover too," Ivy told the Doctor. The Doctor after a bit gave a very hesitant nod.

"While he isn't an actual doctor, he wouldn't want to leave anybody sick or injured on the TARDIS unless he really needs to be somewhere," Loki explained seeing some confused looks.

About an hour after the Doctor and Rose left and Ivy helped heal Luna, the rest was already healing on its own, Susan had woken up. "Feeling better?" Ivy asked. She nodded and was handed tea from Loki and she drank it, "OH, this is good," she said. "Do you know regeneration he's on?" Susan asked Ivy, referring to her grandfather, "Ninth, technically it's his tenth, he just came from the Time war so I'm sure you know why he says its his ninth," Ivy said. Susan's eyes widened a bit and she nodded, both knowing not to say anything.

"Should be in my episodes, I was oldest there when he came," Eleven commented seeing more questioning look. Ten, being the other one that was there, nodded.

Seeing even more confused looks, Ten spoke up, "If a Time Lord runs into another version of themselves, the oldest is the one that will remember it. It's kind of void at this time because I was second youngest with Chinny being the oldest when our real Ninth showed up and I remember at the moment. I also know our One met Eyebrows," he explained.

"Or our Five meets Sandshoes," Nine spoke up.

"They are not sandshoes," Ten quietly argued.

To cheer Susan up some more, along with Luna cause Ivy told Loki she would and the TARDIS likes her, she showed them his previous incarnations. "How did he not trip on that scarf?" Loki questioned. "Forget that, why is Five wearing celery?" Susan asked. "Or the Six looks like a vomit of color," came from Luna.

Everyone sat forward to see the other regenerations, "Before anyone asks, the real Ninth Doctor isn't on there," Ivy said.

"Yeah those are his more insane outfits, thankfully not as bad now, not the biggest fan of Eight though or One," Ivy said.

"Why?" came from Susan and Luna.

"Sorry Susan only Luna is going to get what I mean. One looks like Filch and give Eight dark straight hair he kinda looks like Snape," Luna looked back at the two, "Whoa they do."

"Eight looks better than him though," Donna muttered to Ivy who nodded. Remus and Sirius snorted, hearing the comment making the two women smirk at them.

'Ivy?' came the Doctor's voice.


'Rose and I are in a bit of trouble, we need you to find a woman named Cathica and bring her up with us and convince her to think for herself. Bring Loki to help but he needs to be careful its hot until you get where we are, it's a Jagrafess and his human that thinks he can survive the cold, I'm sure Loki wouldn't mind scaring some people,' the Doctor explained. Ivy told Loki was she told and he made Teddy's stuffed wolf cold so he would let go of him.

"Is that a stuffed Moony?!" came from Remus.

"Teddy got a stuffed Moony, I had a Prongs and Padfoot, and now my kids have Prongs' and Padfoots," Ivy explained. Padfoot was grinning again. Anubis, who had been quiet, started swooning again. James was looking at Eilam and Elysium again, along with one looked a bit like on one the Doctors. "And my children have a Moony too," Teddy mentioned, he wasn't giving away how many kids he had. Remus and Tonks were just surprised that they were also grandparents.

Loki took a deep breath to build up his magic as a shield from the heat had appeared briefly before becoming invisible and they rushed out quickly finding Cathica. They pulled her over into the shade giving some relief to Loki. "Who are you?!" Cathica freaked.

"Our friends the Doctor and Rose are in trouble, I know he's got in your head to think for yourself and I can tell you myself that I feel a lot of death coming from above me," Ivy told her.

"Yes, why don't you break free from what they make you think and share, be your own person," Loki mentioned, well he didn't have to try very hard because next thing everyone knew they were in the elevator up. Loki sighed in relief and let go of his disguise revealing his blue skin and red eyes.

The group startled at the sudden glamour jump before everything normalized again, except a certain group of six who were silenced again from Thor and Hela's glare. They were worriedly looking at the screen. The Avengers were too, a sweating Frost Giant is not a good thing.

The doors opened up and Ivy turned to Cathica, "I was right, all of these workers are dead, but I need you to not think about that and take over one of the computers," Ivy told her and she nodded and walked off.

"Put up your Asgardian form real quick," Ivy told Loki and he did, mischief shining in Ivy's eyes.

"Oh, Prongslette's come out to play," Sirius teased. James eagerly looked at the screen wondering what his daughter and the God of Mischief were going to do.

The two walked farther into the room, Loki looking a bit better, "Well look at all these dead people and Jagrafess' bitch who thinks he can survive in the cold," Ivy announced. Loki smirked; he realized where Ivy was going with it.

"Ohhhhhh," Thor and Hela said. The others were curious as to what they just figured out. James and Sirius had big grins on their faces, knowing this would be good. Padfoot was also watching, he had heard about what happened, but he wanted to see it.

"Who are you two?" the man snarled out.

"Just some people who want to test if you can truly withstand the cold," Loki said.

The man glared and walked forward, completely ignoring the growls from the disgusting thing in the ceiling, and what Cathica was doing, "How would you test it?" he questioned.

"Shake his hand," Ivy motioned to Loki. The man held up his hand to Loki and shook it, not noticing Loki's hand turning blue until it covered his whole hand and he started screaming as the frostbite took effect and Loki became his other form. "You should know not to shake hands with a Jotun if you're not close to them," Ivy added.

Jaws dropped and turned to Loki, "Biologically I am a Frost Giant, so if my glamour was down and somebody I don't trust touched me, they would get immediate frost bite," Loki explained. He felt a bit better about being a Jotun after he met Ivy and got to have that person to talk to about his insecurities. He smiled a little when he heard a few "cool's" come from the Marauders, Maximoff, and Weasley twins.

The man's hand had frozen over and shattered when he noticed the other ice melting, he tried to fix it with one hand, while not noticing Rose got herself free and was getting the Doctor free. Ivy happened to see the spirit of a woman named Suki and let her control her body before she fully disconnected from her body. The dead workers spirit's had all been locked in their bodies and now they were free. Suki had grabbed the man's ankle and held onto it as the group all left. The Doctor had snapped his fingers, closing Cathica's portal on her forehead and they all left. Since it was still quite warm, Ivy helped Loki rush back to the TARDIS, Susan and Luna waiting in the console room.

When the Doctor came in, "Celery?!" came from Susan, startling the Time Lord. He looked at Ivy accusingly as Loki added, "And that scarf?" followed by, "And the vomit of colors?" from Luna. "You showed them my previous selves haven't you?" he asked Ivy.

"What can I say, Idris likes me," was all she said.

"That was it," Ivy announced with a smile as she heard a few laughs. "Were you alright?" Thor asked his brother quietly and he nodded.

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