The Wizarding World (And Othe...

Da jokermadhatter

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Many people just appeared in the same room, people from the Wizarding World, some of the Avengers, and the pe... Altro

Cast Part 1
Cast Part 2
Cast Part 3
Cast Part 4
Prologue-- How They Met
The End of the World + Interlude
The Unquiet Death + The Aftermath
Aliens of London + World War Three
During the Long Game
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Bad Wolf
The Parting of Ways
Born Again/The Christmas Invasion
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
School Reunion
Girl in the Fireplace
During Rise of the Cybermen and Age of Steel
The Idiot's Lantern
The Impossible Planet/Satan Pit
Fear Her
Army of Ghosts
The Runaway Bride
Interlude--The Pregnancy and The Prank
Blacks and Jones
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan
Evolution of the Daleks
Aftermath of Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
After The Lazarus Experiment
Aftermath of 42
The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
Time Crash
Voyage of the Damned
Interlude/Aftermath of Voyage of the Damned
Partners in Crime


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Da jokermadhatter

"There is a room for people to deal with their anger," Idris' voice sounded out. Nine had tightened his grip on Ivy knowing what this was going to be, while Loki had a grip on Luna. The Susans were spread out with the rest of the Doctor's. Two was with Ten and Eleven while Three was with Twelve and Thirteen.

"Would we ever be able to go to Asgard?" Rose asked.

"Not while the Doctor has that body," Loki responded. The Doctor looked a little offended before Loki said, "He looks like Malekith if he were more humanoid."

"OH MY GOD HE DOES!" Ivy said in shock. Idris pulled up a picture for the confused Rose, "This is Malekith, the leader of the Dark Elves," Ivy showed her. Her eyes widened, "Wow you really do," she said.

The three Asgardians and Nebula were nodding in agreement while other couldn't help but keep looking back and forth between the screen and Nine.

"Who knows, maybe he'll be somebody bad from my world next," Ivy whispered to Loki who shrugged.

"Damn, you really predicted that," Sirius commented while Ten pouted.

"Wait, what do you mean, 'While the Doctor has that body'?" Rose questioned.

"This is the explanation of regeneration," Ivy said.

The Doctor sucked in a breath, "Well Time Lords have this thing, where when they are dying, they get consumed in regeneration energy and gain a brand new different body, everything can change, eyes, hair, personality, sense of style—"

"You gotta see what the 6th Doctor looked like, that was a train wreck," Ivy interrupted.

"Anything," the Doctor continued.

"Sometimes it's the gender," Ivy spoke up again.

"Yes sometimes it's the gender, so if I were to regenerate, I could become a woman, or a two headed creature, its happened to people before. We've landed," he said a bit annoyed from being interrupted.

Everybody looked at Thirteen at the mention of gender and she just gave them a full toothed smile.

'Somebody is familiar to you here, and one is here for the Doctor,' Death said. Ivy looked at the Doctor and knew something was bugging him. "What's wrong?" she asked him.

"I feel the presence of a Time Lord, and it feels like a familial bond, like my granddaughter," he said quietly to Ivy and Loki.

"I thought Susan was your daughter, not granddaughter," someone commented. Others just couldn't believe that the Doctor had a granddaughter, at least Twelve looked like he could have one. "Biologically we're their granddaughter," Two started.

"But we saw them, along with Ivy, as our parent not grandparent so we're the adoptive oldest child," Three stated with a nod.

They walked out and saw display cases; they looked around suspiciously, "So what is it? What's wrong?" Rose asked.

"Don't know. Some kind of signal drawing the TARDIS off course," the Doctor said.

"Where are we?"

"Earth. Utah, North America. About a half a mile underground."

"And when are we?"

"2012," Ivy spoke up, looking suspiciously at what looked to be a wand, a very familiar wand. "I can sense the magic off of that," Loki said.

Loki tightened his grip on Luna while the Weasley Twins and Xeno looked at the wand suspiciously, they knew that wand. Eilam and Elysium looked sadly at the screen, while Connor and Damian glared at the screen. Evren had discreetly grabbed Astrid's hand as it seemed she was about to cry.

"God, that's so close. So I should be twenty-six," Rose said behind us. 'And Loki would have been tortured and mind control, and led an alien invasion,' came Death's voice making Ivy's eyes widen and look at Loki. "What?" he questioned and Ivy shook her head.

Loki looked at the screen with wide eyes, and those that knew him, knew he was scared. They also knew he didn't to be away from Luna, so they also stared at the screen with wide eyes along with the Avengers. Thor couldn't believe that if Hela and Ivy didn't step in, he would have lost his brother.

"That's a bit of Slitheen! That's a Slitheen's arm. It's been stuffed," Rose said,

"Oh, look at you," the Doctor said looking at the head of a Cyberman. "What is it?" Rose questioned.

