HIS Young Mate: "Sequel to He...

By EmilyUnedited

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Ten years after the fateful night- that Daniel and Coralie met- events would unfold that would lead Lavender... More

Part One: X
Part Two: Alone
Part Three: What About Him?
Part Four: One More God Damn Time
Part Five: I Want You To Run
Part Six: Only Dreaming
Part Seven: Let Them Talk
Part Eight: Crazy Plan
Part Nine: My Name
Part Ten: Liar
Part Eleven: Do You Ever Wish Things Were Different
Part Twelve: You Look Like
Part Thirteen: Heavy
Part Fourteen: Like Honey
Part Fifteen: Pressure
Part Sixteen:Thunder
Part Seventeen: Durst Does
Part Eighteen: Under Control
Part Nineteen: Proving a Point
Pary Twenty: Tease
Part Twenty One: It's Seven O' Five
Part Twenty Two: One Down, Two to Go
Part Twenty Three: Willpower
Part Twenty Four: I Will.
Part Twenty Five: Puzzle Pieces
Part Twenty Six: The Way Things Need To Be
Part Twenty Seven: Small Steps
Part Twenty Eight: Control
Part Twenty Nine: Weakness
Part Thirty: Heavy
Part Thirty One: Spar
Part Thirty Two: Great Need
Part Thirty Three: Distract Me
Part Thirty Four: Stranger
Part Thirty Five: The Others
Part Thirty Six: Ranking
Part Thirty Seven: Focus
Part Thirty Eight: Move Aside
Part Thirty Nine: Pushed
Part Forty: Then When
Part Forty One: I am Here
Part Forty Two: Jumped
Part Forty Three: Fog
Part Forty Four: Truths
Part Forty Six: Mirror
Part Forty Seven: Two Good Men and a Coward

Part Forty Five: Lost Like Me

32 3 1
By EmilyUnedited

"God I'm so glad you're okay!" I'm thrown off by Beckett as he hugs me and says this to me, but then I remember everything that transpired, and the debriefing he just had with the others. I was even more surprised that Durst had brought me to him. Durst has something to do in town, and wanted to get it done before hunkering down until this rogue thing passed. He agreed to get some supplies for the houses as well, and would be taking Leon and Hunter with him. Durst clears his throat and Beckett let's go of me instantly and takes a step back. "I'm just glad she's okay- you're okay- sorry. Shit."

"Don't worry, I'm not." Durst says with a chuckle. "Just watch out for her. Owen and the others are around, I just know you're the only one who'll look out for her as much as I would. You'd put her safety first if something goes down."

"Yes Sir. I would." Beckett nods.

"I'll be back in two hours, tops." Durst kisses my forehead. "Text me anything you want, I'll grab it. We aren't leaving again until this is finished." I nod and kiss his cheek, and he leaves with urgency. I can feel it too, the need to be together, because of the fear of what might come.

"You know I'm probably going to have to protect you," I joke. Beckett rolls his eyes as he shrugs past me, leading the way from his room.

"Probably, but I wouldn't let you. Let's go find Kaylee."

"Okay... hey Beckett?"


"Thanks for reminding me to run." I say, I want to say more, but we've already found Kaylee, she's in our room down the hall. She looks tense and nervous, but happy to see us.

"Holy shit, please never ever go through that much in such a short period of time again. It's too much. You drive me up the wall with this shit!" Kaylee is hugging me as she freaks out, and I laugh, because it's just ridiculous and yet ridiculously nice to be cared for by her. She brings me into her bed, and Beckett throws himself onto mine. I give him a look, but he just shrugs.

"What- you're hardly using it." He says with a shrug. We spend some time playing on our phones, and talking shit, but there's an obvious undertone of worry from all of us. We don't smoke, or drink, or gossip about anyone in our old friend group. I know I haven't bothered at all to stay in contact with them, and I'm not sure either of them have.

"You think Hunt will be okay?" Kaylee asks after seemingly trying not to bring it up the whole time. She looks close to tears with worry as she fiddles with the tear in her jeans.

"Safer in town with Durst than here, at least." I say with a shrug. This doesn't settle with Kaylee, as she looks more afraid suddenly. "It's going to be okay Kaylee-"

"Lavender I don't want to fight." She says quietly.

"Oh." I nod and take a deep breath. I wasn't expecting that, I thought she was just worried for Hunt. I know now that I have to put on my Beta boots and give her kind words that will make her feel strong and able. I just don't know if I know what to say. "Hunter won't let anything happen to you, and Durst, Alpha, and I won't let it go that far."

"What if it's like... like when they found you. What if it's an all out rogue war? We'll all have to fight. I don't know if I'm ready." She admits. I look at Beckett and he too looks nervous, but it seems to be more so for Kaylee than himself.

"From what Durst says I don't think it's all that," Beckett tells her.

"Right. We're pretty sure it's just the one. We can take one rogue." I assure her. She nods, but I can tell she's still unsure and uneasy. I can't leave her feeling like this. I look at her and she looks back at me. "Kaylee, no matter what happens we will always protect each other. You're going to go out there tonight and protect the children, and yourself, or you will fight until there's no fight left. You are part of this pack for a reason. The gods made it so, the ancestors put you here. So you will give it your all, and you don't need to fear jackshit. You hear me?"

"Yes ma'am." She says with a nod. I look at her again. "Yes ma'am!" She says more strongly. I look at Beckett and he smiles a bit, before looking at Kaylee.

"Yeah Kay, I'm pretty sure you can take 'a wolf the size of a tank'."

"Shut up!" She throws a pillow at him, and he laughs as he catches it.