"An old friend of mine, Well, enemy. The stuff of nightmares reduced to an exhibit. I'm getting old," the Doctor said. "You do realize you're the second youngest here," Loki said.

"That's weird," the Doctor said after a second as he realized Loki was right.

"How old are you?" Rose asked Loki.

"A bit over a thousand, so he may pass me at some point," he said.

"I did," Eleven said. Some were tempted to call out Ivy and her age before realizing she didn't have an exact age anymore.

"Something is reaching out, calling for help," Ivy was looking rather cautious about something, like she sensed something. "If someone's collecting aliens, that makes you Exhibit A and Loki B," Rose said. Ivy nudged Loki, "Use the name Tom," he nodded.

"I didn't know if they knew about the Asgardians, he looked like a Tom," Ivy shrugged.

Next thing they know, somebody found them, brought them in, and the Doctor just pretty much outed himself an alien by showing them how to play an instrument.

"The question is, how did you get in? Fifty three floors down, with your little cat burglar accomplice. You're quite a collector yourself, all three are rather pretty," Van Statten, the boss said.

James, Remus, Sirius, Charlus, Thor, and Hela, looked angry.

"Two out of three of them will stab you if you keep trying to flirt with them," Ivy spoke up.

The previously angry people now all held smirks.

"And one of them is English! Hey, little Lord Fauntleroy. Got you a girlfriend or two," Van Statten said. The Doctor kept basically outing himself as an alien.

The Doctor's were mentally calling themselves idiots.

"The cage contains one of my living specimens," Van Statten said, only Loki and Ivy seemed catch the words "one of".

"And what's that?"

"Like you don't know"

"Show me,"

"You want to see it?" Rose gave Loki and Ivy a scolding look from the smiles they were trying to hide. "Blimey, you can smell the testosterone," she commented.

"Goddard, inform the Cage we're heading down. You, English. Look after the other three. Go canoodle and spoon or whatever you British do. And you, Doctor with no name, come and see my pet," Van Statten said and walked away with the Doctor following behind.

"A lot of people are going to die today," Ivy said quiet enough for Rose and Loki to hear. "And Adam here gives me a bad feeling, but he could be useful," Ivy said. "Oh?" Rose whispered.

"Somebody shut those six up," Ivy spoke up. Gold dust appeared on their mouths in the form of tape.

"Do you remember when I mentioned the three Unforgivables and what they were?" Rose had nodded. Ivy pulled out my wand, "Well Death told me somebody was here close to the Doctor and I think I know who it is and somebody close to me, there was a wand out there, so Imperio," Adam stood rigged as Loki and Rose watched.

The six silently screamed in outrage. Lucius was looking at his good friend in shock at how he was acting while the rest of the magic users were curious as to where this was leading. Lucius and the rest thought that the Unforgiveable was reasonable at that moment.

"Take us to the two hearted alien and the one with the stick," Ivy ordered.

Jack was now looking at the Susan's in shock as they both held on tighter to the Doctor's they were sitting between. She was the only one that it could have been, the Master was somewhere else at the time, and the others weren't born yet. Well, it could've been River, but he doubted it. The magic users were in shock that they were keeping a witch or wizard captive.

He began walking off and they followed him until they saw a black haired woman and a platinum blonde. "Go get the stick out of its box after you set off the alarms," he walked away and Ivy turned to the dark haired woman and gasped, "Susan?" she jerked her head up. "I told you she would she would come," came a familiar dreamy tone, "Luna?!"

This was the first time anybody had ever seen Xenophilius Lovegood look angry. "That was your first self?" Jack asked and the Susans nodded.

"Hello Ivy, Loki, and Rose," she smiled.

Rose and Loki looked confused, "Luna just knows shit, pretty sure she's a seer," Ivy said, "So I take it she saw us coming," Luna nodded.

"Now what happened?" Ivy asked Susan noticing she barely had something covering her torso. "They stripped her completely from the waist up and chaining her up to scan her internally, it's quite painful," Luna said. "She's also been trying to hide this gold glow showing in her hands."

The Doctors were tightening their grips. Some watched on in horror as it seemed Nine would be dealt the same fate.

"You're holding it off?" Ivy questioned Susan.

Susan nodded, "I didn't want to give them any more information, I had hope when Luna was saying Grandfather would find me with Death herself, a god of mischief who could pass her brother and a human," she explained.

Adam came back making Susan scoot far away making the three of them realize part of Ivy's bad feeling.

Severus could sympathize with the girl. He was still angry with himself about believing Petunia would have treat her niece right, but then again, he did only want Lily alive out of the attack so none of the Potters even looking in his direction unless it's to glare at him was justified. He was still wondering why Sirius looked like he sympathized as well. He knew from before when Walburga was mentioned that Narcissa and Andromeda, even Lucius were giving him looks of sympathy. Jack had wandered to the other room and began shooting things before he came back.

Adam handed Ivy the wand, blank look still on his face, "Now unlock them after you disable the alarms," Ivy said before she cringed in pain as the same thing had been happening to the Doctor at that moment. Ivy grabbed on to Loki, "There doing the same to the Doctor," she gasped out.

Nine had his face buried in Ivy's neck seeing her gasp in pain.

Ivy felt a bit of relief and Susan was helped out by Rose, "So you're the Doctor's granddaughter?" she asked.

"Yes even though he was a bit of father figure more than my actual one," Susan explained and her hands glowed again. "Wait until we get on the TARDIS," Ivy gasped out feeling the pain again as the Doctor's hearts became visible to the humans. "How did you get here?" Loki asked.

"I was forced to come back to the Time War and I fell with a Dalek, Luna showed up knocked out soon after," Susan answered.

"There's a Dalek here?!" Loki and Ivy both said.

"What's a Dalek?"

"That," Ivy said and pointed behind us to see a certain deadly pepper pot...

Molly, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione started laughing while Albus just looked at it in disbelief, at least until the next thing started, showing why Loki and Ivy feared the thing.

... destroying everything in its way, "Somebody touched it, it's going crazy actually feeling emotion, it's going to do it before it decides to die," Luna explained. A guard De Maggio ran with us, not caring that two of them were in cages. 'Is that who I think it is?' Ivy heard the heartbreaking voice from the Doctor. "Loki, take Luna and Susan, I'll take Rose, go to the Doctor. Rose hang on you might feel very cold and nauseous," Ivy ordered. Rose and Ivy disappeared into the shadow showing in the room at the same time and hearing, "YOU KEPT MY GRANDDAUGHTER HERE?"

Everybody jumped hearing the angry voice coming from the Doctor. Pandora and Luna on the other hand were watching Xeno's expression. It was a bit too calm.

"They also stripped her bare from the waist up and scanned her torso to see her hearts multiple times," Luna nonchalantly added and immediately Van Statten was on the floor and unconscious from the punch that was immediately thrown his way from an angry Time Lord. "What happened to Adam?" Rose asked as the Doctor was shutting vault to trap the Dalek.

"Oh he's dead," Ivy said like it was no big deal. "Okay," was Rose's response.

Jackie was looking at her daughter in surprise, but then again, Ivy does rub off on people. James and Charlus were hiding their amusement from their wives who were stunned by their daughter/granddaughter's nonchalantness.

Van Statten woke up and that's when the shadows appeared, "There about to be dead too," Ivy added. The Doctor looked about ready to argue, "Susan? About how many people in the room took part in your torture?" Ivy asked the alien who now had on her grandfather's coat. "All of them except her," she pointed to Goddard. "Luna?" Ivy asked the blonde.


Xeno had wandered back to the other room that had been placed and with quite a bit of noise later, he wandered back in, red faced, but more relaxed and dragged Luna back to sit with him and Pandora while others from the Wizarding World (mainly the witches, Severus, and Albus) looked at him in shock. They didn't understand what a father would do if you messed with their daughter, or an older brother when you mess with their younger sister. Charlus, being Ivy's grandfather and finding out how she suffered would go and murder the Dursley's right about now, he was already thinking of attacking Albus. James was in the same boat as him, they were too alike, although James had Black blood in him, he would have been more violent. If James, and even Sirius, weren't too curious about what their daughter was doing, they would have for sure attacked the Headmaster and Severus by now and Lily would not be able to stop them. Arthur looked furious about his youngest two children and wife, he thought of Ivy as his child and he had no negative thoughts about Luna, neither one should have gone through what they have. He could see his twin sons looking mad, along with Bill and Charlie, they all thought of the two as sisters. Remus was about to break his chair from how tightly he was gripping it, Ivy and Luna were his cubs, Moony adopted Luna as his cub too. Lucius was looking cautiously around, he saw his son's angry expression and the two were meeting the eyes of the other father's/older brother's to Luna and Ivy and had a mutual respect for them at the moment. He figured out they saw the reactions he gave Severus with how he acted towards Ivy and that he would willingly let a magical child die, and decided Lucius was a bit more tolerable than Severus at the moment, after all Severus was the one with fried hair and bruises and stuck to his chair, not him.

"Do you want to do your own damage first?" Ivy asked holding out Luna's wand. She smiled widely and Loki made illusions of himself hold everyone except Goddard and Van Statten (The Doctor was still punching him unconscious), "It won't hurt me," Loki told Luna who started unleashing her hatred on them. "I made another one somewhere else just FYI," Loki added.