"Don't worry," Beckett puts the pillow behind his head, "he seems to want Lavender. I swear if the gods gave you three mates and I didn't get to be one of them..."

"It's not that Beckett." I say uncomfortably. It isn't, I could tell when I looked at the rogue it wasn't. It was a concern of mine, of course given my history, but it just wasn't the case.

"Do you think... do you think you getting close to turning called for him? If it did do you think there'll be more?"

I look at Beckett as I feel sick to my stomach. I know it's true the instant Kaylee says it, but I don't want it to be. He looks sick too. "Don't say that Kaylee, and don't mention it to anyone. That'll get Lavender exiled- even if she's Alpha's sister." Beckett has sat up and is looking at her in an almost threatening way. I know for sure now, that he'd protect me no matter what- but I wouldn't ever want him to do anything to Kaylee.

"Look, it's going to be okay. I'll take care of him myself. Tonight. Let's get some food, and rest, and prepare for then." I tell them, trying to seem as dismissive of the whole thing as I can.

"Hunter knows too-"

"Then you tell him to keep his fucking mouth shut." Beckett warns Kaylee, cutting her off. "Lavender is our Beta, not some rogue herder- so you just tell him to-"

"Beckett stop!" I say as I stand up and put my hands on his chest. He's jumped up and I feel like I have to block him from Kaylee. He looks down at me and grabs my hands and holds them to his chest.

"I said I'd protect you. Durst told me to protect you, and I will. I can't help who I'm protecting you from."

"Kaylee isn't going to get me hurt, Beckett."

"I'm going to go be with the others..." Kaylee says cautiously as she stands up
"If you-"

"Kaylee, he's not going to- you're not going to say anything are you?" I stop Beckett and look at her again.

"Of course I'm not Lavender. I'm hurt either of you would think I would. I just need to get away from both of you." She says this hastily and leaves the room. I turn back towards Beckett and he's looking down at my hands. I remove them quickly, but I can't take my eyes off of his. Suddenly he's grabbing my face and kissing me, and at first I'm in such shock that I sort of let it happen, sort of kiss back.

I push him so hard away from me that I hear part of my bed frame snap. "What are you doing?! I'm married Beckett! You idiot!" I say hastily. He just chuckles, as he shakes his head.

"Like Durst didn't think I'd kiss you if he left you with me-"

"I didn't want you to- you asshat! Who cares what Durst thought."

"Yeah right, Lavender- you can't look at me like that and say you don't feel anything." He stands up again, and gets close, and my heart races. Our eyes are locked for what feels like a long moment, but probably isn't. I feel anger rising in my chest at his contempt.

"It's called consent- douchebag!" I push him again, infuriated at his chuckle at my offense, and leave the room. Of all the people who've ever made me feel trapped I never thought Beckett would do the same.

"Lavender!" Beckett calls after me, I stop and turn to him, the hall is quiet, but my heart is pounding in my ears and I don't know what more he could possibly say to me. "Look, I'm sorry. I- I had to try one more time..."

"You really didn't Beckett." I demand.

"Well- I just thought- if you were going to..." he quiets his voice, "if you were going rogue I would follow you." His voice is shaky, and his eyes are darting all over my face to find some sort of acceptance- acceptance that I don't have.

"I'm not going rogue Beckett- if I were I wouldn't take you with me- you belong to the pack. You're going to find your mate, and we're going to need you- all of us. Stop doing this to me!" I'm mad, and I want to punch him, but I also feel so bad that he seems so lost. Lost like me.

"I have found my mate Lavender." he says flatly and leans against the wall, tapping his head against it, his eyes closed. Not the reaction most of us have to such an occasion, but I can't say I don't understand the feeling. Im shocked, though.

"How long ago?"

"That day I tackled you and called you Callahan for the first time. That same day." He says flatly. He won't look at me, and my stomach turns. That felt like forever ago. "And it ain't you. I just keep wishing it was." He looks at me and there's that lost look again.

"I told you it wouldn't be. I told you- for me it's always been Durst. It'll always be Durst."

"Don't I know that! I know it..." he sighs and rubs his face. 

"Then who?" I say flatly. He shakes his head.

"It doesn't matter. I just needed you to know- I would leave with you if you wanted. I see now that it won't happen. That rogue will be dead tonight, and you aren't running. I'm glad Callahan. If it ain't you, I'm just glad you're happy." His ears perk up and he looks down the hall. "Durst is back early. You better go to him." He says, and goes back to his room, and locks the door behind him. I want to inquire more- push him for answers, but I don't have time. Durst is coming down the hall.

"I thought I told Beckett to stay with you-"

"He heard you coming, and I hardly need him watching me." I say as I start walking away, and Durst follows. He steps in front of me, but I can't look up at him like he wants me to. I start feeling trapped again and I'm starting to get warm, and disoriented. "Hey- what happened?" Durst asks as he grabs my face lovingly and starts to check for any visible marks or tells on my face. I push him off. "I'm fine." I say quickly. I look him in the face and try to play off anything that's bothering me. "Did he touch you-"

"Yes. He kissed me, but I told him to stop and pushed him away. I don't think in the grand scheme of things that's pertinent to whats going on." I tell him. He looks mad, but there's something more reserved than ever about his reaction.

"That little twerp." Is all he says as he grabs my hand and leads me down the hall. Danny is waiting in the living room, so is Frea, Owen, and the Luna. They see us and Daniel nods to tell us to head upstairs and we follow, into the infirmary. When Frea opens the double doors I freeze as the cold air from the room hits my warm skin.

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