"And we also need to hurry this up because Susan has been holding off a regeneration," Ivy informed the Time Lord and he looked to see Susan's hands glowing. "Doctor, pretend Ivy's dead," Loki said quickly. A screen turned on and they heard, "Open the bulkhead or Ivy Potter-Black dies," The Doctor looked confused but played along after seeing the fake Ivy's eyes were more like Loki's green and not her own.

"Wow you two really could be twins, with a different green for eyes," Thor mentioned. Some looked confused, "Basically, if I kept my old hair, had a little bit of color to my face, and was taller than I would be Lady Loki's identical twin, it's not noticeable unless my eye color changed a bit," Ivy explained.

"You're alive!" the Doctor exclaimed.

"Can't get rid of me," the fake Ivy said.

"I thought you were dead,"

"Open the bulkhead!"

"Don't do it!" fake Ivy said. 'Do it' the real Ivy mouthed to him from the side of the screen.

"What use are emotions if you will not save the woman you love?" the Dalek said. The Doctor and Ivy definitely did not blush. Goddard, Rose, Loki, Luna, all gave them mischievous looks. Well that's not new for Loki, but even Susan managed one.

"I killed her once. I can't do it again," the Doctor said and they all walked out as all the others were killed, including Van Statten.

"Wait, who killed Van Statten?" Bucky asked. The Doctor's were unusually quiet as a result. All the Wizarding fathers/older brothers mentioned before didn't say anything; they would have done it too. Xeno, on the other hand, hoped it was bloody.

They offered to give Goddard a ride out of there so she came along. Ivy replaced her illusion and the Dalek talked, "Sunlight. How does it feel?" the Dalek opened up revealing a one eyed creature reaching out a tendril.

"Ew," was commented throughout the room.

"I feel so many ideas. So much darkness. Ivy, give me orders. Order me to die," it said. Ivy stood back while the others watched a bit farther away. "Do it" Ivy said. It's armor closed up again and the bottom of it had parts spread out making a force field and it explodes.

"Why did you order the poor thing to kill itself?!" Hermione shrieked, thinking of the poor House Elves she tried to free. Hermione immediately shrunk back in her seat seeing the furious look the five Doctors through her way, the Barty look alike and the older one had the scariest ones. "That, Granger, is what the Time Lords faced in the Time War. That is what has killed millions and millions of people for absolutely no reason. It was injected with human DNA giving it emotions, it is not capable of emotions, it literally cannot live with emotions. Just like a House Elf cannot live without serving anyone because the magic keeps them alive. You're no better than a Dalek if you wanted to kill millions of House Elves," Ivy replied.

"B-B-ut Dobby and Kreature," Hermione stuttered.

"Dobby is unusual, he kept himself alive feeding on magic, he just wasn't officially owned. He was treated like shit by the Malfoys, which I really hope is better now," Ivy gave a look to the Malfoys who all nodded, "so he rebelled when he knew somebody was forced into doing something he knew wasn't good," Lucius looked at Ivy in shock, Dobby knew he was being forced? "So when in a way got Dobby freed, he stayed unofficially at Hogwarts but he was unofficially my Elf. He was my Elf not a Potter Elf, he wasn't an official Potter Elf," Ivy explained.

"And Kreature went twelve years without anybody, he was stuck in an empty house, with nothing but his precious previous Lady of the House, and then when he does get somebody it was the person he hated on the Lady's orders," Sirius surprisingly defended Kreature. Hermione kept quiet after that.

At the TARDIS, Goddard looked amazed at the inside of the TARDIS, "A little piece of home. But now I got my granddaughter," Susan smiled at him and they walked in. "Is it the end of it, the Time War?"

"I don't know honestly. If there was one Dalek, I don't know if there's more I went so long not feeling another Time Lord, I was surprised to find Susan," the Doctor explained, as he set up to have Goddard dropped off quickly. When she left Ivy pulled Loki, Luna, and Rose to the far side of the console room. "What's going on?" Rose questioned. "You're about to see what regeneration is," Ivy told her. The Doctor was softly talking to Susan to help her through her first regeneration when the glow got brighter and he joined us. Susan, on auto pilot, managed to stand up as her eyes turned the goldish-orange color of the regeneration energy as her arms flew out and she basically exploded with energy. Once it died down we look back to see what the 2nd Susan looked like.

"Is it always that explosive?" James asked.

"Most of the time. Sometimes you can hold it off but let it go slowly and the change will happen rather quickly," Twelve said, remembering when he came to be. Eleven was in front of him nodding in agreement, he could remember the bits before he became Eyebrows and knew he held it out enough for him to de-age psychically and give Clara one last message, knowing how stubborn she was no matter what Ivy or their kids tried to tell her.

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